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Author: raeshad

Suicide? - what do you think?

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Post time 23-5-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 19-5-2006 01:15 AM that should tell u something about the mindset of those who has suicidal intents rite???...cos people who are in their "right minds" dont behave this way...not like this.. ...

suicidal thoughts ...  i tell you is not so simple... it appears in mind when people think there is no way to solve their problems... not one problem but many problems... no help ... when they feel nothing, helplessness, hopelessness.. and these negative thinkings are existed in their mind perhaps two years or maybe within two weeks... suicidal thoughts can be considered as not as serious compared to plan and action. Normally, those people who experience clinical depression may not well function... we can see through their eyes... body language.. etc... u can tell them from their movement...

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Post time 23-5-2006 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 19-5-2006 08:08 PM
Natalie wrote:
membunuh diri adalah tindakan si pengecut

Not really.It takes a lot of guts to do it.To endure the pain and shock in the final moments,methinks

Take me for example,with so man ...

You are not... not coward... but your mind is well function still...

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Post time 23-5-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nuha at 23-5-2006 11:35 AM

You are not... not coward... but your mind is well function still...

hehe thanks..

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ai_ai_ai This user has been deleted
Post time 31-8-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
hanya orang yang tak kuat pendirian sajer yg sanggup nak bunuh diri...
buat apa nak menyiksa diri suicide,.... ingat tak sakit ker... :geram:

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 31-8-2006 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Berdosa beb suicide ni....Tuhan kasi kita akal supaya berfikir.Tiap ade masalah pasti ade jalan selesai, cuma susah senang jer jalan tu... lagipon each things have their own hikmah,arini kita susah maybe esok lusa kita sangat senang berbanding org lain....who knows.. skali mati, tak bley idop balik beb!

Kalau ade yg nak bunuh diri sebab tanggapan org lain terhadap diri kau, nonsense giler! Lantaklaa org kata kite gemok ke, buruk ke, pendek ke, tak cun ke, ejek kite mcm2 ke....pergi mampos sama org2 yg tak berakal tu....even klau putus chenta skalipon, jgnlaa sedey2 smpai nak bunuh diri, byk lagi cara nak bls kesedihan tu....kalau boipren kau tinggalkan kau, ape susah kita carik bf lain....jumpe jer ex BF kau tu, eksyen2 depan die BF baru ko tu....lagi daring posing lagi masyuk n sakitkn hati die....

Just ingat one thing, kita manusia ade akal, kita boley berfikir...cuma kdg2 keadaan yg menyebabkn kita tertekan...So, take deep breath, jalan2 release tension ke ape....jgn layankan kepala dgn masalah tu....agak2 bile keadaan da tenang baru think back how to solve the problems....takde benda yg tak boley setel beb... Anyway anyhow, klau kita manusia tak dpt selesaikan masalah kita, Tuhan dapat tolong, solat n doa jelaa...

[ Last edited by  encik_hyper at 31-8-2006 05:27 PM ]

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Post time 31-8-2006 08:45 PM | Show all posts
aku x nafikan..kat luar tue..ramai terfikir nak bunuh diri..sebab putus cintala....mak x sayang dia la....laki kawin la...x mampu nak bayar utangla...depress boleh menyebabkan seseorang ilang kawalan..dan x mampu nak selesaikan masalah..menganggap tiada jawapan utk masalah yg dihadapi...itu yg bunuh diri

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Post time 3-9-2006 12:52 AM | Show all posts
Me still berpegang teguh pd agama yg me dpt sejak kecik..Other than thought of suicide,me oso have thought of going away...period!X balik2 M'sia lah mana2 outside the country...wherever..vanished!permanently!

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Post time 3-9-2006 12:54 AM | Show all posts
patutnya org yg dah tak takut mati nie... tak perlu takut apa - apa masalah hidup dah....

sebab masalah hidup yg paling besar adalah menjurus kepada consequences mati...


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Post time 3-9-2006 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Pokok pangkal hati dan otak... Org selalu kata nak buat apa2 pikir ngan otak, kalo otak dah programme masuk mende camni, x cari ke ubatnya... Bila otak dah x function, hati dan jiwa kene kuat...

Masalahnya kalo nak kata bab suicide ni, pikir balik kenapa kita leh terpikir dan terasa nak suicide? Frankly speaking i dunno and dun feel how this people even can think of suicide, kita dilahirkan atas dunia jadi manusia ni mesti ada matlamat dan tujuannya, kalau hati dan jiwa kosong, isikan ngan apa yg afdal, kalo otak cenderung nak bunuh diri, balik ke basic, sapa kita dan kenapa Allah kata kita ni khalifah di muka bumi ni... I'm not dat pious, but alhamdulillah minta dijauhkan pemikiran ke arah ni....

Kalau nak pikir masalah kita plg teruk, ingat lah ada org lagi teruk dari kita, nak hidup pun susah, tp kita diber akal dan rezeki untuk hidup kat bumi Allah ni, fikirkanlah.....

Mati mmg senang, nak teruskan idup ni yg payah...... Kalo ikutkan baran wa dedulu kalo ada org ugut ngan wa nak suicide, wa akan kata go ahead, good riddance, sendiri punya nyawa pon nak menyusahkan org

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Post time 5-9-2006 12:34 PM | Show all posts
suicide?? yup.. at one point of time in my life, it did cross my mind. no one think alike even for twins, that's why we have different opinions dan tak semua orang berfikiran positive ataupun lucky enough to realise that suicide is a terrible thing to do to yourself and the people around you who love and cares for you.

Dulu diva macam Yipun gak, selalu  terfikir macam mana orang boleh bunuh diri, bila terkena kat diri sendiri baru tau betapa seksa bebannyer depression tu. Boleh terbakor otak tu. Bunuh diri ni always a result from depression. Depression is some kind of disease, tapi orang kita selalu kalau sakit ni diorang measure dengan physical pain tapi kekadang tu yang sakit tu sebenarnya bukan badan kita tapi jiwa kita yang sakit.

Kita memang dikurniakan akal tapi bukan semua orang ada self control and determination. Lebih kurang macam imune system kita la.. some people prone to sickness and some people always healthy. Our minds is like that too. Don't judge people just because they're not thinking the way you do. You have to be in their shoes to really understand how they feel.

Orang kalau dah depress memang tak leh berfikir secara rational dan kat sini la bantuan dari ahli keluarga ataupun kengkawan sesangat diperlukan. Lucky for me, It's only a very mild depression. Malam tak boleh tidur.. selalu kalau satu malam tak boleh tidur pun otak dah weng inikan pulak kalau tetiap malam tak leh tido. Macam-macam benda bermain difikiran, betapa diva tak suka environment kerja, dengan orangnyer.. dan kesimpulannya I HATE THE WHOLE WORLD!!. Dalam masa 1 minggu, berat badan turun hampir 5 kilo.. time tu memang tak yah pegi slimming center pung.. hehehe.. muka cengkung, mata dah macam mata panda, lepas tu selalu rasa seram-seram sejuk dan selalu rasa nak pitam. Nasib baik, best friend diva balik awal dari bercuti. Terkejut badak minah tu bila tengok keadaan diva time tu, dia cakap macam dia cuti berbulan-bulan.. Dalam masa seminggu lebih, I've transformed so much and it's very drastic and alarming. Dia lah yang sentiasa memastikan diva makan lepas tu temankan time diva time tidur and make sure that I'm not alone, time kejer pun dia slalu call.. dia tanak diva duduk sorang-sorang termenung sbb nanti akan pikir benda yang bukan-bukan.

I did went to see a doctor and she didn't want to give me any pills for depression since it's a bit on heavy drugs tapi dia kasi sleeping pills and gradually I started to recover. Itu yang kita nampak.. tapi ada jenis depression yang kita tak nampak.. kita tak sedar yang orang yg kita nampak selalunya ceria dan gembira tapi sebenarnya jiwa dia yang sakit. Itu yang bahaya tuh. There are always solutions to problems other than suicide but sometimes in your state of mind you cannot see it. Macam rumah yang black out pas tu tak der lilin lak tu. Gelap gelita tak nampak mender pun. Macam tu ler and they needed someone to give them a bit of light.

Sekarang kalau diva nampak kalau ada member-member yang macam sedih ker, tensen ker, cepat-cepat diva bawak diorang kuar lepak lepas tu tanya apa masalah diorang. Diva tanak diorang melalui apa yg penah diva lalui. Sekarang ni alhamdulillah, diva dah tak der pikir benda-benda macam tu lagi.. Hidup mesti Enjoy!!! (tapi jgn lak buat benda tak senonoh)

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Post time 13-9-2006 08:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by vixen at 19-5-2006 08:08 PM
Natalie wrote:
membunuh diri adalah tindakan si pengecut

Not really.It takes a lot of guts to do it.To endure the pain and shock in the final moments,methinks

Take me for example,with so many insurmountable problems in my life,I would end my life right now if I had the strength and courage to do it.

I consider myself a coward because I do not dare kill myself..hehe...

Hey, Vixen dats a good thing!..ur so much like me :nerd:

Yes2 all this while W telah mengalami mcm2 masalah sebab W ni seorng yg penakut..antara problem penakut ni, org sekeliling akan DISRESPECT u!..pandang HINA!!...slalu kena BULI!!..:puke:

But FINALLY, that 1 good thing that came out of being a coward is not having the courage 2 KILL MYSELF..uhuhhhuhkkss..Dats not a good thing ITS A GREAT THING!!!....

OK2...W ade 3 benda nak komen/tanye/kongsi tentang SUICIDE ni..


We put it this way..Kata la..skarang U ade 2 pilihan,..1 bunuh diri..lagi 1 jgn bunuh diri/tanggung BEBAN masalah etc..
So org yg nak bunuh diri ni pilih nak bunuh diri la...Korang bleh bayang kan tak..Die pilih nak bunuh diri!!..bukan yg lagi satu tu..Haa...kalu u pakai kasut die mungkin utk satu hari pun mungkin u pun nak BUNUH DIRI terus la..takyah nak PK dah..Ofcourse...kite hanye dpt bayang kan..itu pkara lain..being in their a completely different thing..

Kata la, yg nak bunuh diri tu pulak nak tukar life dgn u..U nak tak tanggung BEBAN die?..4 the rest of ur life??..W tak nak..never in a million years...lain la kalu die tu sorang millionair!..hahahhahahaks...teeett!


Mcm dlm article tadi tu budak tu tetap bunuh diri jugak walaupun die ade GF..HEBAT dlm STUDIES & SPORTS,family pun nampaknye SAYANG giler2 kat die...tapi die BUNUH DIRI..sebab die ingat kmaluan die tak ideal dari segi saiznye.Nape ek??...die kata Life die BORING n MEANINGless?...pd hal semua yg die ade tu ramai org yg nak!!.. mcm mana hidup bleh rase kosong tak kan sebab saiz kmaluan die sajer kot?

Ade jugak kes2 lain yg serupe mcm budak laki ni..semua ade..semua sayang kat die..die pun hebat2 belaka..kaya..ilimu agama pun tak kurang jugak..semuanye lebih dari cukup...tetapi mereka tetap bunuh diri?...Y3????....

3) W LEGA sebab Korang pun mcm W jugak!

Selama ni W ingat W sorang jer yg ade perasaan nak bunuh diri..rupe2 nye benda ni koman jugak la...tapi mungkin tahap nak bunuh diri tu ...lain2...Tapi memang W rase cm normal..Thanx guys sebab Bukak THREAD mcm ni memang patut pun..Especially tuk topik2 yg org tak suke citer face2 face....

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Post time 19-9-2006 09:47 PM | Show all posts
topic suicide ni is a taboo among the muslims but does not mean that we cannot discuss about it kan?? it's a good topic and can be a very good help to other people out there.

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Post time 20-9-2006 04:06 AM | Show all posts
x pernah trpk lgsg...dan rasenyer x akan memikirkan ttg bunuh diri nie..

cite psl suicide nie...last week br je ade sorang student kat sini yg cube bunuh'baik sempat diselamatkan...

bahaye betul...hmm...

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Post time 23-9-2006 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by divasweet_77 at 19-9-2006 09:47 PM
topic suicide ni is a taboo among the muslims but does not mean that we cannot discuss about it kan?? it's a good topic and can be a very good help to other people out there.

Ya..W pun stuju jugak...infact byk lagi topik2 yg taboo..So i guess in a helps quite a bit utk kite bincang bsame2 about topics like this..

Kalu tak pun sekurang-kurangnye dpt mluahkan perasaan,bkongsi maklumat & melepaskan tension..sesame member2 forum

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2006 06:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #49 yipun78's post

dah lama tak nengok poll nih........

interesting to see that the ppl who

1. never thought of it, and
2. always, but'll never do it becoz of religion

has only one vote in difference?

that means that without religion, there'll be more ppl out there that'll kill themselves?

what happens to the atheist? the agnostics? or the one just plain ignorant as to not having even one?

is RELIGION a REASON we'll not attempt suicide, or is it something that can AVOID ppl from comitting one [like a propylactic]?

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Post time 9-10-2006 03:31 AM | Show all posts
dlm al quran ada sebut...Allah turunkan dugaan setimpal dengan kekuatan kita...Allah tahu kita akan mampu hadapi ujian yg dia bagi...

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Post time 9-12-2006 02:16 PM | Show all posts
aku xnk ckp bab agama (sbb nie bkn bod tersebut)...

tp, aku rase sesaper yg nk commit suicide patut dibenarkan kalau die fulfill semua conditions neh:-

die x nyusahkan org laen...maksudnye dier mmg dah xde famili/kawan2, xde keje kalu x akan nyusahkan co dier nk carik replacement, die carik care yg x nyusahkan pihak2 berwajib ie. polis ke doktor ke bomba ke ambulan ke yg tpakse wat post mortem mayat dier, bwk g spital, g tanam die...pandai2la pikir slain gantung kt shiling ke (org jumpe kang dah nyusahkan org tu), terjun sg/masuk dlm laut ker (kang kalu timbul dah nyusahkan org yg jumpe mayat tu, pastu nyusahkan doktor blalalala) pikir cmne care nk bunuh diri TAPI xkan nyusahkan sorg pon manusia dlm dunia nie..

kalu dier ade bnyk utang dan tu sbb dier nk commit suicide, make sure dgn kematian dier tu org laen xkn kene tanggung plak utang dier...nie utang ngan along, dier commit suicide, dah famili dier kene tanggung org cmne x spatutnyer commit suicide...

katekan dier nk commit suicide sbb putus cinta...make sure dier x nyusahkan org laen esp. ex kapel dier tuh...nie time nk commit suicide siap tinggal note "A tu sbenanye blalalalal...."..

ingat! aku ckp nie bkn dr religions perspective..

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Post time 11-12-2006 04:56 PM | Show all posts
hmmm begitu rasional....

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Post time 11-12-2006 07:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 BeyondSight's post

rasional jer? ko stuju ke x ngan pendapat aku tuh?...:cak:

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Post time 15-12-2006 01:59 AM | Show all posts
voted oredy......

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