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Author: durio_uno

Iceland @ Lýðveldið Ísland

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Post time 8-2-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
nak up skit thread nie..sbb mmg menarik iceland nie..

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Post time 14-1-2011 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Tillingtan at 14-1-2011 22:30

upkan balik,
its now winter kat Iceland. tapi kat area Reykjavik there has been very little snowfall, yg kami dapat adalah hujan dan ribut .

[img][/img]gambar diambil around 10pm, part of Reykjavik city.
an arctic tern.

can't get the pictures up. to view pls click on link yea..

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Post time 14-1-2011 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 9# Tillingtan

    subhanallah, cantiknya gambar yang tengah2 tu

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Post time 14-1-2011 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 35# my-alja

    sorry, aura tu apa

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Post time 14-1-2011 10:33 PM | Show all posts
what is their official language?

i first time dengar pasal iceland masa tengok cerita D3:The Mighty Ducks, pasal ice hockey...

team USA lawan Iceland...and i tengok they look different..

can majority of them speak English?

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Post time 14-1-2011 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply 40# puterikhaleeda


dah ada AA sekarang ni, ke NZ murah jer. Baru book via AA, RM2.1k return for 5 adult

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Post time 14-1-2011 11:08 PM | Show all posts
iceland sangat mengujakan saya,

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Post time 15-1-2011 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 45# cn7

Aurora Borealis/ Northern Lights, cahaya  berwarn hijau, merah dan oren yang kelihatan seperti berarak arak di ruang udara kutub utara.
Official language is Icelandic.  Kebanyakkan Icelanders boleh bertutur dalam Bahasa Inggeris kecuali orang orang tua yg berumur sangat.

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Post time 15-1-2011 08:38 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Tillingtan at 15-1-2011 08:55

Pondok tu tempat menjemur ikan.

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Post time 15-1-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply 49# Tillingtan

Cantiknya that pic. Allthis while i tot NZ & Switzerland jer yang ada panoramic view macam tu...

Iceland pun ada... tapi why macam tak ramai orang sebut2 nak gi Iceland ni ek compared to other countries?

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Post time 20-8-2012 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Dah lama saya tak buat input.
While searching for Malaysian + Iceland, I came across this blog of a Malaysian who was here in Iceland on an eight weeks of cycling tour.
Dengan Basikal Aku Menjelajah Last edited by Tillingtan on 20-8-2012 09:43 AM


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Post time 14-2-2013 09:49 PM | Show all posts
One of my dream country nak tgk aurora borealis...hope boleh sampai sini one day!

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Post time 15-2-2013 11:19 PM | Show all posts
I am going to Iceland this June, InsyaAllah!

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Post time 30-3-2013 07:36 AM | Show all posts
makcik Tillingtan, tunggu kami datang Iceland...tungggguuuuu!!! hihihi

iAllah, we're going to Iceland on next year (2014) spt yg di rancang.

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Post time 22-6-2013 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Just came back from Iceland!

Last edited by madohia on 23-6-2013 02:22 AM


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Post time 22-6-2013 06:46 PM | Show all posts
aimez posted on 30-3-2013 07:36 AM
makcik Tillingtan, tunggu kami datang Iceland...tungggguuuuu!!! hihihi

iAllah, we're going to Ice ...

how's your trip.....story lah kat sini.....letak gambar skali....

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Post time 23-6-2013 01:35 AM | Show all posts
madohia posted on 22-6-2013 02:44 PM
Just came back from Iceland!

Cer citer cer citer. Tepek gambo sekali. Bestnya bila la dpt pegi....

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Post time 23-6-2013 03:52 AM | Show all posts
It was super duper awesome!! Tak tau cane nak describe in words.. terasa macam seluruh trip tu samada berada dalam cite fairytale atau dalam set penggambaran atau di Planet Nameck atau anywhere out-of-this-world lah! sebelum sampai Iceland kami di Swiss, mmg sy akui Swiss sgt cantik tapi Iceland is special. It has rare, unique, raw and exceptionally gorgeous and beautiful landscape.. eh? x tau lah, mmg words can't describe, pictures can't tell.. Wallahu'alam, sbb kami mmg pencinta alam semulajadi so we prefer nature over cityscape. Pictures will definitely come later, tp bukan skrg sbb duk dlm sd card lg x transfer.. Itu pun bila tgk blk gamba rasa x puas hati jugak, rasa nak suruh semua org pegi jugak feel sndri how Iceland is !   

So here goes our itinerary. x ikut sgt plan asal sbb xleh nk bajet the distances from one point to another, x terbayang condition of the road, plus tuka upgrade kete di saat akhir, and the weather was not as predicted. In short, be loose on ur itinerary as there can be too many variables.

7/6 - Hari perjalanan. Fly dari Geneva to Luton, London. Roaming around for a couple of hours before our next flight Luton-Keflavik. Airport keflavik serius sangat cantik dan unik!! Very much into artistry.. Oh seperti Iceland as it is naturally
Took a transfer coach from Keflavik to the city which later sent us straight to the door of Floki Guesthouse we booked earlier. Checked-in dan rehat je sebab dah lewat pun, kul 10 malam but the sun was still up there. Be informed, in summer there is no real dark sky at night, paling2 pun macam maghrib je.. Isya' at almost 12am, Subuh at 2 am

8/6 - Had breakfast. Called car rental company for pick up. Upgrade to a more spacious car, x igt model tp sebuah Chevrolet. Upgrade our insurance on the car sbb jalan Iceland in some parts are gravel roads. Ada org pnah di caj beribu utk calar2 kat kete.. I mean, driving on gravel roads, what do u expect? mesti lah akan calar punya.. Target hari ni nak ke Jokulsarlon (Ice Lagoon) dan bermalam area Hofn, ada hihostel kat Vagnasstadir, which is to the east. Along the road punya lah byk ktrg stop at random places sebab terlalu cantik, padehal bukan tourist spot pun.. so that takes time but anyway, enjoy it while u can! Punyelah byk waterfall spnjg 400 km perjalanan ke Hofn, I lost count.. dan biri-biri gemuk 2 kali ganda ktrg pnah tgk kat aussie, bagaikan bawak beg posmen kiri dan kanan, dgn tanduk bergulung dia bagaikan lambang Aries tu.. dan Icelandic horses yg berbadan sasa dan sgt besar berlari2 bagaikan kucing, ayam, kambing dan lembu je di Malaysia.. Stop yg agak lama di Skogafoss, sebuah waterfall yg femes jugak kat sana, dan kami naik tgk waterfall tu dr atas.. Lpas tu straight je ke Jokulsarlon but with all the random stops along the way for scenic views. Jokulsarlon ni is where u will get to see Glacier tongue, which slowly breaks and goes into the lake jd icebergs, floating, and some will follow the river to the open sea dan mencair perlahan2.. mmg dah tgk gamba dan video semua online sblm pegi tp feel tgk sndri dpn mata tu uugghhhhh tak boleh digambar kan! masa first glance ktrg nampak tgh2 drive tu semua menjerit sekuat2nya dlm kete sbb terlampau excited dan tak percaya. so we stopped for a while, nak naik boat tours around the lake x smpat dah sbb da nak malam. dan kemudian bermalam kat hofn.

9/6 - Check out dan blk semula ke Jokulsarlon. strolling around the glacial lake, lpas tu nek boat keliling icebergs dan kwsn glacier sana.. this is where films like James Bond: Die Another Day, Batman Begins dan Tomb Raider were filmed.. sampai skrg masih tak percaya dah pegi semua tu huhu sgt tenang mcm xde bunyi, tp bila glacier/iceberg breaks bunyi dia sgt kuat mcm guruh berdentum wpon pd jarak sgt jauh.. abis 2-3 jam kat situ we went to skaftafell national park, to see the glacier even closer. kat sini ada st byk aktiviti mcm glacier walk, glacier climb, etc tp kne tgk cuaca jugak. masa smpai tu ujan so berjalan jelah ke kwsn glacier.. wpon mcm scary sbb ada warning to be vigilant to quicksand! Oh btw entrance fee xde utk most major attraction sites except kalo nk beraktiviti je pakai duit. sepanjang perjalanan adalah mengagumkan sbb terasa macam berjalan atas gamba atas canvas je sekeliling.. round 1 area je kat skaftafell sbb dah sejuk sgt plus dah ptg dan lapar, dan sejuuuukkkk tmbh2 lg ujan.. masuk museum jap tgk video sal last eruption kat area vatnajokull yg sgt sadis tp in 2 weeks je diorg dah recover electricity supply! padehal eruption tu memusnahkan 1/4 iceland kot? lpas tu stop kat petrol station for fuel (yg mahal!) n quick lunch. terus bermalam kat area hella.

10/6 - Target hr ni cover Golden Circle Route yg femes dan menjadi kewajipan semua yg dtg Iceland. So 1st stop kat Gullfoss. Tmpt ni sgt tinggi dan angin dia perghh angin plg kuat yg pernah ditempuhi dlm seluruh kehidupan ni! serius x tipu.. kat parking lg pintu kete yg berat pun tertutup sndri sbb angin tlampau kuat.. scary pun ye sbb sgt besar tp mestila sgt cantik dan majestic! lpas tu ke geysir n strokkur utk tgk geysers eruption. geysir dah almost mati so sgt jarang org dpt capture. tp strokkur is still erupting every 15-30 min once or twice. xtau cane nk describe but anyway, pergerakan air dlm lubang tmpt geyser memancut tu adlh sgt scary sbb turun naik lgsung takde rhythm dan berbuih menggelegak, air warna biru kehijauan, dan tiba2 geyser memancut dgn wap air pada suhu 80-100 degree! lpas tu kami ke Thingvellir National Park yg ada sungai, tasik, gunung2, snow capped mountains dan air terjun yg sgt unik. Oxararfoss kot namanya, struktur dia sgt pelik dan unik, dgn air warna biru yg nmpk x natural tu tp serius air terjun tu warna biru! dan susunan batu2 yg majestic spnjg aliran air terjun tu mcm kalo dlm cerita2 fairytale, itu adalah rumah troll slps tu isi minyak lg sblm pulg kn kete.. dan terus menuju blk ke reykjavik. igt nk join whale watching tour tp mmg x smpt lah nk drive 200 km je dah takes time, lg pulak ada yg gravel roads.. lpas pulg kete bersiar2 je kat city reykjavik yg bangunan2 dia pun cantik dan unik, mcm bangunan2 mainan je rasa..

11/6 - Flight at 9.30 am. so awal2 pagi dah gerak ke airport yg 45 min dr city center. tak sempat ke blue lagoon dan whale watching but Iceland, be warned that we will be back for more!

The thing we all like about driving in Iceland is, we get to see a totally different landscape terbentang every few kilometres.. dan dalam satu2 masa, macam gamba yg sy attach post sblm ni, depan, kanan, kiri dan blkg, all have different views! U totally can't get this kind of landscape anywhere on this world! (pd sy lah yg baru sgt pun travel ni hehe)

So that's all about Iceland from me. Hope this inspires more people to travel to Iceland!

Karangan panjang ni promo. boleh tak nk claim komisen dr Iceland tourism? hehe

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Post time 6-7-2013 10:03 AM | Show all posts
madohia posted on 23-6-2013 03:52 AM
It was super duper awesome!! Tak tau cane nak describe in words.. terasa macam seluruh trip tu samad ...

Look up for "Inspired by Iceland". they will love your Iceland experience.   

Here is a video of  Stokkur. It erupts around every 5 to 10 minutes.

* can someone pls help to upload the video and picture. terima kasih

Last edited by Tillingtan on 6-7-2013 10:22 AM


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Post time 6-7-2013 09:04 PM | Show all posts
madohia posted on 22-6-2013 02:44 PM
Just came back from Iceland!

Exactly like NZ...the landscape is superb especially the south island. Should try NZ after this...
Belum sampai Iceland....maybe one day, one fine day


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