Reply #41 kikilalat's post
takut laaa bila dgr u nyer citer.... my baby dh dekat sebulan batuk.... ni me nk amik cuti nk g paed check very detail.... |
mm rupanya ramai anak2 kena batuk..mek nyer anak dah sebulan batuk tak baik2..bila gi klinik 2 kali, kali kedua dok bagi healer utk lelah tu..ni dah pakai seminggu tak baik2 lg, risau jugak ni..ingat ptg ni nak admit kat pantai lah..risau sangat |
Thanks for sharing kiki... memang ler ramai budak2 skrg sakit batuk dan selesema ek?? Siapa2 kat sini penah amik imunisasi untuk flu tak?? Betul berkesan flu shots ni ek??? |
kalau batuk je tapi tak selesema camne ek... |
Originally posted by nashra at 4-1-2008 01:09 AM 
nash baru buka topic ni..tak perasan pula..
bagi ibu2 yang ada anak2 bermasalah batuk2, selsema yang berpanjangan apakata bagi anak2 minum susu kambing..
kat malaysia setahu i banyak susu k ...
I rasa kena tgk situation jugak. Bukan semua penyakit boleh sembuh dgnsusu kambing aje. Information mcm ni boleh jadik misleading kalau kitatak inform dgn betul. Yg ada klinikal problem and on clinicalmedication, teruskan makan ubat sambil kalau nak minum susu kambing kesusu unta minum lah. Zaman nabi dulu kemudahan lain belum wujud.So zaman kita now dah mcm mcm perubahan dlm kajian antibiotik and otherantihistamine medication, now we move on to nano tech and those thingsboleh berubah jadiak lain pulak di amasa depan.
Kita kena jugak tgk dari segi gimik barangan komersil susu kambingni. Now kan kerajaan tgh galakkan bela kambing so mcm mcm lahindustri drp asas kambing ni yg nak kena push so kena lah buat mcm mcmcommercial persuasion. Sorry, im just giving something out of thebox, tapi no harm utk yg nak try. Kalau nak try benda yg tak byk bayarutk rawat batuk ni, minum aje air masak byk byk, tekak kita jadik batuksebab tekak alami kekeringan & mostly batuk berkehendakkan dirawatsecara clinical melalui antibiotic. |
Originally posted by nayomi_992000 at 15-1-2008 05:07 PM 
Thanks for sharing kiki... memang ler ramai budak2 skrg sakit batuk danselesema ek?? Siapa2 kat sini penah amik imunisasi untuk flu tak??Betul berkesan flu shots ni ek???
Yes, memang berkesan ! |
Reply #47 Elmina's post
Thanks Elmina...kalau nak amik berapa harga dan berapa kali nak kena amik yer???:re: |
i gave my son Iliadin nasal drops as & when he started to cough more and had difficulty in breathing with a congested nose.
pehtu aku baca dkt dier nyer presription tue, utk infant 12 mths and below...so, after anak aku dah lebe setahun, aku tak penah lah pakai dah....
ada sekalik tue, bapak dier komplen idong tgh sumbat, pehtu aku teringat ubat illiadin tue, aku sajer jek soh my hb pakai iliadin tue, my hb cakap, wooww....ubat nie, taruk setitis ajek, tak sampai 10 mins, idong dah clear giler....giler efektif....(ini ubat utk baby, and pakai setitis ajek dah cukup) no wonder la, our son seldom had congested nose ker aper, and we seldom pakai itu iliadin....coz efektif giler!
kalau anak batuk petua paling mujarab dan berkesan ialah sapukan vicks kat tapak kaki, dada dan belakang pehtu pakai stokin. mmg anak tadek / kurang batuk dah pehtu.
lagik satu, kalau anak batuk, aku tak cecepat nak kasik dier ubat batuk...coz aku nak tgk dulu ketahanan badan dier camana.....lama lama bila aku peratikan, dier nie mcm ada satu trend, kalau nak tumbuh gigi ajek, mesti batuk dan sesema. so, aku biarkan ajek, tp nak tidur mlm tue mmg amalkan pakai stokin + vicks kat tapak kaki tue..
so far, berkesan cara tue...
aku tak berani nak bagik ubat batuk yg jual kat kedai2 tue, lagik2 yg dah obviously tulis untuk kanak-kanak yg umurnya 2 yrs and above.....walhal anak aku belom umur 2 tahun.....tak berani eden.......
[ Last edited by tina^^ at 16-1-2008 09:28 AM ] |
Sekarang anak I batuk & selsema semula. Dua minggu gak lar dia sembuh cuma bunyi kahak sikit2. Tapi this week dah kena balik. Mungkin kat day care tu sejuk ( macam dalam igloo) dan juga ada toddlers yang kena batuk dan selesema. Hidung dia tak kuar hingus tapi dok bunyi sreh sreh...bila pump kuar skit jer... kesian tengok dia...malam pun dok batuk tapi pagi tadi lama gak dia tidur dari kul 11.30 mlm sampai kul 6 pagi baru bgn nak susu. |
Originally posted by mekma at 15-1-2008 03:36 PM 
mm rupanya ramai anak2 kena batuk..mek nyer anak dah sebulan batuk tak baik2..bila gi klinik 2 kali, kali kedua dok bagi healer utk lelah tu..ni dah pakai seminggu tak baik2 lg, risau jugak ni..ingat ptg ni nak admit kat pantai lah..risau sangat...
so how is your baby now mekma?
my baby pun admitted to pantai gak hari tuh... pantai bangsar... bagus their physio facilities  |
Reply #40 kikilalat's post
anak aku yg first dulu batuk x ilang..anak aku nie senang nak kene infection..demam kejap..pastu demam balik..batuk kejap pastu dtg bailk..last2 kene admitted kat demc..masa tu siap kena sedut masuk wayar lg kot mulut nak kuarkan kahak..smpai drh2..pastuh diorg tepuk2 blkng anak..kesian smpai nangis yuna..smpai dia dulu je berisi now kurus keding... |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 16-1-2008 09:16 AM 
i gave my son Iliadin nasal drops as & when he started to cough more and had difficulty in breathing with a congested nose.
pehtu aku baca dkt dier nyer presription tue, utk infant 12 mths and ...
mira selsema sket...ingat nak cari gak Iliadin ni...nak bagi clear cepat...kesian tgk meleleh2...nak bagi vicks pakai stokin bagai kat nursery...mesti panas...tau je la nurser....
tp nak try letak vicks dulu mlm ni...sbb b4 ni mira batuk..hilang kejab je...tidur pun nyenyak..betul2 works.....
thanks 4 sharing  |
Reply #51 kikilalat's post
ok kan?...mira selsema pulak,...cam ni la kalau duk nursery... |
Just wanna share some info with all the parents here :
Cold Meds Not Safe for Kids Under 2, FDA Warns
Decision on kids aged 2-12 expected this spring, officials add
THURSDAY, Jan. 17 (HealthDay News) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday issued a public health advisory stating that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to infants and children under the age of 2.
Although concern about the safety of these medications when used in the very young has been widely aired in recent months, FDA officials said they were concerned the public wasn't getting the message.
"We strongly recommend that over-the-counter cough and cold products should not be used in young children under 2, because serious and potentially life-threatening side effects can occur from use of these products," Dr. Charles Ganley, director of the FDA's Office of Nonprescription Products, said during a morning news conference. "We have not come to a final decision on the use of cough and cold products in children aged 2 to 11 and continue to work within [the] FDA to arrive at a decision."
"We were concerned that parents would continue to use these products in children under 2, even with all the publicity," Ganley added.
"The public health advisory from the FDA is definitely a good thing," said Catherine Tom-Revzon, clinical pediatric pharmacy manager at Children's Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City. "A lot of health-care professionals, including myself, have always taken the approach of not giving medication to children where there isn't enough evidence to show that it's safe and actually works. This actually supports that idea, so it gives more credibility when we speak to patients about this."
"I'm a parent of a toddler myself, and my daughter has had multiple colds, and it is difficult to watch and not do anything," she noted. "Now, parents are being told that they can't give medication. It's probably going to be difficult for them to accept, but the reality is it's better to be safe by not giving medication that could potentially harm young children. It's the right thing to do."
Last November, the FDA became aware of a number of surveys that indicated that individuals or parents were continuing to use the products without getting advice from a health-care provider.
The medicines, which include decongestants, expectorants, antihistamines and cough suppressants, have been associated with different rare but serious events including convulsions, rapid heart rates, decreased levels of consciousness, and even death.
A review of records filed with the FDA between 1969 and September 2006 found 54 reports of deaths in children associated with decongestant medicines made with pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine or ephedrine. It also found 69 reports of deaths associated with antihistamine medicines containing diphenhydramine, brompheniramine or chlorpheniramine. Most of the deaths involved children younger than 2.
The current advisory is based on an agency review of data and recommendations discussed during a joint meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs and Pediatric Advisory committees last October. The committees recommended a ban on cold medicines in children under the age of 2.
Right before the meeting, makers of dozens of cough and cold remedies targeted to infants voluntary recalled these products. In particular, products with pictures of infants on the label or use of the word "infant" in the name were taken off shelves. Overall, there are approximately 800 popular cough and cold medicines sold in the United States. Experts estimate that Americans spend about $2 billion annually on these types of medications.
An internal working group at the FDA was not able to come to a consensus as to recommendations for children aged 2 to 11. A decision on this issue is expected by the spring.
Dr. Lisa Mathis, associate director of the FDA's Office of New Drugs, Pediatric and Maternal Health Staff, had this advice for those caring for children over the age of 2:
Always remember that these medications do not cure colds, they don't shorten the time the child has the cold and are only meant to help a child's symptoms.
If you choose to give medication, look at the active ingredients' section of the label and what symptoms each active ingredient is intended to treat.
Be very careful in giving more than one over-the-counter cough and cold medication to your child. Remember that many OTC cough and cold products have multiple medications in them. If you use two medications with similar active ingredients, this could hurt a child.
Make sure to carefully follow directions on the label.
Only use the dropper or cup that comes with the medicines, not household measuring devices.
If you have the opportunity to use cough and cold medicines with childproof safety caps, you should do so.
Store all medicines out of the reach of children.
Call your physician or pharmacist or other health provider if you have any questions regarding the use of these medications in children 2 years or older.
"We're not trying to dictate the practice of medicine. We understand that health providers on an individual basis have to make certain decisions based on the facts presented to them, but we do need to recognize that there have been reports of serious adverse events in the less-than-2 age group related to misdosing and in attempting to choose the correct product," Ganley said. "Clearly, there have been instances where more than one product was used or it was not clear to the parent as to what the ingredients are in the products."
More information
Visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for more on the advisory.
SOURCES: Catherine Tom-Revzon, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Children's Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center, New York City; Jan. 17, 2008, teleconference with Charles Ganley, M.D., director, Office of Nonprescription Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Lisa Mathis, M.D., associate director, Office of New Drugs, Pediatric and Maternal Health Staff, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA
Sumber : http://asthma-allergy-news.com/art611836.asp
Any comments?? |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 16-1-2008 09:16 AM 
i gave my son Iliadin nasal drops as & when he started to cough more and had difficulty in breathing with a congested nose.
pehtu aku baca dkt dier nyer presription tue, utk infant 12 mths and ...
tina...akak dah beli iliadin ni...kat farmasi semalam...sebotol rm16...eheh..cinonet je ek cecair dalam tu....tp akak perasan..susah la nak guna...sbb kena tekan kat badan botol tu..pastu tak nampak lak kuantiti yg keluar...main agak2 je..tina buat cemana? ke ke transfer kat mana2 dulu? |
Originally posted by neisya at 29-1-2008 09:34 AM 
tina...akak dah beli iliadin ni...kat farmasi semalam...sebotol rm16...eheh..cinonet je ek cecair dalam tu....tp akak perasan..susah la nak guna...sbb kena tekan kat badan botol tu..pastu tak ...
erk tak susah lah nak pakai. mcm taruk eye mo dkt mata, tp yg ini dkt hidung... tekan sekali ajek. enaff. dier mmg sekalik puff ajek...not more than 2 puff at one time utk infant.
cop! akak beli nie utk anak sesema ker congested nose? kalau sesema tak boleh pakai pasal iliadin nie bertindak utk mencair kan hingus. tp kalau hidong sumbat and blocked pernafasan, iliadin is the best. |
tgk mira dah tersumbat idung dia tina...mcm dah ketat....tp dia tak reti nak buang...pastu semalam tidur mcm duk bunyi sok sek sok sek....
kat badan botol tu mcm keras sikit kan...ishk mcm mana nak explen ek...ke akak guna silap teknik...
akak buang top getah kat atas tu...pastu leh tekan terus...tgk demo kat kertas dalam tu.... |
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