perasan lar..akuhensem dah tak nmpk
selalu posting dier mmg berilmiah sgt...i loike |
well....alaaaaaa tak leh weave in ker ? alaaa oops nanti considered impertinence pulak ish penuh adat pragmatic betul laaaa |
Boleh saja I nak join.
Tapi takleh janji masuk sini hari hari.
Sebab busy kerja, busy gi gym, busy menjaga bod CI lagi  |
okay , well i could feel the thrill of it...it is gonna be fun then |
eh aku sorang jer lwn dgn red debel. kalo gitu aku nak tukar nama jadi shiro tenshi ok tak haha? btw aku suka tajuk nih. sbb aku mmg x tau sgt pasal nuclear energy apatah lagi nuclear power plant. aku tak kisah mana2 pun. aku rasa advantage kat pihak opposition sbb:
1) chernobyl disaster
2) nuclear waste
jd untuk challenge diri aku maka aku nak mintak jadi pihak penyokong aku rasa red debel sudah matang dalam berhujah so aku tak perlu citer banyak. aku dgr2 red debel doktor so it would be interesting listening to his points. |
I would rather have a casual debate than hard-pressing one
Having fun rather than stressed out over something I am not paid for
Lighting this thread/board up rather than flaming each other
and poking fun at myself over silly arguments |
I would rather have a casual debate than hard-pressing one
Having fun rather than stressed out over something I am not paid for
Lighting this thread/board up rather than flaming each other
and poki ...
cmf_aishiteru Post at 17-3-2010 16:19 
itulah yang saya mahu
just having fun..sambil tambah ilmu
the debate is only between you and RedDevils...no one can interfere  |
alaaaa time debate tu buat lah 12:30 pm - 12:30 am hehehehe pandailah i .....kehkeh
i sure sibuk kat canteen day kat well the kafe kolej ....sebagai well tukang makan |
what happened to the debate?
bukankah ada debat kan hari ni ? atau saya terlepas perahu? |
what happened to the debate?
bukankah ada debat kan hari ni ? atau saya terlepas perahu?
mbhcsf Post at 21-3-2010 19:07 
there is no debate as requested by mod RD
the debate will be postponed.....hari yang mereka lapang
mungkin by the end of this month |
o i see they are not free okay....as in not available...o ok then..alaaaaaaaaaa...tak besh nya |
o i see they are not free okay....as in not available...o ok then..alaaaaaaaaaa...tak besh nya
mbhcsf Post at 21-3-2010 21:17 
actually doc RD can make it today
but you know that annoying spammer making fuss recently
causing him trouble
I feel that it is not fair to let him participating in debate without much preparation
Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 21-3-2010 21:43
ada segelintir ralyat malaysia masih tak mahu menggunakan forum dengan betul, nampak tak?
instead of sharing opinion in a healthy manner they tend to vent their anger, misinterpret the statement and then the worst part is , they never ask any question pertaining to the rationale of why and why such act being done...then bearing grudges.
then one day kaboommmm
saya rasa adab berform ni susah sangat kah , kalau tak setuju pun mesti serang peribadi ke? mesti jaja peribadi org ka? i mean the professionalism ni masih tahap rendah.
depa tak tengok fakta dgn fakta, tak nak memperhalusi, kebanyakannya sentimen. |
biasak la manusia, atas jalan raya pun ramai xleh ikut manner
aku dah study sikit, pening nya mak oiii daripada energy issue jadi environmental issue jadi social issue jadi legal issue |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi