lambat lagi nak pegi.. nunn.. almost end of next year, tapi italy ni maheii bebenor dia punya b & b compared ngan other countries except kat paris ler kot.. bajet.. as cheapest I can get.. hehehe.. |
Reply #41 divasweet_77's post
i agree italy is expensive ! in fact accommodation lagi mahal dari switzerland ! padahal org selalu kata switzerland mahal but to me italy lagi lah mahalnya ! maybe sebab dia pakai euro kot !
our B&B charge we all EUR135 per night for 4 org, we all dpt family room which is actually 2-bedrooms so basically per person dlm EUR 33.75
tempat dia very quiet tapi from Venice main station u kena naik 2 bridges so kalau beg besar susah lah sikit
but it was highly recommended dlm other travel websites mcm tripadvisor and venere
this is the email address :
in my experience, lagi murah kalau kita email and tanya hotel directly daripada pakai websites mcm asiarooms etc
cuba email, dia reply cepat |
Reply #42 hijaulover's post
that's cheap!! the cheapest that I've come across with..!!!
Thanx.. at the moment, just me and my travel partner jer yg beli tiket... sorang lagi most probably akan ikut tour Italy saja and the other 2 probably will join us when we arrive in Paris..
Thank youuuu!!!!  |
Reply #43 divasweet_77's post
u're welcome
actually, i nak bagi u more good news hehehehe !
i salah letak price, actually dia charge we all EUR125 so per person dlm EUR31.25
bilik dia very comfortable and bfast pun ok, dia ada filipino worker so we all dok berborak dgn worker dia psl malaysia and philipines ! the owner pun very very nice and very helpful especially since we all bawak baby
kalau u rajin, u boleh browse tripsadvisor ada ramai org bagi good reviews psl hotel dia and ada pictures posted there as well ! |
Originally posted by harmerz01 at 9-7-2007 07:18 PM 
Saya bercadang melawat Venice pada minggu depan secara berkumpulan, pohon pendapat dan idea kawan-kawan kat sini.
- Tempat-tempat yang mesti dilawati
- Cenderahati yang menarik
- ...
Venice ni tempat mereka honeymoon..
kalau nak explore tempat, tak yah dok lama lama..
psl kecik je...
Dah pandang kiri kanan, naik bosan dah...
Tapi warga Venice ni, macam dalam filem God Father j.
Pakai jacket, nampak semacam je... |
hye, last week, baru balik dari melawat italy.. so kat sini nk citer pengalaman g venice.. mule2 sampai kat milan.. skarang musim winter kan, so cam kul 430 tu dah gelap dah maghrib la.. so kitorang pun nek train dari milan g kat venice.. pasal nyer dari membaca post2 kat sini la.. nk g piazza san marco tu waktu malam.. hihi..
tapi alkesahnyer rupe2nyer waktu winter, piazza san marco tu takde benda malam2.. takde muzik2 or byk2 restoran yg bukak.. maybe i salah baca kot post yg korang bagi kat sini, or maybe kadang2 org2 faham2 jer maksud timing vacation diorang adalah spring or summer.. huhu.. so hampa la sket pasal takde benda, n lapar malam2.. pasal kunonyer kalo ada restoran, nk le gak dinner sekali kan sambil dgr muzik.. tapi takpo, balik ke hotel.. beli roti jer.. nasib ada bawak bekal from rumah, so slamat la malam tu..
kitorang duk kat hotel stella alpina, sebab pergi sendiri takde la pakai agent, so tak dpt la nk dok hotel mahal cam westin tu kan.. mengalami paranormal aktiviti wooo di waktu malam, ni 1st time la vacation tido tak tenang terjaga every 2 hours coz of banging on the door n blackouts..
esok nyer pulak, dlm tak cukup tido tapi still semangat nk berjalan nih.. kuar la time sunrise, kunon nk tangkap gambar sunrise ni.. huhu tapi yg adoo.. maybe gak kitorang tak pandai cari, sebab sunrise kat belah piazza san marco tu.. my hotel lak kat santa lucia nyer train station tu, so terhalang dgn bangunan2 sume.. nk ke san marco tak ley pasal nk breakfast kat hotel.. so melebur la hasrat itu..
after breakfast, g kat san marco ng vaporetti.. sesak gileee.. pasal g on weekdays.. n time org2 nk g keje.. haiyyaa.. dah la kite kecik kan.. mmg terkepit laa.. sampai2 sane.. tide pulak.. air naek.. dah baca dlm travel guide dier pasal ni, tapi tak expect la pulak.. pasal mlm nyer kitorang g sane tu, elok jer.. tibe2 dier dah letak papan2 utk manusia jalan2..
naek bell tower je, pasal the day before kat milan tak dpt naek duomo nk tgok view from the very top, so balas dendam la.. walaupun sejuk tapi best.. coz venice ni kecik je kan n nampak sampai mainland, murano sume..
pastu kat sini i beli souvenir yg kipas ada tulis venizia tu 3euro, replica gondola 3euro gak, n FM mask 5euro for 2, nk beli mask betul takut nnt tak terpakai, so rugi jer kan..
naek pulak vaporetti lagi berhenti kat academia, pasal nk ke dorsoduro.. kunon nk makan speciality venice nih.. dapat sumber dari wikitravel.. sempat jugak la jumpe tempat buat gondola dier.. pastu makan seafood risotto15euro, ng seppia iaitu cuttlefish10euro.. hot chocolate gak pasal nk panaskan badan, tapi siryesly, hot chocolate org2 italy ni sangat pekat n rase dier lain sangat dari hot chocolate ireland..jumpe gak roti cicah minyak tu, tapi siryes tak reti nk cicah macamane, pasal dier tak bagi mangkuk ke pinggan nk tuang olive oil ng balsamic vinegar tu.. ke beta ni kampung sangat tak reti fikir camane nk makan benda alah tu.. hihi.. tapi tuang sket2 atas roti, sedap ar..
pastu ke rialto bridge pule, tak beli ape2 pun kat sane, rasenye la.. hihi.. balik2 ke ferrovia, yakni train station dier tu, try gelato, 1.20euro satu cup kecik, okay la kongsi 2 orang.. kunonnyer pagi tu nk tunggu sunset baru bergerak ke pisa, tapi memandangkan gagal waktu sunrise, tak mahu gagal lagi waktu sunset, kmi pun bergerak ke pisa kul 430 petang.. |
ermmmm....kalo ikut pengalaman i
venice bukan utk winter....sejuksss plus air tu, lagik freezing
kalo btul nak ke europe masa winter, terus ke ski area..
unless nak shoping-moping....tak kisahlah apa2 musim pun |
winter je yg ada cuti.. hihi.. ski dah lepas ke swiss.. so tak kan la ski tiap2 tahun.. dah ler tak reti.. kwang2.. asek tergolek jer.. serik. |
winter je yg ada cuti.. hihi.. ski dah lepas ke swiss.. so tak kan la ski tiap2 tahun.. dah ler tak reti.. kwang2.. asek tergolek jer.. serik.
syasyafina Post at 27-12-2009 16:13 
tukar destinasi lorr...
winter kat europe, summer kat oz dan nz |
ermmmm....kalo ikut pengalaman i
venice bukan utk winter....sejuksss plus air tu, lagik freezing
kalo btul nak ke europe masa winter, terus ke ski area..
unless nak shoping-moping....tak kisahla ...
my-alja Post at 25-12-2009 19:11 
yup3X..mmg betul..
ms pegi italy tgh winter..early winter..
dah ler dok kat torino..nun kat atas nun..
pastu kena opportunity cost ler..nak gi mana?
mcm rasa nak gi florence..sbb kata byk flea mkt..brg kulit pun best2..
pastu hati mmg nak sgt gi venice..
tp org kat kaunter metro tuh siap advice tak yah ler pegi venice..
dah ler jauh from torino..pstu winter tak sesuai gi sana..tak de apa2..kata dia..
last2 pegi jejalan kat milan jer..org laen soping LV, gucci..
i hanya mampu beli carpisa ajelah utk diri sendiri,adik2..he..he...
tp best giler,jln malam2..sejuk2..makan waffle dgn nutella panas2..'heavenly...he...he..
balik torino..lewat giler..carik pollo pulak kat belakang hotel..he..he..
btw..community muslim di torino..sgt friendly..morrocan, algerian..
nampak i, yg women nya senyum2..angguk kepala..
we all nak tanya tempat makan..sorang guy siap bwk nak tunjuk masjid lagik..
dah ler dia bwk gi lorong,masuk lorong..maklumlah kejiranan mereka..he..he..
hubi kata..alamak abis ler kena paw nih..he..he..
tp hati tenang sebaik jer nampak bumbung masjid tuh.phewwwwwww,, |
kalau gi mid feb ni, ok tak? |
kalau gi mid feb ni, ok tak?
kgboyz Post at 29-12-2009 13:05 
Masih winter kan ? |
Masih winter kan ?
mangkuk Post at 29-12-2009 13:16 
yap. tp mid winter tu kan? summer prefer duk msia je.... |
yap. tp mid winter tu kan? summer prefer duk msia je....
kgboyz Post at 29-12-2009 14:51 
From : http://www.venice.world-guides.com/weather.html
Venice Weather, When to Go and Venice Climate Information
(Venice, Italy)
Spring and summer are optimum times to visit the city of Venice, as the weather is warm and generally quite sunny, although really the tourist season runs throughout the year. Venice is at its busiest in July and August and it can be extremely hot and humid at this time of the year, with occasional afternoon thunderstorms.
At the end of the high season, the mild weather often continues, and days may be warm and clear - or alternatively they can be cold, damp and foggy. The best months for sightseeing are March to June, September and October, when the city is not too hot and the weather is generally pleasant.
In the winter the streets tend to be much quieter and in January they are almost deserted. Between October and March, Venice's seasonal flooding occurs, known as the 'acqua alta'. The site of the Piazza underwater is very memorable and it is sometimes deep enough for rowing boats to be used. During this period, duck-boards are used to move around the city without getting wet and in some low-lying areas, waterproof boots provide the only way to get around.
The weather can prove unpredictable from November to February, although it is generally fairly mild. There can be heavy rain and occasional icy Artic winds, so be sure to bring a warm overcoat, scarf and gloves. If you are planning to visit outdoor locations, water-resistant boots or shoes with a good grip are recommended as the pavements can get very wet after heavy rain, and an umbrella can be a useful item to carry. Venice under snow is not uncommon and quite unforgettable. |
yap. tp mid winter tu kan? summer prefer duk msia je....
kgboyz Post at 29-12-2009 14:51 
Masa saya pegi dulu was early summer, early June gitu. It was already cool and wet. The weather was actually just nice, tak de lah panas sgt. |
Venice dah nak tenggelam sbb air Laut Adriatik dah byk masuk kat bandar...  |
57# chumpon
betul gak rasanya, pasal tengok air dia makin lama makin tinggi. tapi lambat lagi kot  |
aziefa posted on 10-12-2008 07:16 AM 
View dari Tempat breakfast Westin Hotel.. cantik...
Nyaman aje diwaktu pagi...
Boleh tengo ...
apehal di censored gambar nih???? awak cakap pergi dengan suami....or suami org???
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