Nak tau status terkini ASB... ( syariah compliance atau x ) ???
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Reply cn7
5. Ask any Pusat Zakat, that you wish to pay zakat from your ASB investment and you will be surprised that the investment is not zakat-able
I’m not going to deliberate further on the halalness (some state Fatwa declare “harus” based on issues of “maslahat” or darurat) but I prefer to deliberate ASB vs UT on grounds of financial planning and the numbers resulting from such investment plan. View the following.
cn7 Post at 2-8-2011 12:27
ade sape2 yang kenal org pusat zakat.. tolong cek kan.. nak tau jugak. |
Reply 39# missdirector
since awak U.T consultant, apa pendpt awak jika klien yg mau invest duit kwsp ke islamic fund? adakah pihak U.T menerima duit KWSP sebegini? |
Reply 38# mrsakit
oh hi mrsakit...jumpa gak kat thread sini... hehehhe...
ok thank you for the explaination... baru saya tau ASB zero risk. selama ni invest sebab kata bagus, untuk melayu la etc...never find out whether its halal ke tak sebab dah anggap kalau ekslusif utk melayu, sure la halal... tapi, yes actually ASB bukan untuk melayu, its bumiputra, and bumiputra pun consists of non-islam jugak... i tak pernah terpikir hal ni...
i am still investigating pasal benda ni...sebab tak nampak...and masa u couldnt be bothered, tapi if betul.... saya rasa dah jatuh tanggungjawab saya untuk keluarkan simpanan dalam ASB. but to reach there, i will need a solid info & solid evidence... agaknya soklan ASB halal or tak ni dah jadi FAQ kat mana2 tempat pusat islam/dakwah la kan...
saya tak nak siasat lagi tentang hal kehalalalan investment dalam unit trust (yang kata ikut syariah) sebab saya belum invest lagi. Tapi where i put my money, if there's such statement ni, i have to find out la kan.... |
Post Last Edit by missdirector at 2-8-2011 13:54
Reply missdirector
since awak U.T consultant, apa pendpt awak jika klien yg mau invest du ...
jenglut Post at 2-8-2011 13:48
Jenglut. UT mmg bagi korang beli guna KWSP. diorang mmg galakkan lagi. KWSP pun bagi.
pasal islamic atau tak tu tak kisah... tapi saya akan manage portfolio n promote yang islamic je. yang tak islamic tak nak ambik tau pun walaupun bertimbun awards. huhuhu
tapi so far. CIMB UT lebih fopular dengan islamic products diorang. Org bukan islam pun beli fund islamic. |
Reply 39# missdirector
tapi akhirnya keputusan sebulat suara para mufti ni belum jugak dpt kan ?? dah confirm ke belum sebenarnye ni ???
saya pun tak tahu lah... kalau mufti selangor kata tak halal, yang kedah & perak kata halal, ada tak peringkat kebangsaan pulak? kalau hukum dia harus, harus kalau bukan if dah tak ada alternatif lain ker?
soklan, since u kata u UT... dalam prospektus tu, katakanla dia kata invest dalam syariah compliant & senaraikan nama company2 dia... boleh percaya ker its the truth? maklumat ni boleh ditipu2 ker? |
Reply 44# missdirector
tapi so far. CIMB UT lebih fopular dengan islamic products diorang.
oh ye ker... miss UT mana? CIMB ker? |
Reply missdirector
saya pun tak tahu lah... kalau mufti selangor kata tak halal, yang ...
cn7 Post at 2-8-2011 13:54
tu la.. ade plak boleh lain2 pendapat kan ?? patutnya sehati sejiwa satu malaysia...heran.
lepas tu tibe2 presiden PNB pun boleh ckp tak tepat pulak apa yang mufti kata.. cepat2 la buat mesyuarat jelaskan kat semua mufti..
pasal soalan ni :
since u kata u UT... dalam prospektus tu, katakanla dia kata invest dalam syariah compliant & senaraikan nama company2 dia... boleh percaya ker its the truth? maklumat ni boleh ditipu2 ker?
since BANK yang keluarkan officially dan untuk diberi dan dilihat oleh investors n consultants. tak logik pulak kalau nak fikir diorang tipu. kalau tipu mesti company2 pesaing dah fire dulu kan.. tapi report tu sangat open. dan bukan hanya untuk internal circulation jek. Tapi kalau somehow diorang tipu jugak.. biar lah si panel syariah FIMM tu tanggung. hehe. sebab tanggungjawab diorang untuk perhatikan flow investment oleh fund managers ni. |
Reply 44# missdirector
maksud sy, kalau klien tu ada duit kwsp (so called haram) then invest kat syariah fund (so called halal), boleh ke gitew? |
Reply missdirector
oh ye ker... miss UT mana? CIMB ker?
cn7 Post at 2-8-2011 13:55
CIMB wealth advisors
ekceli kami bukan disuruh jual UT tau cn7. kami dilatih oleh CIMB untuk advice n service client. sebab tu dipanggil unit trust consultant. bukan unit trust seller. Just nak gtau tu. ramai org tak tau ape sebenarnye keje org UT ni. Dpt commision ciput tu bkn utk suke2 je. ade tanggungjawab. |
Reply missdirector
maksud sy, kalau klien tu ada duit kwsp (so called haram) then invest kat sy ...
jenglut Post at 2-8-2011 14:05
Owh.. faham faham.
Mcm ni. KWSP ialah something yang kita tak leh choose. dia mmg akan ada tiap2 bulan. niat kwsp baik. utk tlg kita masa retirement. KWSP bagi lebih kurang 5.8%++ returns every year. KWSP bukan dikhaskan utk org islam je. so kita tak leh lah jugak nak salahkan diorang nak invest kat mana ...tapi...UT. kita boleh choose. matlamat pun sama. prepare for retirement. returns. lebih. kan elok kalau dah tau something tu tak syariah compliance ( tak suka nk ckp pkataan haram ), kita alihkan ke tempat yang lebih nyata ke 'compliance' an nye.
tp kalau nak jawab soalan jenglut ikut kepala saya. sy akan ckp suh keluarkan je every 4 mths. supaya tak sempat nak di invest pun ke tempat2 lain. |
Reply cn7
Ada betul dr missdirector...UT mmg totally different from ASB...coz asb more to ...
mrsakit Post at 2-8-2011 14:39
wah.. ai dah dapat title dr. hehe. tq tq.
anyway mmg betul. Prospectus je keluar 2 kali setahun. nthen tebal nya bukan main. yang ni baru islamic punya fund.. yang lain2 belum kira lagi. kdg2 berpinar2 gak mata menyelak prospectus. nasib baik ada meeting every week kasi update. nak harapkan sendiri mmg lepas pandang banyak benda la.. |
oh wow interesting discussion..macam2 i tak tahu and now dah tau sikit2 nak tanya banyak2 lagi boleh ker? |
Reply 51# mrsakit
mrsakit, you pun UT ker or u ada background dalam finance? |
Reply 51# mrsakit
u baca prospektus asb...dia tak mention semua senarai2 syarikat..dia hanya mention invest utk pertanian
mrsakit, i got this from a blog while searching this info...
this one dia claim among the companies yang ASB invest & tak ikut syariah... i paham part company no 17 tu jer (tak boleh invest dalam company arak, judi, rokok, etc) tapi part yang highlighted lain tu eg company no 14 & 15 tu kenapa? and company no 1 tu, Malayan Bank tu, Maybank kan? kenapa Maybank kira tak syariah compliant? bukan dalam UT pun ada invest dalam Maybank ker?
sorry banyak soalan tapi curious la.. |
Reply mrsakit
this one dia claim among the companies yang ASB invest & tak ikut syariah... i paham part company no 17 tu jer (tak boleh invest dalam company arak, judi, rokok, etc) tapi part yang highlighted lain tu eg company no 14 & 15 tu kenapa? and company no 1 tu, Malayan Bank tu, Maybank kan? kenapa Maybank kira tak syariah compliant? bukan dalam UT pun ada invest dalam Maybank ker?
sorry banyak soalan tapi curious la..
cn7 Post at 2-8-2011 16:04
eventhough im not finance but im also a part of investor like u as well but not into ASB....British American Tobacco (BAT)
Yes, part of non shariah compliance
Maybank is also non shariah compliant because it is open to all
If Maybank Islamic..yes that is shariah compliance
I will give u a sample of UT for syariah compliance...
This is a sample ye...
In the prospectus, they already mention below:-
5b.4 and 5b.5
In conformity with Shariah requirements, the securities of companies engaged in the following
activities or producing the following categories of products shall not be included in the portfolio of the
(a) all conventional banking, insurance and financial services;
(b) gaming;
(c) alcoholic beverages;
(d) non-halal food products;
(e) interest bearing money market instruments; and
(f) any further restrictions as may be determined by the Securities Commission‟s Shariah
Advisory Council and/or the Fund‟s Shariah Adviser from time to time.
U can see very clearly statement...kan...
So ashamed, fund manager is Chinese but they know our syariah law...
Meaning that, everything they do is tight up with SC and BSKL...as i said early...
Few thing goes wrong, fund will be terminate... |
wah.. ai dah dapat title dr. hehe. tq tq.
missdirector Post at 2-8-2011 15:17
amboi-amboi...my short form dr is dari...tapi kasi chance lah doa utk dpt title doktor kan mana tahu...sorry i takde sample utk CWA fund...coz im not investor for CWA hehe |
Maybank is also non shariah compliant because it is open to all
mrsakit Post at 2-8-2011 17:39
where get from?..
fatwa dari UT consultant ke?... |
Reply cn7
mufti mmg kena zip coz babitkan non-muslim people...kalo dia jaws tentang syariah...maka tercetusnya perang kecil dgn org non-muslim with bumiputra title ...kalo nak dgr pandangan dr mana2 ustaz or ulama bolehlaa..hanya pandangan sahaja...tapi garis utk fatwa kebangsaan...mmg takkan reveal the real answer...
mrsakit Post at 2-8-2011 14:39
pheuww....first time dengar cerita ni...
sahih ke?
and the real answer is .......... |
pheuww....first time dengar cerita ni...
sahih ke?
and the real answer is ..........
hujan Post at 2-8-2011 23:47
jikalau kamu berwaspada dgn komen saya...tunjukkanlah kami garis panduan fatwa kebangsaan khas utk ASB...drpd para2 ulama beri pandangan yg berbeza bagaikan hukum fatwa kebangsaan yg tak bertali ... |
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