seriously AF9 semuanya serba tak kene.. dr production team + students + pengajar (only few yg okay.. ...
damia76 Post at 16-5-2011 11:11
juliza adlizan
adnan abu hassan
boleh apa mereka ni jadi ketua... |
the best n most successful Pengetua is Ramli MS....next is M.Nasir..... |
Reply 34# achik2009
Cikgu Syafi pun puji Nera.... Thanks cikgu syafi. Aku bangga sbg peminat Nera. Taklah mcm org lain ckp Nera ni hanya cantik aje tapi tak berbakat |
Reply achik2009
Cikgu Syafi pun puji Nera.... Thanks cikgu syafi. Aku bangga sbg peminat ...
jakunta Post at 16-5-2011 11:30
aku x pernah kutok nera.....hehehhhe...... |
Reply 44# mat_arof
bukan ko lah... Tapi kalau ko tengok banyak org kat sini yg cakap mcm tu. |
Reply mat_arof
bukan ko lah... Tapi kalau ko tengok banyak org kat sini yg cakap mcm tu. ...
jakunta Post at 16-5-2011 11:48
orang yang cakap dan kutok nera meraka tu semua tak de telinga..... |
Post Last Edit by santubung at 16-5-2011 12:16
orang yang cakap dan kutok nera meraka tu semua tak de telinga.....
mat_arof Post at 16-5-2011 11:53
hattan kata ERUL tak der telinge!
sbb kata Nera yangtak patut disingkirkan |
Betul tu kata cikgu syafi..mentaliti rakyat Malaysia ni, klu penyanyi ni dpt high note bukan main lagik bagik pengiktirafan yg bukan main tinggi lagi..mcm dah terlalu perfect smpi xde kesalahan lgsung walhal mereka tu baru penyanyi yg sdg menuntut ilmu lagi...berubahlah pengkritik terutama hattan...kak ogy ok...kdg2 klu penyanyi tu bagus camne pon tp klu x mcpi standard yg die mahukan mmg abes die kritik student tu... |
memang the best principal by far, Dato' Ramli MS
and dpt students yg genuine nak belajar bukan main2 ...
aku notice budak2 af9 kalo part bcakap bukan main lagik tp bila performance hampeh!!!! :@:@ |
Cikgu Syafi bercakap berdasarkan teori/teknikal..Sbb beliau seorang guru.. Beliau sendiri pun bukannya penyanyi..Realitinya org minat seseorang artis bukan sbb dia mampu menyanyi dgn betul (melainkan org yg mmg ada ilmu muzik) tapi sbb artis tu dh berjaya menarik perhatian dia (tak kisah la dr segi apa pun)..
Ini artikel dr Ahmad Izham Omar, pengasas syarikat rakaman Positive Tone..Mungkin kita blh tgk dr perspektif yg berbeza berbanding apa yg diperkatakan Cikgu Syafi..
Have you got the X-factor?
YOU’VE heard the phrase “the X-factor”, right? You’ve heard people say, “he’s got the X-Factor” and Simon Cowell is raking in millions with a reality show around that word.
But what IS the X-Factor? It’s tough to describe but you will definitely know it when you see it. It’s that something that gives a person an aura of personality, charm and attraction. It’s not just good looks. There are artistes who don’t look THAT good but are considered attractive. The X-factor is hard to pin down but it’s something that the music industry relies on. When record executives look for the next big thing, they are always looking for the artiste and performer who has that extra special something. The music industry is one that never looks at a diploma, a degree or that one studied singing for five years with a top vocal coach.
The reason is simple. It’s market-driven. Music listeners do not review your resume when they listen to your song. They don’t care that you received a Grade 8 in ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). They don’t go, “Oh that was a nice little diminished seventh chord that he used.” They just listen to your music. And if your music and performance hits them at their very soul for some reason, coupled with a personality and look that are captivating and magnetic, then YOU... have the X-factor.
And that’s the disconnect I find between a lot of the formal music education and the real-world demands. There are times when I get asked to discussions in universities and colleges centring around how to bring real-world situations into the classroom. These discussions are great and should be encouraged. However, in my opinion, the industry that needs this the most is the creative industry, especially in the understanding of the X-factor and how it drives the entire industry. This understanding should not be a small minor educational afterthought or an elective in the music syllabus. Understanding the X-factor will enable students to direct all the different subjects they learn in a formal setting, to serve the one true goal — awareness, understanding and the nurturing of the X-factor. The X-factor will give you the hits, and hits will always ensure the music industry flourishes.
I’m not suggesting that X-factor should be taught as a subject. It can’t be done. You can’t teach X-factor, you just have it. I’m suggesting that it is important to learn to recognise X-factor because all the formal training of music theory, songwriting, production and management will then fall into place.
So to all music students, don’t be misguided and be slaves to making sure your productions are note-perfect. Don’t be a slave to technically-correct music. Listen carefully to Elvis, The Beatles, Nirvana and many other ground-breaking music and you will find a lot of wrong notes and technically-incorrect performances.
But Elvis’ music producer and his record label understood that it was not about being musically perfect. It was about creating a mood, a feeling, an aura of excitement that would drive listeners wild. The producer worked on making sure that Elvis’ X-factor was the main highlight in his music (his growls, vibratos, low notes, that tingling sensation when you hear him sing) and the record label and management made sure his look and stage performance pushed his X-factor out in the open. I can safely bet that at no point of time in his career did anyone from his team say, “You know, that was real nice singing but you can’t use that note over that chord. It’s musically wrong.” The great music producers and record label executives know that fans only care about the magnetic aura of the artiste, not whether they technically used the correct note or not.
Sadly, I do come across many students of music who are more into “the correct method”, oblivious to their elitist stance. I have heard remarks like, “Oh my, I can’t believe people like this band! They are using the wrong chords! You should teach them the PROPER way to play!” When we study music, we come across “rules”. One needs to be aware that “rules” are actually historical examples of music evolution. It is imperative that students understand that all great artistes break these “rules”. Music, as an art form, has to always innovate and progress to remain vibrant. No one wants to hear music that has already been done before. Yes, music students should still study music. Yes, you should still know what the correct methods, notes and “rules” are for music. But more importantly, you have to serve the X-factor. That’s what everyone is looking for. |
Reply 51# snowey_dey
Cikgu Syafi bercakap sebagai seorang guru ........... bukannya pasal org tu ada x-factor tuk berjaya atau tidak!
Ahmad Idzam lak bercakap pasal x-factor as bussinesman (CEO 8TV) ...... different point!!!! |
Aura rancangan ni, bak kata kak ogy "Roh" tu dah takde.. buat la cam mana pun zaman gemilang AF takkan dapat semula cam AF1,2 & 3.. sepatutnya sesuatu rancangan yang baik makin lama makin mantap ni tak makin lama makin lemau... aku dulu AF paling aku tunggu, tapi silap nya selepas AF3 kemenangan dirancang Mawi, aura semakin menurun sebab kepercayaan penonton tu pudar.. aku sekarang beralih kepada Mentor yang dulu aku tak berapa minat tapi sekarang dah mula minat... |
Post Last Edit by snowey_dey at 16-5-2011 17:34
Reply snowey_dey
Cikgu Syafi bercakap sebagai seorang guru ........... bukannya pasal org tu ad ...
santubung Post at 16-5-2011 16:08
I know.. kan saya ada mention yg Cikgu Syafi bercakap sbagai guru.. Apa yg Cikgu Syafi ckp tu tak salah pun..I posted this article sekadar utk kita lihat dr sisi berbeza ..Cikgu Syafi cakap ramai student AF9 menyanyi dgn teknik yg salah.. This article plak mention yg ramai artis yg dh berjaya walau mereka buat muzik dgn chord yg salah, atau menyanyi dgn teknik yg salah..
Saya rasa artikel tu mcm berkait.. Sorry if u think otherwise..I'm not good at giving explanation..Mungkin ada org lain blh digest tht article and get the same idea..Sorry again.. |
Amy (Search) itu nama je besar dalam dunia seni...jadi pengetua macam x de fungsi je.....o ...
mat_arof Post at 16-5-2011 07:59
setuju..amy tak nmpk kesungguhan langsung dlm mengajar bdk2 tuhh...macam tak amik peduli pon |
setuju dgn cikgu syafi...nera ada bakat cuma lagu2 yg dia selalu dpt tak dpt menguji vokal dia yg sebenar |
setuju dgn cikgu syafi...nera ada bakat cuma lagu2 yg dia selalu dpt tak dpt menguji vokal dia yg se ...
psychoz Post at 16-5-2011 17:57
hopefully lepas minggu Kantoi tu, Nera akan dpt lagu2 yg dpt show off her vocal..Aku mcm suspect je kru produksi nih sengaja simpan lagu2 yg best utk Nera utk minggu2 terakhir...ala2 nak cipta tsunami kononnya...
Nera do your best..and your supporters will make sure you are one of the finalist... |
aku harap mulut ko betol2 masin...kalau betollah astruk nak simpan nera sampai ke final..m ...
psychoz Post at 16-5-2011 18:14
nak jadi juara tu...percentage dia agak rendah..antara no 4 dan 5 dlm tangan rasanya kalau tgk pola pengundian pengundi... |
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