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Author: cikgutuition

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 02:00 PM | Show all posts
NI buku terbaru saya.Baru siap bulan ini.

Kandungan buku

1 Pengenalan                                                              
1.1 Kenapa buku ini penting untuk anda?                           
1.2 Kepentingan perbualan bahasa Inggeris yang baik        
1.3 Kepentingan latihan perbualan                                       
1.4 Cara untuk memaksimumkan penggunaan buku ini        

Etiket dalam perbualan                                                  
2.1 Pengenalan                                                                    
2.2 Etiket yang perlu diamalkan dalam perbualan                    

Memahirkan diri dalam perbualan dengan kaedah permulaan perbualan   
3.1 Mendapatkan maklumat/Bertanya soalan                                                   
3.2Memberikan  nasihat                                                                                    
3.3Menawarkan pertolongan/bantuan                                                               
3.4Menolak sesuatu pelawaan/permintaan dengan baik                                       
3.5 Memperkenalkan diri dan menyapa orang lain
3.6 Selepas memperkenalkan diri sendiri
3.7 Sebelum berpisah

Kaedah permulaan perbualan dengan perbualan kosong
4.1 Pengenalan
4.2 SIAPAKAH yang berbual kosong?
4.3 APAKAH topik yang orang perbualkan dalam perbualan kosong?
4.4 DI MANAKAH orang berbual kosong?
4.5 BILAKAH orang berbual kosong?
4.6 KENAPAKAH orang berbual kosong?
4.7 Contoh-contoh permulaan perbualan dengan berbual kosong
4.7.1 Talking about the weather/Berbual tentang cuaca
4.7.2 Talking about current events/Bercakap tentang isu-isu semasa
4.7.3 At the office/Di pejabat
4.7.4 At a social event/Di majlis sosial
4.7.5 Out for a walk/Berjalan-jalan
4.7.6 Waiting/Menunggu

5 Grammar mudah untuk perbualan
5.1 Pengenalan
5.2 Apakah itu verb tenses?
5.3 Pendekatan buku ini
5.4 Kala Simple Present
5.5 Kala Present Progressive
5.6 Kala Simple Past
5.7 Kala Simple Past Progressive
5.8 Kala Future Time
5.9 Kala Future Progressive

Memperkenalkan diri dan kata aluan
6.1 Introducing yourself/Memperkenalkan diri
6.2 Saying hello and goodbye/Mengucapkan hello dan selamat tinggal
6.3 Goodbye/Selamat tinggal 64
6.4 Giving and requesting personal information/Memberikan dan meminta maklumat peribadi
6.5 Introducing others/Memperkenalkan orang lain
6.6 What is your name again?/Apakah nama awak sekali lagi?

7.1 Describing a friend/Menerangkan tentang seorang kawan
7.2 Don抰 forget to drop me a line!/Jangan lupa hubungi saya!
7.3 It抯 difficult to keep in touch/Susah untuk terus berhubung
7.4 A heart-to-heart chat/Perbualan dari hati ke hati
7.5 Happy birthday/Selamat hari lahir
7.6 Hanging out together/Melepak bersama

Makanan, makan-makan dan restoran
8.1 How do you want your beef?/Bagaimanakan awak mahukan daging lembu awak?
8.2 Ordering food/Memesan makanan
8.3 How often do you eat out?/Berapa kerapkah awak makan di luar?
8.4 We抣l be able to dine alfresco/Kita boleh makan di tempat terbuka
8.5 Light supper/Makan lewat malam
8.6 The dish is too hot!!!/Makanan ini terlalu pedas!!!
8.7 That抯 one of my favourites!!!/Benda itu ialah salah satu kegemaran saya!!!
8.8 What抯 today抯 special?/Apakah masakan istimewa hari ini?
8.9 Going to a restaurant/Pergi ke restoran
8.10 Let抯 go for dinner/Jom kita pergi makan malam

Masa lapang, percutian dan sukan
9.1 How was your weekend?/Bagaimanakah dengan hujung minggu anda?
9.2 Weeekend plans/Rancangan hujung minggu
9.3 Where do you usually go for your holidays?/Ke manakah awak selalu pergi semasa cuti?
9.4 Everything went like clockwork!!!/Semuanya berjalan lancar!!!
9.5 Travelling to Australia/Melancong ke Australia
9.6 I really miss home/Saya rindukan rumah saya
9.7 Family activities/Aktiviti-aktiviti keluarga
9.8 Picnic preparations/Persediaan untuk berkelah
9.9 Going to the game/Pergi menyaksikan perlawanan
9.10 How often do you go bowling?/Berapa kerapkah awak pergi main boling?
9.11 Camping/Berkemah

Pengangkutan, trafik dan mengembara
10.1 You just drove passed a red light!!!/Awak melanggar lampu merah!!!
10.2 Exceeding the speed limit/Melebihi had laju
10.3 Held up by the traffic/Terperangkap dalam kesesakan jalan raya
10.4 The car is low on fuel/Minyak kereta dah tinggal sedikit
10.5 Can you keep an eye on my bag?/Bolehkah awak tolong tengokkan beg saya?
10.6 My car broke down/Kereta saya rosak
10.7 The battery is dead/Bateri saya mati
10.8 The traffic was brought to a standstill/Trafik langsung tidak bergerak
10.9 The traffic was bumper to bumper/Trafik amat sesak
10.10 Checking in/Mendaftar masuk
10.11 Immigration/Imigresen
10.12 My luggage went astray!!!/Bagasi saya hilang!!!
10.13 Transportation to the KLIA/Pengangkutan ke KLIA

Bilik dan tempahan tiket
11.1 Getting a room for the night/Mendapatkan bilik untuk bermalam
11.2 Welcome/Selamat datang
11.3 Reserving a room/Menempah bilik
11.4 Travel arrangement/Aturan perjalanan
11.5 Hotel check-in/Mendaftar masuk hotel

12.1 The weather is very hot!/Panasnya cuaca!
12.2 Another hot day/Satu lagi hari yang panas
12.3 It抯 raining cats and dogs today/Lebat betul hujan hari ini
12.4 It hasn抰 rained a drop for months/Dah berbulan tak hujan
12.5 Ravaged by earthquake and disease!!!/ Dibinasa oleh kemarau dan penyakit!!!
12.6 Deluged by monsoon rains!!!/Dibanjiri hujan monsun!!!
12.7 The casualty figures are still mounting/Jumlah kematian semakin meningkat

13.1 Making an appointment/Membuat janji temu
13.2 Seeing the doctor/Berjumpa dengan doktor
13.3 In the gymnasium/Di jimnasium
13.4 The rashes are very itchy!/Gatalnya ruam ini!
13.5 I have a migraine/Saya ada migrain
13.6 I think I抦 down with a fever/Saya rasa saya demam
13.7 His snoring is getting louder and louder!/Dengkurannya semakin kuat!

Memberikan arah
14.1 How do I get to the restaurant?/Bagaimanakah cara nak sampai ke restoran itu?
14.2 Using the bus/Menaiki bas
14.3 Visiting the museum/Melawat muzium
14.4 Where抯 the cinema?/Di manakah panggung wayang itu?

15.1 I haggled him down to RM80/Saya menawar sehingga RM80
15.2 I抳e got it on thirty days

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Post time 31-7-2007 02:12 PM | Show all posts
wow, you have yr own book! Congrats!

Mac mmg tekankan English pada anak2. Alhamdullillah they are comfortable with the language, what more the school that they go to has 60% nonmalays. So peluang nak cakap English tu banyak. Akan tetapi, ada juga yg stick to their own race.

My 8 yr old girl came back yesterday. SHe complaint that her malay classmate, cakap yg dia Kristian. When she asked why, budak tu kata because my girl speaks good ENglish and selalu dapat 100 in English exams.

My girl taklah upset sangat. Mac pun slow talk dgn dia, suruh ignore statements like that, or maybe suruh cakap kat Ustazah next time budak tu ckp mcm tu.

But apa yg mac wonder is, where did that child get such an idea? From family background? Family/Home environment yg ridicule the usage of English language?



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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2007 02:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #42 macademia's post

i reckon,  too much TV kot.... kids associate mat salleh with english thus the idea plus maybe her/his family background itself mmg mcm tu....

i remembered when i grew up bila cakap english je people associate me with being 'eksyen'  but tak kisah la kan.....

in my sons case pulak... i am slowly trying to teach my sons malay which is not working out very well. probably besides me & hubby (itu pun we normally converse in english) , no one else around us yg cakap malay.

ye la, nak gak diorang at least understand malay if not being able to speak....

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #43 spidernfly's post


Tq for the credit.. I think you know the sources of yr problem already isn't it..?

So maybe from now on sorang kena designate cakap BM 100% with yr son.. So kalau u yg  cakap BM then bila u cakap dgn hubby u kena cakap BM tapi hubby kena reply in BI.

Cam I, anak I dah byk faham vocab2 BI n leh dah cakap tapi BM still the dominant language sebab I still speak to my wife in BM.


Tu dah buku ke-4 dah cuma segan nak iklankan takut Mod2 marah..

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 02:33 PM | Show all posts

We can't control the ignorance of others.. Sama cam when I speak in English in BI I ignore je kalau ada yg pandang lain macam tapi being in KL it is normal..Kat kg pun I belasah je tapi alhamdulillah my in laws faham..

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Mac, Spider n others,

Ni pulak buku I no 3 ttg cara nak ajar BI kepada anak-anak..


                                BAB 1     Pengenalan
                                BAB 2     Perkembangan Bahasa Bayi
                                BAB 3     Mengenal Masalah Pertuturan Bayi
                                BAB 4     Bayi Anda Boleh diajar untuk bertutur                 dua bahasa!
                                BAB 5     Memuji dan memotivasi dalam pengajaran
                                BAB 6     Kaedah penggunaan kad imbasan
                                BAB 7     Belajar melalui pendengaran
                                BAB 8     Empat Cara Efektif Mengajar                 Kanak-Kanak Membaca
                                BAB 9     Memperkenalkan Tatabahasa Dengan Mudah
                                BAB 10   Memperkenalkan Matematik Peringkat Rendah
                                BAB 11   Memperkenalkan Sains Peringkat Rendah
                                BAB 12   Penutup
                              Lampiran 1

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Post time 31-7-2007 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikgutuition at 31-7-2007 02:33 PM

We can't control the ignorance of others.. Sama cam when I speak in English in BI I ignore je kalau ada yg pandang lain macam tapi being in KL it is normal..Kat kg pun I belasah je tapi a ...

Yela, mac duduk outside KL, tapi bec dah used to speaking in English with my parents and kena jeling from my schooling days lagi, mac takde nak kisahpun org ckp apa.

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Post time 31-7-2007 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 cikgutuition's post

thank u for sharing na..

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Post time 31-7-2007 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spidernfly at 31-7-2007 02:22 PM
i reckon,  too much TV kot.... kids associate mat salleh with english thus the idea plus maybe her/his family background itself mmg mcm tu....

i remembered when i grew up bila cakap english je ...

Yela kut, influence from tv.

Yup , i pun ingat dulu2, sapa cakap english, dikatanya action.

My no 2 mmg 100% cakap English. So sekarang ni I forbid dia from reading English books. Her BM is atrocious.... haha. Its bec her friends (both malays and nonmalays) speaks English aje. Ini group first batch maths n science in English. So Mac kena tekankan BM kat dia.

Dah std 5 tahun ni, she asked me, "mama, angan-angan tu apa?" Arghhh.....

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Post time 31-7-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikgutuition at 31-7-2007 02:38 PM
Mac, Spider n others,

Ni pulak buku I no 3 ttg cara nak ajar BI kepada anak-anak..

                                BAB 1     Pengenalan

OK. so u are writing books seriously. Its good esp di zaman maths and science in ENGlish ni. Kesian pada siapa yg tak dapat kuasai the language, and the subject due to the language barrier.

My next trip to the book store, nak look up yr books......

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Post time 31-7-2007 03:37 PM | Show all posts
best betul thread ni... bleh pakai tuk my students

dulu mase skolah cikgu slalu ajar tapi mcm tak phm kenape kena belajar... nasib baik jadi best student english...

bile dah masuk sekolah menengah tu baru le phm... ooo rupenye byk rules in english ni... hehehe lambt pick up skit...

tapi skang bukan lah hebat sgt, tapi bolehlah nak adekan conversation in english... w/pun kekadg tu terbabas gak grammar...

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by macademia at 31-7-2007 03:20 PM

OK. so u are writing books seriously. Its good esp di zaman maths and science in ENGlish ni. Kesian pada siapa yg tak dapat kuasai the language, and the subject due to the language barrier.


Yup. Dah 4 books tapi most of the time I am involved in teaching Englih to school students and also adult students at my home in Puchong..

From time to time I also conduct English courses for organisation such as Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, FAMA n Kementerian Kesihatan.

Ada gak buat translation sikit2..

I am doing all these on a full time basis. So kalau ada mana2 co. ygnak carik trainer BI jangan lupa I.

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2007 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikgutuition at 31-7-2007 04:31 PM

Tq for the credit.. I think you know the sources of yr problem already isn't it..?

So maybe from now on sorang kena designate cakap BM 100% with yr son.. So kalau u yg  cakap BM ...

tu la kan, i got to.

ini dah la cakap english, betul2 twang OZ.... so when we do balik m'sia once a year, my sons mmg cant understand even simple malay

actually quite embarassing for me jugak,coz ive got people who talk behind my back saying that "just because i stay abroad, i tak ajar anak cakap malay" but its not easy.....

p/s sebarang iklan is prohibited... ekekeke.... what you can do is, just not put the price... wokey?

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2007 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by macademia at 31-7-2007 05:17 PM

Yela kut, influence from tv.

Yup , i pun ingat dulu2, sapa cakap english, dikatanya action.

My no 2 mmg 100% cakap English. So sekarang ni I forbid dia from reading English books. Her B ...

kan? kan?

but luckily my dad is not malay, so i escape dr kena kutuk teruk2.....

my sons ni, i ajar la sentence like "nama saya hafzal"

he goes "no mum.... my name is hafzal" with that what is my mum talking about look

and bila i ajar to count 1-10 in BM, they go... "mamiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

but slowly la they do pick up numbers cuma bunyinye tu funny sikit....

tiga jadi tigger.... as in tigger in winnie the pooh... ekekekeke

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Post time 31-7-2007 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Good job. TQ

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Post time 31-7-2007 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spidernfly at 31-7-2007 04:10 PM

kan? kan?

but luckily my dad is not malay, so i escape dr kena kutuk teruk2.....

my sons ni, i ajar la sentence like "nama saya hafzal"

he goes "no mum.... my name is hafzal" with ...

Thanks Spidernfly for the nuts. TErimakasih daun keladi..... hehe.

I totally understand u. From my kindy days to my primary days, I was in the US. There were no Malays staying in that area at that time. From mama, I called my mom, mummy, and called my dad, daddy. I spoke 100% Amercican English, siap dengan slang lagi.

After a few yrs, we went back to Malaysia.... and guess what? I cant remember a single malay word. I had a hard time at school in the beginning, being the girl yg tak tau ckp BM and speaks English funny.

So i understand, if u kata susah nak suruh yr kids speak BM. The environment is such that susah nak suruh the kids speak BM.

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2007 05:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #56 macademia's post

glad that ada jugak org yg faham my situation.....

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Post time 31-7-2007 07:32 PM | Show all posts
nak mintak nasihat cikgu nie...

cemana nak tegur anak hal2 grammar...esp bila dia bercakap, takut terbantut plak bila asyik kena tegurr ...

dan teringin gak nak tahu cemana cara pembelajaran english kat sekolah sekarang nie?..masih cam zaman me dedulu ke...dok kena hafal ayat2 dlm buku...

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Post time 31-7-2007 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spidernfly at 31-7-2007 05:08 PM
glad that ada jugak org yg faham my situation.....

my son balik UK with zero BM...duk 4 bulan kat rumah abg, terus master...tapi kefahaman dlm BM penulisan masih sgt kena translate setiap kali dia habis baca buku BM..

tapi masalah plak bila dia pilih utk berdiam bila org cakap BM...lama gak nak pulih

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 08:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 my-alja's post


Maybe you could do it subtly or you should make sure that you always use correct grammar all the time and also always encourage them to use correct grammar and praise them for correct usage of grammar from time to time.

If yr son lemah in writing then you should try to encourage him to read more in BM.

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