kucing haku si gendut dah 15 thn...
dr aku ting. 2 sampai la nie.. huhuhu..
aku rasa klu org dah tahap nenek2 gitu...
sbb dah nyanyuk dah dia...
selamani dia sgt sopan santun.. huhuhu.. tak penah seumor idop berak lam umah.. klu nak teberak pintu umah tutup, dia ngiau2 pandang pintu.. suh bukakkan pintu..
skang nie dia leh relek je berak atas karpet.. bwh meja mkn..
tak ke heran aku???WeirdLady Post at 30/9/2009 15:14 
dia dah tua tu, weird.
dah tak larat atau tak sempat nak buang tempat yang sepatutnya.... hu hu hu.... |
dia dah tua tu, weird.
dah tak larat atau tak sempat nak buang tempat yang sepatutnya.... hu hu hu....
boocik04 Post at 5-10-2009 08:57 
tu la kan.. lg satu aku rasa dia rabun gak dah..
psl skang nie kerap masuk longkang.. memula aku igt dia kejor cik siti ke ape ker.. tebabas masuk longkang..
tp skang makin kerap lak masuk longkang.. habis itam legam ngan muka2nya sekali...... |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 7-10-2009 10:06
dipetik dari about.com
"The fact that cats develop and age so rapidly in a short time is both fascinating and sad to the people who love them. Kittens develop to the age of a 15 year old human child in just the first year of their lives. An adult cat in the prime of his life at 32 human years is only four years old. Shocking, isn't it?
The reality is that even relatively long-lived cats don't live as long as we'd like. On the plus side the relative age of cats can differ when factors such as heredity, diet, lifestyle, and veterinary care come into play. Although we can't do a lot about heredity, we can somewhat control the other factors.
1. How long does the average cat live?
This is a broad question depending on your definition of the "average cat." With optimal health and good genes, a well-nourished, well-exercised indoor-only cat will probably live longer than many indoor-outdoor cats. The latter will live a lot longer than strays and ferals. There are exceptions to every rule. Shannon, pictured here, lived to 19 years, despite having free access outdoors all his life."
kucing saya:-
2 ekor 5 tahun
3 ekor 3 tahun |
kucing aku dah 15 tahunn.. ari tu dia ada ketumbuhan kat perut..
last2 dia mati..sedih sangat2.....dah tua dah diaaa |
i nyer lak....
1 ekor 13 tahun(mmg cam org tua, keras kepala)
1 ekor 8 tahun(yg nie gendut sket)
1 ekor 2 tahun lelebeh la
1 ekor 3 tahun (yg nie mmg cam lanun....) |
kucing aku yg dlm kaki 3 kt avatar dekat 2 tahun (dah mati eksiden). mak dia manggis 8 thn. kakak dia kenek 4 tahun. anak bongsu manggis 3 bulan |
kucing2 shieda ada lbh kurang 12 eko...yg paling tua umur dlm 8 thn n yg paling muda dkt nak 2 thn gitu.....
yg tua tu x la nyanyuk ke apa cuma dah x aktif mcm dedulu lg.... |
nak tanya expert kucing disini..errr kucing umur brapa bleh bagi kawin?..
Umur kucing aku baru 4 bulan ..err agak-agak umur brapa mereka akan mula menggatal dan umur brapa yang sesuai bagi kawin?? |
ni geng babat tlebey suda kat umah tuh...
meekee - 5 tahon

acap - masok 3 tahon

:geram:.. |
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52# boocik04
bukan..eko si milo..ni pon spesis dah mula nak mendebab...howang howang mekak nak mengonyah... |
boocik ada sekor kucing tu, umur dah 19 tahun. dah arwah pun tapi masa dia idup tu mmg rabun, pekak, takde gigi la.... kesian tengok dia kadang2 tu. nak naik tangga pun menggigil2...
ada seklai tu ke ...
boocik04 Post at 4-12-2008 11:25 
omg..wow lamanye die hidup sampai 19 yrs. dah betul2 warga emas dah tu. I can only pray that my cats panjang umur lagi. Biar hidup as long as I live gak kalau boleh but of course lah umur kita tak sama. Plus kesian bila dah tua ni...sakit, takde gigi, uzur and perlu extra care. Mcm seksa lak dia nak hidup. Tapi kita doakan lah anak2bulus panjang umur dan sihat sentiasa. Itu jelah blh buat kan selain jaga & love them wholeheartedly.
The first cat yg I bela is now 11 yrs old. Anak die dah 10. Cucu die 2 ekor 9yrs & seekor 8yrs. Lagi seekor tak related also 9. Then the latest family baru this yr bela, maknye baru 1 yr plus while the kids are 11 months old.
The article yg boocik paste from about.com tu - baru I tau rupanya genetics also plays a role in the longevity of their lives. That would mean ada certain breeds that can live longer than others.
I often wonder...kucing2 yg dibuat baka kat petshop tu, how long do they live??? I hope tak lama cz kesian sgt as theyre only alive so that the owners boleh buat duit. Terkurung 24/7 as machine buat anak :cry: |
I often wonder...kucing2 yg dibuat baka kat petshop tu, how long do they live??? I hope tak lama cz kesian sgt as theyre only alive so that the owners boleh buat duit. Terkurung 24/7 as machine buat anak curlywiseone Post at 4/11/2009 12:20 
yes, curly... kesian kucing2 yang kat petshop tu.
kucing2 jenis camni kalau kat US diorang panggil kitten-mill...
sebab kucing2 tu dijadikan macam kilang produce anak2 kucing.
selalunya kucing2 yang jadi kitten-mill ni hidup tersiksa sebab tak terjaga.
taken from this website:
What is a Kitten Mill?
someone who breeds unregistered purebred cats who sells them as purebreds without papers.
someone who is looking for a quick buck.
someone who drastically undercuts the price of registered purebred cats.
someone who does not care who buys their kittens or for what purpose.
someone who lets kittens go at seven weeks or younger so that they do not have to spend any money on vaccinations (nor do they have to approach a vet and admit to what they are doing).
someone who does not offer a health guarantee, contract or even take the phone number of kitten buyers.
someone who will place their kittens for sale in pet stores.
someone who has no thought or care to good feline husbandry.
someone who has no thought or care to genetic good health or defects. |
siapa tau camne nak guess umur kucing kita? |
Bubuye : 1 tahun 5 bulan
Shiro : 5 bulan setengah
Nomel : 3 bulan
Roxy Ichimiko jr : 2 bulan
hehe..semua nie estimation je. sbb semua ni jumpe or org bg |
Reply 51# hatemetoday
ya allah demoknye...gebunye..and bechornye acap... |
yg paling senior, Chelsea, 15 tahun.. masih sihat.. tp sbb badan gumuk.. langkah larian terhad.. gigi semua dah takde.. ada gusi jek klu dia rasa nak menggigit..
Alhamdulillah.. takde masalah kesihatan yg lain kecuali.. bulu gugur skit.. sbb dia dah tua, malas nak bersihkan badan. setiap 3 tahun sekali kena vaksin..
yg lain2.. ada anak chelsea, Pache.. 13 tahun.. ada induk lain, Perang 13 tahun.. masih sihat & ada banyak gigi lagi.. & Kabu.. 11 tahun..
semuanya betina... tak tau lah kenapa, kat rumah ni tak rasi la nak bela kucing jantan..
yg lain2 tu dtg & pergi.. stray cats, tak ketahuan berapa umurnya.. |
Tak tahu.. rasanya tak sampai 1thn lg.
Abg amik kat spca dlm thn ni jgk.. kecik lg dlm 3 4bln umur.
Pastu bln lps aku amik dr abg aku plak... tp muka mcm budak lg.. boleh tak?  |
Bubuye : 1 tahun 6 bulan
Shiro : 7 bulan
Nomel : 4 bulan
Roxy Ichimieko Jr : 3 bulan |
| |