Masjid Al Aqsa, Dome of Rock & Solomon's Temple
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polis pom sundiri nak sombahyang kat situ ka?kantoi
tapi awat yahudi ortodok nih nak roboh masjid?kato depa sokong palestin.
yahudi ortodok pon samo jah sebenaqnya:re: |
41# nanat87
errrr.... hang ni dah terbalik faham ka apa? Yahudi ortodok la yg beria2 nak bina haikal-3.
Ekceli majoriti malah mungkin semua yahudi ingin melihat temple-3 dibangunkan. Samada ortodok atau tidak, semuanya mempunyai satu impian yg sama... Membina house of G-d! Membina "1 holly nation on one holly state"
Kata migdal, org2 yahudi x suka dipanggil yahudi ortodox. Cuma mungkin ada 2 kumpulan... puak kanan, kiri
Yg kiri lebih agresif. Tu saje bezanya. Yg agresif ni lah yg kita nampak menindas org2 Islam palestine.
Mcm mana pun ada juga yahudi yg berbaik2 dgn muslim kat sana. Even ada juga yahudi yg x berapa nak terima yahudi yg lain. Ikut puak/suku juga. Lupa plak apa nama suku2 ni.
Namun, pd pandangan me, walau pun ada yahudi yg berbaik2 dgn muslim, namun jauh di sudut hati, mereka tetap mahukan tanah palestine dan mendirikan haikal-3. Tak mustahil sikap berbaik2 ini akan bertukar menjadi kejam bila keadaan
mendesak. (I just can't help this feeling. Sorry Migdal. ) Org Islam cuma perlu berhati2. Jgn kita mulakan dahulu. |
Kata mereka....
On our way to the Temple Mount, we demonstrated in front of the United States consulate in Jerusalem. We stood against the pressure that is growing from US President Barack Obama and His administration to divide the Land of Israel in order to establish an Arab terrorist state inside the sovereign Land of Israel. This land belongs to Israel alone. It was given by G‑d in an eternal covenant for His people Israel for a Holy purpose: so that they would be a Holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations (Exodus 19:5-6). We shouted out to President Obama just as we said we would: "Take your hands off the Land of the G‑d and the people of Israel and off Jerusalem!" We warned him of the dreadful consequences, as stated by the Prophet Joel (Joel 4:2).
We danced as we reached the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. There, we blew the silver trumpets and swore our faithfulness to Jerusalem. From there, we ascended to the Holy Temple Mount. As we stood there we felt the presence of the G‑d of Israel among us calling us to go to His people Israel and to all the world and to share with them His call to rebuild immediately His Holy Temple so that He may again dwell among His people Israel, in the midst of all mankind.
This exciting and historical event will never be forgotten in all of the history of Israel and all the world. It opened a new era for all of us. It was actually the first step towards the rebuilding of the Temple in our lifetime.
Everyone is called at this historical godly moment to actively join, come and stand together, and help the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement to complete her major and historic godly campaign to build the Temple of G‑d and to bring to pass all of G‑d's end time prophetic expectations and plans for Israel and the entire world. |
Salam n Ramadhan Mubarak to all muslims!
Sekadar nak paste info dr Palestinkini:
(Terkini) Penduduk haram Zionis ceroboh masuk Masjidil Aqsa
Written by admin from http:// on August 24th, 2009 | 0 Comments

Isnin, 24/08/2009 – Penduduk haram Yahudi pada hari Ahad telah menceroboh masuk ke dalam Masjidil Aqsa di Baitul Maqdis, dan menjalankan upacara keagamaan, lapor Yayasan Aqsa. Yayasan tersebut melaporkan dalam satu kenyataan, pihak Polis Israel telah melindungi dan pengawal penduduk haram tersebut yang sedang mengadakan upacara keagamaan berdasarkan kitab Talmud.
Kejadian sebegini tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini, kerana penganut Yahudi tidak dibenarkan memasuki Masjidil Aqsa sepanjang bulan Ramadhan. Yayasan Aqsa juga mendakwa, rejim Zionis semakin melampau dan menyeru kepada seluruh rakyat Palestin yang dijajah sejak 1948 supaya bangkit membebaskan masjid ketiga suci umat Islam itu.
sumber : http://www.imemc.org
penterjemah : mujaheed929
Terfikir jugak, kalau zaman Umar rhu dulu, sama2 boleh solat kat Al Aqsa. Nape masa tu x de pun timbul soal org Yahudi x leh masuk etc? Dan org Yahudi lak, nape masa tu elok je masuk x de plak kesah larangan dr kitab Talmud utk memasuki kws Temple Mount sebelum dibersihkan dgn darah sapi merah?  |
Terfikir jugak, kalau zaman Umar rhu dulu, sama2 boleh solat kat AlAqsa. Nape masa tu x de pun timbul soal org Yahudi x leh masuk etc? Danorg Yahudi lak, nape masa tu elok je masuk x de plak kesah larangan drkitab Talmud utk memasuki kws Temple Mount sebelum dibersihkan dgndarah sapi merah? 
HOTlips Post at 26-8-2009 11:56 
Maybe mase tuh takde konfrontasi antara orang Islam dan Yahudi.... |
46# rurouni_khairul
Dr segi konfrontasi, kita faham lah kenapa org islam x bg dah org2 yahudi sembahyang kat situ. Tp dr pihak yahudi plak, apa sebenarnya? Boleh masuk ke tak boleh? Some rabbis say x boleh selagi mereka x suci. Habis masa Saidina Umar kenapa x timbul pun soal suci tak suci ni. Ini yg ku hairan tu.
Apa2 pun me harapkan berlaku kedamaian namun berdasaarkan hadis, x dpt tidak peperangan dgn Yahudi pasti berlaku jua! |
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