Now it's clear both Debmey & Sephiroth are Zionist Christians....this is the example of a christian who support killing their own brother n sister in Palestine, u are not different with the American & European christians who blindly support the zionist!! Shame on u...u are not fit to become Prophet Isa a.s follower,coz u already say yes to killing your brother and sisters in the Holy Land by supporting the zionist...
zionist christian being "used" to accomplished the zionist goals, most of u didn't realize that! "used!", they will laugh to see christianity extinct from this world and if u see right now in the west, the morallity already reach the lowest level thanks to the zionist freemason "human right" system...some church say's gay marriage is ok but some say it's illegal,abortion etc! day by day the zionist using the Illuminatti as a tool to confused christians with so many theory and false propaganda...Atheist community is also the result of Zionist propaganda like the famous Freemason "theory of evolution".
So Debmey & Sephiroth and the rest of confused zionist christian , don't call yourself a follower of Prophet Isa a.s if u support killing your own brother and sister through the zionist israel....u are the traitor of your own religion!
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......... |
the zionists are not the ones who kill innocent Christians but muslims. You can't fool us. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 14-3-2006 03:46 PM
the zionists are not the ones who kill innocent Christians but muslims. You can't fool us.
Errr I thaought history and fact show all of us more than 50 million civilian dies on Christian hand. Dare to ask the source fact ?:cak::cak::cak::cak: |
Well, from the israeli point of view, it is the palestinian goverment that oppress christians. |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-3-2006 04:24 PM
Well, from the israeli point of view, it is the palestinian goverment that oppress christians.
point of view?:stp::stp::stp::stp:
No wonder bible coruppted , too much point of view take to the consideration:stp::stp::stp: |
Are we talking about the bible here? Anyway the bible was corrupted you say? :dia: Thats your point of view. |
The art of deception huh Debmey....who taught u???The Zionist Mossad or CIA??? this is how the missionaries are trained, ecspecially the CIA hiding behind religious work... reverse phsychology thing huh!hehehehe, old song man!! gotcha....
Like i said before, the number of christians in Palestine going down instantly when the Zionist come to terrorize Palestine,it happen only when the Zionist Israel come...!The christians in Palestine give full support for Muslim's to fight and protect the holy land coz no one want's to help them!
So for those Zionist christian, don't call urself a follower of Prophet Isa a.s anymore....
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.... |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-3-2006 04:32 PM
Are we talking about the bible here? Anyway the bible was corrupted you say? :dia: Thats your point of view.
Nope , we r not talking about the bible , but my comment is just an example of what happened if too much POV.
BTW Regarding bible. Do u know what church say about bible?:cak::cak::cak:
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible
By Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent (source)
THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true.
The Catholic bishops of England, Wales and Scotland are warning their five million worshippers, as well as any others drawn to the study of scripture, that they should not expect 搕otal accuracy |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Come to think of it, the broil over MIDDLE EAST isues all point to the conquest of OIL rich region.
The zionist regime is now upset over HAMAS ruling Palestinian and upset the NEOCON strategies completely.
How pathetic that both BUSH & BLAIR using christian religion to achieve their dirty agendas.
And in the end, the zionist can just wash their hands when all the dirty works carried out by their allies.
It is only through GOD POWER, ALLAH s.w.t, that can offset wicked men wishes and crooked intentions.
[ Last edited by Iman_6 at 14-3-2006 04:52 PM ] |
Here's a good reading for aenemy and rest.
Read especially the "Situation in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority" and "Situation in Israel"
Situation in Israel:
Jews are over 80% of the population of Israel; most of the remaining number are Sunni Palestinian Arabs. Christians make up 2% to 3% of the population. Of the Christian population in Israel, over 80% are Arabs. Many of the non-Arab Christians came to Israel with their Jewish spouses during the waves of immigration in the 1980s and '90s, mainly from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia.
The percentage of Christians in the Israeli population has steadily declined due to the immigration of Jews from all over the world. However, the absolute number of Christians has increased as Christians have entered Israel from Europe or areas in the Middle East. The Christian population of Israel has grown from 34,000 in 1949 to about 140,000 today.
Israeli law provides for freedom of religion and religious communities have legal authority in matters such as marriage and divorce. Some Christians live in Israel because that is where Jesus lived and the central events of Christianity took place. Some maintain the Christian holy sites and keep them open and accessible to all. They are welcomed by Israel and there is no friction with Jewish residents. However, some Christians have come to Israel as aggressive missionaries and that is not welcome, giving rise to restrictive laws. Despite pro-Arab claims, however, there is no evidence of Jewish persecution of Christians in Israel. |
Originally posted by anti_aktivis at 14-3-2006 04:44 PM
Nope , we r not talking about the bible , but my comment is just an example of what happened if too much POV.
BTW Regarding bible. Do u know what church say about bible?:cak::cak::cak:
Sorry AA. I dont want to waste time on your idiotic and meaningless post. :no: Perhaps someone else could entertain you. |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-3-2006 04:54 PM
Sorry AA. I dont want to waste time on your idiotic and meaningless post. :no: Perhaps someone else could entertain you.
R u saying church confession about ur so call bible coruppted is meaningless?
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible
By Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent (source)
THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true.
So u prefer to assume fact as meaningless? Hmmm no wonder u r Christian. For muslim , every single fact is consider important. |
http://www.jerusalemites.org/cri ... christianity/31.htm
The War Against the Christian Palestinians 1948-49
The Zionist attack on Christianity in Jerusalem:
- In 1947 Christian Population of Palestine was 350,000. In 1948 the Israelis grabbed 80%
of Palestine and expelled 800,000 Muslim and Christian Arabs. In 1969 the Christian
population of Israel was less than 45,000.
- Convent of St. George of the Greek Orthodox- occupied 14 May 1948; struck on 18 May by
a mortar shell Hospice "Notre Dame de France" of the Assumptionist Fathers- occupied 15 May 1948; used as a main base to attack Jerusalem. Large part of it was destroyed by the occupation.
- Convent of Reparatrice Sisters- occupied 15 May 1948; used in the attack on French
Hospital- occupied 15 May 1948 in defiance of the International Red Cross and French
flags flying over it.
-Italian Hospital- occupied 15 May 1948 despite its being under the protection of the Red
Cross; used to shell Jerusalem.
- Seminary of Ste. Anne was bombed on 17 & 19 May 1948 suffering heavy damage and
many of the refugees within were wounded.
- Church of St. Constantin and Helena- struck by a bomb on 17 May 1948 the fragments of
which damaged the Church of the Holy Sepulcher next-door.
-The Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate was hit with about one hundred mortar bombs
launched by the Zionists from the monastery of the Benedictine Fathers on Mount Sion.
These bombs also damaged St. Jacob's Convent, the Archangels Convent and their
churches, their two Elementary and Seminary schools along with their libraries. 8 killed and
120 wounded
-The Apostolic Delegation (protected by the Holy See)- occupied 18 May 1948.
Monastery of the German Benedictine Fathers (Dormition)- occupied 18 May
1948; used as one of the main bases for the attack on Jerusalem.
-The English School at Mount Sion- occupied 18 May 1948.
-Convent of St. John (Greek Orthodox)- occupied 18 May 1948; struck by a mortar shell on
23 May 1948
- St. Abraham convent struck by mortar fire on 23 May 1948
- St. Spiridon convent struck by mortar fire on 23 May 1948
- Convent of the Archangel (belonging to the Coptic Patriarchate) forming part of the Holy
- Sepulcher struck by a mortar shell on 23 May 1948
- The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate hit by mortar shells on 23 & 24 May 1948 wounding
many refugees
- Franciscan Convent (St. Saviour) near the Holy Sepulcher hit by mortar shells on 19, 23,
24, & 28 May 1948- orphanage damaged; general secretariat damaged; many nearby
houses destroyed; many sheltering children killed and wounded
-Latin Patriarche hit by mortar shelling on 23, 26, 27 & 28 May 1948 damaging the
Patriarchal Palace, especially the Cathedral
- Greek Catholic Patriarchate struck by mortar shells on 16 & 29 May 1948 damaging the
building and wounding several people
- Church of St. Mark (Syrian Orthodox)- struck by mortar shell killing the monk Peter Saymy,
secretary to the bishop, and wounding two others.
-Zionists fired on Jerusalem from the Hebrew University, Hadassah Hospital and from two
synagogues located in the Old City.
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..... |
Let say all the reports are true, how much better the palestinian authority treats the christians?
On taking control over Bethlehem in December 1995, the Palestinian Authority changed the rules for Christians. The Church of the Nativity and other sites of central importance to Christianity came under Palestinian Authority control, giving Yasser Arafat leverage over the heads of the Christian communities. Since then, the local Christian leadership has toed the line of the Palestinian Authority.
The Latin patriarch, Greek Archbishop, Anglican bishop and Lutheran bishop are all Palestinian Arabs. They have become effective propaganda mouthpieces throughout the Christian world.
An example of Arafat's attitude toward the Christians was his decision to unilaterally turn the Greek Orthodox monastery near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into his domicile during his periodic visits to the city. This was done without prior consent of the church.
Treatment of Christians by the Palestinian Authority On the social and religious level, the Christians remaining in Palestinian Authority controlled areas are subjected to relentless persecution. Christian cemeteries have been destroyed, monasteries have had their telephone lines cut, and there have been break-ins to convents. Nuns are afraid to report such incidents.
In August 1997, Palestinian policemen in Beit Sahur opened fire on a crowd of Christian Arabs, wounding six. The Palestinian Authority is attempting to cover up the incident and has warned against publicizing the story. The local commander of the Palestinian police instructed journalists not to report on the incident.
Palestinian security forces have targeted and intimidated Christian leaders and Palestinian converts to Christianity. Recent incidents of persecution of include the following:
In late June 1997, a Palestinian convert to Christianity in the northern West Bank was arrested by agents of the Palestinian Authority's Preventive Security Service. He had been regularly attending church and prayer meetings and was distributing Bibles. The Palestinian Authority ordered his arrest. He is still being held in a Palestinian prison and has been subjected to physical torture and interrogations. The pastor of a church in Ramallah was recently warned by Palestinian Authority security agents that they were monitoring his evangelistic activities in the area and wanted him to come in for questioning for spreading Christianity. A Palestinian convert to Christianity living in a village near Nablus was recently arrested by the Palestinian police. A Muslim preacher was brought in by the police, and he attempted to convince the convert to return to Islam. When the convert refused, he was brought before a Palestinian court and sentenced to prison for insulting the religious leader. He is currently being held in a prison cell with more than 30 people, most serving life sentences for murder. A Palestinian convert to Christianity in Ramallah was recently visited by Palestinian policemen at his home and warned that if he continued to preach Christianity, he would be arrested and charged with being an Israeli spy.
As a result of unceasing persecution, the Christians are forced to behave like any oppressed minority which aims to survive. Christians in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas have taken to praying in secret. The wisdom of survival compels them to assess the "balance of fear", according to which they have nothing to fear from Israel but face an existential threat from the Palestinian Authority and their Muslim neighbors. They act accordingly: they seek to "find favor" through unending praise and adulation for the Muslim ruler together with public denunciations of the "Zionist entity."
Emigration of Christians from Palestinian Authority territory In the last census conducted by the British mandatory authorities in 1947, there were 28,000 Christians in Jerusalem. The census conducted by Israel in 1967 (after the Six Day War) showed just 11,000 Christians remaining in the city. This means that some 17,000 Christians (or 61%) left during the days of King Hussein's rule over Jerusalem. Their place was filled by Muslim Arabs from Hebron.
During the British mandate period, Bethlehem had a Christian majority of 80%. Today, under Palestinian rule, it has a Muslim majority of 80%.
Few Christians remain in the Palestinian-controlled parts of the West Bank. Those who can - emigrate, and there will soon be virtually no Christians in the Palestinian Authority controlled areas. The Palestinian Authority is trying to conceal the fact of massive Christian emigration from areas under its control. |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-3-2006 08:31 PM
Let say all the reports are true, how much better the palestinian authority treats the christians?
http://www.science.co.il/Arab-Israeli-conflict/Articles/Imra-1997-10-30. ...
let say?:stp::stp::stp:
How about below?
First Crusade
Full article: First Crusade
After Byzantine emperor Alexius I called for help with defending his empire against the Seljuk Turks, in 1095 at the Council of Clermont Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to join a war against the Turks, a war which would count as full penance. Crusader armies marched to Jerusalem, sacking several cities on their way. In 1099, they took Jerusalem and massacred the population. As a result of the First Crusade, several small Crusader states were created, notably the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Following this crusade there was a second, unsuccessful wave of crusaders, the Crusade of 1101. |
Don't u feel weird....It was Muslim who's the one protecting Christian and Holy land coz it's also Islam holy land,they fight with their life,even the children have guts to fight the zionist soldier!The Christians over there give full support for the muslim's to fight the zionist israel,before the zionist came...Christian,Judaism and Islam follower can freely go there to pray or visit anytime they want without sanction...Now u can't even bring a camera inside there, did u watch "Majalah 3" on december last year??they go to Palestine to cover all the holy places of 3 religion,look how harsh the israel soldier treat non-jews or Goyim in their term which simmilar to dogs or monkey according to their rabbi's!They divide the people over there by building walls(like Berlin wall),the children have to walk farther to school,many children becomes orphan bcoz of the zionist!no wonder the children over there have guts to fight the invader even with a stones to fight the zionist tank.....
go to my "christianity is dying in it's own land" thread on the 1st page there's an article i included there!
So if u love your christian brother n sister in the Holy land of Prophet Isa a.s (peace an blessing upon him) stop supporting the zionist, all those christian zionist have no right and not suit at all to called themeself follower of Prophet Isa a.s (pbuh)....
Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..... |
With the on going suicide bombing by the palestinian militants, who can blame the israeli? Hamas supported by some arab country, iran for example constantly declared the destruction of israel. Who is to blame? And obviously you take the article from pro-arab/islamic website. Fact is, number of christians in Israeli are increasing but declining in the PA controlled area. |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 15-3-2006 09:44 AM
With the on going suicide bombing by the palestinian militants, who can blame the israeli? Hamas supported by some arab country, iran for example constantly declared the destruc ...
with all bombing done by the israel on palestinians civilian , who can blame the Hamas ?
![](http://www.ciai-s.net/palestinian-children_israeli-attack.jpg) |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 14-3-2006 08:31 PM
Let say all the reports are true, how much better the palestinian authority treats the christians?
http://www.science.co.il/Arab-Israeli-conflict/Articles/Imra-1997-10-30. ...
Aha! now we know who the real enmies of Christians are. |
Most of the bombing (strategic attack to be precise) by the israeli are targeted at suspected militants. I'm not denying some palestinian civilians died because of the attack, but the palestinian militants are purposely targeting innocent israeli civilians. School bus, cafe, restaurant . |
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