Famous Atheists/Freethinker/Agnostic Quotes<>Kata Mutiara<>
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Andaikata Truth sekalipun dilahirkan didalam hutan, kemudian ibumu mati dimakan harimau, dan kau dip ...
zamkumis Post at 23-3-2012 16:28 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
macam saya ckp, asal nya semua ada lah kebenaran. Manusia aja ikut selera masing2 |
no problem punya
itu pesan tok guru aku leee
si babi hutan![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Kamu hanya belajar Islam aja. Saya dah merantau ke India. Sudah baca Bible and quran s ...
Truth.8 Post at 23-3-2012 17:32 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
India memang tempat belajar yang bagus tentang kehidupan, sebab disana ada segala perkara yang buruk dan ada segala yang baik, boleh buat perbandingan. Saya berazam tahun 2015 nanti nak melawan india, tak sabar rasanya....![](static/image/smiley/default/innocent0001.gif) |
India memang tempat belajar yang bagus tentang kehidupan, sebab disana ada segala perkara yang b ...
zamkumis Post at 25-3-2012 07:51 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku dah pergi varanasi, bodhaya tempat Gautam dapat englighment, Ayodhya dan banyak tempat suci untuk kaum hindu. kalau pergi ke tempat mcm itu, biar lah minda kita terbuka sikit.
segala ada di situ...baru kuman tahu TUHAN itu siapa.
semua dah nak pergi india
cina mesir amerika jepun
tinggal aku je
kat atas malaysia
...........500 batu![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
semua dah nak pergi india
cina mesir amerika jepun
tinggal aku je
kat atas malaysia
.. ...
orangbesi Post at 25-3-2012 10:36 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kalau tak silap saya....agama paling tua adalah INDIA....
Fikir -fikir kan lah |
Reply 46# Truth.8
aku tak tau mungkin ya atau mungkin tidak
manalah tahu ada tamadun tempat lain
yg dah ditamatkan riwayatnya tanpa dapat dikesan
aku pun dok cari leeeee![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Kna tanya 'mereka' jgk la,
kajian DNA yg dicerap seluruh dunia.
Plus mumia dlm laut, hasil kaji purba, arkeologi, etc.
Findings yg menarik gk tu.
India ke? |
Saya dah merantau ke India. Sudah baca Bible and quran s ...
Truth.8 Post at 23-3-2012 17:32 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Semangatnye engkau. Madam Sepi ade menjelajah India tak ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
Semangatnye engkau. Madam Sepi ade menjelajah India tak
taikor Post at 27-3-2012 10:04 ![](http://eforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Aku pernah menjelajah Alam Selepas Mati. Kamu nak ikut? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Some of the names mentioned are not atheists or even agnostics. |
Richard Dawkins: Pengakuan Seorang Ateis
Saya kira satu hal yang
menakutkan selain kematian adalah keabadian.
Eben Ezer Siadari
OXFORD, Jaringnews.com - Clinton Richard Dawkins terkenal pertama kali lewat bukunya The Selfish Gene yang mempopulerkan teori evolusi yang berpusat pada gen. Ia merupakan saintis di garda terdepan pembela teori evolusi Darwin dan dengan terbuka mengaku sebagai ateis.
Saat ini ia adalah profesor emeritus di New College Oxford, dan sebelumnya pernah menjadi profesor di University Oxford. Jasanya yang paling besar adalah menjelaskan dengan rinci dan renyah berbagai konsep evolusi sehingga masyarakat awam dapat mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Pada tahun 2006, ia menulis The God Delusion yang pada pokoknya mengatakan pencipta supranatural yang oleh agama dipercaya sebagai pencipta dunia ini, sama sekali tidak ada dan iman agama adalah delusi. Versi bahasa Inggris buku itu, per Januari 2010, telah terjual 20 juta eksemplar dan telah diterjemahkan ke 31 bahasa.
Ketika kini Indonesia dihebohkan dengan diajukannya seorang warga karena mengaku sebagai ateis, agaknya penting untuk membaca pikiran-pikiran seorang ateis kelas dunia seperti Richard Dawkins. Apakah seorang ateis seberbahaya yang dipikirkan orang? Atau apakah seorang ateis justru berguna untuk mendudukkan pemahaman yang lebih lengkap tentang kehidupan?
Berikut ini wawancara Vineet Gill dari Times of India dengan Richard Dawkins belum lama ini.
Apa pendapat Anda tentang agama moderat zaman sekarang? Sebelum ini Anda mengatakan agama moderat zaman sekarang adalah persemaian bagi ekstremis?
Saya mengatakan bahwa, saya khawatir jangan-jangan memang benar bila anak-anak diajari –semoderat apapun caranya—bahwa iman adalah kebijaksanaan, dan Anda tidak perlu bukti untuk mengimani sesuatu, maka ini merupakan pembuka jalan bagi minoritas untuk jadi ekstrimis.
Semua orang telah diindoktrinasi dengan pandangan bahwa itu (agama, red) adalah iman dan Anda tidak bisa mendebatnya. Saya kira pikiran semacam itu jahat. Jika anak-anak diajari bahwa mereka tidak perlu mempertahankan iman mereka dengan bukti, itu telah membuka jalan bagi ekstrimisme. Kerusakan terbesar yang ditimbulkan agama adalah ia mengindoktrinasi dan mencuci otak anak-anak.
Anda sangat percaya pada sains – namun apa yang terjadi jika sains salah?
Sains sesungguhnya tidak pernah mengklaim mengetahui semua kebenaran. Sains bekerja keras untuk semakin dekat dan lebih dekat lagi dengan kebenaran. Namun tentu saja sains belajar dari kesalahan dan semakin maju dengan membuktikan hipotesis yang salah. Salah satu kebijaksanaan sains adalah ia siap untuk berubah ketika terbukti salah. Berbagi secara publik (public sharing) adalah bagian penting dari sains. Tak ada ilmuwan yang berkata, “Oh, ini benar untuk saya tetapi tidak benar untuk Anda.”
Sains menyediakan ruang yang luas untuk penelitian dan pengembangan –mengapa kita tidak bisa melihat agama juga sebagai laboratorium hidup tempat manusia mengembangkan pemikirannya, daripada hanya mengabaikannya?
Saya kira akan sangat bagus jika mempelajari agama secara antropologis dan psikologis. Ngomong-ngomong, saya berpendapat anak-anak perlu dididik tentang agama. Mereka seharusnya diajarkan ada agama ini ada agama itu dan seterusnya. Dan ketika anak-anak itu tumbuh, mereka bisa memilih atau tidak memilih bergabung dengan pilihan mana pun.
Jika sains telah terbukti menang selama ini, apakah Anda ingin kekal dengan bantuan sains tersebut?
Tidak. Saya kira satu hal yang menakutkan selain kematian adalah keabadian. Dan adalah sama menakutkannya bila Anda berada di sana atau tidak. Sesungguhnya lebih menakutkan lagi bila Anda berada di sana. Bayangkan (Anda hidup) miliaran dan miliaran tahun - sangat membosankan! Saya lebih memilih untuk menghabiskan kekekalan di bawah anestesi umum - dan itulah yang persis akan terjadi.
Bicara di luar sains, bagaimana Anda menjelaskan iman yang memberi kekuatan bagi manusia?
Hal ini sangat menarik. Bagaimana bisa iman membuat seseorang membunuh? Patriotisme adalah bentuknya yang lain –manusia membela negaranya, salah mau pun benar. Pada masa perang dunia, orang bisa dengan begitu saja menembak orang lain hanya karena mereka mengabdi pada negara yang salah, tanpa bertanya apa pendapat mereka (yang ditembak, red). Iman itu seperti itu.
Anda menolak dengan tegas iman dan agama. Apakah Anda seorang ateis fundamentalis?
Istilah fundamentalis berarti Anda secara kaku berpegangan pada kitab suci dan tidak akan pernah mengubah keyakinan Anda. Saya akan mengubah keyakinan saya jika ada bukti yang mendukung. (Ben / Deb) |
Sains sesungguhnya tidak pernah mengklaim mengetahui semua kebenaran. Sains bekerja keras untuk semakin dekat dan lebih dekat lagi dengan kebenaran. Namun tentu saja sains belajar dari kesalahan dan semakin maju dengan membuktikan hipotesis yang salah. Salah satu kebijaksanaan sains adalah ia siap untuk berubah ketika terbukti salah. Berbagi secara publik (public sharing) adalah bagian penting dari sains. Tak ada ilmuwan yang berkata, “Oh, ini benar untuk saya tetapi tidak benar untuk Anda.”
Kenyataan hipocrit.
Sesiapa yg kenal mengenai Akademik Sains dan Teknology (terutamanya di negara2 Barat) sepatutnya tahu yg kenyataan sedemikian adalah KARUT dan HIPOCRITE.
Mereka2 yg selambung dlm Akademik Sains ini TIDAK MAMPU berubah. Mereka begitu pasti yg mereka betul, sehingga EGO mereka tidak menbenarkan mereka utk mengubah pendirian. Saya bagi contoh fakta2 yg terbukti wujud tetapi TIDAK DIIKTIRAFKAN oleh Saintis2 Barat :
1. Kewujudan tamadun manusia yg lebih tua dr tamadun Mesir purba (lebih tua dr 6,000 tahun). Malahan, ahli akedemik barat tidak mengiktiraf akan kewujuduan tamadun pra-purba ini walaupun adanya sisa2 tamadun tersebut spt Yonaguni Site dan Dwarka Site yg dianggarkan usia lebih dr 9,000 tahun.
2. Kewujudan tamadun manusia yg maju kerana agama, terutamanya di Asia - spt Hinduism dan Buddhism. Di masa orang2 Barat (di Eropah) hidup dlm gua dan (di Greek dan Yunani) hidup macam orang gasar, nenek moyang orang2 India, China dan Jepun sudahpun ada tamadun mereka tersendiri - dgn agama, adat istiadat serta pengetahuan umum spt Astronomy, Sains dan perubatan.
Dan ini adalah hanya dua contoh bagaimana orang2 barat itu egoistic dan masih menganggap yg mereka itu bangsa terulung semata2 kerana agama mereka (yg karut). ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
...yg berbangga dgn ralat dan ketakpastian? |
Atheists are people who does not believe simply because their ego doesn't allow them to place themselves below another being (namely God). They must always be on top - above everyone else and everything else. Their ego in their knowledge, use of tools such as Science and technology as well as their intelligence does not allow them to place themselves below anyone.
Plus, they always believe that religion is nothing more than a tool to control the mass (which is true in some cases). In many society where the society itself have been organized into classes, the religion have become tool for control by certain groups - like priests, Muallahs and religious leaders. So there are a certain truth to this claim, I will admit.
However, in my humble opinion, I always believe that Spiritualism is not about believing in a religion, it is about communion between a Man and God on personal level. Which means that, Man can speak to God on personal level and doesn't require religion or leaders to act as middle men. But then again, that is just my thoughts.
Another reason why Atheists do not believe is that, IF they believe in Afterlife, that could mean that, once they had died, they still be answerable to their sins in Afterlife. It is that sense of responsibility which scares them - that they can do whatever they want but still have to "pay" for what they had done later. |
They know how to utilize their brain but without the heart,
they no-bow strive and pain - plugged their void till dark,
they sell their souls to whom opposed The Almighty, The Guide.
Absolute truth is far from relativism,
and there's no such thing as 'truth with errors'.
The only thing might suits them is 'truce with the devil'. |
80 Questions That Will Make You an Atheist.
Questioning God, Gods, and Spirituality
1. Why would God entrust the spreading of 'His' word to one of his 'fallible' children? He knows men are sinners and are untruI doubt a professor would allow one of his students to teach a class if all the other students' futures were at stake. If God loved us so much and he wants us to be with him, why would he put our eternal souls at risk like that?
2. If Satan is the ultimate trickster, how do we know that Satan hasn't tricked Christians into worshipping him as God (Yahweh) and are actually rebuking the "real" God in his own name? - Inspired by Cice Mool
3. If god cast the devil into hell and hell is a place for eternal punishment from which even god cannot grant a pardon, then why do the preachers tell us the devil is walking up and down the hallways of high schools tempting teenagers to do drugs and have pre-marital sex? A warden who allows his prisoners the freedom to go out and kill and rape would be terminated for incompetence. - [email protected]
4. I have often heard from many believers that even Satan has a presence in the church, which is why even in church people can still have impure thoughts. If Satan can find his way in the church, how do Christians know that Satan didn't find his way into the Bible and twist the whole book? - The Infidel Guy
5. If the Universe is everywhere by definition, why do theists ask where it came from? How can there be anywhere for the universe to come from if the Universe is already everywhere by definition? - Chris and The Infidel Guy
6. Does God think? If so, he cannot be all-knowing. Think about it. - The Infidel Guy
7. If a soul is non-physical and the human body is physical, how does a soul stay in our bodies?
8. If God is all-knowing, how could he be disappointed in His creation? -- [email protected]">[email protected]
9. If God is unchangeable (immutable), how is there evidence of a god when everything else around us is changing? - The Infidel Guy
10. Why did God flood the earth to remove evil? It didn't work! Evil came right back, God should have known that would happen! So why did He bother? - PhineasBg
11. Why is it that theists tell me that I have to examine every part of the universe and not find God anywhere in order to say that there is no god, when in fact all I need to do is not find God in one location since he is supposed to be omnipresent? - Chris
12. If the garden of Eden was a perfect paradise as xians claim, then why did Eve even want to eat the apple? Wouldn't a perfect place provide everything a person would want or desire and thus she would want nothing? - keyser soze
13. Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of sin is death" Does this mean animals sin as well? Or uni-cellular organisms? Do plants sin? Because they all die as well, not just humans. Why does an animal die, if it doesn't know the moral difference between right and wrong? - Nef
14. Why would an all-powerful god become flesh in order to sacrifice himself to himself so that his creation might escape the wrath of himself. Couldn't god, in his infinite wisdom, come up with something a little more efficient? - [email protected]
15. If we are the children of god, and yet we have never seen him, does that make us the custards of god? Not to mention my mom didn't marry God- [email protected]
16. After 9/11 a lot of people have been tossing around "god bless america". Why do they keep saying this? From the looks of it god hasn't blessed anything. If god had blessed america, the 9/11 event would've never happened. Theists seem to give the answer of "everything is part of gods big plan". If everything is part of gods big plan, why are we after Bin Laden? Wasn't he and other terrorists just carrying out gods desired plan? So it seems that Bin Laden/ terrorism isnt our enemy , but god. - [email protected]
17. Christians say that God is NOT the author of confusion. Can you say, Tower of Babel? - The Screaming Monkeys
18. Christians will tell you that if a baby dies it goes to heaven. Why then are they so against abortion? All the child is being deprived of is the opportunity to go to hell. Either that or god expects unborn fetuses to accept Jesus. - [email protected]
19. Why does God have emotions (jealousy, anger, sadness, love, etc.) if he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent? Emotions are reactionary, how can God react to us if he is all-knowing and has a divine plan?
20. If Jesus Christ is allegedly the omnipotent god made flesh.....how is it that he did not inherit Original Sin? Remember, he is allegedly Man and god in union, and if truly man, as well as god, he must have inherited Original Sin. ???- His Lordship, Lucifer
21. If God is the father of Jesus, what is Jesus' DNA like? Does God have sperm? If he doesn't, where did Mary get the DNA from that was needed to make Jesus? This would make Mary asexual and Jesus would then be a girl. No Y chromosome. - [email protected] and [email protected]
22. I never got the remote controlled car I prayed for as a child, but if I want to go to hell, will God grant my wish?.... Gee, thanks God! - [email protected]
23. In the "Last Days" Jesus is supposed to appear in the clouds. How are the Christians on the opposite end of the world going to see him? Are there going to be millions of Jesus'? What about people that work underground? - [email protected]
24. A true Muslim man is not supposed to do anything that the prophet Muhammad didn't do. If one remembers there was a big debate over whether or not Muslims should eat Mangoes. If this is true why in the Hell were these Islamic Fundamentalists flying airplanes?
25. If the earth was covered by a complete global flood, every living creature killed except those surviving on the ark, why are there many completely unique animal species in Australia that are found no where else indigenously on the earth? - [email protected]
26. If god is omniscient and "god is love," why would he allow a child to be conceived, knowing that that child would one day reject him and spend eternity burning in a lake of fire? If I were god, I wouldn't allow it; I have more love for humanity than he does. -- TiredTurkeyProd
27. How can Heaven be utter bliss when you know that people you love and care about are burning in Hell? -- The Infidel Guy - ANSWER: - When we get to Heaven there will be no pain. God erases our memories of our loved ones that may be in Hell because he doesn't want to experience pain.
28. Revelations takes place on Earth. What if we colonize the moon or Mars or inhabit a self-sustaining space station? Do we escape "judgement"? -- Ray Sommers ANSWER: God will get them too. - Jim
29. Many people believe in ghosts. My question is, "Why is it that people see only ghosts of people or pets? Why not Neanderthals or better yet dinosaurs? That would be one hell of a ghost to see a Brontosaurus parading downtown.
30. If god did open the sea so that Moses and the jews could run away from Egypt, why didn't he open the concentration camps gates? -- Guilherme Hoffmann
31. Why are we granted free will if our duty in this life to our god is to do as we are told? We are to follow rules upon threat of punishment. Is that free will? -- Gandalfs Nephew
32. Isaiah 40:28 says, "...the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is he weary?" If this is true, why did God rest on the seventh day?
33. Everytime I go to a funeral the preacher and guests always say that "God" has called that person to Heaven or they say, "God said it was time to come home", or some such variation. If God is calling these people "home", why are we putting the murderers of these victims in prison? How can we punish a man or woman for doing God's will?
34. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
35. Traditional Jews utilize Yahweh or (YHWH) as Gods name because his true name is supposedly unpronounceable. My question is, how can it be possible that people are using the Lords name in vain when nobody really knows what his name is?
36. Why is God predominately called a "he"?
37. If you are born retarded, then does that mean your "soul" is retarded as well?-- Matt Edwards
38. Planet Earth, we are reliably informed, is several billion years old. The last dinosaur expired some 70 million years ago. Homo sapiens, the only form of life according to christian doctrine, that is of any interest to their god is not more than 100,000 years old. How in the name of all that is reasonable did the judaeo-christian god occupy himself for all those millions - billions of years until humankind came along to keep him so busy ? -- Trish Huesken /John Perkins
39. If man is modeled after "God" does that mean "God" has a penis? -- Terry Clark
40. Why can't we wait until we get to Heaven to worship God?
41. What is the purpose of prayer? What can a finite being on Earth possibly tell an omnipotent, omniscient deity that he doesn't know already?
42. If God has a plan for you, and his plan cannot be thwarted, do you really have a free will? |
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