i boleh hentam lu, lu tak boleh hentam saya. |
nampak tak sombong bangsa israel...dia suruh palestin letak senjata...tp dia pula tak mahu letak senjata? |
v(T.T)v posted on 12-7-2014 09:32 AM
i boleh hentam lu, lu tak boleh hentam saya.
Tidak mengapa lah sis,
Israel siap ada iron dome lagi, hingga ummah yahudi israel boleh lehat letupan peluru berpandu seolah olah lehat bunga api jah.
yang haibat tu bangsa jarman...sebab jarman berhasil masuk WC fainl & mungkin boleh jadi campeonato...dan lagi ada tempat nama parit german...
yahudi ke laut azaaa...
*Otto von Bismarck : Durch eisen und blut... |
isrohell teroris mmg bgsa lahanat.suka manipulate ayat smpi ade yg terpengaruh menyokong |
SissySembah posted on 12-7-2014 02:50 PM
Siyes " her "
cxxxi punya benjamin cxxxi |
bkn kan dah tau yg orng kafir tidak akan redha dengan islam selagi kita tak ikut cara dorng...
dorng tak nak kita masuk yahudi atau kristian... cukup la kita hidup dgn acuan yg dorng buat...
umat islam perlu sedar dan kebali kpd islam...
jgn ambik apa yg suka dan tinggal kn apa yg tak suka.. |
spiderman80 posted on 12-7-2014 05:14 PM
Yahudi control AS dan media je. Tak hebat mana pun jika nak bandingkan IQ dorang ngan sesetengah b ...
yahudi bukan saja hebat dalam ekonomi malah juga sains, teknologi dan politik
bidang hiburan pun mereka hebat jugak, hollywood dikuasai yahudi di US sana
sebenarnya yahudi boleh dikatakan hebat dalam hampir semua bidang
cuma bidang sukan sahaja yg yahudi kurang hebat
spiderman80 posted on 12-7-2014 03:00 PM
Kitab atau sumber mana yang selalu kata Yahudi bangsa terpilih? Dorang apa yang hebat sangat?. Ban ...
kitab agama mereka sendiri iaitu kitab talmud
You all malaysia akan terus di-klentongkan dgn warrior2 yg bertujuan mengkocak kacir bangsa korang sendiri.....
Knights posted on 12-7-2014 11:54 AM
nape ye
tv singapura mempertahankan israel?
Sbb singapor dgn umngok berpisah tiada |
Islam is ‘a religion of war,’ says son of Hamas founder on a visit to his ‘beloved Israel’
Mosab Hassan Yousef rejected his Islamist upbringing to help Israel fight terror. If he had the chance, he says, he’d tell his father: ‘Leave Hamas. You have created a monster’
BY ELHANAN MILLER June 20, 2012, 9:50 am 541
Mosab Hassan Yousef in Jerusalem, June 19 (photo credit: Elhanan Miller/Times of Israel)
Mosab Hassan Yousef has a knack for controversy. The son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, he has already broken every taboo in the Palestinian book. He has worked for Israeli intelligence and converted to Christianity. Now he is developing a new film which is sure to be no less sensational: a biography of the life of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.
Yousef, 33, broke ranks with Hamas in 1997 and began working for the Israeli internal intelligence service Shin Bet. Ten years later, after helping Israel thwart dozens of terror attacks and arrest many members of his former movement, Yousef left for the United States where he sought political asylum and later converted to Christianity.
Today, he says, he is back in Israel for the first time on a personal visit “to inspire a new generation of Palestinians.”
‘I love Israel because I love democracy,’ Yousef told journalists in Jerusalem
“I love Israel because I love democracy,” he told journalists in Jerusalem Tuesday. “I am here to protest religion’s absolute control of people’s lives.”
Standing next to his retired Shin Bet handler, Gonen Ben-Itzhak, Yousef refused to answer questions in Arabic. He said he was on a mission to educate the public about the true nature of his former religion.
“Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s a religion of war,” he said. “Muslims don’t even know the true nature of their own religion.”
‘He saved many lives and stopped many attacks,’ Ben-Itzhak says. ‘I think that we, as Israelis, must show our gratitude to people like him’
To that end, Yousef decided to produce a film about the touchiest subject of all: the revered prophet of Islam, Muhammad. He says the film is based on a traditional biography of Muhammad written by the eighth-century Muslim historian Ibn Ishaq.
He said the film is unique in that it will be produced by Muslims, “or people of Muslim background,” unlike recent European attempts to tackle the complex historiography of Muhammad. With a written screenplay, guaranteed funding, and a celebrity actor (whose name he would not divulge) in the lead role as Muhammad, Yousef said he hoped filming will commence next year.
Yousef during a press conference in Jerusalem, June 19 (photo credit: Elhanan Miller/Times of Israel)
“Muhammad is still untouchable,” Yousef said, noting that controversial as it was, Mel Gibson’s 2004 film “The Passion of Christ” touched many people worldwide.
Another film, expected to be produced before “Muhammad,” is a cinematic adaptation of Yousef’s 2010 autobiography “Son of Hamas,” in which he recounts the tale of his cooperation with Israeli intelligence. Yousef said the book was already translated into 25 languages and is available for free download in Arabic on his personal website.
When asked what he would tell his father if he were in the room, Yousef said only: “Leave Hamas. You have created a monster.”
Mosab's autobiographical book 'Son of Hamas' (photo credit: courtesy/Tyndale Publishers)
Gonen Ben-Itzhak, Yousef’s handler who appears in the book under his operational pseudonym “Captain Luay,” said he considers Yousef “his brother” and has become his close friend after their professional paths parted in 2004.
“He saved many lives and stopped many attacks,” Ben-Itzhak told The Times of Israel. “I think that we, as Israelis, must show our gratitude to people like him. Even while working for us he was always against bloodshed, on both sides.”
Ben-Itzhak noted that Israeli officials voiced their concern about Yousef’s arrival in Israel as his life is still under threat, but added that Yousef was allowed into the country with neither visa nor passport.
Waktu Singapore baru dimerdekakan oleh Malaya dulu, Israel lah antara negara pertama yg tolong membangunkan Singapore, terutamanya dari aspek ketenteraan. Sejak dari tu hubungan Singapore-Israel mmg akrab. Skarang nie pun ada komuniti Yahudi di Singapore, synagogue pun ada kat sana. |
gua tada nampak apa2 kesalahan Singapore. orang maulayu suka gossip palsu |
Orang negara kita jer yang lebih2 kecoh pasal palastin. Sedangkan diorang kat sana berseronok melahap kfc. |
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