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Author: ..Atheist.

Nabi yahudi vs Nabi arab (fakta atau auta)

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2017 11:32 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2017 07:02 AM
Oh ye , aku lupa pulak.

Ubat Premarin yg satu hari mak ko , kakak ko & bini ko akan makan - utk ...

ko dah makan premarin? berkesan tak?   

selamat menopause  

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Post time 10-2-2017 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 10-2-2017 10:19 PM
Doctor di malaysia beri premarin  kah ?

Kalo doktor tak bagi premarin tapi consumption without prescription macamana?


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Post time 10-2-2017 11:45 PM | Show all posts
..Atheist. replied at 10-2-2017 11:32 PM
ko dah makan premarin? berkesan tak?   

selamat menopause

LOL , dah kantoi cuba buat lawak bodoh

Macamana skg kalo mak , kakak  & bini ko makan premarin

ye le ..... pregnant mare urine .....

mat slow tak mampu jawab lagi ..... terkedu lidah


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2017 11:54 PM | Show all posts
pedo pedo pedo man   

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Post time 11-2-2017 12:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 10-2-2017 06:41 AM
apa penilaian you tentang dakwaan dakwaan ditulis itu dan sumbernya?
boleh bagi ulasan ?

Sam tulis begitu , i guess di malaysia or somewhere else?  
I baca tentang  urology theraphy even ada fact threatment to cured dan homeremedies untuk kecantikan dan penyakit. So bukan islam sahaja even lain budaya juga agama ada but tentang non premarin juga ada why not tidak guna ? Or still focus tentang kencing juga najisss

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Post time 11-2-2017 12:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2017 07:45 AM
LOL , dah kantoi cuba buat lawak bodoh

Macamana skg kalo mak , kakak  & bini ko makan premarin

No need my sisters or mum i sendiri boleh pilih non premarin

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Post time 11-2-2017 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-2-2017 02:19 AM
Dwdrum replied at 11-2-2017 12:36 AM
Sam tulis begitu , i guess di malaysia or somewhere else?   
I baca tentang  urology theraphy ...

untuk menjawab pertanyaan anda  : okay,   anda menyatakan kenapa nak pakai air kencing unta sedangkan ia najis
okay i faham - u  faham dalam islam air kencing ia najis?

saya ingin bertanya secara jujur = adakah anda tahu classification najis najis dalam islam ?
okay get that facts right dulu...

okay  sebab awak i tak sure agama apa  so i boleh faham persoalan anda tu cuma kalau anda genuinely nak belajar sila faham ap ayg dikatakan tujuan syariah atau maqasid syariah.

dengan memahami tujuan atau apa yg dikatakan maqasid syariah  maka anda akan dapati Islam amat mementingkan Core values / framework hidup manusia yg mencakupi aspek
a) akal
b) jiwa
c) agama
d) keturunan
e) harta

ni kira   penting dalam islam sebab tu  dengan memahami konsep ini dengan betul anda akan dapati
a) dalam keadaan darurat yg amat amat genting dan hampir membawa kepada kehilangan nyawa dan
b) untuk emnyelamatkan org islam dalam aspek aspek di atas maka
i) benda yg haram dibolehkan mengambil nya SEKADAr cukup untuk menyelamatkannya

contoh - org yg dok kat north or south poles ,and at high risk of developing severe  hypothermia and what not, and if nothing else seems to work i.e no heating system,  etc etc and is facing death if his body temp keeps on decreasing dangerously then let say if a person offers him a sip of alcohol , beer ke , then it is HALAL for him to have those JUST enough to keep him alive lah but not too much as in getting him drunk.

or in perubatan if nothing else seems  to work kalau ubat tu okay then it is okay provided  that they  , the muslims have tried all available venues laa..

so , in islam ada kelonggaran itu.
Islam tak kejam pun, just org yg tak cuba atau menggunakan akal memahami .

dan kalau tak faham boleh tanya bukan nak menguji atau mencabar  but with sincere and genuine understanding to seek info to learn and understand better .

so dengan faham aspek 5 tu u akan i hope appreaciate kenapa dalamislam ada syariah yg safeguard semua ni.


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 Author| Post time 11-2-2017 02:35 AM | Show all posts
berjimak dgn budak umur 9 tahun membuktikan agama pak arab adalah TIDAK RELEVEN UTK MASA KINI  

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Post time 11-2-2017 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 11-2-2017 12:38 AM
No need my sisters or mum i sendiri boleh pilih non premarin

Ha ha ... the case comes back to you

Wajib ke minum kononnya air kencing unta? Yes or no?

The way you guys put it , its a religious obligation ..... why issit


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Post time 11-2-2017 09:23 AM | Show all posts

Errr ... for the 2nd time

Apa definisi paedophilia?

LOL , mat slow yg kurang cerdik .... dah kantoi kononnya nak provoke


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Post time 11-2-2017 09:24 AM | Show all posts
..Atheist. replied at 11-2-2017 02:35 AM
berjimak dgn budak umur 9 tahun membuktikan agama pak arab adalah TIDAK RELEVEN UTK MASA KINI

Hmmm ye ke?

Macamana society values 1500 thn lepas?

Lagi sekali .... mat slow yg tak pakai otak ......


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Post time 11-2-2017 04:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2017 05:22 PM
Ha ha ... the case comes back to you

Wajib ke minum kononnya air kencing unta? Yes or no?

I juga mahu tanya u  why ada dalam hadith? Penganut hindhu mereka bukti kan kencing lembu itu mujarab ?  Budaya or agama sam
Wajib or not yang i tahu dari minum campur susu hingga buat hair threarment kencing unta sam ,  if u di beri option kencing unta or kencing sendiri sam?  
Geez..... now i ckaap tentang najis pula keji u know  

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Post time 11-2-2017 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 11-2-2017 04:28 PM
I juga mahu tanya u  why ada dalam hadith? Penganut hindhu mereka bukti kan kencing lembu itu mujarab ?  Budaya or agama sam
Wajib or not yang i tahu dari minum campur susu hingga buat hair threarment kencing unta sam ,  if u di beri option kencing unta or kencing sendiri sam?  
Geez..... now i ckaap tentang najis pula keji u know  

Ha ha , cuba you post the said hadith and explain to me :
- Point out to me where it states wajib to minum kencing unta
- Point out to me the context of the said hadith

You guys already made an assumption that hadith bermakna wajib pada muslim?

This is my challenge to you ..... you up to it or run as others did?


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Post time 12-2-2017 04:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 11-2-2017 01:28 AM
Ha ha , cuba you post the said hadith and explain to me :
- Point out to me where it states wajib ...

Again sam i cakap wajib kah? Wajib or not begitu quesnaire disitu i explain apa yang i baca .
U perlu reference dari i hadith mana? come on jangan malas
I ask u tentang premarin di malaysia bukan kencing unta  


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Post time 12-2-2017 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 12-2-2017 04:53 AM
Again sam i cakap wajib kah? Wajib or not begitu quesnaire disitu i explain apa yang i baca .
U perlu reference dari i hadith mana? come on jangan malas
I ask u tentang premarin di malaysia bukan kencing unta  

Ha ha ,  Apa yg you nak tanya pasal Premarin? Simple - its derived from Pregnant Mare Urine and can be obtained in Malaysia ..... gee whizz I thought its elementary here

Kalo you say kononnya org islam ikut sunnah Nabi kena minum air kencing Unta , what is the difference dgn consumption of Premarin? Kalo you say you have a choice , I also say there is a choice in the kononnya minum air kencing Unta but you & geng already dakwa kononnya Sunnah Nabi.

Usually kalo org yg buat dakwaan , they have to provide the bukti. Looks like its the reverse here ..... as usual

No problem with me : Sahih Bukhari 7:71:590
The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.

This hadith is specific , prescriptrion of milk & kencing unta only for some people who fell sick in Medina because of the climatic condition. No mention of the specific sickness. We don't even know what is the sickness. Those guys became well & after that killed the shepherd

My questions :
(1) Did Prophet Muhammad(saw) minum air kencing unta? Yes or No
(2) Did the general populace consume air kencing unta? Yes or No
(3) Did Prophet Muhammad(saw) prescribe air kencing unta to the population? Yes or No

If your answer is Yes - what is your justification
If your answer is No - why the gobbledegook about kononnya sunnah Nabi minum air kencing unta?

Bit part of what sis mbhcsf stated in her post#47
or in perubatan if nothing else seems  to work kalau ubat tu okay then it is okay provided  that they  , the muslims have tried all available venues laa..

so , in islam ada kelonggaran itu.
Islam tak kejam pun, just org yg tak cuba atau menggunakan akal memahami .

Kalo ini pon dah tak paham atau buat buat tak paham , senang aje ..... its just making an issue out of nothing just kononnya nak hina Islam

For what and to what end ..... feel good factor? Don't think so ...... why issit?


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Post time 12-2-2017 01:12 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 11-2-2017 07:28 PM
Ha ha ,  Apa yg you nak tanya pasal Premarin? Simple - its derived from Pregnant Mare Urine and ca ...

Geez kaki nag  
Sudah jawab di 1st pharagraph sudah lah  
I explian dekat mbhcsf dan beliau beri huraian panjang yang u ini ter sentap tanya premarin hingga hina islam what the hellll premarin ada kencing unta kah ?  
Sam dont tell me u mahu sentap bila sentuh tentang  kencing or ada fetish


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Post time 12-2-2017 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 12-2-2017 01:12 PM
Geez kaki nag  
Sudah jawab di 1st pharagraph sudah lah  
I explian dekat mbhcsf dan beliau beri huraian panjang yang u ini ter sentap tanya premarin hingga hina islam what the hellll premarin ada kencing unta kah ?  
Sam dont tell me u mahu sentap bila sentuh tentang  kencing or ada fetish

Ha ha .... no answer but nagging?

Isu dia skg why the continuous 'kencing unta with Islam'?

You asked for the hadith , I 've provided it. Sunnah Nabi ke consumption of kencing unta?

If you are wrong ... just admit it .... don't dance around

The very least , have a bit of integrity


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Post time 13-2-2017 04:18 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 12-2-2017 01:24 AM
Ha ha .... no answer but nagging?

Isu dia skg why the continuous 'kencing unta with Islam'?

Again Kencing unta ???    
Look at my 1st question sam  
Ada i mention kencing unta ? i tanya tentang premarin di malaysia, if u still tidak faham i rasa u wajib makan banyak kismis minda sam .
Part kencing unta u boleh fight with acong i tidak peduli sam   
Geeezzźzzzz kencing unta kegemaran lobais


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Post time 13-2-2017 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2017 04:18 AM
Again Kencing unta ???   
Look at my 1st question sam   
Ada i mention kencing unta ? ...

But you also making a teasing like statement saying

If air kencing kan najis....

So ? Kenape memilih menjadi orang kurang ajar ye sedangkan you could take this opportunity to learn ?

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Post time 13-2-2017 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 13-2-2017 09:57 AM
Dwdrum replied at 13-2-2017 04:18 AM
Again Kencing unta ???    
Look at my 1st question sam  
Ada i mention kencing unta ? i tanya tentang premarin di malaysia, if u still tidak faham i rasa u wajib makan banyak kismis minda sam .
Part kencing unta u boleh fight with acong i tidak peduli sam   
Geeezzźzzzz kencing unta kegemaran lobais

Ha ha , come on .... don't try to deviate and constrict to I am just asking about premarin

The context of the said argument is about air kencing unta and I gave premarin as a counter example

You come in and stated you have a choice. Fair enough , so do others with regards to air kencing unta

That is why I asked you issit is the so called sunnah Nabi as claimed? Dah bagi pon hadith tersebut

Tak terjawab and now you aje nagging about only premarin manakala the whole discussion is more than that

LOL ,  labelling a lobai now? Ok then , what are you?

An ignorant m̶u̶s̶l̶i̶m̶  'I don't care what I am' who feels gratified with insulting the religion? Hmmm , looks like insecurity to me


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