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Post time 27-11-2004 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 26-11-2004 11:58 PM:

the last i heard that they are enriching uranium at a chicken coop in a kampung in Kelantan.

and i thought it was a common food coloring...

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 12:55 AM | Show all posts

peace yall.....

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 02:52 AM | Show all posts
This Q&A was taken from; ... sp?hquestionID=7453

It's about the allegation from the missionary about the "satanic verse",Here are the copy of the Q&A.....Name Noha   -  
Topic Faith & Practice  
Title Allegation of Satanic Verses  
Question I have some foreign non-Muslim friends. They asked me once about “the satanic verses present in the Qur’an.” I know this is not true, but my answer was not sufficient for them. Can you tell me the real story behind this allegation and send me the truth of the whole matter, so that I can clear the misunderstanding of my friends?


Date  2004/8/11   

Name of Consultant Shahul Hameed  
Content of Reply

Salam, Noha.

Thank you for your question.

At the very outset, let us pray to Allah Almighty to save us all from the temptations put before us by Satan.

The Christian missionaries have been trying all along to undermine the march of Islam by putting forth various fraudulent claims and allegations against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The charge you have mentioned above is only one of them, and it is really against Allah Almighty and His Prophet.

They say that Satan was able to interpolate his own verses into the Qur’an, through the mouth of the Prophet. Their proof is a story culled from no less an authority on the early history of Islam than Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir At-Tabari! While it is true that there is such a story narrated by At-Tabari, the critics of Islam do not consider the fact that he was simply repeating a story he got from other sources. Because At-Tabari himself wrote:

“Hence, if I mention in this book a report about some men of the past, which the reader or listener finds objectionable or worthy of censure because he can see no aspect of truth nor any factual substance therein, let him know that this is not to be attributed to us but to those who transmitted it to us and we have merely passed this on as it has been passed on to us.” (Tarikh Al-Tabari: Tarikh Al-Umam wal-Muluk)

This story is as follows:

When the Muslims in Makkah were facing staunch opposition and persecution from the people of the Quraysh, the Prophet (peace be upon him) wished for a revelation that would help a reconciliation with his people. One day, while he was sitting with the Quraysh in one of their club houses around the Ka`bah, he recited to them Surat An-Najm. After reading the verses: *{Would you consider Al-Lat and Al-`Uzza? As well as Manat, the third goddess?}* (An-Najm 53:19-20), he is reported to have continued the recitation with the statement: “They are the goddesses on high. Their intercession is worthy of being sought.”

He then proceeded with his reading of the surah as we know it. When he finished he prostrated himself, and all the Quraysh followed him. But later, the Prophet is reported to have changed his mind and blasphemed the same goddesses; and so the Quraysh reverted to persecution.

Now the problems with this story are as follows:

The story contradicts both the message of the Qur’an and the mission of the Prophet, namely to lead the world from the worship of many gods to the unconditional worship of the One and Only God. The Prophet, who was not tempted by the offer of the most coveted positions in Makkah besides all kinds of attractive offers from the people of the Quraysh, cannot be expected to yield to the kind of temptation mentioned in the story. Remember how he risked his own life and wealth and all for Allah; and how can we believe that he fell into such a silly trap?

It is quite natural that he desired for a way to reconcile the hostile Quraysh; but we cannot imagine that he would stoop to this level as to recognize the pagan deities to the detriment of his life mission. What purpose does it serve?

For this reason alone, we can dismiss this story out of hand. But consider certain other factors too.
Allah has commanded us that the recitation of the verses of the Qur’an must begin compulsorily with the formula: “I seek refuge with Allah, from Satan the rejected.” If so, how can Satan hoodwink Allah Almighty, to interpolate verses into His Qur’an?

From Allah’s own words in the Qur’an, we learn that Satan can trap only those humans who are basically prone to be his victims. In primordial time, when Satan was sent out of Paradise, Allah gave him respite. The Qur’an says what means:
*{[Iblis] said: “O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the [dead] are raised.” [God] said: “Respite is granted thee, till the Day of the time appointed.” [Iblis] said: “O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make [wrong] fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong. Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified [by Thy Grace].” [God] said: “This [way of My sincere servants] is indeed a way that leads straight to Me. For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee.”}* (Al-Hijr 15:36-42)

Note the last verse: *{For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee.}* It is clear from this verse that Satan will have no power over Allah’s good servants, whoever they are. If this is so, how can we expect Allah Almighty’s final Messenger to be such a weak victim of caprice as to fail the standard expected of many of his own followers? And that, too, in the case of conveying the word of the All-Powerful, Ever-Watchful Sovereign Lord of the universe?

The Christian critics may note that according to their own Bible, the Son of God was tempted by Satan:

“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8-9).

Here we see how Satan takes the Son of God (i.e., God Himself!) to “an exceeding high mountain” by his cunning, to tempt him with the offer of the kingdoms of the world, if only God falls down and worships Satan!

The Christians read the above as gospel truth; and so they may wonder why we go to this extent to prove the falsity of the charge against Muhammad (peace be upon him), a mere mortal.

Indeed, the expression, “Satanic verses” was popularized by Salman Rushdie, who got the idea from Christian sources. The missionaries were delighted to hail the Islamophobic author and his book, as they do not waste any opportunity that comes by to bash Muslims. Maybe this was what prompted your Christian friends, too, to raise the question.

By way of conclusion we can say:
Even if we accepted the allegation as true, the verse attributed to Satan is not there in the Qur’an: There is no Satanic verse in the Qur’an. Absolutely not.

No one can dispute the fact that the mission of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was basically to fight idolatry and polytheism at all costs, by all means. And so the allegation that he tried to appease idolaters is at best a miserable and ludicrous bid by the enemies of Islam to denigrate God and His last Prophet. The very life of the Prophet offers the strongest denial of the charge, rather than any written refutation.
And Allah knows best.
Thank you and Salam.

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 03:04 AM | Show all posts
If the missionaries tell u about "muhammad copying the bible", just anwer this....this Q&A was taken from; ... sp?hquestionID=7582

Here are the copy;

Name: Muhammad   - Pakistan
Topic: Faith & Practice  
Title: Did Prophet Muhammad Copy the Bible?  

As-salamu `alaykum

First I would like to congratulate you on the wonderful site you have. May Allah bless you and grant you Paradise for that!

I have two questions. First, how did Muhammad (peace be upon him) receive the revelation? I ask this because some Christians say that as he received the revelation only in his fortieth year, he must have been memorizing the Bible all that time until he said he had received the revelation. So my question is how can I prove that this allegation is wrong?

Also they say (on a Christian Web site) that there is proof for this because the Prophet used to add words to different chapters at different times, as he never completed a surah in one go. What answer can I give them?

Secondly, if the Prophet was asked by Allah to seek forgiveness as is mentioned in the Qur’an, how can the Muslims believe that he was sinless?

Jazakum Allah khayran.

Date  2004/6/6   

Name of Consultant:Shahul Hameed  

Salam, Khan.

Thank you very much for your questions.

It is true that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) received his first revelation in his fortieth year. And it is true that both the books of the Bible and the Qur’an cover much common ground. It is also true that in the course of 23 years, verses were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him) on different occasions and that he asked his followers to put these verses in particular places in different chapters. All this is true. But the conclusion of the Christian critics that the Prophet had been memorizing Biblical verses during the first 40 years of his life in order to fabricate the Qur’an is untenable for the following reasons:

1. There was no Arabic translation of the Bible available during the Prophet’s time. For a detailed account of this subject, read the article: Is The Bible Really The Source of The Qur’an?
Ernst W黵thwein informs us in his book, The Text Of The Old Testament:
“With the victory of Islam the use of Arabic spread widely and for Jews and Christians in the conquered lands it became the language of daily life. This gave rise to the need of Arabic versions of the Bible, which need was met by a number of versions mainly independent and concerned primarily for interpretation.” (Ernst W黵thwein, The Text Of The Old Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988, pp. 104.)

Thus, the first translations of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic appeared after the advent of Islam. In fact, the oldest dated manuscript of the Old Testament in Arabic dates from the first half of the ninth century.

What about the New Testament?
Sidney H Griffith, who has done extensive research on the appearance of Arabic and the New Testament says:
“The oldest dated manuscript containing the Gospels in Arabic is Sinai Arabic MS 72. Here the text of the four canonical Gospels is marked off according to the lessons of the temporal cycle of the Greek liturgical calendar of the Jerusalem Church. A colophon informs us that the MS was written by Stephen of Ramleh in the year 284 of the Arabs, i.e., 897 AD.” (Sidney H Griffith, The Gospel in Arabic: An Enquiry into Its Appearance in the First Abbasid Century, Oriens Christianus, Volume 69, p. 131-132.)

2. It is well-known that the Prophet did not know how to read or write: he was illiterate. So there was no question of his plagiarizing the Bible, even if an Arabic copy did in fact exist in his time. What then of the charge that he was taught by some Christians?

Allah the Almighty answered the criticism fourteen centuries ago in these verses, which say what means:
*{Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled. Nor does he say [aught] of [his own] desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him. He was taught by One Mighty in power.}* (An-Najm 53:2–5)

To deny the divine origin of the Qur’an missionaries claim that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) knew all the sources—Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Hanif and ancient Arab beliefs—before he compiled the Qur’an. However, this ignores the simple fact of his illiteracy that was even acknowledged by the enemies of Islam 1400 years ago. Allah the Almighty also answered this in the Qur’an, when it says what means:
*{And thou wast not [able] to recite a Book before this [Book came] nor art thou [able] to transcribe it with thy right hand: in that case indeed would the talkers of vanities have doubted. Nay here are signs self-evident in the hearts of those endowed with knowledge: and none but the unjust reject Our signs.}* (Al-`Ankabut 29:48–49).

Despite all this, the missionaries have been repeating the same arguments, hoping to mislead the gullible. It was common knowledge in Makkah that the Prophet was illiterate, and there is no record of the pagan Arabs in Makkah accusing Muhammad (peace be upon him) of not being illiterate.

The reasons why the whole of the Qur’an was not revealed to the Prophet at one time are well known: (1) It was only reasonable and realistic to reveal the guidance of Allah governing the individual and social lives of the gradually evolving Muslim society at the same pace as its stage-by-stage emergence in space and time. So verses had to be revealed to the Prophet depending upon the contexts demanding divine guidance.

(2) It was easier for the Prophet and his Companions to learn and imbibe the Qur’anic message as it was being revealed in small portions.

You also ask, “If the Prophet was asked by Allah to seek forgiveness, as is mentioned in the Qur’an, how can the Muslims believe that he was sinless?”

Please understand that Muslims do not believe that Muhammad (peace be on him) or any prophet for that matter was anything more than human. In this way we need not have any problem in recognizing any weakness in them that is characteristic of humans. But it is part of our belief that all prophets were protected by Allah from the usual failings of ordinary humans. Bear in mind that this is true not only of Muhammad, but also of all prophets including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace and blessings be on them all).

Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him), as well as all other prophets, was a model for all humans in all walks of life. Only a human who is like all other humans can serve as a model for other humans. That is why most Christians who imagine Jesus to be God cannot emulate his life as perceived by the Christians. For instance, Jesus is reported to have fasted forty days and forty nights continuously. Can this form of fasting be an example for others to follow? It is important to note that the fasting of Muhammad is being followed by millions of his followers until today.

Allah says in the Qur’an that if He wanted to give humankind what they actually deserved, nobody would remain on the face of the earth. But Allah is All-Merciful. Islam is meant for humans, and it is clearly stated in the Qur’an that Allah created humans as weak creatures. The Qur’an says what means:
*{God doth wish to lighten your [difficulties], for man was created weak [in flesh].}* (An-Nisaa’ 4:28)

So it is only natural that humans need divine guidance to keep themselves free from sins. And Allah in His infinite mercy allows us to continue to live here even after we disobey Him again and again. Now the life of a prophet is a practical demonstration of how to live according to divine guidance. Allah taught the prophet not only to do good things, but to avoid all bad things and to seek His forgiveness for any mistakes or lapses on his part as a human being. So no one, not even the Prophet, is exempt from seeking Allah’s forgiveness. And that is the reason why Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked to seek Allah’s forgiveness.

May Allah forgive us all and show us the right way!

Thank you and please keep in touch.


Peace Yall.......

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 03:13 AM | Show all posts
This is a very good question....have a look!!!This Q&A was taken from ; ... sp?hquestionID=6814

Here are the copy:

Name: Mark- United States
Topic: Faith & Practice  
Title: Why Did Muhammad Come After Jesus (Peace Be Upon Them Both)?  

This is a hard question to ask without sounding like I'm trying to criticize, but here we go. Why should anyone believe that Muhammad is a true prophet when Jesus Christ came about five hundred years before him, preaching pretty much the same thing, and warning about false prophets that would come after he had died?

I realize that this question may anger whoever is answering, but please actually think about the question before answering on pure emotion. Thanks.

Date  2004/2/24   

Name of Consultant: Nabil Haroun  

Salam, Mark.

Thank you for your question. No negative feelings, but loving pity for the widespread misconception and lack of information on what Islam and its prophet are all about.

Did Jesus and Muhammad Teach the Same Thing?
Yes and no. It is true that both Jesus and Muhammad, as well as all true prophets from Adam, Noah, etc. (peace be upon them all), carried essentially the same message: Islam, that is, monotheism and submission to the will and guidance of God. However, the details were not identical, but varied to cope with the time and nation addressed.

While Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent specifically to the Israelites, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to all humanity. This was emphasized by Jesus as well:

“But he answered and said, ‘I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’” (Matthew 15:24)

In contrast, the Qur’an declares the universal message of Islam. The Qur’an says what means:
*{Say: “O people! surely I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, of Him Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; there is no god but He; He brings to life and causes to die; therefore believe in Allah and His Messenger, the illiterate Prophet who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him so that you may walk in the right way.”}* (Al-A`raf 7:158)

*{And you do not ask them for a reward for this; it is nothing but a reminder for all mankind.}* (Yusuf 12:104)

*{And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.}* (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:107)

*{Blessed is He Who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures }* (Al-Furqan 25:1)

*{And We have not sent you but to all the men as a bearer of good news and as a warner, but most men do not know.}* (Saba’ 34:28)

*{It is nothing but a reminder to the nations.}* (Saad 38:87)

*{And it is naught but a reminder to the nations.}* (Al-Qalam 68:52)

*{It is naught but a reminder for the nations.}* (At-Takwir 81:27)

Also, while the original message of Jesus was distorted and deviated away from monotheism, the message of the final Prophet Muhammad was to stay valid and preserved to the end of time.

While Jesus’s emphasis was on moral salvation and reform of the individual, with only a few rulings on marriage and divorce, etc., the final message of Islam brought a detailed comprehensive code dealing with all aspects of human life: personal, family, social, economic, political, and international. Jesus stressed purifying the soul; Muhammad was to build and maintain the model: individual, society, and nation.

Why Should Muhammad Come Six Centuries after Jesus?

Jesus, a human monotheist prophet, repeatedly called to Allah the One God and warned those who ascribed partners to Him:

“Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and Him Only.’” (Matthew 4:10)

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord
our God, the Lord is One.’” (Mark 12:29)

Jesus emphasized his own humanity:

“As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.” (John 8:40)

“By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear.” (John 5:30)

Jesus never claimed to be God, or part of a God. He never mentioned Trinity, nor did he appoint a church to entrust itself with reshaping the faith and re-inventing the law. The deviation started with Paul and some others—leaders, clergy, and philosophers—centuries after Jesus’s departure. Christianity as we know it today was re-formulated with its concepts of:
- Trinity, centered around the prophet Jesus who was thenceforth called God, begotten son of God
- The sacrosanct Church of Christ, talking and enacting laws in the name of God
- The story of crucifixion and resurrection from the dead
- Original sin and atonement

Read for example, according to Paul (NIV):

“At once he [Paul]began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God.” (Acts 9:20)
“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel…” (2 Timothy 2:8)
“Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.” (Galatians 5:2)
“What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision?” (Romans 3:1)

Most of these distortions were borrowed or coined from earlier pagan creeds. Close similarities can be found between this Pauline Christianity and Mithraism, Buddhism, and ancient Egyptian polytheist creeds.

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 03:14 AM | Show all posts
During the seventh century CE when Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent, there were only a few groups of followers of the original message and teachings of Jesus. The Injeel revealed to Jesus no longer existed in any form, as was the case of the Tawrah of Moses before him. They were replaced with the Old and New Testaments written by different human authors selected and sanctioned as holy by the Church ecumenical councils, several centuries after the departure of Jesus.

It was high time then to re-establish the eternal guidance of the Creator to all humanity, but this time in a final eternal form, through the Glorious Qur’an and the detailed teachings and living model of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Jesus prophesized the coming prophet whose universal message will stay forever:

“He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie." (John 1:27)

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— ” (John 14:16)

Plenty of other definitive descriptions that fit only Prophet Muhammad can be cited from both the Old and New Testaments. Please see suggested links at the bottom of this answer.

True versus False Prophets

Here are some criteria for a true prophet:
1. He should bring signs or proofs that are far beyond human capacity.
2. His message should be shown to emanate from without himself.
3. He should carry his mission to the end in spite of all obstacles.
4. His message would be supported by God to victory over his enemies.

1. Applying these criteria to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we find that the main proof he presented is a living miracle, the eternal word of God: the Qur’an. The Arabic text of the Qur’an challenges all generations to produce anything as perfect or splendorous. Even the Prophet’s own sayings (Hadith) are very different from the Qur’an. Also, the scientific precision of Qur’anic references to natural phenomena, as well as the wisdom of its decrees, are far beyond the human knowledge and culture at the time of revelation and for several centuries to follow. Please see suggested links at the bottom of this answer.

2. The message and text of the Qur’an did not emanate from within, but from outside, the Prophet Muhammad. This can be proved by the way he was addressed in that extraordinary Book.

The Qur’an repeatedly reminded and drew the attention of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his obligations towards Allah, the revelation, the believers, and the unbelievers. Please read the Qur’an 75:16-18, 20:114, 87:6-7, 10:109 and 10:15-16.

He was also repeatedly exhorted and warned against yielding to the temptations and pressures that were surrounding him. Please read the Qur’an: 17:73-75, 13:37-38, 5:49, 2:145, 2:120, 5:67, 6:14, 6:114, 11:112, 15:88, 68:48 and 72: 21-22.

In addition, the Qur’an included admonitions that were directed to the noble Prophet (peace be upon him) in some situations. Please read the Qur’an: 4:105-109, 9:43, 9:117, 9:113, 6:52, 8:67-68, 66:1 and 80:1-11. Sometimes the Qur’an revealed matters that he would have preferred to keep secret in the depths of his pure soul. Please read the Qur’an: 33:37.

It is difficult for a sound mind to imagine that the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would address himself with the aim of guidance, exhortation, warning, and admonishment, or would reveal things about himself that he would not like other people to know about. Also, it is difficult to believe that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would, after doing that, convey to the people the Qur’an, which would never be abrogated, deleted, or forgotten.

Occasionally, the revelation was delayed for weeks or months, despite the urgent need of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to refute the hypocrites and the slanderers. Examples for this are the Qur’anic verses 24:11-17 and 93:1-3.

The Prophet even used his own discretion in interpreting some verses, until revelation was sent down contradicting his opinion. An example of this is verses 9:80-84.

3. The Prophet delivered the revealed message and fought for it, against all odds. His whole twenty-three years of prophethood were years of hardships. The first thirteen years he and his followers were persecuted, tortured, and boycotted by the pagans of Makkah. He refused all offers of kingdom, wealth, or reconciling his message with their pagan beliefs. The following ten years, after immigration to Madinah, witnessed a harsh continuous struggle to spread the faith, with incessant fighting against the hostilities of Arab tribes and Madinah Jews, as well as the preludes to confrontation with the great Roman and Persian Empires. His personal life was the simplest and most ascetic of his contemporaries.

4. Allah supported him and his few early followers with unexpected victories in spite of their poverty, physical weakness, and military and technical inexperience. His message was supported and spread to every corner of the world in a brief time. No human being could have such a biography unless he is a true messenger of God, and truly he was. Allah rewards him for what he honestly delivered and for his striving for the salvation of all nations and generations.

Who Are False Prophets?

Coming now to false prophets, Jesus said, according to the Bible (NIV):

“They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” (Matthew 15:9)

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)

“For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.” (Matthew 24:24)

“For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible.” (Mark 13:22)

There are two categories of false prophets:

Claimers following their own fancies and whims, seeking worldly gains of prestige, authority, or wealth

Prominent personalities, over-magnified by their followers, who raise them to the status of prophets or semi-gods

Of the first category are those who invented or changed a creed without authority or supporting evidence from God. Examples are Paul and others, then followed by the Church, which reformulated Christianity against what Jesus stood for. Similarly in Islamic history, several claimants sought to ruin Islam from within, forming deviant sects like Qadianis, Baha’is and extreme Shiite sects such as the Ismailis.

The second category includes several philosophers, scientists, clergy, and leaders, etc., who were considered almost inviolable prophets to be believed and followed unquestionably. Examples are Greek philosophers, Marx, Lenin, Darwin, Saints, Roman emperors and their modern counterparts of the so-called New World Order.

I hope that you now have your puzzlements resolved. Thank you and please keep in touch.


Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall......

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Another great discussion about the missionaries lies....this Q&A was taken from; ... .asp?hFatwaID=74493

Here are the copy;

Title of Fatwa: Has the Bible Been Tampered With?   
Date of Fatwa : 29/ March/ 2004   
Date of Reply :29/ March/ 2004   
Topic Of Fatwa:  Comparative Religions   
Question of Fatwa:

Dear scholars, As-Salaam `Alaykum. Recently I was visited by a Christian missionary at my home. We had a good discussion on Islam and Christianity. When I told him that the Bible was changed and is not in its original form, he did not agree with me. He told me that there were many ancient manuscripts of the Bible in its original Hebrew and Greek languages available today. He also told me that according to the Qur'an, Bible is the word of God and the word of God cannot be changed. The Qur'an says in (6:115) "none can change His words..." and in (10:64) "No change can there be in the words of Allah." Please help me to understand the meaning of these Qur'anic verses. On the one hand the Qur'an says that the Bible was from God and God's words could not be changed and on the other hand it says that Bible was changed. How should we explain these two different verses of the Qur'an? Jazakum Allah khayran.   
Name of Mufti Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi   
Content of Reply Wa`alykum As-Salaamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thank you very much for having confidence in us and we hope our efforts, which are purely for Allah’s Sake, meet your expectations.

As regard your question, we’d like to cite for you the following Fatwa issued by Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, in which he states the following:

"The Christian missionary who visited you tried to confuse you and mislead you about the Qur’an as well as the Bible. The Qur’an is the word of Allah and the word of Allah does not contradict itself. The basic argument of your missionary visitor seems to be as follows: According to the Qur’an the word of God does not change and since the Bible is the word of God (as the Qur’an also affirms) then the Bible cannot be changed and Muslims should accept the Present Bible as God’s authentic word.

First of all let me give you the meaning of the two verses of the Qur’an about the word of Allah that your missionary visitor mentioned. Second, I shall say something about the Bible, its authenticity and its various manuscripts. Our purpose is only to understand. We do not want to put down any personal beliefs or values. All open-minded people should try to follow the truth when it becomes clear to them. Please try to share these few lines with your missionary visitor if you can get hold of him and let me know about his response also for my own knowledge and information.

When we read any text, whether religious or secular, it is important that we read it fully. It is not right to take a sentence out of context or read only half of it and then give our opinion. The missionary visitor did not give you the full verse of the Qur’an. He quoted only part of it and ignored the other part. You should have consulted the Qur’an yourself.

In Surat Al-An‘am (6:115), Allah says, "The Word of your Lord does find its fulfillment in truth and in justice. None can change His words. For He is the one who hears and knows all." It is obvious that the expression “word or words of Allah” here does not mean a text, but it means "Allah’s decisions and judgments". No doubt, Allah's decisions and judgments are fulfilled in truth and justice and none can change them.

The second verse in Surat Yunus (10:64) should be read along with verses 62 and 63 to understand them properly. Allah says, "Behold, verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve. Those who believe and constantly guard against evil. For them are glad tidings in the life of the present and in the hereafter. No change can there be in the words of Allah. This indeed is the supreme felicity." The expression "the words of Allah" here means "Allah's promises for those who do good deeds." No one can change Allah's promises (or Allah threats for the wrong doers). These verses are not talking about any revealed books or manuscripts, but they are talking about Allah's judgment and promises in a general sense.

As far as the Bible is concerned, it is true that the Qur'an calls the Tawrat, Zabur and Injil as Allah's books and messages given to prophets Moses, Dawud and Jesus, peace be upon all of them, respectively, but the Qur'an also says that these books as they exist today are not in their authentic and complete form. Allah says, "They (i.e. Jews and Christians) changed words from their contexts and forgot a good part of the message given to them, and you will continue to find them -except a few among them- bent on new deceits…" (al-Ma'idah: 13) And He further says, "O People of the Book, now has come to you Our Messenger, clarifying to you much of that you used to conceal of the Book and passing over much (that is now unnecessary)." (al-Ma'idah 5:15) So our Islamic position is that the Bible has some true and authentic words of Allah, but it is not totally authentic. Some of its passages were lost and it had many additions and alterations.

Your missionary visitor told you that the Bible has not changed. You ask him, which Bible is not changed? Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, Latin Bible, English Bible, Jewish Bible, Catholics’ Bible, Protestants’ Bible, Eastern Orthodox Church's Bible, which Bible is he talking about? All these Bibles individually and collectively have been changed and some are still being changed. The Bible contains two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is recognized by Jews and Christians both. Jews calls it the Hebrew Bible or TANAK. But their Bible has 24 books and some books have two parts thus a total of 39 books. Protestants also have 39 books but in a different order. The same Old Testament of Catholics has 46 books, while Eastern Orthodox Christians have 51 books in their Old Testament. Jewish version of the Bible is based on the Hebrew Masoretic text while Christians generally use the Greek (Septuagint) and Latin (Vulgate) versions as the basis of their Old Testaments. Each group also has variations in the texts of their books as well as in the number of verses.

The New Testament is accepted by Christians only. It has 27 books: four Gospels and then other books and letters of various writers known as apostles. But Catholics add some verses in the Gospels that are not accepted by the Protestants. The Catholics as well as the Eastern Orthodox Christians accept some books that are not accepted by the Protestants.

As far as the ancient manuscripts of the Bible are concerned, it is known to the Biblical scholars that most of the manuscripts came from the fourth century CE down. The manuscripts that are discovered are mostly partial and their texts differ from each other considerably. M. M. Parvis in the Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (vol. 4, pp. 594-595) says, "The New Testament is now known, in whole or in part, in nearly five thousand Greek manuscripts alone. Every one of these handwritten copies differ from the other one… It has been estimated that these manuscripts and quotations differ among themselves between 150,000 and 250,000 times. The actual figure is, perhaps, much higher. A study of 150 Greek manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke has revealed more than 30,000 different readings… It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the New Testament in which the manuscripts' tradition is wholly uniform."

Any one can get hold of the Good News Bible and can see for oneself that in the 1300 pages of this modern English version there are almost as many footnotes pointing to phrases, sentences and passages that are omitted or added by various ancient manuscripts or versions. Many of these alterations are not unintentional scribal errors such as are expected in handwritten copies of a book. A careful study of ancient texts has convinced scholars that the variations found in them were very often intentional tampering with the texts. This tampering is still going on for various political or ideological reasons. Under the pressure of the Jewish organizations, many churches in America and Europe have begun rephrasing Jesus' criticism of the Jews in the Gospels. Feminists groups are urging the use of unisex language in the new versions. Homosexual groups have their own versions. All these changes are taking place before our own eyes. Please tell your missionary visitor that neither the Qur'an nor history support his claims about the authenticity of the Bible. Of course, he can believe whatever he may wish."

Allah Know's Best
Peace Yall....

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2004 04:07 AM | Show all posts
This is about the authenticity of the Glorious Al-Quran.....This Q&A was taken from; ... .asp?hFatwaID=64863

Here are the copy;

Title of Fatwa: Authenticity of the Glorious Qur'an   
Date of Fatwa : 5/ August/ 2003   
Date of Reply: 5/ August/ 2003   
Topic Of Fatwa:  Qur'an   
Question of Fatwa:

Dear scholars, As-Salaam Alaykum Waramatullah Wabarakatuh! As we hear many claims spread by non-Muslims questioning the authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an, would you kindly help us refute such false claim?
Name of Mufti A Group of Islamic Researchers   
Content of Reply Wa `Alaykum As-Salaam Waramatullah Wabarakatuh!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother, thanks for contacting us. We pray to Almighty Allah to strengthen our faith and guide us to what pleases Him, He is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful!

As regard your question, we’d like to cite for you the following:

“The Holy Qur'an was presented to the people of Arabia by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It was presented in parts over a period of 23 years of his prophetic life. The book presents itself as the word of Allah and the Holy Prophet also presented it as such.

The Muslims believe that the Holy Qur'an, being the revealed word of Allah, is the cornerstone of their faith. They get their philosophy, beliefs and laws from this book it is the basic source of the Islamic faith. It is the Word of Allah revealed to His Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, who read it out before the world loud and clear. Not only did he recite it to the people of Arabia, he also made elaborate arrangements to ensure that its contents be preserved and his Companions should learn it by heart and should also write it down. The Holy Prophet's stress on the supremacy of the Book of Allah, over all other sources of knowledge, was unequivocal and categorical.

The Holy Qur'an has reached us through Tawatur:

The Holy Qur'an has reached us through the process of Tawatur (historical continuity and perpetuation achieved through transfer from generation-to-generation) When we say that the Qur'an has reached us through Tawatur, we imply that so many people in every generation conveyed it to the next and so on that there can be no doubt about its authenticity. It was not transmitted by a few persons in one generation to a few persons in the next. It was handed over by the entire generation to the next generation. The Generation of the Companions witnessed the revelation and compilation of the Holy Qur'an during the life of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and then handed it over to the next generation and so on.

Its certainty has far exceeded the need for any debate. In the presence of established history, we would not accept any individual reports and rumors to the contrary. For instances a report in one of the history books that claims that Akbar the Great never ruled in India, would not be considered by us. The fact that Akbar the Great ruled over India for half a century is so established, that any odd report to the contrary would be simply ignored. So is the case of the Holy Qur'an. Since it has achieved the status of Tawatur, no odd report would affect its credibility.

When generations and generations of people without interruption hold the Qur'an as the one and only version of the divine guidance received from the Holy Prophet, such reports would not infringe upon its authenticity. The evidence for the Qur'an is so overwhelming, involving millions of people, that it would simply override any odd reports that may be found anywhere.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from

In the light of the above, dear brother, it’s clear that all what non-Muslims say or fabricate against the Glorious Qur’an is totally groundless, for the authenticity of the Qur’an is not only upheld by Muslims but confirmed by non-Muslims as well, as will be clarified in the following:

“Attesting to the Qur'an’s authenticity, in his best-seller book The Bible, The Qur’an and Science the French researcher, historian, scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille writes:

"Thanks to its undisputed authenticity, the text of the Qur’an holds a UNIQUE Place among the books of Revelation, shared neither by the Old nor the New Testament. In the first two sections of this work (meaning his book), a review was made of the alterations undergone by the Old Testament and the Gospels before they were handed down to us in the form we know today. The same is not true for the Qur’an for the simple reason it was written down at the time of the Prophet; we shall see how it came to be written, i.e. the process involved . . .. As the Revelation progressed, the Prophet and the believers following him recited the text by heart, and it was written down by the scribes in his following. It therefore starts off with two elements of authenticity that the Gospels do not possess."

Professor Hitte also writes: "Biblical text has been subjected to editorial and amendatory treatment, but not the Qur’anic ... In its phonetic and graphic reproduction, as well as in its linguistic form, the Qur’anic text is identical with its celestial original. "

The Qur’an is unique in consistency, harmony, intelligence and rationality:

The Qur’an is the book without inconsistencies; one part of its text, (or doctrine) does not clash with the other. In fact, it sets the absence of contradiction, irrationality, and incoherence, as one of the criteria for checking the authenticity of any divine revelation. It states "Do they not ponder the Qur’an (with care)? Had this book been from anybody but Allah, you would have found much inconsistencies.” (Surat An-Nisa:82).

Because contradictions and inconsistencies call for the negation of one part, which is in conflict with the other and this automatically invalidates portions of the book. In turn that makes it difficult for a man to remain true to any one value, thereby creating mental conflict, emotional and spiritual instability. "Skip some, follow some," “pick and choose" and "no absolutes" become the pattern. And these exercise an extremely damaging influence upon a truth-conscious, rational man with regard to belief in Allah and with regard to the credibility of the book itself. And it leads to dilemmas where sincere minds become "disjointed" and "disenchanted," eventually steering them away from the book or turn them into hypocrites.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who had absolutely no reason to favor one book, especially that of Islam, over the others (if anything, as human nature is, he would only favor the books of his own religion, but not the Qur’an) attests to the Qura’nic claim in his book. "The Quran ... is not only free from contradictions in its narrations, the sign of various human manipulations to be found in the Gospels, but provides a quality of its own for those who examine it objectively and in the light of science i.e. its complete agreement with modern scientific data.”

The Book may be great but what is its impact on the people, you might ask. If no impact it has any significance. How true! The Qur’an is unique in terms of its Blitzing Impact, also.

There have been many other religious books and revelations before the Qur’an. But of these, only the Holy Qur’an had the most electrifying impact upon the people. Its lightning-like rapidity, in a short few decades, reached the hearts and minds of the masses of several continents, transforming the lives of idolaters, alcoholics, exploiters, abusers, perverts, into men and women of pristine monotheism, of highest virtue and piety. Call it what you may - the most sensational spiritual revolution, or the spiritual blitzkrieg, the revolution of which the mankind had never witnessed before. To this very day, no other religion comes even close to matching Qur’an's record of the spectacular impact on lives of masses.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from

Allah Almighty knows best.

Peace Yall......

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2004 03:05 AM | Show all posts
This is a Q&A about the Bible & it's violence,also the accusation from the orientalist about violence in the Quran...take a look!!! This Q&A was taken from ; ... sp?hquestionID=8922

Here are the copy;Name: George H   -  
Topic: Faith & Practice  
Title :The Bible, the Qur'an and Violence  

I have read the answer to the question on violence provided by Professor Shahul Hameed, yet I am not convinced. The professor have said that no man may kill, but for a just cause. Whereas the Biblical commandment does not allow any exceptions. It says “thou shalt not kill”. So who will determine what is a just cause. I'm sure the terrorist from 9/11 can argue that their cause is just! Second, when he quotes the Bible, he also should look at its context. The only quote he presented from the New Testament was a quote from a story Jesus was telling about a nobleman who was talking to his servants. Those words "bring hither, and slay them before me" are the words of that nobleman in the story, not Jesus'!
Anyway your argument is that it is permissible to murder! And finally, how about this passage in the Qur'an which means:
*{This because those who reject Allah follow vanities, while those who believe follow the Truth from their Lord: Thus does Allah set forth for men their lessons by similitudes.}* (Muhammad 47:3)

*{Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger: If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.}* (Al-Anfal 8:12-13)

This is not just talking about enemies, but those who don't believe what the Muslims believe. I am not taking this out of context. I also think it's important to look at the fact that you can clearly see from the Bible, if there are any metaphoric examples, Jesus clearly does not want violence. You can see that HE was not involved in war, HE did not say that you can kill, period… for any reason!! Even if you see that your cause is just! To conclude, I don't mean to sound offensive. On the contrary, I feel passionate about this lone issue because I love and appreciate the value of Islam, but am finding it very difficult to get by this particular issue.

I have not found an answer or justification to allow me to accept this and thus the Islamic faith. My aim is to be blunt and to receive a blunt and simple answer for why there are so many violent passages in the Qur'an. Passages that are not speaking metaphorically as the Bible sometimes does, but instead calling its followers to fight, even if they don't want to.  
Date  2004/11/4   

Name of Consultant: Shahul Hameed  

Salam George.

Peace be with you!

Thank you for your question.

You have claimed that the Biblical references to killing are sometimes metaphorical; but the Qur'anic commands are literal. This is a moot point; and for the time being I would dispute your contention by citing examples from the Old Testament where killing on a large scale has been done with the help and guidance of Jehovah or Yahweh.

Read the Book of Joshua, Chapters 8 to 11. About four chapters speak of nothing but killing, killing, killing and again killing, as commanded by Yahweh. I quote just the last part of Joshua Chapter 10:

30: and the LORD gave it also and its king into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and every person in it; he left none remaining in it; and he did to its king as he had done to the king of Jericho.
31: And Joshua passed on from Libnah, and all Israel with him, to Lachish, and laid siege to it, and assaulted it:
32: and the LORD gave Lachish into the hand of Israel, and he took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and every person in it, as he had done to Libnah.
33: Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he left none remaining.
34: And Joshua passed on with all Israel from Lachish to Eglon; and they laid siege to it, and assaulted it;
35: and they took it on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword; and every person in it he utterly destroyed that day, as he had done to Lachish.
36: Then Joshua went up with all Israel from Eglon to Hebron; and they assaulted it,
37: and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and its king and its towns, and every person in it; he left none remaining, as he had done to Eglon, and utterly destroyed it with every person in it.
38: Then Joshua, with all Israel, turned back to Debir and assaulted it,
39: and he took it with its king and all its towns; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed every person in it; he left none remaining; as he had done to Hebron and to Libnah and its king, so he did to Debir and to its king.
40: So Joshua defeated the whole land, the hill country and the Negeb and the lowland and the slopes, and all their kings; he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded.

I understand that 'he left none remaining' means, Joshua killed the men, the women and the kids—even babies. At the command of Yahweh.

And we read this in the Book of Isaiah:

"Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

Here we see how the Bible tells of God's commands to fight and kill.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is quoted as saying that he had come to bring the sword, to "set father against son and mother against daughter" (Luke 12:53) and called on his followers to kill: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me" (Luke 19:27).
you can see that the parable comes to an end with the previous verse, namely Luke 19:26: "For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him."

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2004 03:06 AM | Show all posts
It was after this we find these verses: "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

It is clear that he did not want his disciples to put this into effect immediately. And certainly the mission of Jesus in those days did not include fighting, nor was he prepared for it. But it would be naive to say that Jesus did not know the role of wars in the history of humanity. He certainly knew the Law of Moses and the significance of fighting in Jewish history. Didn't he know that the Law of Moses taught the philosophy of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? And yet what did he say of the Law?

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled..." (Matthew 5: 17, 18).

And from the manner in which he drove out the money changers in the Jerusalem Temple (John 2: 13-15), it is clear that he did not completely rule out the use of force, in establishing peace on earth.

The question is how did the Christians interpret the words of Jesus in their practical life? Most assuredly the import of the parable (quoted above) was not lost upon the Christians of the later centuries. If we examine the history of Christianity, we see the above words of Jesus have been enacted in bloody reality many times - starting when an important political rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church took on a religious slant - leading to the split in European Christendom between Catholic and Protestant. This split sparked off a series of religious wars which were ultimately to be responsible for the death of nearly a third of the entire White race.

If we argue that the essential message of Jesus is "turning the other cheek" even in the face of the worst provocation, then we have to admit that Jesus' avowed followers have belied his teaching repeatedly. Even when their tongues call Jesus "the Prince of Peace", weapons of mass destruction are being forged in their backyards to massacre the non-Christians. Every time a Christian bomb tears apart the limbs of an Iraqi man, woman or child in Baghdad or Fallujah, Christ's teaching is proved to be null and void. It is funny to hear the Christians blaming Muslims for taking up weapons while they themselves had exploded two Christian atom bombs that killed millions; and theirs is the monopoly of manufacturing, distributing and using the most horrible weapons ever made by the hand of man - the followers of the Prince of Peace indeed!

The Qur'an is a continuation and completion of the earlier scriptures like the Torah and the Gospel; and the mission of Muhammad was a reconciliation between the harsh Law of Moses and the non-violent Gospel of Jesus. Consider this Muslim idea in the light of Islam's acceptance of Moses and Jesus as prophets of God and their books as God-given scriptures. Muhammad never claimed that he was preaching a new religion: he said that his mission can be compared to a brick; the last brick needed to complete the construction of a building. All the prophets—indeed thousands of them—had preached the Religion of God before, and every prophet had a mission to fulfill. And when the time was ripe the Last Prophet came and completed the Religion of God.

The Qur'an has said what means:
*{So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates…}* (Muhammad 47:4)

The context of this verse was when the Muslims were to fight their enemies for their very existence. After thirteen years of endurance and patience, the prophet and his companions had to leave their home town of Makkah and to emigrate to Madinah. When the people of Madinah had welcomed him there and he was accepted as a leader there, the Makkans became unhappy. They wanted to eliminate Muhammad and his religion; and so they sent their army to root out Islam. And the crucial battle took place in Badr. It was just before this that Muhammad received the revelation from God to fight:
*{And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:190)

This meant that the Prophet and his companions were not to start the fighting; but to defend themselves against aggressors. That was how fighting was ordained; but we must know that once we fight, we fight to defeat the aggressors, so that we can live without fear of molestation and invasion; so that we can live in peace; so that justice is done. Remember God does not command any one to start fighting; rather He permits people to fight in self defense or for the defense of those who are attacked unjustly.

All the passages in the Qur'an referring to fighting have been revealed in the context of the threats of battles from the enemies of Truth and Justice. And when you are told to fight, you are commanded to fight on till justice is established; till the criminals are brought to book, till Peace can prevail.

When DU bombs are dropped from a height of 30,000 ft, how can you turn the other cheek? By their invasions and occupations the people whom the Muslims see as representing the Christians have been proving Jesus' message of Peace irrelevant and meaningless in the world of reality. And then they quote Jesus and ask Muslims not to resist them while they go on brutally maiming and massacring people and demolishing their mosques!

Allah knows best....
Peace Yall....

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2004 03:24 AM | Show all posts
Here are some referrences if someone told about "islam spreads by the swords",use this as your anwer....this article was taken from ... sp?hquestionID=7602

Name :Arrows   -  
Topic: Ethics & Values  
Title: Did Islam Grow By Killing Non-Believers?  
1. Why do you think the article by Rick Mathes entitled: “Allah or Jesus?” is being circulated so widely among ordinary Americans through e-mail? Why do you think the author chose the title “Allah or Jesus?”

2. Is it true that an “infidel” is a non-believer (like me)? If so, is it true that the Qur’an actually instructs Muslims to kill non-believers to guarantee them a place in heaven? If so, what are the exact words (or as near as they can be in translation)?

3. What is jihad? Is this a real on-going endless call for the murder of “non-believers” (a bit like Bush’s War on Terror), or is it a metaphor describing the need to fight for what you believe in and share your faith with the doubters? Explain.

Here is “Allah or Jesus?” By Rick Mathes:
Last month I attended my annual training session that is required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths who explained their belief systems. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic imam had to say.

The imam gave a great presentation about the basics of Islam complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn I directed my question to the imam and asked:

“Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that most imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad (holy war) against the non-believers of the world. And, that by killing a infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured of a place in heaven. If that is the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?”

There was no disagreement with my statements and without hesitation he replied: “Non-believers!”

I responded: “So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can go to heaven. Is that correct?”

The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied: “Yes.”

I then stated: “Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Pat Robertson or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go to heaven!”

The imam was speechless.

I continued: “I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to go to heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and wants you to be with me?”

You could have heard a pin drop as the imam hung his head in shame. Chuck Colson once told me something that has sustained me these 20 years of prison ministry. He said to me: “Rick, remember that the truth will prevail.” And it will!

Date : 2004/5/30   

Name of Consultant: Shahul Hameed  

Salam (peace be with you), Arrows.

Thank you very much for your question.

First, I would like to respond to the article by Rick Mathes and then answer your questions. Rick Mathes and his wife Trish are the founders of Mission Gate Prison Ministries, an outreach to those who are incarcerated and their families in Missouri and Illinois.

In the story, Rick Mathes claims that he told the imam: “Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith…”

In fact, most people will really have a number of problems with his story, which purports “to prove” that Islam demands its adherents to kill all others.
In spite of the alleged command of Allah to kill all non-believers, millions of non-Muslims continue to live beside their Muslim brothers in the predominantly Muslim countries.

In the United States of America as well as in other Western countries, Muslims are quite successfully convincing the non-Muslims—instead of trying to kill them—that Islam is more tolerant than Judaism and at any rate the Christian coalition. Of course, one may cite instances of Muslims killing non-Muslims, but at the same time, Christians, too, have been killing non-Christians! Does anyone need a command from God to go and kill?

The Muslim preachers allowed in the US prisons are more successful than their Christian counterparts in getting converts. Maybe that is one of the reasons for spreading this absurd story! “The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam, is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. Some scholars see an emerging Islamic renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities. Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans…” (From a CNN report of April 14, 1997).

Not even one with the brains of a gnat would believe that a Muslim imam engaged in inviting non-Muslims to Islam would undermine his cause by making an open declaration that the Muslim mission in life is to kill all non-Muslims. Or else he must be insane or hopelessly dim-witted.

And lastly, if Allah had commanded Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, the Prophet and his companions would not have left alive any non-Muslim tribes in Arabia, when they had got complete authority over them. Speaking of the Christian missionary claim that Islam was spread at the point of the sword, one may ask: Was it because of the fear of the sword that hundreds of thousands of the most warlike Arabs of the time literally followed the Prophet in everything he commanded?
And what is more, isn’t it ridiculous to say that any belief system, not only Islamic, can be pushed down the throat of a human being at the point of the sword? Can’t you see that Islam has withstood the vicissitudes of fourteen centuries and is still outstripping all other faiths at an astonishing rate? Can a religion that preaches the killing of all outside its confines capture the minds and hearts of millions throughout history? Sorry, the Rick Mathes story does not stand to reason.

Now to answer your questions:
1. Why do you think the article by Rick Mathes entitled: “Allah or Jesus?” is being circulated so widely among ordinary Americans through e-mail? Why do you think the author chose the title “Allah or Jesus?”
It must be evident to anyone who observes the Christian coalition or Zionist Christians that they are bent upon doing everything in their power to wipe out Islam from the face of the earth. For this they would stoop to any level; and this is no surprise, as St. Paul is their exemplar in their strategies. Read the following from his Epistles, which are foisted on the masses as the Word of God:

“But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless being crafty, I caught you with guile” (2 Corinthians 12:16).

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 Author| Post time 29-11-2004 03:25 AM | Show all posts
“For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them under the Law, that I might gain them that are under the Law; to them that are without the law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ) that I might gain them that are under the law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:19-22).

What better illustration of hypocrisy can we give? For the sake of the truth, Paul will use all means of deceit in order to gain more followers. If St. Paul teaches this, can we really blame his present followers, the likes of Rick Mathes, Pat Robertson, or Jimmy Swaggart? Please see the BBC report about this.

Please read this too:

“For if the truth of God, hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory: why yet am I also judged as a sinner?” (Romans 3:7).

Just think, if Paul really believed he had the truth, why should he use lies to make “the truth of God” “more abounded,” as he says?

Rick Mathes and his tribe adopt the same Pauline technique of using the lie as a means to promote Christianity at the expense of Islam. Even in the title, “Allah or Jesus?” the same guile is used. It really is funny how they try to advance “the truth” with falsehood!
2. Is it true that an “infidel” is a non-believer (like me)? If so, is it true that the Qur’an actually instructs Muslims to kill non-believers to guarantee them a place in heaven? If so, what are the exact words (or as near as they can be in translation)?
“Infidel” is an English word and we get its meaning from any English dictionary. Here is the definition from “An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.”

About Heaven we find the following among other verses in the Qur’an, on the same theme:
1. *{Verily We shall give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have We taken account in a clear Book [of evidence]}* (Ya-Sin 36:12).

2. *{Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our wrath until We had sent an apostle [to give warning]}* Al-Israa’ 17:15).

3. *{Those who do wish for the [things of] the Hereafter, and strive therefore with all due striving, and have faith,- they are the ones whose striving is acceptable [to God]}* (Al-Israa’ 17-19).

4. *{God will say: “This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,- their eternal Home: God well-pleased with them, and they with God: That is the great salvation, [the fulfillment of all desires]}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:119).

5. *{He that works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof: and he that works a righteous deed—whether man or woman—and is a believer, such will enter the Garden [of Bliss]: Therein will they have abundance without measure}* (Ghafir 40:40).

The above verses clearly say that there will be a Day of Judgment on which God will be the Judge of all. On that Day, on the basis of our faith and deeds, we will be sent to Heaven or Hell. And it is made quite clear that on that day the truthful who follow the guidance of God will be admitted to Heaven and those who reject God and His guidance will be sent to Hell.

To continue on the subject of killing, it is true that God has permitted fighting; but this fighting must be against oppression and injustice, not against non-Muslims as such! Where innocent men, women and children are attacked, or when intolerable atrocities are committed, Muslims are asked to fight to protect the innocent and safeguard their rights.

Those who blame Allah—and this is just the Arabic name for God—for commanding the Muslims to fight can turn the pages of their own book and see how Joshua at Jehovah’s command “left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded” (Joshua 10:40).

Didn’t Jesus himself say, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law” (Matt. 10:34–35)?

I would particularly like to make it clear that the Qur’an does not instruct Muslims to kill non-believers to guarantee them a place in Heaven, as you have said. On the contrary, God commands the believers to invite others to His way in the most peaceful manner. In this call, the Muslims are commanded to appeal to their common sense and to their own faith in truth and justice. Most certainly God has categorically prohibited forcing anyone to accept Islam, let alone killing! The Qur’an says what means:
*{Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things}* (Al-Baqarah 2:256).

*{Say: “The Truth is from your Lord.” Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject [it]}* (Al-Kahf 18:29).

*{Goodness and evil can never be equal. Repel [evil] with good: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate}* (Fussilat 41:34).

*{Invite [all] to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His path, and who receive guidance}* (An-Nahl 16:125).

From these verses it is clear that anyone who uses force to convert a non-Muslim or harm any human being on that score, breaks the divine command; and such a person is not what a Muslim should be.
3. What is jihad? Is this a real ongoing endless call for the murder of “unbelievers” (a bit like Bush’s War on Terror), or is it a metaphor describing the need to fight for what you believe in and share your faith with the doubters? Explain.
Jihad simply means “striving,” and any effort can be called a jihad. But in Islamic parlance, it stands for the Muslims’ effort to obey the commands of God in their life, even when the odds are against them. In certain contexts, as mentioned above, where fighting for truth and justice becomes unavoidable, that effort can also be called jihad. But today the word is terribly misinterpreted and misunderstood to mean “holy war.” The concept of a holy war comes from the Christian history of the Crusades. Islam never considers war as holy. Fighting is allowed in Islam only as a last resort, as a necessary evil, not as something holy. The Qur’an says what means:
*{To those against whom war is made, permission is given [to fight], because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid…}* (Al-Hajj 22:39).

I hope the foregoing answers your questions.

And Allah knows best. Thank you and please keep in touch.


Peace yall......

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2004 01:54 AM | Show all posts
This Q&A is taken from; ... sp?hquestionID=6348
Name: Faisal   - Argentina
Topic :Faith & Practice  
Title: Is Islam the Continuation of Christianity?  

Salam Brothers,

Can you please answer my question? As you know, the Muslim religion came after the Christian religion. Is it a continuation of the Christian religion?

If so, my friend was wondering, why does it deny the 'main points' of the Christian religion? Like; Christians believe that Jesus is God or the son of God, while Muslims believe that God was not born and would be born.

Jazakum Allahu khayran.

Date  2003/12/7   

Name of Consultant: Nabil Haroun  

Salam Brother Faisal,

Thank you for your question.

Let me first correct your statement that “Islam is a continuation of Christianity”. On the contrary, it can be proved that Islam came to correct the deviations of Christianity away from the original message, which was basically Islam. It is by which all Prophets were sent, starting with Adam to the seal of prophets, Muhammad, peace be upon them all.

This can be verified through a careful unbiased reading of the Bible itself. The Bible is a collection of human books documenting the traditions of the Israelites and early Christians. Hence, they are not the word of God. Yet, whatever attributed therein to either Moses or Jesus can be shown to directly nullify the major beliefs advocated by the Christian Churches.

God – in the Bible - is “One” according to the following examples:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

“Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.”
(Deuteronomy 4:39)

“And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is One Lord: (Mark 12:29)

“Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. (Matthews 4:10)

Regarding the so-called “divine sonship” of Jesus, Jesus himself referred to God as “Father”, i.e. Guardian, Provider, Cherisher … etc. for all people, including Jesus:

“And he said unto them: ‘When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.’” (Luke 11:2)

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthews 5: 9)

“That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret Himself shall reward thee openly.” (Matthews 6:4)

“Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them: ‘I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.’” (John 20:17)

Jesus even repeatedly – in the Bible - referred to himself as the “son of Man”:

“And Jesus saith unto him: ‘The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the son of Man hath not where to lay his head.’” (Matthews 8:20)

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of Man be lifted up.” (John 3:14)

Actually, the claimed “original sin and atonement” contradicts the Bible:

“The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)

“But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.” (Jeremiah 31:30)

“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.” (Ezkiel 18:20)

It is a fact that children are born sinless, so the “original sin” cannot be inherited:

“But Jesus said: ‘Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’” (Matthews 19:14)

Why then should God – unjustly - sacrifice his “alleged” son to die on the cross and be raised from among the dead, for the salvation of all humanity? Here again we are faced with a contradiction to the sayings of Jesus:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (Matthews 7:1-2)

It was Paul, not Jesus, who advocated these claims, against the original teachings of Jesus:

“Then was Saul [Paul] certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus.
And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.” (Acts 9:19-20)

“And some said: ‘What will this babbler [Paul] say?’ Other some: ‘He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.’” (Acts 17:18)

“Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my [Paul’s] gospel.” (2 Timothy 2:8)

To conclude, Islam accepts and is the completed final version of the previous messages originally revealed to Moses and Jesus, as well as Abraham, Noah …etc.

In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty says what means:
*{Surely the religion in the providence of Allah is Islam. And in no way did the ones to whom the Book brought differ [among themselves] except even after the knowledge came to them, being inequitable among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the signs of Allah, then surely Allah is Swift in the reckoning.}* (Aal `Imran 3:19)

Thus, Islam is the final message to remain preserved intact to the end-of-time. Allah also says what means:
*{Surely We, Ever We, have been sending down the Remembrance, and surely We are indeed Preservers of it.}* (Qur’an Al-Hijr 15:9)

I hope my answer is satisfactory. If you need any more clarification please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you again for your question and please keep in touch.


Allah knows best...
Peace Yall....

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2004 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Here u go, the typical missionaries words.... this was taken from ; ... sp?hquestionID=7860

Name: Yasir   - Bahrain
Topic: Faith & Practice  
Title: Salvation by Proxy?  

As-salamu `alaykum.

One Christian told me that if I embraced Christianity I would be saved from the fire of Hell. I know that Muslims should have strong faith in their religion, but I was unable to answer him satisfactorily. Can you tell me how to reason with him and respond to him properly.

Thank you.

Date  2004/6/28   

Name of Consultant: Shahul Hameed  

Wa `alaykum as-salam, Yasir.

Thank you very much for your question.

Christians argue that for the Original Sin of disobedience committed by Adam, God sentenced the whole of humanity to eternal punishment in Hell, except those who believe the following:
God Himself incarnated as a man to atone for that sin;

That God-man was Jesus Christ, Son of Man, Son of God, and God Himself;

He was one of the three persons in One God; yet fully man and fully God;

He was crucified and was resurrected bodily on the third day;

And by his death on the cross Jesus-God saved those who believe this.
The Christian Church also insists that one should be baptized into Christianity to be saved.

The Christian Bible itself (unless we resort to acrobatic hermeneutics) rejects the above belief as unacceptable based on the following verses from the Christian scripture:
Exodus 20:1-3: “And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.”

Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.”

Isaiah 43:11: “I, even I, am the Lord; and besides me there is no Savior.”

Isaiah 46:9: “I am God and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me.”

The New Testament is no less emphatic on the indivisibility and absolute ONENESS of the Lord Almighty. In perfectly clear and categorical terms, Jesus Christ testifies to the unqualified UNITY of God as follows:
Mark 12:29: “And Jesus answered him, ‘The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.’”

John 17:3: “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”

The above verses clearly show that God is one and one only. So to believe Jesus to be God is a clear violation of the Divine Command encapsulated in the above verses.

Here are a few verses from the Qur’an:
1-*{Say: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on Whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him.}* (Al-Ikhlas 112: 1-4)

2- *{Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme.}*(Ar-Ra`d 13: 16)

3- *{Say: It is only revealed to me that your Allah is one Allah; will you then submit?}* (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21: 108)

Now the Christian belief about “salvation” through the death of God:
Christians believe that every human child is born with the taint of the Original Sin. Adam and Eve, in disobedience to the Lord, ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge; and so they were expelled from Paradise and God ordained that every single child born from that time until the end of the world will inherit this sin of Adam and Eve. But at the same time, God wants to save man from being punished for his sins. So He incarnated as His own son (in the womb of Mary), and was born as Jesus to willingly sacrifice Himself for humanity. This was taken as remission for the sins of all men together.

The following analogy would illustrate the absurdity of the above doctrine:
Imagine an earthly king who arrested a number of people for serious crimes against his kingdom. Out of his justice and mercy he tells them that he would pardon them if his only heir to the throne—the Crown Prince—would take the burden of their crimes by submitting himself to an “accursed” death.

Isn’t it a really crazy arrangement to satisfy the demands of justice?

Besides, this doctrine implies a license to mankind for free and unbridled indulgence in their lusts. To go scot-free after a life of dissolution, one only needs to believe that Jesus shed his blood to wash away the past and future sins of mankind! Martin Luther, the initiator of Protestantism, said that a believer in atonement might sin to his fill, for he was sure to be saved. It is this doctrine of Atonement that is to a great extent responsible for the gross immorality and depravity in which the Christian nations of Europe and America are wallowing.

It is claimed that the justice of God cannot be fulfilled except through the atonement of Jesus. But the doctrine itself is such that it undermines the very foundation of justice: Jesus was innocent; and was it justice to burden him with the sins of mankind, and subject him to a slow murder on the cross? The doctrine of Atonement presents God as a cruel, merciless deity who could not forgive the sins of men without exacting his “pound of flesh.”

Furthermore, the two attributes of God—namely justice and mercy—are set at odds here. Christians say that God’s justice is served when His “only begotten Son” is crucified for the sins of mankind! If that is God’s justice, then where is His mercy? Is it God’s mercy that inflicts a terrible punishment on the innocent to let off sinners? Obviously this contradicts the teachings of the Bible itself, as is evident from the following verses:
Jeremiah 31:30: “But everyone shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.”

Deuteronomy 24:16: “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.”

And remember that it is for the sin of the father (that is, Adam) that the children are considered guilty. Did Jesus teach his followers that they should believe this abomination? No, not at all. See what he taught about eternal life in heaven:
Matthew 19:16–21: “And behold, one came up to him, saying, ‘Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?’ And he said to him, ‘Why do you ask me about what is good? One there is who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.’ He said to him, ‘Which?’ And Jesus said, ‘You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother, and You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ The young man said to him, ‘All these I have observed; what do I still lack?’ Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”

Not only does Jesus not mention the belief in the Atonement doctrine as a necessary condition for attaining eternal life, but he lays stress on observing the Ten Commandments of God given in the Torah. But the present Christians teach a different creed based on Original Sin, the Divine Sonship of Jesus, and the theory of the bloody human sacrifice of Jesus himself. Indeed, this is the core of the new theology introduced into Christ’s religion by the man called Paul. What we know today as Christ’s religion is a paganized version of the True Religion taught by him.

The missionaries of this Pauline religion (now known as Christianity) are hell-bent on evangelizing “the unreached peoples of the Middle East”, with a view to foisting on them the above dogma. In fact, Allah Almighty in the Qur’an warns the Believers about this very menace in the verse which gives the meaning of:
*{And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah’s guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:120)

May Allah help us and guide us aright!

Peace Yall.....

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2004 12:21 AM | Show all posts
This is a good question comes from a guy called "Mike".....this Q&A was taken from;

Name: Mike   -  
Topic: Culture & Society  
Title: Islamic Dealing with People of the Book  

Is it real that Muslims hate and attack Christians just because they want to force the Qur’an on them?

Is it true that Muslims hate and attack Christians just because they see Islam superior to Judaism and Christianity, or it is for other reasons?

How is it true that Muslims love Jews and protected them when there is fighting in the Middle East?

Date  2003/11/20   

Name of Consultant: 苐fwine Mischler  

Salam Mike,

Thank you for your question.

Actually I find it a bit strange, because it reflects misconceptions contrary to what I would expect to find. Most people think that Muslims hate Jews, not Christians, as you think.

In order to answer your question, I must clarify that there is a difference between what Islam says Muslims should do and what individual Muslims actually do. Just as you will find among Christians, Jews, and others those people who do not follow what their religion teaches, so, too, you will find Muslims who do not follow the teachings of Islam. This may be due to their ignorance of the correct understanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah, or it may be due to their personal weaknesses and prejudices.

Your first question is whether Muslims hate Christians because they want to force the Qur’an on them. This assumes that Muslims hate Christians. Again, you will find that there are some Muslims who do hate Christians, but this is not what Islam teaches. Muslims are to respect both Christians and Jews as being People of the Book, that is,
people who received revelation from God before the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and the revelation of the Qur’an, which is God’s final Scripture.

Muslims are not allowed to force the Qur’an on Christians or others. This is clear in the Qur’an in words that mean:
*{There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error…}* (Al-Baqarah 2:256)

While Muslims respect Jews and Christians as People of the Book, at the same time Muslims are cautioned not to take them as close friends. This does not mean that Muslims should not treat them with respect, kindness, and justice, nor that Muslims cannot socialize with them as long as they respect the limits of Islam - for example, that no alcohol is served. But it does mean that Muslims should seek personal advice and, on a national level, allies, from fellow Muslims.

The Qur’an gives guidance in how to deal with the People of the Book. It reads what means:
*{And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah [Himself] is Guidance. And if thou shouldst follow their desires after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, then wouldst thou have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:120)

The Qur’an also reads:
*{And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say [unto them, O Muhammad]: Nay, but [we follow] the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters. Say [O Muslims]: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto Us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob. and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, add that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:135-136)

Another verse reads what means:
*{O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is [one] of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:51)

Then another verse reads what means:
*{Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe [to be] the Jews and the idolaters. And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe [to be] those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud.}* (Al-Ma’idah 5:82)

When Islam spread outside the Arab Peninsula, the Muslims did not force anyone to adopt their religion. Following the orders of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his successors, they did not destroy churches, monasteries, synagogues, or even pagan temples. The Muslims established their rule based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Non-Muslims were allowed to keep their religions and personal status laws and even their own criminal laws for crimes committed among themselves.

Islam teaches us to try to live in peaceful coexistence with those of other faiths. Muslims are not to attack others unless they are attacked first. The Qur’an says what means:
*{Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not, aggressors.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:190)

The Qur’an also reads what means:
*{Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers.}* (Al-Mumtahana 60:8)

I don’t know whether, in asking your question, you are referring to a particular incident that you heard of. I have not heard of Muslims attacking Christians for the purpose of imposing the Qur’an on them. Sometimes there are conflicts or even full-scale wars that appear to be for religious reasons because the two sides are divided along religious lines. But, in fact, these are usually struggles for economic or political power.

I would like to add here that Muslims do abhor the methods used by some Christians to spread their version of Christianity. Such methods include slandering and lying against the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In contrast, no Muslim would dream of slandering or lying against Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) because he is also a prophet of God and a messenger of Islam, that is, surrender to the will of God.

Muslims are ordered to invite others to Islam in this way stated in the Qur’an. The Qur’an reads what means:
*{Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright.}* (An-Nahl 16:125)

As for your question about the Jews, I repeat, Muslims are to respect them for being People of the Book. When the Qur’an does criticize the Jews who did not follow God’s commands, the expression *{among them there are some…}* is always there, so that the good are not condemned along with the bad. When Muslims ruled by Islamic Law, Jews - and others - were free to practice their religion and flourished.

The fighting you see today in the Middle East is not about religion, but about economic and political power. We must always distinguish between Zionists — many of whom are even atheists — and Jews, many of whom oppose Zionism. Please read the links below for clarification of this subject.

Let me ask you this: If a lot of foreigners moved into your country and then, instead of living peacefully among you, took over the government, forced you out of your homes, cut most of the water going to you, gave you no voice in the government, searched you whenever you entered a house of worship, humiliated you in numerous ways, threatened you with guns and tanks, and so on, wouldn’t you—the original residents—be angry and fight back in any way you could? And if those foreigners who took over happened to be of a different religion than the original residents, would the fighting be because of the religious differences? Possibly, but not necessarily. Remember that in the case of Palestinians, not all of them are Muslims.

In sum, while you may see individual Muslims who hate Christians and Jews, the Qur’an does not teach us to hate them. Muslims are to treat Jews and Christians—indeed, all people—with respect, kindness, and justice while making their closest friends and allies among fellow Muslims. Only if the others begin hostilities may Muslims fight back.

Thank you again for your question and please keep in touch.


Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall...

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts
If the missionaries approach u, ask them to go to this websites 1st.... ... s-say/contents.html

Im sure they will stay away from you, write this url with u wherever u go...the missionaries usually want to make us say "i don't know" as much as they could,ask them to go home and read the websites that u give!!!don't argue with them,just give the url and leave politely! insyaallah, they will not going to approach u anymore, tell this URL to all the muslims as a shield and guidance to counter missionaries allegation againts Islam...this websites is an extract from a book which discuss the alteration,distortion,contradiction in the various bible available today...remember keep this url with u wherever u go!!!!

Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall....

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2004 11:16 AM | Show all posts ... s-say/contents.html

this is the exact url adress....write it down!!!

Peace Yall...

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misled_youth This user has been deleted
Post time 3-12-2004 12:01 AM | Show all posts
aenemy7: Yes... you are RIGHT! We khafirs are going to turn all of you into swine eating, beer swilling, jesus loving monkeys!


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2004 11:34 AM | Show all posts
An old malay says "Siapa yang makan cili,dia yang terasa pedas"...
:lol :lol :lol

Allah Knows Best...
Peace Yall...

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me This user has been deleted
Post time 3-12-2004 12:35 PM | Show all posts

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