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Author: yotoki


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Post time 13-5-2008 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 12-5-2008 11:11 AM
stelah membacekan benang maslahah ne pade nebes ahkak name BK Linggam, make he came out with brillian idea: pe kate ko kawen ngan laki yg same yg bakal di kahwini oleh kawan ko tu?...

bk ...

aku pun setuju dgn ko...

ada kes ni berlaku pada kawan punya kawan...

2-2 perempuan bestfriend, bila sorg kawin, tapi sayang nak berpisah dgn bestfriend.
so yg dah kawin to proposed pada both the husband and the friend utk kawin.

Senang cerita, 2-2 bestfriend ni sama2 jadi madu, jadi bestfriend, jadi adik kakak...
kalau tak silap aku 2-2 perempuan ni cikgu...

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Post time 13-5-2008 10:57 AM | Show all posts
aku penah rasa apa yang ko rasa.. tapi aku redha.. dgn jodoh dia datang dulu.. aku gak kena hormat life dia... xkan sampai mati kitaorg nak bersama lak.. heheheh mula2 sedih.. tapi oklah aku leh gak teruskan idup... yang sedihnya aku still x kawin lagi.. dia dah ada anak sorg

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Post time 13-5-2008 11:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #25 eiyana's post

ececece... dr. Fadzilah Kamsiah ke ni..

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Post time 13-5-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by din_atos at 13-5-2008 11:00 AM
ececece... dr. Fadzilah Kamsiah ke ni..

:@ :@ :@ :@   mane sama...... ai tak tiru die tawwww....

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Post time 13-5-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #41 Equalizer's post

sape laki yg "betuah" tu?...ko ke?...

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Post time 14-5-2008 03:15 AM | Show all posts
ako ader beh friend rapat gak.. tp bezanya dia tak dok serumah ngan ako...tak seopis ngan ako... cuma kita orang ader hobi yg memasing buat tetiap hari bersama... tup tap dia dpt keje kat jb.. bercucuran air mata ako jatuh kebumi  kwang kwang kwang.. 3-4 hari tuh sedih gak la cam org mati lepas tuh ako menerima hakikat... ako terpaksa biarkan dia pegi utk kebahagian dia gak...

dipendekkan citer, sekarang dia tinggalkan ako lagi jauh.. dah keje kat arab lak... masa anta dia gi airport ako nangis bagai nak rak... tappi esoknya ok dah   sbb dah biasa berjauhan...

sekarang nih ako tengah gadoh2 manja ngan dia.. dah 2 minggu tak chat... kwang kwang kwang... tp ako tau dia masih sayangkan ako lagi

kesimpulannya di sini beb, ko tau ko sayangkan dia tahap mana.. tp beb, kita bukan leh kawen ngan kwn kita tuh pong... so kita kena lajar biarkan dia memilih jalan dia sendiri... let her be happy and we'll find our own happiness....

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 09:07 AM | Show all posts
aku kan dah kata, aku boleh naik hantu bebila jek.

malam semalam, kemuncak naik hantu aku. aku tau korang memang akan salahkan aku. aku pun tau, memang salah aku.
petang tu, dalam pukul 6 dia keluar, aku dah cakap kat dia..tolonglah jgn keluar hari ni, sbb aku nak ajak dia pegi makan. sbbnya hari tu, kitaorg cuma makan roti canai jek pagi. kiranya lapar gila lar aku masa tu.
pastu aku nak tengok bella dengan dia.
tapi dia buat dek jek..dia tetap keluar.
aku tunggu la dia dengan perut lapar sampai pukul 10.00 malam. tak balik2 jugak.
lastnya aku pun pegi lar round kat area yg aku tau diaorg selalu jumpa.
sekali aku nampak kete member aku tu, dan diaorg tengah dok dalam kete.
aku pun apa lagik, setan masuk kepala.
aku terus parkking betul2 blakang kete dia. siap bagi lampu lagik. sbb marah lar ni konon.
pastu, dia pun terus jalan, aku follow dia, mana dia nak pegi, aku akan ikut kali ni. aku nekad.
pastu, dah aku ikut dia tu, akhirnya dia berhenti kat depan deretan kedai kat satu tempat.
aku parking jauh sikit.
aku memang hangin tahap tak boleh nak cakap lar, sbb boleh pulak main lari2 dari aku.
pastu dia, dia keluar dn dtg kat kete aku.
apa lagik, bergadoh lar kitaorg kat situ.
dia kata aku melampau, sbb ikut dia. aku kata, aku takder niat nak ikut dia, dah aku round situ aku nampak dia.
aku ikut lar. pastu aku marah dia balik, yg dia tu, dok berjam2 dalam kete dengan jantan, apahal?
pastu dia kata, kalau tak tau citer sebenar jgn buat citer jek..macam2 lar kitaorg bertekak kat situ.
pastu, dia kata aku dah melampau, lebih dari family dia. ye..tu aku akui..memang aku dah melampau.
yg buat aku lagik sakit hati tu, masa aku potong kete dia tu, budak laki tu kemain lagik pandang aku.
macam nak bunuh aku konon.
eh hello, ko tu baru kenal member aku tu, aku ni dah bertahun hidup dengan dia. ko jgn sebok.
aku rasa macam nak bunuh jek budak laki tu.
aku rasa aku ni macam ada kes jeles jugak kot.

bila dah balik umah, kitaorg sambung lagik gadoh. habis aku ungkit segala bagai, dan dia pun ungkit segala.
aku menyesal sebenarnya, menyesal sesangat.. sbb bila kita mengungkit tu, maknanya apa yg kita buat selama ni tak ikhlas. masalahnya aku ikhlas dengan dia.

pagi semalam, nak tunjuk protes, aku tak bangun nak pegi keje. pastu, dah lama sikit aku dengar dia bangun. aku memati ingat dia pegi keje.
rupanya tak. pukul 1, aku call dia, dia tak angkat.
aku call member ofis, diaorg kata dia tak keje gak.
sudah, kemana dia pegi.
puas aku call, akhirnya dia tutup hp.
sampai lar di saat ni, aku tak tau dia kemana.
mungkin balik kg kot.
aku memang bersalah gila dengan dia.
bersalah sgt.. tapi aku tak boleh hidup kalau dia takder.
malam tadik aku dah macam org sasau jek. aku tak tau dia kat mana.
dia taknak jawab call aku.
macamana aku nak hidup, kalau sbelah hati aku dah takder.
aku betul2 sayang dia macam adik aku, tapi aku tak boleh hidup kalau dia takder.

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Post time 14-5-2008 09:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #47 yotoki's post

ko nih dah tahap kronik melampau...

orang sayang adik pun takder ler sampai tahap cenggitu sekali... sampai rasa nak bunuh jantan tuh... ko pasti ker ko tak sayang dia lebih kepada mcm pasangan sehidup semati ko?

ko kena sedar yg kita tak bley kontrol orang... kita bley tegur, bley cakap... tapi selagik orang tuh takmo dengar, takmo buat... ikut suka hati dia la... ko suruh dia jangan keluar... ko ingat ko saper? laki dia???

ko kena jumpa kaunselor secepat mungkin k...

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 10:07 AM | Show all posts
aku memang dah tahap kronik melampau.
ya allah........ aku nak sgt hidup tenang macam dulu.
setan ni kuat sgt menghasut kat kepala aku nih.
aku tak tau nak buat apa lagikkk..
hati aku ni manjang tak tenteram..
ya allahh....

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #48 kikilalat's post


macam aku je budak ni...apa yang budak tu rasa, itulah yang aku rasa pada kawan aku yang p UK tu...rasa macam tak tolong rasa kesian, tapi bila tolong dan kemudian dia permainkan kita, kita jatuh benci pada dia...ha...tulah masalahnya bila kita terlalu sayangkan kawan kita...

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 10:20 AM | Show all posts

dikedudukan aku sekarang, aku rela kalau hati aku ni membenci dia. aku taknak sayang dia dah.
aku rasa hidup aku akan lebih tenang kalau aku membenci dia.
sakit sgt rasa hati ni bila sayang kat org.

aku pernah putus dengan lelaki, tapi tak seteruk ini rasa sakit tu.

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #50 eastrun's post


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Post time 14-5-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #51 yotoki's post

kita sama...aku pun tak tahu la...sayangkan kawan...macam dah terbiasa lak macam tu...sampai bila dia nak blah pun, aku rasa macam tak best,tapi sebelum dia blah p UK haritu, aku jadi marah yang dia tak inform aku pun...aku adalah ketua projek dan dia adalah, memang aku marah dengan dia sebab chow macam tu, sekarang aku just berharap je biarlah Allah yang membalas perbuatan dia itew...aku hormat dia dia wat aku camni

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #49 yotoki's post

ko cuba bacer article nih... nih mcm citer dari perspektif kawan ko ler...

pastuh print 1 copy and kasik kat kawan ko jugak... selit bawah pintu bilik dia ker haper...


When Friends Get Jealous

It's a sad day when good friends start acting strangely toward you when you've found new love. You've been friends for as long as you can remember and have shared intimate details about just about everything that goes on in your lives, but now your friend is acting like you've done them wrong. Sarcastic remarks abound and a cold front blows in. What is going on?

Is it jealousy?

Before you jump to conclusions of "jealousy" and write off your best bud as a fair-weather friend, it's best to get a handle on what's going on with them, because there could be more to the picture than you realize. Additionally, new love can be all-consuming, but as a friend, you too have the responsibility to check in with your friends to see what's going on with them when things seem amiss. Most times when a friend suddenly starts giving off signals of coldness when you've found new love, it indicates that they miss your availability to spend time with them.

Getting to know a new partner is an exciting and all-consuming time-your thoughts, words and actions all seem to revolve around this wonderful person who has rocked your world. Naturally, the amount of face time you have with your friends has just faced some serious cutbacks. But you've spent many hours with your friends on a regular basis sharing jokes, thoughts, feelings and activities, and now that you're immersed in the honeymoon-level depths of a new relationship, you're doing all of that with someone else.

Also, if your friend is single, fear of where his or her life is headed might come into play for them, too. Single friends may begin to worry how your friendship with them is changing; certainly you now have one less thing in common (being single) with which to share similar thoughts and feelings, and they might wonder if they are being "left behind" in race to find "the One." That can be a scary prospect since friendship is forged largely on the commonalities we share, and especially when self-worth is often tied in to finding a suitable partner.

Think back to a time when you were single and one of your friends started seeing someone they thought was the right person for them. How did you feel? Did you support them happily 100%? Did you ask yourself when it was your turn to find the love of your life? Did these feelings make you like your friend any less, or did you just really miss them? A little empathy can go a long way in understanding how a friend might feel when you find new love.

At best, a friend will express happiness for your new relationship and will celebrate your excitement. Good friends will often ask questions about your new partner and be happy to discuss your hopes and anticipations of what's to come, whether it is the next date you're going on or whether you're starting to get special feelings that the person you're dating may indeed be long-term commitment material. This kind of reaction is optimal in friendship and signifies friends who are strong within themselves, and who can put your interests and happiness ahead of any personal insecurities that they might have.A less than optimal response, on the other hand, includes everything from snide comments and cold shoulders to hearing third-party, rumor-mill gossip that, ironically, may even accuse you of being a "bad friend"-and you thought you were just falling in love!

How to handle it.

At the time you friend's behavior can seem ridiculous to you, and in some cases, you're absolutely right-it is. But keep in mind that damaging a close friendship over a new romantic relationship is never worth it. Strive to make time for your friend even with your new relationship commitments. No, you're not dating your friend, but self-defensive instant Siberia on your end is not being a good friend to them, either. Simply put, here's how to handle a potentially jealous friend:

1. Ask them what they think and how they feel-as soon as possible. The best way to find out what is going on with your friend's sudden cold front is to talk to them directly right away. Waiting to see if everything "blows over" may drive both you and your friend to the point of writing each other off, and you don't want that. Good friends are hard to find, and even good friends can sometimes behave badly.

Your role as a good friend is to communicate your thoughts and feelings and really listen to theirs as well. Additionally, by addressing his or her feelings up front and with honesty, you'll be communicating that you value the friendship that you two share. Sometimes just knowing that a friend is there for you despite changes in life that can sometimes weaken bonds is enough to maintain friendships over great geographic distances and many years.  

2. Keep an open mind-it could be something else. It may surprise you to find that jealousy may not even be the issue. While it would be great to have a "Friends don't let friends date incompatible people" rule in life, being a good friend can be a slippery slope in matters of the heart. What you mistake for jealousy of a new relationship could actually be a very good friend not wanting to rain on your delusional parade of being with someone who clearly is not right for you. Some may feel that bad choices in partners, like bad hairstyles or awful seasonal fashion choices, tend to resolve themselves with time, so there is no use damaging the relationship you two share for the sake of something you'll find out anyway.

If your friend does admit to having doubts about your relationship, try to resist the urge to get defensive and angry. If you are feeling super-mature in that moment, ask your friend why he or she feels that way, and really listen. Good friends often have a birds' eye view to situations we are too close to. Otherwise, cut the conversation short, but still keep it civil. If it turns out your friend is wrong about your new partner, they'll apologize later, and if your friend is right, you'll thank them later. Either way, it's a good thing.  

3. Reassure your friend that you still value their friendship. Once your friend has shared his or her feelings, assure them that you appreciate all of the special attributes and moments that you have shared, and that there will always be more, and that you look forward to them-you're not going anywhere!

Making time to spend with friends can be a balancing act with relationships, but true friends make time for each other. New-love jealousy is a transient emotion that can be overcome. You don't have to be single to remain good friends, but you do both have to be good friends to each other to maintain friendships while one or both of you explores the experience of love.


[ Last edited by  kikilalat at 14-5-2008 10:34 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 10:34 AM | Show all posts
ntahlah eastrun,

hati kita ni bukan boleh dipaksa nak benci2 kat org. kalau mulut kata benci, tapi hati tetap sayang, tak kemana lar perasaan benci tu.
masa kitaorg bergadoh tu, kat tempat kete tu, dia cakap kat aku, kalau ada rasa hormat kat dia, tolonglah balik umah. aku balas balik, aku tak hormat kat dia, tapi aku akan balik sbb aku sayang dia.
gitu lar.

ntahlar, skang ni, aku berserah jek, kalau dia balik semula nanti, kalau dia nak terus baik dengan aku, aku terima, dan kalau dia nak jadikkan aku musuhpun, aku terpaksa terima.

cuma aku harap, aku takkan naik hantu lagik dah.

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #53 eastrun's post

samer ker?

ko kena betray by colleague... sebab ko ingat dia rang yg bertanggungjawab...

yotoki nih, mcm kes hilang best friend... tak tau macamana nak handle the situation... macam lagik berat jer aku tengok...

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #54 kikilalat's post

ahkak x paham bahse omputih...trenslet plis....

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #54 kikilalat's post

ahkak x paham bahse omputih...trenslet plis....

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Post time 14-5-2008 10:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #58 philipinoe2's post

ala kak... tgh banyak keja nih... nanti ahkak mintak tolong si sawad bangla translate ek...

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Post time 14-5-2008 11:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #59 kikilalat's post

jgn kutuk aswad occay!!:@ :@

beliau seribu kali lagi ensem dr stenli....

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