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Author: wasssup27

Dispatch mengatakan Seo Ye Ji adalah dalang di sebalik tingkah laku kurang ajar

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Post time 15-4-2021 10:26 PM | Show all posts
I tgk Time sebelum semua kontroversi ni.
I was truly enjoy seohyun n Kim junghyun punya acting. And suka sebab no romance at all. Mmg revenge story
Was quite impressed dgn seohyun punya acting sebab nampak naturally disgusted n marah kat husband dia junghyun. And rasa kesian dgn both character.

Tapi mmg pelik sebab xde skinship at all.
Wedding dorang wedding paling sedih kut. X pegang tgh langsung.
Junghyun bergolek2 sakit atas lantai pun seohyun tak tolong.
I anggap watak seohyun mmg marah sgt kat junghyun sebab his family hide the fact adik dia mati dlm bilik hotel junghyun. Dia mmg benci suami dia. And kahwin sebab nak balas dendam.

Rupanya ada cerita lain disebalik cerita, sebabtu menjiwai sgt watak2 dlm drama tu.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2021 10:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JiEunTak replied at 15-4-2021 09:24 PM
Masalah sapa mula2 leak conversation depa tu?
Si lelaki ni ka....
Mcm lembu jaaa kena kontrol ngn  ...

tak diketahui sape leak dekat dispatch tapi orang agak macam kjh sebab putih syj biru kjh kalau ikut convo tu la. pastu company syj ada bagi feedback benda tu perkara biasa berlaku antara pasangan kekasih dan kjh ada gak bagitau syj jangan ada kiss scene tapi ada je kiss scene syj siap bed scene lagi katanya.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2021 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alleged staff from 'Diary of a Night Watchman' claim TVXQ's Yunho showed strange behavior on set after working with Seo Ye Ji

According to YouTube reporter Lee Jin Ho on April 14, new claims against actress Seo Ye Ji have surfaced.

On this day, the YouTube reporter revealed that some staff members who had previously worked on the set of the MBC drama 'Diary of a Night Watchman', starring Seo Ye Ji and TVXQ's Yunho, have raised claims that they observed strange behavior from the TVXQ member gradually.

The reporter stated, "When they first starting filming 'Diary of a Night Watchman', the atmosphere on the set was still bright and lively. Yunho was very friendly with all of the staff members, regardless of whether they were male or female. However, gradually, they say that he began speaking to the staff less and less."

Furthermore, "According to one on-sight staff, Yunho was receiving makeup adjustments during the filming. Normally, he was usually friendly when getting his makeup adjusted. But suddenly, when it was time to adjust his makeup, he stood uncomfortably with his eyes closed, head pointed up, hands behind his back, and said, 'Hurry up'. He also said, 'Don't touch my face'. The stylists, who also worked closely with Yunho to oversee the fitting of the hanbok, were also startled when one day, Yunho told them, 'Don't touch me'. "

The reporter continued, "The atmosphere was not good on Seo Ye Ji's side, either. They say that Seo Ye Ji hated seeing her own staff, including her manager and her personal makeup artist, interacting with the other crew members. When these staff members tried to talk to others on the filming set, suddenly, Seo Ye Ji would turn to where they were and glare at them. And seeing her, her staff would run away."

"Most of the time, they say that Seo Ye Ji and Yunho's managers always parked their cars right next to each other's, very close. The two were also spotted spending a lot of time together in one car in between filming scenes. Some staff members said that they occasionally heard Seo Ye Ji yelling so loudly, they could hear her from outside," Lee Jin Ho alleged.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2021 10:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 15-4-2021 10:34 PM
Alleged staff from 'Diary of a Night Watchman' claim TVXQ's Yunho showed strange behavior on set aft ...

habis dah image yunho yang dijaga rapi selama ni. jatuh terduduk yunho kali ni.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Gambar sebelum dan selepas PS

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Post time 16-4-2021 12:45 PM | Show all posts
kadang2 manusia ni mmg akan jadi bodoh bila bercinta

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Post time 16-4-2021 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by nadie90 at 16-4-2021 05:39 AM
wasssup27 replied at 15-4-2021 02:35 PM
habis dah image yunho yang dijaga rapi selama ni. jatuh terduduk yunho kali ni.

Yunho pun mmg tgh ada kontroversi skg....mula kecoh psl lnggr SOP Covid-19 (kluar jmp kwn2 dia smua 4 org smpai lwt mlm ktnya).....skli trtngkap sbb

It was reported that TVXQ‘s Yunho tried to run away from police while his acquaintances held them back after getting caught violating social distancing rules earlier in the week, drinking past curfew at an illegally run adult entertainment establishment.

According to an exclusive report from MBC, Yunho was one of at least five people in an adult entertainment establishment drinking after 10 pm KST, the latest all restaurants and bars are allowed to be open. When police entered the commercial building in Cheongdam-dong after 10 pm, a fight broke out between the police and Yunho’s acquaintances, and it is believed that they were attempting to stall time for Yunho to escape. The police are currently considering whether to charge the individuals involved with obstruction of justice.

At the commercial building, there is no placard identifying the business operating on the fourth floor, and the windows are opaque so outsiders cannot see in. MBC entered the business, and saw a long hallway, with several rooms flanking the hallway. Several women and other employees were seen walking around the business. Visitors were not allowed to enter the business unless they had a prior reservation.

We only accept people with a membership or reservation…

— Male Employee

The business was registered with the Gangnam-gu office as a general restaurant, however they were illegally operating as an adult entertainment establishment. Yunho was here drinking with three acquaintances and one of the venue’s female employees until midnight, two hours past the social distancing rules’ curfew. However, it is not known exactly how many other employees were present in the venue.

When police arrived at the location around midnight, Yunho’s acquaintances fought with police in an attempt to help Yunho escape. As the fight intensified, the police threatened to handcuff Yunho’s acquaintances. Following the initial report of Yunho’s social distancing rules violation, he quickly released his personal apology, but failed to mention the fight or any conflict.

Watch MBC’s full exclusive report below:

Berthun jaga imej hujung2 jd mcm ni...baik kahwin ja dgn spa2 mcm Changmin....aman2 ja skg dan fanbase depa Cassiopeia tu pun mesti rmai yg dah slmt kahwin dan ad ank...huhuhu...bye2 la

P/s: Ptt la menjadi betul lakonannya dlm mv Thank You utk latest album dia (wlpun xdak kna mengena lol).....ala2 mcm ex-gf dia (katanya) jgk la kot

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 16-4-2021 01:22 PM
Yunho pun mmg tgh ada kontroversi skg....mula kecoh psl lnggr SOP Covid-19 (kluar jmp kwn2 dia smu ...

baru je berangan nak jadi director sm seperti kangta-boa-kimminjong. dah ada case ni changmin la boleh jadi director. huhuhu. sebagai sm stan, kecewanya dengan yunho. whywhywhy you acting innocent on tv. urghhhhhh. satu2 sm upright idol ada issue. bermula dengan siwon, yunho. jangan la suho lak lepas ni. suho ni controversy gak dulu sebab ayah dia join politic.

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Post time 16-4-2021 02:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 16-4-2021 06:03 AM
baru je berangan nak jadi director sm seperti kangta-boa-kimminjong. dah ada case ni changmin la b ...

Oo xtau plak psl bapak Suho join politik...yg sedia tau Suho ni ank org kaya la....hrpnya xtempias kna kt Suho la klu ad kontroversi ka ap...fhm sj la K-Netz mcm mn lol

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 02:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 16-4-2021 02:22 PM
Oo xtau plak psl bapak Suho join politik...yg sedia tau Suho ni ank org kaya la....hrpnya xtempias ...

ayah dia asal professor join politics macam ayah jisung la. ada dah kena tempias haritu pasal case dengan jepun. tak silap ayah dia join pembangkang.

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Post time 16-4-2021 03:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 16-4-2021 06:30 AM
ayah dia asal professor join politics macam ayah jisung la. ada dah kena tempias haritu pasal case ...

Ha bru Google psl ni...yg psl kes kat Jepun tu psl ap?....goole mcm xjmpa plak....huhu

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 04:08 PM | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 16-4-2021 03:35 PM
Ha bru Google psl ni...yg psl kes kat Jepun tu psl ap?....goole mcm xjmpa plak....huhu

pro-japanese katanya. tapi bapak dia deny

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Post time 16-4-2021 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 16-4-2021 02:03 PM
baru je berangan nak jadi director sm seperti kangta-boa-kimminjong. dah ada case ni changmin la b ...

Siwon? Choi siwon kah? Issue apa ya iols tertinggal train


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Post time 16-4-2021 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 15-4-2021 10:21 AM
Entertainment director Kim Yongho (T/N: Kim Yongho is a reporter who shares celebrity news on his YT ...

PSL rumors LJS dgn KN ni bleh dipercayai....KN kan ada iras2 Lee Na Young...LJS punya ideal type dan KN ada iras2 Lee Na Young....dan mmandgkan dua2 under agensi yg sma....mustahil la xdak apa2 kan....cma blm kantoi kluar gmbr p dating ja lol

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Post time 16-4-2021 09:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nadie90 replied at 16-4-2021 08:05 PM
PSL rumors LJS dgn KN ni bleh dipercayai....KN kan ada iras2 Lee Na Young...LJS punya ideal type ...

Betul lah kot

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2021 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by wasssup27 at 16-4-2021 10:22 PM
gummiebear replied at 16-4-2021 04:58 PM
Siwon? Choi siwon kah? Issue apa ya iols tertinggal train

anjing dia gigit orang dan orang tu meninggal. dia kata tu anjing family dia tapi memang anjing dia. leeteuk dah pernah post kat ig anjing dia suka gigit orang. betul2 dekat nak cb masa tu, dia pon tak join cb black suit. lama dah tahun 2017 tapi knetz still tak suka dia sampai sekarang. huhuhu

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Post time 16-4-2021 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 17-4-2021 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 16-4-2021 10:21 PM
anjing dia gigit orang dan orang tu meninggal. dia kata tu anjing family dia tapi memang anjing  ...

Oooo issue ni.. pernah baca dulu.. ingatkan ada kes lain. Dah lama tu.. tapi yelah sampai meninggal kot. Takkan senang2 nak maafkan yedok

Tapi itulah, iols suka jah heols sebab tengok she was pretty hehe

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Post time 22-4-2021 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasssup27 replied at 15-4-2021 10:34 PM
Alleged staff from 'Diary of a Night Watchman' claim TVXQ's Yunho showed strange behavior on set aft ...

Ntah apalah SYJ buat sampai lelaki tunduk sangat kat SYJ.

KJH pun awal2 drama Time tu still happy2 lagi kan dengan Seohyun. Boleh selfie together and tak silap ada photoshoot. Lepas tu berubah habis si KJH.

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Post time 22-4-2021 07:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meols harap Kim So Hyun tak terjebak lah dengan kes SYJ ni. KSH ni suka tengok klu couple dengan Jun Ji Hyun.

Katanya pernah couple kejap kan dengan SYJ. Lepas tu dengan cousin KSH. Sebelum ni couple dengan Yunho. Lepas tu dengan best friend Yunho pulak. Hebat betul SYJ ni eh

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