Originally posted by rzm at 27-6-2006 05:06 PM
nk tny lagi pasal termometer ni..emm bape lama nk sukat suhu badan ek?ke ada alert mcm beep yg menyatakan dah cukup masa utk sukat suhu.....
Mcm contoh termometer yg koci paste kat atas ni samalah...dia akan stop dan bunyi beep setelah beberapa second dan mendapat bacaan, n thermometer ni pun ada memory so kalau masa ambik suhu tu malas nak bukak lampu tengok temperature berapa dah bangun tido nnt boleh recall balik memory untuk tengok suhu yg kita ambik... senang  |
mrskojek This user has been deleted
hai seme...wahhhh dahh ada tajuk psl BBT nampaknyer yerr...bestt...
koci..bleh jadik cikgi pasni...:love: |
Originally posted by mrskojek at 27-6-2006 05:35 PM
hai seme...wahhhh dahh ada tajuk psl BBT nampaknyer yerr...bestt...
koci..bleh jadik cikgi pasni...:love:
mana der ada ramai lagi kawan2 lain yg teror kat sini ....termasuklah kojek...  |
sebelum nie ramai yg berjaya dengan IUI...kali nie kita lihat sapa yang akan berjaya dengan chart BBT nie.... |
zaara nak tanye lah.. ada perbezaan BBT tak kalau kita awal atau lewat dlm 15-30 min
dr masa yg kite tetapkan |
Originally posted by an4zaara at 28-6-2006 09:42 AM
zaara nak tanye lah.. ada perbezaan BBT tak kalau kita awal atau lewat dlm 15-30 min
dr masa yg kite tetapkan
Plus minus 30 minutes tak banyk effect the temperature tapi kalau terlewat pun takper ambik je then buat remarks kat graph tu "late" kadang2 nak buat mcm mana kan terlebih waktu atau terawal...
Lewat ~ suhu badan akan lebih tinggi
Awal ~ suhu badan lebih rendah |
Originally posted by an4zaara at 28-6-2006 09:42 AM
zaara nak tanye lah.. ada perbezaan BBT tak kalau kita awal atau lewat dlm 15-30 min
dr masa yg kite tetapkan
there will be an increase of 0.1 to 0.2. tak efect byk tapi sebaik2nya kalau u catat lewat dr biasa atau awal just catatkan masa. even dalam buku yg lin baca tu ada cakap kalau let say usually weekend u akan take the chance utk bgn lewat. let say u bangun usually 6.30 tapi weekend you bangun pukul 8 so every 1/2 hour extra time you tidur dia akan increase by 0.1/0.2. but don't worry it wont effect much. cuma at least u aka tahu kenapa the flow is different from other day.
another advise is kalau boleh add another column which u state what happen that particular day. contohyer you receive bad news, or u just too excited cause you receive a good news. klu once in a blue moon you gi jogging ker atau exercise or travel pun kalau boleh u catatkan. because our hormon relate closely dgn how we feel. that's why kalau that particular month u terlalu distress atau tension end up your period akan dtg a bit late. and sometime bila you terlalu happy your period will come early or right on the dot. |
Reply #46 koci's post
ooo.. betul ler apa koci ckp
lewat jd lebih tinggi
awal jd lebih rendah |
Reply #47 aylin's post
ok thanks lin...
baru ler paham sesgt..
bln ni zaara nak monitor BBT jer
tgk mana tau jd cam koci:pray::pray: |
Originally posted by an4zaara at 28-6-2006 10:30 AM
ok thanks lin...
baru ler paham sesgt..
bln ni zaara nak monitor BBT jer
tgk mana tau jd cam koci:pray::pray:
zaara that's good. Dgn BBT nie you understand your body more. Alang2 you dah buat BBT u boleh jugak belajar macam mana nak check mucus. Its very simple actually bila you perasan there is a dip in your T for the day cuba zaara check each time u gi toilet before you pee you cuba teran sikit and try wipe dgn tissue check wether ada clear mucus mcm putih telur mentah tu atau pun tak. then kalau u pakai jari lagi senang because if you are ovulating bila u letakkan kan mucus tu between fingers it can be stretch fr. 1-10 inch. Yg mucus discharge nie ada forumer dah berjaya gunakan teknik nie and alhamdulillah dah selamat pun bersalin.
Cara nak bezakan sama ada lendir/mucus/discharge yg keluar adalah sebab ur ovulating ataupun you teransang masa tu u cuba letakkan mucus tu between your fingers. klu cepat kering maknayer mucus tu you terangsang tapi kalau lambat maknayer you ovulating. Even in the books advise kalau nak lebih accurate its better u combine kan BBT, Mucus Discharge and Cervix Check sekali. Tapi lin suka combine kan BBT dgn mucus discharge jer. bukan apa pasal nak buat cervix check nie leceh and a bit complicated and nak explain without graphics kat sini susah utk u paham. Lagipun its good enough kalau u keep on charting and check mucus tu  |
lin..ari ni BBT kita drop from 36.9 to 36.7..
masih ada harapan lg ker??:stp: |
Originally posted by ajergiler at 28-6-2006 10:53 AM
lin..ari ni BBT kita drop from 36.9 to 36.7..
masih ada harapan lg ker??:stp:
ajer there still hope cause its normal dia akan fluctuate tapi maintain tinggi dari your normal T you akan perasan trend dia if you keep on charting. tapi make sure u jaga diri and jgn tension2. testlah ajer takut kalau betul you preggy tapi hormon tak cukup kuat. Kalau test negative its ok at least ajer tak tertanya2 so you can plan for the next cycle. tapi kalau u pregnant you dah kena jumpa doc pasal consider you ada bleeding. |
Originally posted by ajergiler at 28-6-2006 10:53 AM
lin..ari ni BBT kita drop from 36.9 to 36.7..
masih ada harapan lg ker??:stp:
InsyaAllah ajer...jgn fikir sangat heh...tapi kalau esok dia drop lagi ke 36.6C maybe chances rendah skit... |
Reply #52 aylin's post
thanks lin..insyaallah..klu stain dah xde ptg ni kita nak test..
thanks a lot..mmg risau gak ni..skrg ni tgh tenangkan fikiran..x nak tension2.. |
Wah rajinnya buat menda ni.. Liz tak sampai tahap buat tu lagi.. |
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 28-6-2006 11:20 AM
Wah rajinnya buat menda ni.. Liz tak sampai tahap buat tu lagi..
Hehehe biasa kene rajinkan diri...buat sebagai hobi... liz once u dah buat syok tau tengok graph tu  |
Koci.. kalai chart tu maybe liz boleh buat tapi yang mucus tu sumer belum niat nak tgk lagi.
ngeri |
betul kata koci tu liz.. I dah masuk graph ke 2 bulan, memang tak sabar rasa nak tau temp the next morning pasal mcm best je dpt tgk kat graph tu... buat la liz.. boleh save duit lagi tak payah beli P test.. kalau nampak dia turun tu tau le usaha kita tak berhasil bulan tu.. |
betul gak tu,, mmg balik ni nak beli thermometer tu..
cuma tak paham yg nie..
bila u tahu ur ovulation day is coming boleh intercourse sama ada sehari sebelum ovulation day (for baby girl) on the day of ovulation (for baby boy) atau setelah ovulated day (suhu spike, suhu tinggi)...
Jika baby boy mmg leh tau sbb dah ovulate based on chart.. tapi mcmana nak tau sehari sebelum ovulation? sedangkan kita kadang2 tak ovulate pun that mth.. |
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