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zetty1978 posted on 15-2-2014 07:12 PM
katanya pg Kionsom Waterfall kat KK sana ..
tp mgkn ada turun KL la dulu kot ..
dorang wat kat M ...
tgk sedutan episod seterusnya mcm kt malaysia dah.
team cowboy tengah buat tugasan panjat waterfall.
tak suka country singer tu. harap ada u-turn nanti team lain u-turn kan dorang. tapi team cowboy tu baik kann. nak dorang menang lahh... |
sesaper leh xplain psl apa mark n mallory tu gaduh..aku tau yg mallory tu tertinggal beg tp pastu sepatah haram aku kurang paham argument dorg tu...
team cowboy xtau la nk ckp apa..bg aku mggu ni dia bod* skit la..ada ker sggp nk jln kaki ke academy tu..pdhal org tu dh bgtau dh jln kaki 50 min ttp nk gak jln kaki xnk amik cab...sgt xpaham laa..
last2 dia 2nd last smpi kt academy tu..tp nsb baik la road block dorg pantas n leh catch up ngan yg lain..
nasib la son yg bisu ngan mak dia xmenang...aku mmg xsuka lgsg ngan yg bisu tu..bkn aku discriminate dia tp dia dr 1st msk TAR mmg annoying tahap melampau..ingat laie yg dia gaduh psl 1 team n tuduh team tu mempermainkan dia...dia ni jenis suka simpati sgt..
team utube dh 2x bottom 2..aku harap sgt dorg kuar..aku suka meghan tp aku benci tul ngan joey tu..
mggu dpn kt malaysia kan...wah tgk sedutan mmg mencabar giler jer tasks dorg..aku suspect yg tu detour kot..satu water rafting n satu laie turun dr air terjun..
tgk cam kt sabah kan..mayb sepiluk kot.. |
graxier06 posted on 3-3-2014 11:13 PM
sesaper leh xplain psl apa mark n mallory tu gaduh..aku tau yg mallory tu tertinggal beg tp pastu se ...
itu yg psngn emak dgn anak yg bisu sbb yg dulu mrk sgt mymph utk tgk ...tp nmpk yg bisu tu dah smkin matang untk race kali nie sgt berbeza yg dulu...
nmpk sgt mencabar task mrk kat SABAH TU.... x sabar nak tgk minggu dpn ...
akhir nya mark n mallory perserta kedua tersingkir...Aku menang tak suka tgk si Mallory.mcm mengada2 pun ada. kesian mark..tapi dlm pandangan aku mark dari mula2 Mallory ambil alih berpasangan dgn dia.Dia seakan2 tak suka..Aku mulaitertarik dgn pasangan ibu dan anak.bapa dan anak.team cowboy..yg lain2 tu boleh blah..lebih2 lagi newlywed tu..benci tgk bini dia..season yg dulu.masa tu mereka belum kawin lagi.ppuan sikit2 nangis.tu yg buat aku meluat tgk. |
tgh tgk ulangan..mlm td x dpt tgk...apala punye mallory tu leh tinggalkan beg kawan dia |
haha leo kasi hands 5 kat pemandu teksi tu dia wat derk je..adoilaa
honeybee80 posted on 4-3-2014 01:37 PM
haha leo kasi hands 5 kat pemandu teksi tu dia wat derk je..adoilaa
Mat skema kot...hehe
hanakikan posted on 3-3-2014 11:05 PM
tak suka country singer tu. harap ada u-turn nanti team lain u-turn kan dorang. tapi team cowboy tu ...
Koboi dan lagu country berpisah tiada....tapi pandai jugak koboi2 tu...bagi kat team 'lemah'
alphawolf posted on 5-3-2014 07:57 AM
Koboi dan lagu country berpisah tiada....tapi pandai jugak koboi2 tu...bagi kat team 'lemah'
aha...elok diorg kasi kt team country singer tu..ksian diorg....
alphawolf posted on 5-3-2014 07:57 AM
Koboi dan lagu country berpisah tiada....tapi pandai jugak koboi2 tu...bagi kat team 'lemah'
kalo aku pn aku bg kt team lemah psl kalo bg kt team kuat dh sah2 dorg sng2 nk beat kt..kata game strategy kan...
graxier06 posted on 3-3-2014 11:13 PM
sesaper leh xplain psl apa mark n mallory tu gaduh..aku tau yg mallory tu tertinggal beg tp pastu se ...
iols dulu tak suker team ni... sebab menyampah ngan anak yg ditatang bagai minyak yg penuh tu... manja giler tak bertempat!
dan mak yg over sangat2 protective...
disebabkan anak sheols bisu - semua orang kena beralah aje kekdahnya...
tapi nampak kali ni - macam dah ok skit perangai anak sheols yg manja tak tentu hala tu....
kesian plak team mark & mallory terkeluar
suker ngan mallory - ceria aje masa season lepas
may be this time - tak dapat lagi keserasian dengan mark....
2 episod kali ni....mmg sedih
aku mcm nak salahkan mallory yg tinggalkan beg mark...kesiannn
aku ingatkan ada pengumuman penting bila semua team berkumpul dekat last pit stop...
alih2 kena keluar juga.... |
huh.. camna boleh terlepas ni.. ulangan hari ape ye?
cmf_baby_ayang posted on 7-3-2014 04:35 PM
huh.. camna boleh terlepas ni.. ulangan hari ape ye?
aku tengok utube je
Aku speku ntah2 di belakang tabir, country singer tu menutuh cowboy team tu
mat saleh mana kisah halal haram
nothing's come free kan |
episode 03
Detour Decision Point, Harlem Globetrotters Herb (pictured) and Nate must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle"
Detour Decision Point, Country singers Caroline (left) and Jennifer (right) must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle" Detour B, Country singers Jennifer (left) and Caroline (right) must choose a Murut hunting guide who will lead them into the jungle where they must hit a target using a blow pipe before receiving the next clue Detour A, Newlyweds Brendon (left) and Rachel (right) must build a bamboo raft , load it with supplies, and paddle it down the river where they will deliver the items to the village chief at Kampung Tombung, Malaysia
Detour A, Mother/son team Margie and Luke (pictured) must build a bamboo raft , load it with supplies, and paddle it down the river where they will deliver the items to the village chief at Kampung Tombung, Malaysia e Detour Decision Point, Cowboy brothers Jet and Cord (pictured) must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle" Detour A, Cousins Jamal (left) and Leo (right) must build a bamboo raft , load it with supplies, and paddle it down the river where they will deliver the items to the village chief at Kampung Tombung, Malaysia in order to receive the next clue At the Detour Decision Point, YouTubers Joey (pictured) and Meghan must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle" on the the All-Star edition of THE AMAZING RACE
At the Detour Decision Point, Cowboy brothers Jet (left) and Cord (right) must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle" In Detour A, Mother/son team Margie (left) and Luke (right) must build a bamboo raft , load it with supplies, and paddle it down the river where they will deliver the items to the village chief at Kampung Tombung, Malaysia In Detour B, Country singers Jennifer and Caroline (pictured) must choose a Murut hunting guide who will lead them into the jungle where they must hit a target using a blow pipe before receiving the next clue
At the Detour Decision Point, Harlem Globetrotters Herb (left) and Nate (right) must build a bamboo raft then choose between "River Delivery" and "Run Through the Jungle" http://www.cbs.com/shows/amazing_race/photos/1001249/season-24-episode-3/49903/
cmf_baby_ayang posted on 7-3-2014 04:35 PM
huh.. camna boleh terlepas ni.. ulangan hari ape ye?
sabtu pagi ....
ctaisyah posted on 8-3-2014 06:17 AM
episode 03
Wahhh diorg dtg sarawak laaa
kalo depa mai KL aku sangggggup jd guide diorg
nak g mana, nak apa info etc sume aku sangggggup nak tolong
sbb aku sgt expert selok belok KL PJ Seremban JB Kuantan Penng etc |
cmf_premierleag posted on 9-3-2014 12:40 AM
Wahhh diorg dtg sarawak laaa
kalo depa mai KL aku sangggggup jd guide diorg
nak g mana, nak apa ...
sabah bah. bukan sarawak
| |