Fazura and her love for high-end arm candies
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Edited by Lana at 7-1-2018 04:48 PM
Right?! Dlm ramai2 retis kat mesia ni dua org jer yg I betul2 stalk in terms of pesen2/accessories yg derang pakai : Fazura & Ella. Ella, especially her pre-hijab days..suka her cool, effortless rock n roll style. Even now, dah umur 50an she can still pull off em ripped jeans & shirt.

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Post time 7-1-2018 04:47 PM
From the mobile phone
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Post time 7-1-2018 04:50 PM
From the mobile phone
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Lana replied at 7-1-2018 04:35 PM
Whoah...leh cuci mata. Thanks mod/tt. Love it and keep em pics coming!
kita cuci mata je la erkk.. nk bli x mampu |

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Post time 7-1-2018 04:52 PM
From the mobile phone
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csuraya replied at 7-1-2018 12:46 PM
nak tengok koleksi kasut.... hihi
nnti la tepek bleh.. nk gi pasar malam |

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Post time 7-1-2018 04:59 PM
From the mobile phone
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kasut ni susah nk cr gambar.. sape yg ada tu share2 la.. cam koleksi christian louboutin
Cekgushilla replied at 7-1-2018 03:57 PM
U sebut kelly trngat crita kt 702
Org tua ni kasi dia pnya prmpuan smpanan kelly wrna merah
Org ...
Chuolls betul even now klau u takde status u pakai orng ingat u mistress |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Hahaha..kannn..sibuk je mangkuk hayun tu..ntah2 fazura xusik pun duit fatah sbb duit dia lg manyak.. |
Cekgushilla replied at 7-1-2018 03:57 PM
U sebut kelly trngat crita kt 702
Org tua ni kasi dia pnya prmpuan smpanan kelly wrna merah
Org ...
Le Divorce - kate hudson and naomi watts |
Cece1234 replied at 7-1-2018 06:27 PM
Hahaha..kannn..sibuk je mangkuk hayun tu..ntah2 fazura xusik pun duit fatah sbb duit dia lg manyak ...
tahu takpe...faz sendiri banyak duit. |
Orang ada style, pakai kain batik pun attractive. Orang yang takde style, beli ori pun orang kata petaling street. |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 12:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Orang hati busuk memang macam tu yu. Xleh nak tengok orang hepi hepi. 
Kalu betul pun patah yang belikan, apa salahnye. Dia manjakan bini sendiri kottt and he knows that he can afford it. Tu kalu patah yang belikan laaaa.
Tapi rasanye most of the collection yang faz pakai kat ig nuh, semuanya hak milik sendiri dari dulu lagi kan. |
Cantiknya... please tepek2 lagi. I nak cuci mata ni |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Hahaha...x faham. Laki die sndiri kot. Mmg hak dorg la sape blnja sape pun... |
iols tak minat kumpul handbag,iols labur duit pi beli season ticket tengok bola
tapi tidaklah mendengki bila org lain sakan membeli handbag sampai ratus ribu.
sebab bagi iols setiap org ada cara berbeza nak reward diri sendiri. ada yg suka travelling, beli barang kemas..eh suka hati diaorglah!
kalau laki si faz nak belikan pon apa salahnya..koserlah acik2 pendengki ni. |
mu@h@h@ replied at 7-1-2018 09:12 AM
lawa2 semua beg fazz....
Tulah jeles kann..cantik2.. |
miu84 replied at 7-1-2018 04:00 PM
Yes, she def has a very good fashion sense. Bila pakai tudung style mcm brunei-ans pun, nampak kem ...
Betul2..kalo kite pakai tudung style fazura tu msti jadi rupacm makcik2.. |
Edited by Aduradura at 7-1-2018 10:48 PM
Faz, edisi berhijab
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Post time 7-1-2018 10:56 PM
From the mobile phone
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Aduradura replied at 7-1-2018 10:45 PM
Faz, edisi berhijab
terkejut i gamba last tu |
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