Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof dan dakies sekalian alam v3
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ladyone replied at 10-2-2018 02:55 PM
Orka tu apa?
Or - orang
Ka - kaya |
fuhhh i tot u're ladynoe the blogger tadi ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
curiouscat replied at 10-2-2018 03:50 PM
fuhhh i tot u're ladynoe the blogger tadi
Nope.. Truly different person..haha |
wahh rumah baru rumah lama pun x khatam lg..hihi |
Farhana azmin tak terkenal sgt sbb she never presented Malaysia. She loves dancing , pernah pergi summer dance school kat New York . But honestly , badan dia very slim , takde shape, so menari hip hop tak cantik sgt.
Alia Ishak pun former gymnast jugak btw.
i pon x paham apasal tinvy acah2 stupid kat vlog kek&co tu
seriously mcm 5 years old
kalau trying tu be funny mmg x mjadi.. annoying weh tgk
kalo sheols stop nak jd funny & put some freaking effort nak hias cantik2 & teliti + penyabar sikit lg senang and org akn respect dia
end result kek sheols pun jijik jah i tgk, sorry to say
reminds me of one episode kat love vivy yg sheols ala2 jijik nak siang ikan nak buat laksa apa ntah
gurlll pleaselah.. 30 years old kot, anak dah dua |
haritu i tersipu2 malu juga bila baca ke ig bio dia pernah letak ex malaysia's gymnast lol yeke rupanya tak pernah represent pun?
oh wow alia pun ke? this is news for me. hebat2 juga dorang ni.
If you try to look her up , ade la nama dia participate one championship kat Spain .Itu pun i bet self-nominated. Otherwise, sumpah tak pernah dgr nama dia in gymnastic. Zaman dulu2 masa takde Instagram/twitter/snapchat, she was considered the "it" girl coz mana2 pun ade nama dia. Anyway, so far, gymnasts2 yg I know of ni , turned out to be high achievers. Wonder if it has anything to do with discipline.
Anyway , Vivy didnt seem to do ANY form of sport, still seemed to excel academically. Otak masing2 lain2 ..
Edited by addina at 10-2-2018 07:31 PM
mrsjones replied at 9-2-2018 11:53 PM
yo yo yo, rumah baru sudah, congrats!!
check in dgn beg baru tinvy tak tau pesen apa, terimalahhh.. ...
maaf kn i para duckies n tinvi, tak tau la klu i nie tasteless ke tapi apesal bag nie macam lunch bag je design dia? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3sweat.gif) |
eyelineronfleek replied at 10-2-2018 09:23 AM
I must be in the minority for not liking this bag. I'm so over monogram ( dah bertahun dah) and so ...
monogram tu satu hal, bentuk bag tu apa punya pesen entah? not even pretty, like lv's afterthought or main2 sketch n produce n see who will buy?
mcm kpi utk lv designer, who can sell well their atrocious design je.. |
curiouscat replied at 10-2-2018 01:45 PM
is it just me or her jari looks so plump here?
ahakss, dia lupa nak filter kot hehee.. kalau tak, kemain runcingnya |
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Post time 10-2-2018 07:45 PM
From the mobile phone
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AnnaMarrytta replied at 10-2-2018 02:29 PM
potong kertas pun pakai kitchen scissor. acah2 x tgn senget bagai.
btw, rumah dia landed or kondo ...
I believer her house is a penthouse ?
Sbb ada own elevator dlm rumah.
Kau hado?![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
eyelineronfleek replied at 9-2-2018 05:34 PM
@curiouscat Not sure if menempel is the right word for her. Tapi mana2 event social mesti nampak muk ...
Dah tertengok. Sakit hati je. Trus berniat untuk tak tengok vlog dia pasni |
Ooo thank you. No wonder i tak kenal.Sometimes suka sense of fashion dia (baju tradisional & something yg decent) but not the sexy one hehe..
Pernah dia upload igs during class pilates kut. Time tu ada lisa surihani. What bothers me ialah time tu ada @fara.hasan sekali, freehair & sleeveless. Time tu fara ni dh pakai tudung. So agak tak sesuai la bila dia upload igs tu. Nasib igs, so taklah lama vids tu org blh tengok unless ada yg record.
pizzahait replied at 10-2-2018 08:42 PM
Ooo thank you. No wonder i tak kenal.Sometimes suka sense of fashion dia (baju tradisional & somet ...
You raised a good point. I tak suka bila dia suka buat IGstory of her teaching. Hari ni dia upload IGStory dia ajar budak2 kecik ballet . If im one of the mother of the kids, I would complaint. I think as an instructor, she should know how to respect the sensitivity and privacy of her students. Especially mcm u ckp yg pakai tudung tu. Lisa surihani plak, i pernah nampak frhna ni upload Igstory angle buat Lisa nampak gemuk masa class.
kekgebu replied at 9-2-2018 08:46 PM
Weih korg, tgk latest igs dia tak??? Fv now da ada video utk view product dia, ala2 poplook da. Popl ...
Belum launch lg. Huhu. Teringin nak tunggu new apps dia. Sekarang ni FV dah selalu hantar email mcm zalora kan. |
babynina30 replied at 10-2-2018 07:45 PM
I believer her house is a penthouse ?
Sbb ada own elevator dlm rumah.
Kau hado?
rasa mcm bukan penthouse, tp more to luxury condo yg ada private lift sendiri. |
melove2016 replied at 10-2-2018 12:57 PM
I watched that kek vlog semalam (and first time I watched her channel) and man her childish 'I know ...
Mannn i think she's not that stupid, more like sengaja playing dumb and be childish so her vlog akan jadi funny macam tu. I can't stand her perangai when she think she cute bila she tak creative or takpandai potong bawang org whatever yang dia rasa itu funny at the same time cute. Her cake decoration i swear it looks disgusting. Glad ada org bash kat komen youtube sbb if mami kat blog or ig obviously she delete. |
Edited by klutzyklutz at 11-2-2018 08:16 AM
Oh my that baking vlog. I rasa second hand embarrassment tgk dia buat kerja. Come on you are a 30 year old mother of two. That is not cute at all. I pernah je tgk videos of other celebrities in their 30s (mostly actresses and models la) yg for sure cooking/baking is not their forte, tapi tak ada la macam tinvy ni. Comment yang paling byk like pun bukan comment pujian ok. Maybe she's trying to show her vulnerabilities to be relatable or saja buat2 kekok so that org nampak the fun side of her, but that video is not fun, at all. My mom kalau tengok I buat kerja macam tu kat dapur confirm dia bising. In a way I rasa mcm memperlekehkan the kek girls/other bakers pulak.
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Post time 11-2-2018 10:19 AM
From the mobile phone
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klutzyklutz replied at 11-2-2018 07:09 AM
Oh my that baking vlog. I rasa second hand embarrassment tgk dia buat kerja. Come on you are a 30 ye ...
Yes of the girls tu nmpk bengang sket kt tinv
Tp yg sorang girl tu sooo cantikkkkklah |
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