Reply #40 eskrem's post
ena80 ada jual kot...tanyala dia... |
Panda.. I like.. sori tak pahsan pun ada topik ni.. yelah telalu sebuk ngan porum sebelah..
oye panda tak ada kat negara kita kan.. aku kalu kepingin nak tengok panda masuk national geog.. atau animal planet.. haa taw le segala menda about panda..
real pun real kan.. tengok derang gerak2 kat tv tu.. huhu
oklah nak off dah ni.. satu haram tak sentuh lagi kat dapur tu.. badan dah le demam ni.. kita plak dah kawin kenalah uruskan hal rumahtangga.. |
comelnya pandaaa nihhh...i like :clap:
kalo lah boleh bela kan best?
cuddly...huhuuhuh |
Reply #45 estrellas's post
tak yah beli2 teddy bear dah kalu ada panda nih |
Sunday July 27, 2008
4 giant panda cubs born within 14 hours at southwest China breeding center
BEIJING (AP) - Four giant panda cubs were born within 14 hours at a breeding center in southwest China, a mini baby boom for the rare animals, a state news agency reported Sunday.
The births began Saturday at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center when 9-year-old Qiyuan, or Magic Luck, gave birth to female twins at 5:24 p.m. and 6:16 p.m., Xinhua News Agency reported, citing center expert Yang Feifei.
Eight-year-old Chenggong, or Success, gave birth to a cub at 7:51 p.m., followed by 8-year-old Zhuzhu, or Pearl, who gave birth at 6:55 a.m. Sunday, Yang said.
The center currently has 71 pandas in captivity, Xinhua said.
The giant panda is revered as an unofficial national symbol of China. Only about 1,600 pandas live in the wild, mostly in southwestern Sichuan province, which was hit by an earthquake in May that killed nearly 70,000 people.
China's most famous panda preserve, the Wolong Nature Reserve, was seriously damaged in the quake and forced to relocate most of its pandas. The preserve is at the heart of China's gargantuan effort to use captive breeding and artificial insemination to save the giant panda.-AP
and this is a pic another panda that gave birth 2 weeks ago
she survived earthquake disaster at sichuan -

Guo Guo carries her cub in her mouth in Ya'an city, Sichuan province July 6, 2008.
can't imagine how small the cub is -
and soon can be as big as the mom --
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Reply #2 Kezman's post
copy dari emel  |
3 ekor panda yang on display kat San Diego Zoo:
baby nie nama dia Zhen Zhen (gambar di ambil awal Jun lepas). Zhen Zhen baru aje sambut 1st birthday August 6 lepas:

Mak dia (Bai Yun) sekarang dah bermain dengan Zhen Zhen...nanti snap gambar mereka bila pergi zoo hujung minggu nie
Nie pun anak Bai Yun, sambut her 3rd birthday bersama Zhen Zhen August 6 lepas...dia nie kalau tak makan, mesti tidur kalau kami datang tengok
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alohhhhhh... rasa nak pelokkkk jek...comeyyyy |
comel lah panda
aku suka sangat |
Bleh ke pelihara panda.....  |
Reply #58 sherkmarch's post
panda ni antara haiwan yg tergolong lam endangered spesis..
xleh main ske2 je bela..in fact,xleh bela lgsg! sbb panda ni very the sensitive gitu
x kena caranya die mati.. |
Reply #57 a.ceCCo's post
haha nampak best kann...
jd bantal peluk pun sodappp nii 
[ Last edited by ati1402 at 1-9-2008 11:36 AM ] |
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