揑a mempunyai lengan tangan yang panjang dan tengkorak
kepala sebesar buah limau gedang (grapefruit). |
Beliau menyifatkan penemuan orang kerdil di Flores
amat mengejutkan kerana ketika itu tiada haiwan Asia
menyeberangi laut untuk ke pulau itu di timur
Indonesia manakala orang kerdil itu pula dipercayai
tidak mempunyai cukup kemampuan untuk membina rakit.
Apa yang menguatkan lagi teori kewujudan sepupu
manusia ini adalah hakikat ia berkait rapat dengan
cerita legenda masyarakat tempatan mengenai kehadiran
orang kerdil atau kenit yang digelar Ebu Gogo.
Penduduk memberikan butiran fizikal Ebu Gogo yang
memiliki ketinggian satu meter, berbulu lebat dan
慴erbicara |
揗emang wujud pelbagai mitos mengenai orang kerdil
ini. Di Ireland misalnya terkenal dengan orang
慙eprechauns |
Ancient Egypt 'respected dwarfs'
The ancient Egyptians respected dwarfs, and did not see them as having a physical handicap, according to a study by US researchers.
A team from Georgetown University Hospital looked at biological remains and artistic evidence of dwarfism in ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egyptians worshipped dwarf gods, and many dwarfs held positions of authority in households.
The research was published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics.
Wisdom writings and moral teachings in ancient Egypt commanded respect for dwarfs and other individuals with disabilities
Dr Chahira Kozma, Georgetown University
In modern times, doctors have identified over 100 medical conditions that cause short stature.
The most common cause is achondroplasia which causes severe shortening of the limbs. It affects one in 25,000 births per year.
Around 75% of individuals with a restricted growth condition are born to parents of average size.
Lavish burials
The US researchers looked at ancient Egypt because the hot, dry climate and elaborate burial systems practised then have meant many human remains are still intact, including complete and partial skeletons.
They looked at dwarfs who achieved "elite" status in society, and ordinary dwarfs.
The researchers found that the earliest biological evidence of dwarfs dates back to a Predynastic Period called the "Badarian Period" (4500 BC) in addition to several skeletons from the Old Kingdom (2700 - 2190 BC).
They found numerous images of dwarfism on tomb walls and on vase paintings, statues and other art forms.
Dwarfs were depicted in at least 50 tombs, and the repetition of certain pictures shows that they were well integrated into society, the researchers said.
The pictures showed dwarfs were employed as personal attendants, overseers of linen, people who looked after animals, jewellers, dancers and entertainers.
Several were members of households of high officials and were esteemed enough to receive lavish burial sites in the royal cemetery close to the pyramids.
There were also two dwarf gods in ancient Egypt; Bes and Ptah.
Bes was a protector of sexuality, childbirth, women and children. His temple was recently excavated in the Baharia oasis in the middle of Egypt.
Ptah was associated with regeneration and rejuvenation.
"The burial sites and artistic sources provide glimpses of the positions in daily life in ancient Egypt," wrote Dr Chahira Kozma, of the department of paediatrics at Georgetown University.
"Dwarfs were accepted in ancient Egypt; their recorded daily activities suggest assimilation into daily life, and their disorder was never shown as a physical handicap." |
Dwarfs in ancient Egypt
Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington,
District of Columbia.
Ancient Egypt was one of the most advanced and productive
civilizations in antiquity, spanning 3000 years before the "Christian"
era. Ancient Egyptians built colossal temples and magnificent tombs to
honor their gods and religious leaders. Their hieroglyphic language,
system of organization, and recording of events give contemporary
researchers insights into their daily activities. Based on the record
left by their art, the ancient Egyptians documented the presence of
dwarfs in almost every facet of life.
Due to the hot dry climate and
natural and artificial mummification, Egypt is a major source of
information on achondroplasia in the old world. The remains of dwarfs
are abundant and include complete and partial skeletons. Dwarfs were
employed as personal attendants, animal tenders, jewelers, and
entertainers. Several high-ranking dwarfs especially from the Old
Kingdom (2700-2190 BCE) achieved important status and had lavish
burial places close to the pyramids. Their costly tombs in the royal
cemeteries and the inscriptions on their statutes indicate their
high-ranking position in Egyptian society and their close relation to
the king.
Some of them were Seneb, Pereniankh, Khnumhotpe, and Djeder.
There were at least two dwarf gods, Ptah and Bes. The god Ptah was
associated with regeneration and rejuvenation. The god Bes was a
protector of sexuality, childbirth, women, and children. He was a
favored deity particularly during the Greco-Roman period. His temple
was recently excavated in the Baharia oasis in the middle of Egypt.
The burial sites and artistic sources provide glimpses of the
positions of dwarfs in daily life in ancient Egypt. Dwarfs were
accepted in ancient Egypt; their recorded daily activities suggest
assimilation into daily life, and their disorder was not shown as a
physical handicap. Wisdom writings and moral teachings in ancient
Egypt commanded respect for dwarfs and other individuals with
disabilities. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Dwarf jewelers are depicted on the Tomb of Mereruka in Saqqara, Egypt
In several tombs from Old Kingdom, group of male dwarfs are shown making necklaces. In a superb scene from the tomb of Mereruka, dwarfs were depicted making jewelry among other average-size workers (Fig. above). The tomb of Mereruka is the largest in Saqqara and document many aspects of life in ancient Egypt. Mereruka was a vizier or a minister to king Teti, and he was also married to his daughter. The scene of dwarfs from the tomb of Mereruka is divided into three parts. In the upper third, a variety of events are taking places by sculptors, vase makers, carpenters, and metal workers. In the middle third, there are complete masterpieces of jewelry. In the lowest registry, similar articles are being completed. Two average height workers hold up a completed collar with falcon-headed terminals and an outermost row of pendants. Next to them are two dwarf workers, displaying a choker, which is supported by a high table. Beyond them two more dwarfs sit putting the finishing touches to a keyhole-shaped pectoral.
Djeho is depicted on a carving displayed in the Cairo Museum in Egypt
The profile figure of the dwarf Djeho depicts the owner at life-size measuring 120 cm. His naked figure is carved on the lid of his sarcophagus, which is made out of granite and is of superb workmanship. It is on display at Cairo Museum, Egypt. The sarcophagus dates to the late period during the time of King Nectanebo II. The figure shows an accurate depiction of the features of achondroplasia. The dwarf Djeho has a prominent forehead, depressed nasal bridge, and an enlarged anterior-posterior diameter of his skull. His hands are short and reach to the hips and both upper and lower limbs reveal proximal shortening. The back shows some degree of kyphosis, the abdomen is protruded, and he has male genitalia. Hieroglyphic inscriptions on the lid indicate that he belonged to the household of a high official. |
kat m`sia pun penah ader citer org kenit...budak2 skolah penah jumpa tp lah tu x ade phone camera...so x dpt nak ambik gmbr lee....la ni kalu jumpa lg..senang sket nak tgkp foto....yg pasti ...di bumi Allah tiada yg mustahil....cuma hanya segelintir manusia bpeluang utk terjumpa perkara2 ajaib ni. |
bapak aku pun bersungguh sungguh bagi tau aku yg dia kata dia pernah jumpa org kenit kat busut kat skolah dia dulu (kat muar)... tapi... hmmm... kalau aku kata dia tipu, nanti dia blasah aku lak... hehe... |
sangat menarik... orang kenit yang memang kaum dia kenit aku tatau lah ada ke takde tapi manusia kerdil memang wujud la... |
aku teringat kat sekolah aku dulu, (sekolah kebangsaan seri biram, pekan pahang)...
member aku kata ramai dah tengok ada orang kenit lalu kat belakang sekolah tu... lepas tu ada satu busut kat belakang blok darjah 5 ni, ada lubang, diorang kata orang kenit ni punya perkampungan kene masuk ikut lubang tu...
masa tu aku pikir, lubang tu kira macam pintu dunia orang kenit masuk dunia kita... masa tu laa.. puas aku jenguk2 kawasan situ nak gak aku tengok orang kenit tu...
member2 aku kata orang kenit tu kecik jer... budak darjah 1 pon lagi besar dari orang kenit ni... masa tu aku percaya dan teruja sangat nak jumpa orang kenit ni...
member aku kata orang kenit ni nak buah tin, sebab kat sekolah aku ni dulu ada pokok tin...
ps: mende ni berbelas2 tahun lepas la... |
Reply #50 nu_Ouija_Board's post
aku harap sangat dwarf ni macam dwarf citer snow white... germany punya dwarf... nampak cam best jerrr
- Doc, Based on historical dwarf records, Doc is considered the leader of the seven dwarfs, and is presumably the oldest. He wears glasses and often mixes up his words. His job in the Dwarfs' Mine is to check the authenticity of the many gems.
- Grumpy, Grumpy is grumpy as his name suggests. He has the biggest nose of the seven and he automatically disapproves of Snow White for the mere fact that she is a woman. However, though initially too proud to show it, deep down he cares perhaps the most for her safety. He repeatedly warns her of the Queen and rushes to her aid upon hearing she is in danger.
- Happy, Happy is the joyous dwarf. He is the fattest of the seven and is always laughing.
- Sneezy, Sneezy sneezes almost all the time. He has the shortest beard of the seven (besides the beardless Dopey). The cause of his sneezes is an allergy to flowers.
- Bashful, Bashful is the shyest of the dwarfs. Whenever he begins to feel shy, his entire face turns bright red. He frequently annoys Grumpy.
- Sleepy, Sleepy is always tired with heavy eyelids. His job at the mine is to haul all the diamonds and rubies by cart to Doc for inspection. He also has the longest beard of the seven. Usually he's pestered by a fly.
- Dopey, Dopey is the only dwarf to have no beard at all. He is a mute, or at least the dwarfs don't know if he can talk since "he ain't never tried before". His job at the mine is to clean up all the unusable jewels and lock up the vault. He is always seen last in line whenever the dwarfs walk to and from work. Although he is scared at times, he can also be very brave especially when Snow White is in danger
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wa...takutnye............kalu la aku jumpe pengsan la aku...ishk2 |
huhu..muka diorg nmpk ganas2 la takut tgk..![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
aku baca BNerita Minggu ari tuh...
Ebu Gorgu, orang kenit kat Pulau Flores , Indonesia... ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
ahlan ya habayibbul ahla..tanda salam pembuka,
keluarga sanak saudara
moga berbahagia |
![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) Originally posted by nu_Ouija_Board at 12-4-2007 10:54 AM
aku harap sangat dwarf ni macam dwarf citer snow white... germany punya dwarf... nampak cam best jerrr
Doc, Based on historical dwarf records, Doc is considered the leader of the seven dwarf ...
tak payah berangan!!!!![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
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