Harap2 ada tiket murah utk fly bln mei...  |
skang MAS ade promo .. around RM1450 return ... murah la utk MAS
wah...boleh masuk dalam iti nih.thanx azra!
kali ni sewa bas.. hehehe.
bese sewa kete guna aj rent car. harga memang terbaik
kan.. rosak retina mata ... hahahaha..
terus hilang rabun.. 
syg march ni g sehari je busan
teringat2 jinhae
syue86 posted on 23-2-2015 10:52 AM 
saya pegi lambat sket 27 march
beg bley simpan dekat airport domestic busan tu
tingkat 2 xsilap. ...
thank you syue
Annyeong yorobun...
Ada sapa2 kat cni penah stay kat patio 59 yongsan? Leh la share review kat cni... |
feeza sewa bas yeha ke?
pia pun kat jeju 16-20 apr
cadangnye nk pakai public transpot je
sesape yg bminat nk fllw trip aku april nnti ks tau
busan 9-11apr
jeju 11-13apr
seoul 13-18apr
so klau ade sape2 bminat nk g mn2 around tht time bgtau k sbb juz aku ber2 je ngn mber aku g jeju time tu (khas tuk jeju je sbnrnye sbb kt tmpt len tu cm korg mampu bwk diri sndri kot)
hehehehehe |
Hi rumah Korea,sy budak baru belajar..kalo salah tolonggg tunjukkan..hehe..Sy akan ke korea bln 10 nti..lambat lg 
Tapi nak tanya la,salu sblm pegi korg amik masa bape bulan utk prepare room booking sume..
Kang terawal dikatakan eksited bebenor,lewat2 kang full house lak..and then salu korg drop email dulu ke?
kalau ikut booking.com, aku akan book seawal mungkin ... and tak penah lagik aku deal directly dengan hotel tu kalau book ikut booking.com
kalau book ikut website hotel tu, biasenye diorang ade provide forms utk isi reservation detail ... once kite dah submit the reservation, diorang akan contact balik kite thru email .. kalau too early, nanti diorang akan advice when is the best time to book the room ... kengkadang ade yg accept the reservation terus but kene reconfirm balik within 1 month time before our arrival date
kat itaewon ade bakery halal x utk stock up roti.. |
ade few kedai for muslim .. lupe name .. yg aku ingat Salam Bakery jer.. tapi tak pasti la ade jual roti ke tak kat sity .. yg pasti diorang jual turkish delights, bakhlava semua tu
Azra..salu seawal mungkin tu agak2 bape bln sblm?
aku start survey 6 months before
kalau nak dok namsan guesthouse, mmg kene book awal sebab kat situ selalu full house
ade 1 kdai roti halal kt itaewon tu..dr exit 3 jln strait smpi jmpe kdai kebab
then korner kanan cm nk naek bukit (tu sbnrnye arah nk ke msjd n kdai2 halal)
lps korner tu nnti jln dpn skt je n blah kanan akn nmpk kdai roti tu
name mmg xhengat la sbb xpenah nk bli roti kt ctu
sy slalu bli roti kt tours les jours n paris bagguette area myeongdong je
juz bli roti petak 4 segi cm kt msia tu n roti yg bkn ade inti daging, ayam, ham
insyaallah slmt dmakan
xde la awal sgt klau nk book skung sbb adakalanya guesthouse ni cpt fullhouse
so pegi tuk bape org ek??
area myeongdong sy suggest
- namsan guesthouse (kene booking awal2)
- IB Ville (email direct tp ade 30% deposit by paypal)
- EO residence (email direct n xde deposit)
- Nungmaru Guesthouse (bleh email diorg direct n xde deposit)
- Zaza Backpackers (xpenah stay tp org kate best cume mahal skt)
OK tu yg biase sy letak cstomer la n plg best ofkos la nungmaru guesthouse sbb tour guide will got some discount..hehehehe
klau nk survey kt area len2 bleh search kt booking.com
Salam kimchi,
I dah sampai seoul ni dr ahad lagi.
Hari ni sejuk, ada sikit snow and sleet rain. Kul 4.30pm dah balik bilik and memerap ni.
Boot kulit tertinggal pulak. Sejuk kaki pakai sports shoe aje sbb basah
sy da msia pn..so slmt la hendaknye ek awk kt sne tu
g bli heat pack kt kdai2 24jm kt sne klau sejuk
kasut bulu2 bli kt namdaemun yg rege bwh 20000won
ade je kt area ctu klau pndi cr
arini sejuk skt sbb snow + ujan pg td
besok2 da start suhu biase n xsejuk sgt
hv a gud n great holiday k
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