Reply #40 suamisetia's post
rindu kat bini sesangat ke...smpi mcm tuh skali.. |
Reply #1 suamisetia's post
if this pair of eyes can's see, sure other pair of eye will see, don't felt so dejected and get hold yourself tight to brave the incoming uncertainty |
yerlah...rasa rindu kat wife pun ada ni kalau dah kerja mcm ni....
Feno, thanks for make me cool down & feel better now....
Korang agak2, co pressure aku utk berenti kerja ker??? |
Reply #44 suamisetia's post
mmm..agak2 tak kot....
tp kalo dah terseksa zahir dan batin..cr lah keje lain..kat sini pun byk keje gak.. |
now, aku buat jer kerja aku..mana dia suruh,,aku rs nak buat aku buat...x rasa nak buat, buat derk jer....
dai bengang...aku peduli apa....boleh ker buat gitu???? |
sekarang ni aku dah lega sikit....tensen ada sikit2 jer...
ramailah pulok org berenti kerja ni...semua nak balik m'sia...
ada kerja ker kat m'sia now??? |
keadaan tempat kerja dah semakin meruncing....semlm bos aku dah anto sms mentioned nak transfer aku to other project....entah... aku pun tak tau...maybe transfer out dr company....
apa tindakan aku...boleh tulun advise?? |
i think what u need is communication n network with others also.. sbb bos ni ader jugak tanye ur network cemaner behavior n cara u bawak sesetngah project, especially senior guys... n have some bit of confidence masa communicate ngn bos u tu... mmg lambat, but slowly u'll soon build ur self confidence n other's trusts... oke?? |
to me, u buat jer kerja u sebaik yg mungkin. kalu ur boss tak nampak kebolehan u, org lain akan nampak nanti.. ini berdasarkan pengalaman aku sendiri... mula2 kelik yg tak pandai buat kerja tu yg kena promote dulu sbb boss 'nampak' dia dulu dan dia ni pandai 'kipas' bos.. tapi lama2 big boss (financial director) perasan yg 80% of dia punye kerja aku yg buat sbb sume report tu kena sain... aku punye kerja aku ler yg sain walaupun kelik aku tu yg hantar... so, in the end, aku pun dpt ler aku punye promotion gak.. |
lagi satu.. u kerja untuk certain projek kan, so, buat kerja tu betul2... kalu u boleh tau inside out on the whole project is much better because you never know when the opportunity comes... maybe the payback bukan dlm masa terdekat tapi bila u involved in another project or u r working for another company in the future, ur knwledge in the current project will become ur asset in getting the covetted promotion.. so, timing is everything actually.. buangkan rasa dengki tu.. Allah Maha Kuasa... Dia yang tentukan rezeki umatNya.. ada sbb kenapa u tak dpt promotion tu sekarang..
In future, bila u fikir balik ttg keadaan u sekarang, u akan dpt jawapannya. |
juz now my mgmt confirmed me to transfer out. thanks for komen, i'll do my best...please wish me good luck.... I'll be base back with my ex-team....:handshake: |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan