Zero nicks hero brain
WHO says cheerleaders have no brains? Heroes star Claire Bennet gets SCALPED by Sylar as he tries to steal her superpower.
The indestructible beauty, played by Hayden Panettiere, 19, sees the power-pinching villain slice into her skull then prise out the power located in her bloody grey matter.
The third series of the superhero show blasts back on to the telly with the horrifying scenes next week.
Immortal Claire is awake for the ordeal |
Da abes tgk!!
Bole ke bincng kat sini?
byk sgt persoalan yg timbul ..
rase x cukup je.. |
Reply #43 evey709's post
tu la..rase mcm everything is happeing so fast in the first two episodes  |
Reply #44 flying_cow's post
ye la..
ngan character baru nye..
bkn sorng due..byk tu..
storyline baru lagik..
tp dlm byk2 persoalan ni..nk tny kot sesape yg prasan..
ape yg kat tumbuh kat badan mohinder tu..
cam geli jek  |
Dah ada ker ? season 3  |
aku da abes donlod episod 1 ngan 2. nanti2 la aku layan. tggu epi 3 kuar kang baru aku tgk skali. baru puas ati tgk direct.heheheh |
Reply #45 evey709's post
aku rase mesti ade epi yang flashback balik. cam season 1 ngan 2 la. pening gak tgk citer heroes ni kalo baru mule2 nak layan |
Reply #49 barney's post
let's discuss here beb...
among the scenes..there was one funny part when that african-man asked parkman..
Lawak tol la..hahaha
btw season 3 ni ayoo the puzzles is everywhere...makin cmlplcated....susah tol nak kejar..
mmg susah nak paham kalu citer yg libatkan time-travelling....everything's change..tak tahu ujung pangkal dah...
so basically menurut Mohinder...the serum can be injected to eveybdy but the results wont be the same as the origin..so kalu aku kena inject agaknya aku jadik apa la erk...?
hhihihi.... |
uik.............mendap??? |
OMG..Heroes is back..Baru ajek tgk S3 ep01. Lahai,abehla konsentrasi aku nk study klau cenggini...
[ Last edited by adrenalina at 24-9-2008 10:42 PM ] |
Power Claire tuh bleh mati gak kan?
Saper ker cakap dulu kalo nak bunuh mesti potong kepala.
Dalam mimpi mak Petrelli tuh pon Claire kena potong kepala.
Ngan saper ntah. Abih sumer dibunuhnyer  |
uishh...mmg fenin gakler ngk Season 3 nih...
plg x puas hati...
knp bley ada scene **tooot** Mohinder ngn si Maya??? ..
apa relevan nyer scene tu??
Tracy tu bkn Nicki kerr???hmmmm |
Reply #58 ct_subang's post
Niki kan ader split identiti. Tracy tuh identiti lagik satu dia la tuh. |
aku nak collect sampai epi 4 lepas raye, baru aku tgk. hehehehe. skang nih aku biar dulu kat dlm komputer. bace korg2 punyer komen dulu  |
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