kononnya in delta sleep may be somehow affecting the rate of metabolism etc ...i thought hmm...tapi cantik model pelantar hydro tu ....kan? so modern ...
Post time 18-4-2013 02:15 AM
mbhcsf posted on 18-4-2013 02:14 AM
i found it interesting , apparently...
sebab why depa clone tech 49 , then 52....sama jer...
mula2 fikir ade kaitan ngan special relativity..those people in earth will find that she is still younger...
but considering the speed of spaceship, i dont think will have such huge effect...
another thing that I can think of is the effect of general relativity since the spaceship is orbiting the earth for almost 60 years...but the changes on time dilation of her age wont be so much that she kekal muda after 60 years...
so mungkin your explaination tu, delta sleep as an explaination to the immortality can be acceptable...
aku baru lepas tengok..
bagi aku, movie ni BEST !!
scenery yang cantek, dan jalan cerita yang agak best..
twist di hujung cerita, aku rasa semua orang dah bole jangka..
sebab morgan freeman dah reveal, ada beribu jack di donia..
semua "klon jack" jaga kawasan masing2, sempadan dia marked as "high-radiation zones"..
kekadang jalan cerita agak slow, terutama bab romance..
tapi time action scene, bole buat tertahan napas..
terutama fight scene dengan drone..
kesimpulan cerita nih, manosia boleh di klon jadi beribu sekalipun..
tapi akan jadi problem bila semua klon ni berkongsi MEMORY yang sama..
aku terpikir apa jadi dengan beribu klon jack yang lain..
konfem semua akhirnya akan sampai ke lake house tu..
yang kureng best, movie ni tak kupas langsung sapa alien TET nih..
takkan "sally" yang seketul tu jer, dengan drone nyer..
btw, muka heroin movie nih, olga kurylenko..
bila aku tengok kekadang, ada ropa liyana jasmay.. Last edited by capiloton on 20-4-2013 03:14 PM
mbhcsf posted on 18-4-2013 09:14 AM
what is the v of that spacecraft ?
but i could not help myself admiring the pool within the hal ...
manja dh tgk dh smlm...
masa starting..mmg cam..fascinated...
selain teruja tgk Tom...
cam something new la kan..sblum ni x pernah tgk..
rumah atas langit..ngan spaceship tu..yg ade simpan motor pulak..
motor pulak..bleh lipat2...
tp masa starting jek best..
manja tgk separuh aje..sbb bosan sgt..
so depressing....& boring..lack of entertainment value...
mungkin sbb tu la..cerita/novel penulis ni..x di publish kan..uhuhu
ntah2 masa die tulis ni..die tgh divorce ke..ape..so cam tu la citer nye..di sci-fi kan..
cam penulis tu x bleh lupekan..his past dgn wife die..
yea la kan..kalau hasil2 karya seni mcm novel ke lagu ke..
slalunye mengisahkan..pengalaman / kisah hidup..pencipta karya tersebut... Last edited by manjalara_01 on 20-4-2013 04:29 PM
manja terpaksa tgk Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back nak ubat kekecewaan..tgk Oblivion..
..ehehe..syok sgt..thats what i call entertainment!!...weeee....