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Author: jpl_fan

THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY ~ Mockingjay Part 2 [Page17]

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Post time 24-3-2012 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 36# nameloo

xpe lah fly dah beli buku
xleh baca lah gune pdf
xde nikmat ...
ske bau buku n rasa kertas ....

pe2 pun tq for the offer ...   

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Post time 24-3-2012 06:49 AM | Show all posts

I just loooooove this pic!!!

Memang sajak lah dia pilih Jen Lawrance jadi Katniss, sangat masuk!

She's literally on fire in this pic!

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Post time 24-3-2012 09:59 AM | Show all posts
'Hunger Games' Sets Non-Sequel Midnight Record

The Hunger Games opened to an estimated $19.74 million at midnight, which ranks seventh all-time behind the last three Harry Potter and Twilight movies. It did score the top midnight debut ever for a non-sequel, and it earned more than twice as much as the first Twilight movie ($7 million).

If one is to use the opening pattern of Breaking Dawn Part 1 and New Moon (which also opened outside of the Summer), The Hunger Games would be poised for a three-day take between $90 and $110 million. Since those were sequels, though, it's probably fair to assume The Hunger Games will at least hold up a little bit better over the next few days.

There's also a very distant chance that its pattern winds up closer to that of The Dark Knight, which would mean a weekend gross of around $160 million; it's been nearly four years since that movie came out, though and midnight attendance patterns have changed significantly in that time.

Regardless, The Hunger Games is off to a fantastic start, and it still has a very legitimate shot at passing Alice in Wonderland's $116.1 million debut to set a new March and non-sequel opening weekend record.

Top 10 Midnight Openings
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - $43.5 million
2. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 - $30.3 million
3. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - $30.1 million
4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon - $26.3 million
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - $24 million
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $22.2 million
7. The Hunger Games - $19.7 million
8. The Dark Knight - $18.5 million
9. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - $16.5 million
10. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - $16 million

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Post time 24-3-2012 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ladydolph at 24-3-2012 10:45

dah tgk malam tadi..... n sebagai org yg tak baca buku ni, ai sgt suka.... hehe.. great casting... Jennifer Lawrence mmg superb as Katniss.... dia nangis, kita pun sama2 nangis.... u can see her strength, but yet her vulnerability shows....

n this movie also showed the ugly side of reality TV.... coz that's what actually happened behind the scenes ... the tributes were kinda like puppets that they can play and manipulate at... that's the way i see it... coz at the end of the day, all they care about is just huge ratings... kerja dorang create drama2 tu semua......yg jadi mangsa of coz those tributes... n sgt kejam hokey!

overall, i enjoyed it thoroughly.. although agak pening ngn cinematography style yg suka zoom in muka times ala Twilight mula2 dulu.......very dizzying i must say...

paling best, habis filem, audience applauded! yeayy.... hehe....
n by the way, I'm Team Cinna...... ahakss....

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Post time 24-3-2012 02:24 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok semalam...
bole la layan gak cite nie...cuma part klimaksnya time lawan2 tu sejam yg terakhhir...
utk pengetahuan korang cite nie 2 jam lebih...

plot ke plot yg lain mcm lambat...
baru aku tau..filem nie dr novel ke???
akan kuar yg 2nd filem ke?

aku bg 2.5/5

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2012 05:24 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk kul 11.30 td....

mmg best walaupun x sebijik mcm dlm buku...esp mockingjay pin tuu kan madge yg dlm movie aku x nampak pun character madge....huhuhuhu...even part ending dia pun peeta ngan katniss dah makan berries tuu..hahahaha..

beast tuu more to mutant dlm buku..gambaran dia nampak lg dlm movie nampak biasa2 kalo ikut sebijik mcm dlm buku mau 4 jam movie dia

kalo leh , sambungan dia nanti dorang polish sikit cinematography dorang...

lakonan jennifer lawrence mmg superbb...rue comel giler...prim pun comel gak...peeta pun best...yg jd gale pun sesuai ngan character dia...plg terkejut lenny kravitz jd cinna..hahahaa...hensem plak dia...dlm buku mcm leh bace yg katniss mcm admire giler si cinna dlm movie x nampak sgt

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Post time 24-3-2012 11:19 PM | Show all posts
i tengok citer ni petang tadi


a) storyline - mmg best

tapi ntah ni personal opinion ya

i just do not like

a) the message sedar atau bawah sedar - yg killing people each other is good
b) manipulating emotion is good
c) the whole concept of human sacrifice - ni macam budaya pagan je

walaupun ini movie

i am okay about the storyline , so kalau anda di antara yg menonton film just sekadar menonton then go for it  tapi kalau anda jenis yg nak cari nilai dan aware

i hate this film.

that's all.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2012 12:09 AM | Show all posts
it's kind a reality show...mcm kiter tgk survivor..bachelor or amazing race..kiter enjoy tgk diorang gaduh...buat bender bdh utk dptkan chocolate...and that's what org panem wat...dorang rasa seronok....

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Post time 25-3-2012 12:45 AM | Show all posts
aduh 1st time tgk movie n x enjoy
wpun cite nyer sebenar nyer best
dgn air con sejuk yg amat n tetiba perut memulas cm nak terberi
adehhh ....
nasib la buku nyer ada leh baca n imagine
mmg betul dlm filem byk jln cite yg x sama
alahai nampak cm de missing thing ...
leh bg rate 7.5 over 10 lah yer ...

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Post time 25-3-2012 09:28 AM | Show all posts
dah tengok.. boleh la layan.. 3/5.. uhuh

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Post time 25-3-2012 09:14 PM | Show all posts
bru tgk siang gak,tp kureng sbb x byk aksi
jenifer lawrence sgt cantik n best...

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Post time 25-3-2012 09:44 PM | Show all posts
salam ..

baru layan crita ni tadi .. overall i give 3/5

cita ni mmg best wpun sebenarnyer tak de motip langsung diorang buat org2 ni semua berbunuhan .. campur budak2 ngan dewasa skali masuk lak tuh ..

suka watak heroin dia .. cool jer .. tak le gagah sgt tp mmg ada survivor instinct dlm diri dia .. dan tangkas lak tuh .. kiranyer drita ni pompuan lebih gagah dr lelaki ler .. i like

watak hero, patut ke aku bagi kat Peeta atau pakwe sbnrnyer si Katniss tuh

mula2 tgk Peeta , aku rasa sgt ler x hensemnyer lelaki ni tp bila dah tgk crita ni rasa sesuai ler pulak mereka berdua ni .. dia pandai menyamarkan diri macam pokok2 dan batu .. kagum seh .. paling aku berdoa masa tgk crita ni sampai habis, jgn ler dia ni lak jadik jahat dan bunuh si katniss tuh .. nasib baik sampai ending ok , klu tak mesti aku frust ..

kesian lak tgk pakwe hensem si katniss kat kg .. tgk je la makwe dia dok couple dan mushi2 ngan Peeta dlm tv show ni .. masa ni org dlm panggung duk gelak kat pakwe sorang ni .. macam frust jer ..

tp at the end aku tak tau pun sbnrnyer si katniss suka sapa ? Peeta ker, atau pakwe hensem dia tuh ..

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Post time 25-3-2012 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 36# nameloo

im tak tau pun crita ni based on novel ..

boleh sudi2 kongsi kan pdf novel2 crita Hunger Games ni

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Post time 26-3-2012 08:33 AM | Show all posts
best cita ni


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Post time 26-3-2012 08:33 AM | Show all posts
best cita ni


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Post time 26-3-2012 08:55 AM | Show all posts
dh lama x tngok citer yg best tapi disturbing/depressing camni.

sapa pasan bdk pompan pelakon citer Orphan dlu? dia belakon jd Clove, yg serang Katniss masa nak amik supply tu. siot tol la dia. tngok muka saiko dia teringt watak dia dlm citer orphan dlu, mmg sakit ati. nasib baik mampos

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Post time 26-3-2012 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 56# sayangidaku


Aku memang puas hati gila die kene henyak sampai kojol ngan budak dari District 11 tuh.

Padan muke ko!

Kenapa x ganas lagi bunuh dia, rodok tekak die ngan pisau ke, cocok kasi buta dia ka, baru brutal!


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Post time 26-3-2012 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Weekend Report: 'The Hunger Games' Devours $155 Million
The odds were definitely in The Hunger Games favor this weekend: the big screen adaptation of the immensely popular young adult novel opened to an enormous estimated $155 million, which ranks third all-time behindHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ($169.2 million) and The Dark Knight ($158.4 million). Remarkably, it debuted above all of the Twilight movies, and it also topped Alice in Wonderland ($116.1 million) for highest debut ever for a non-sequel.

Among all the impressive Hunger Games statistics, two lesser-discussed ones are worth highlighting. First, the movie had an incredible hold on Saturday—it only fell 25 percent to $51 million, which ranks second all-timebehindSpider-Man 3 ($51.3 million). This suggests that demand for The Hunger Games exists across a wide array of moviegoers, and isn't just rooted in the type of rabid fans that drove the front-loaded openings for recent Harry Potter and Twilight movies.

The other crazy statistic is one that should result in a noteworthy spike in champagne sales in Santa Monica, California this week—after just over two days in theaters,The Hunger Games has already passed Fahrenheit 9/11 ($119.2 million) to become Lionsgate's highest-grossing movie ever.

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Post time 26-3-2012 10:52 AM | Show all posts
dah tgk muvie nie smlm...aku bg bintang 4/5....

jennifer lawrance sgt cantik dlm nie...aku ingatkan BF die 2 hero rupenyer peeta yg hero...coz BF die lg macho dr ok gak la peeta 2...n mse game 2 aku ingatkan peeta join district lain nk bunuh katniss rupe2nyer die tlg gak katniss...

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Post time 26-3-2012 11:35 AM | Show all posts
aku prasan peeta tu...smada dalam drama @ movie...
tp masih lagi x dapat bayangan cite apo dia berlakon sebelum nie

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