Kebenaran Banjir Zaman Nabi Nuh Sampai Ke Nusantara
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sekngucing posted on 2-10-2011 01:31 PM
kalau banjir seluruh dunia, mana air2 tu semua pegi?
kat kutub sana
day2 posted on 22-11-2011 03:16 PM
rasenye zaman nabi nuh tu mmg da sgt canggih, sbb terlampau canggih tu la org makin lupa agama, mcm ...
betul. memang dah canggih.. bayangkan umur sampai seribu tahun... teknologi yg kita pakai harini contohnya teknologi kereta tak sampai 200 tahun. itupun saintis berganti-ganti memajukan sesuatu teknologi lepas sorang mati diganti orang lain.
Penjelasan tentang kenapa menurut Al-Quran banjir zaman Nabi Nuh TIDAK meliputi seluruh dunia... http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/historical_06.html
We sent Nuh to his people and heremained among them for fifty short of a thousand years; yet the Flood engulfedthem while they were wrongdoers. (Qur'an, 29:14)
The Prophet Nuh (as) was sent to hispeople by Allah. They had distanced themselves from the commandments of theLord and ascribed partners to Him. The Prophet Nuh (as) warned them that theyshould serve Allah alone and abandon the false worship which they hadestablished in their community. Although the Prophet Nuh (as) called on hispeople with great eloquence and wisdom, and warned them against the punishmentof Allah, they rejected the Prophet and continued to associate partners to Him.At this, Allah told the Prophet Nuh (as) that He would punish the deniers bydrowning them. But He also informed His Messenger that His mercy would save thebelievers, those who embraced true religion and worshipped the One and OnlyGod. The destruction of the people of Nuh and the salvation of the believers isdescribed thus in the Qur'an: But they denied him so We rescuedhim and those with him in the Ark. And We drowned the people who denied OurSigns. They were a blind people. (Qur'an, 7:64)
When the time of punishment came,the water in the ground combined with violent rains to cause a giant flood.(Allah knows best.) It is revealed that before the flood came, Allah spoke tothe Prophet Nuh (as):
We revealed to him: "Build theShip under Our supervision and as We reveal. When Our command comes and waterbubbles up from the earth, load into it a pair of every species, and yourfamily-except for those among them against whom the word has already goneahead. And do not address Me concerning those who do wrong. They shall bedrowned." (Qur'an, 23:27)
Apart from those who boarded ProphetNuh's (as) Ark, the entire tribe was drowned. The dead included the Prophet'sson who thought he could escape by seeking shelter on a mountain.
It was said, "Earth, swallow upyour water!" and, "Heaven, hold back your rain!" And the watersubsided and the affair was concluded and the Ark came to land on al-Judi. Andit was said, "Away with the people of the wrongdoers!" (Qur'an,11:44) Compared to the flood accountscontained in Jewish scriptures, and indeed the various cultural beliefs ofother peoples, the Qur'anic account, which was revealed by Allah and is theonly divine text to have remained uncorrupted, stands as the most reliable ofall these accounts. The Torah, a corrupted text, says that this flood wasuniversal and covered the whole world. On the contrary, it appears from therelevant verses that the flood was a regional one and punished not the wholeworld but only the tribe that rejected the Prophet Nuh (as). Those who weredestroyed in it were the people who rejected the message of the Prophet Nuh(as) and persisted in their denial. There is no indication in the Qur'an thatthe flood was universal. The verses on the subject read: We sent Nuh to his people: "Iam a clear warner to you. Worship none but Allah. I fear for you the punishmentof a painful day." (Qur'an, 11:25-26)
But they denied him so We rescuedhim and those with him in the Ark. And We drowned the people who denied OurSigns. They were a blind people. (Qur'an, 7:64)
So We rescued him and those with himby mercy from Us, and We cut off the last remnant of those who denied Our Signsand were not believers. (Qur'an, 7:72)
As we have seen, we are told in theQur'an that only the people of the Prophet Nuh (as) were destroyed, not thewhole world. The corrected states of the corrupted accounts in Christian andJewish scriptures in the Qur'an prove that it is, in its entirety, a book sentdown by Allah.
Excavations in the region where theflood is believed to have occurred also show that the flood was not a universalevent, but a wide-scale disaster that affected part of Mesopotamia.
When the waters subsided, the Arkcame to rest. As revealed in the Qur'an, the resting place of the ark wasal-Judi. The word "judi" is sometimes taken to mean a particularmountain, although the Arabic word itself means "high place, hill."From that point of view, the word "judi" can refer to thewaters reaching only up to a certain height and not to the covering of all theland. In other words, we learn from the Qur'an that the flood did not swallowup all the land and all the mountains on Earth-as is related in Jewishscriptures and other legends-but only one particular region.
Last edited by obelisk on 15-8-2012 02:07 PM
obelisk posted on 15-8-2012 02:06 PM
Penjelasan tentang kenapa menurut Al-Quran banjir zaman Nabi Nuh TIDAK meliputi seluruh dunia... htt ...
Archaeological Evidence for the Flood
According to the archaeological findings, Nuh’s Flood took place on the Mesopotamian Plain, the shape of which was very different to that of today. The present-day limits of the plain are shown with a dotted red line in the above diagram. The wide region beyond that line is known to have been part of the sea at that time. | If a natural disaster, sudden migration or war, for example, should result in the destruction of a civilisation, traces of that civilisation are well-protected. The houses people lived in and the objects people used in their daily lives are quickly buried under the earth. These are thus conserved for long periods without being touched by human hands. For students of the past, they provide invaluable clues when they are finally brought to light.
In recent times, the discovery of a large amount of evidence concerning Nuh's Flood has come to the attention of the world's most prominent archaeologists and historians. The Flood, believed to have occurred around 3000 B.C., destroyed an entire civilisation and allowed an entirely new one to be founded in its place. That evidence of the Flood was preserved for thousands of years provides a deterrent to those people who have come after this punishment of the wicked.
Many excavations have been carried out to study the flood, which was localised on and around the Mesopotamian Plains. Digs in the region have encountered traces of a flood in four main cities on the Mesopotamian Plain: Ur, Erech, Kish and Shuruppak. Excavations in these cities have shown that these cities were hit by flooding around 3000 B.C.
The oldest of the remains of the civilisation in the city of Ur-today known as Tell al Muqqayar-date back to 7000 B.C. The city of Ur, one of the oldest human civilisations, was a settlement region in which consecutive civilisations were born and died.
The archaeological discoveries which came from study of Ur unearthed information which clearly informs us that a civilisation there was interrupted by a terrible flood and that new civilisations gradually sprang up in its place. Leonard Woolley led a joint excavation by the British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania in the desert area between Baghdad and the Persian Gulf. Woolley's excavations are described by the German archaeologist Werner Keller as follows:
"The graves of the kings of Ur" - so Woolley, in the exuberance of his delight at discovering them, had dubbed the tombs of Sumerian nobles whose truly regal splendour had been exposed when the spades of the archaeologists attacked a fifty-foot mound south of the temple and found a long row of superimposed graves. The stone vaults were veritable treasure chests, for they were filled with all the costly goblets, wonderfully shaped jugs and vases, bronze tableware, mother of pearl mosaics, lapis lazuli, and silver surrounded these bodies which had mouldered into dust. Harps and lyres rested against the walls…
When after several days some of Woolley's workmen called out to him, "We are on ground level", he let himself down onto the floor of the shaft to satisfy himself. Woolley's first thought was "This is it at last". It was sand, pure sand of a kind that could only have been deposited by water.
They decided to dig on and make the shaft deeper. Deeper and deeper went the spades into the ground: three feet, six feet - still pure mud. Suddenly, at ten feet, the layer of mud stopped as abruptly as it had started. Under this clay deposit of almost ten feet thick, they had struck fresh evidence of human habitation…
The Flood - that was the only possible explanation of this great clay deposit beneath the hill at Ur, which quite clearly separated two epochs of settlement…217
Excavations in the Mesopotamian Plain revealed the presence of a layer of mud and clay at a depth of 2.5 metres (8 feet). This stratum in all probability consisted of clay carried by the waters of the Flood, and is to be found only under the Mesopotamian Plain. | Microscopic analysis revealed that this great clay deposit beneath the hill at Ur had accumulated here as a result of a flood, one so large and powerful as to annihilate ancient Sumerian civilisation. The epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Nuh were united in this shaft dug deep under the Mesopotamian desert.
Max Mallowan related the thoughts of Leonard Woolley, who said that such a huge mass of alluvium formed in a single time-slice could only be the result of a huge flood disaster. Woolley also described the flood layer, which separated the Sumerian city of Ur from the city of Al-Ubaid whose inhabitants used painted pottery, as the remains of the Flood.218
These facts demonstrated that the city of Ur was one of those places affected by the Flood. The German archaeologist Werner Keller also described the importance of the excavation in question. He has gone on record to say that the yield of city-remains beneath a muddy layer in the archaeological excavations made in Mesopotamia proves that there was indeed a flood in the region.219
Another Mesopotamian city to bear the traces of the Flood is the "Kish of the Sumerians," the present-day Tall Al-Uhaimer. Ancient Sumerian records describe this city as the "seat of the first postdiluvian dynasty."220
The southern Mesopotamian city of Shuruppak, the present-day Tall Fa'rah, also bears evident traces of the Flood. Archaeological investigations were carried out in this city between 1920 and 1930 by Erich Schmidt of the University of Pennsylvania. These excavations uncovered three layers of habitation which stretched from the late prehistoric period to the 3rd dynasty of Ur (2112-2004 B.C.). The most distinctive finds were ruins of well-built houses along with cuneiform tablets of administrative records and lists of words, indicating a highly developed society already in existence toward the end of the 4th millennium B.C.221
When one examines the opinions of these learned scientists, it is clear that they believe that the evidence which supports the Flood account is overwhelming. According to this opinion, this terrible flood took place in or around 3000-2900 B.C. According to Mallowan's account, 4-5 metres below the earth, Schmidt had reached a yellow soil layer (formed by flood) made up of a mixture of clay and sand. This layer was closer to the plain level than the tumulus profile and it could be observed all around the tumulus. Schmidt defined this layer made up of a mixture of clay and sand, which remained from the time of Ancient Kingdom of Cemdet Nasr, as "a sand with its origins in the river" and associated it with Nuh's Flood.222
In short, the excavations in the city of Shuruppak once again revealed the traces of a flood around 3000-2900 B.C. Together with the other cities, Shuruppak was in all probability struck by the Flood.223
The last settlement containing evidence of being struck by the Flood is the city of Erech, south of Shuruppak. Today, it is known as Tall Al-Warka. As in the other cities, a flood layer was also discovered here. Like the other cities, this flood layer has been dated to 3000-2900 B.C.224
obelisk posted on 15-8-2012 02:12 PM
Archaeological Evidence for the Flood
Allah imparted the news of Nuh's Flood in order that it should act as a deterrent for those of that time and a valuable lesson to those who were to come after, people like us. By means of the Prophets and books, He sent guidance to different societies. However, each time the texts which were brought to the people by Allah's Prophets were corrupted from their original forms. Men added cultural, mystical or mythological elements to the true account of the Flood. The Qur'an, because it is from Allah and because He preserves it eternally, is the only source compatible with the archaeological findings of the past. (See Harun Yahya, Perished Nations, Ta - Ha Publishers, 2002)
217. Werner Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books)
(New York: William Morrow: 1964), 25-29.
218. Max Mallowan, Noah’s Flood Reconsidered (Iraq: XXVI-2: 1964), 70.
219. Keller, Und die Bibel hat doch recht, 23-32.
220. “Kish,” Britannica Micropaedia 6, 893.
221. “Shuruppak,” Britannica Micropaedia 10, 772
222. Max Mallowan, Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia, Cambridge Ancient History 1-2, (Cambridge: 1971), 238.
223. Joseph Campbell, Eastern Mythology, 129.
224. Bilim ve Utopya (Science and Utopia), July 1996, 176. Footnote, 19.
p/s: sorry tak sangka text arrangement dia boleh lari...
unekspekted_XII posted on 23-11-2011 04:46 PM
Bible dgn Torah je yang ajar korang bende2 mengarut ni = Noah Flood is UNIVERSAL event.
Dalam ...
itulah dianya....geleng kepala aku dgn ummah tanah melayu nih
tak pernah baca tafsir quran dari kulit depan ke kulit belakang walau sekali seumur hidup ker?
kalu baca, pasti akan tau, yg tiap nabi (kecuali nabi muhammad) diutus spesifik utk SATU kaum saja, kalu tugas dia utk kaum tu, maka kat kaum itu saja dia berdakwah, dan jika kaum itu ingkar, hanya kaum itu yg dihukum, tak libatkan kaum2 lain. ada antara nabi2 itu hidup sezaman dan tempat yg berdekatan, tapi utk kaum berlainan....cth nabi luth dgn nabi ibrahim, nabi syuaib dgn nabi musa (& harun)
terang, jelas dan nyata disebut dlm quran, allah takkan datangkan siksaan sblm datangnya seruan dari para nabi dan mereka ingkar dgn seruan itu
nabi nuh diutuskan utk sekalian alam ka utk kaumnya sahaja?
percaya quran ka percaya bible/torah/dongengan mormon?
otak kurang oksigen sgt ka hingga tak mampu terjah, kalu kaum negrito kat tanah melayu tak dpt pun seruan tauhid dr nabi nuh awat depan pun sama kena hanyut banjir mcm kaum nabi nuh yg ingkar tuh?
lagi satu yg mengarut, dlm bab binatang berpasangan2 yg dibawak masuk bahtera...sampai penguin, zirapah, ungka segala
sah2 itu dakyah dr bible/torah (ke walt disney?)
banyakkanlah menimba ilmu
nescaya akan temui hakikat yg binatang2 yg dibawak naik ke bahtera itu hanya binatang2 yg diperlukan utk meneruskan hidup dan mulakan peradaban baru bila banjir surut nanti...utk keperluan makanan, pakaian, pengangkutan, etc
merepek hingga ke penguin tu jadah hapa?
penyo posted on 10-8-2012 11:42 PM
ini je kah tahap pemikiran orang Islam? kalau asyik mcm ni sampai bila2 takkan maju
betui tu.........gua setuju........bila jumpa sesuatu yg tak dpt dirungkai, trus je ckp "buat apa pening2 kepala pikir, takde yg mustahil bagi Allah swt".......mmg btol tak mustahil bg Allah, tapi kaji la sikit......baru la sedar kebesaran Allah tu........ini byk mat saleh yg kaji........bila mat saleh buat penemuan, kita pun mula kata "kan btol macam yg diceritakan dlm hadis.....kan btol mcm dlm quran"...............ceh.......usaha nk kaji langsung tarak.........mat saleh yg kapir tu plak buktikan betapa benarnye peristiwa2 dlm quran n hadis pd org2 islam.........ada betui ka bro?? |
hzln posted on 15-8-2012 04:40 PM
itulah dianya....geleng kepala aku dgn ummah tanah melayu nih
tak pernah baca tafsir quran dari k ...
hahaha......cicak tokek ada bawak skali tak?? |
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