Edited by sam1528 at 19-7-2015 01:11 AM
wkk5159 replied at 18-7-2015 11:05 AM
No sissy ustazy, the one who is shitting his own head is no one but you.
Why still mired in denial syndrome ?
Years of indoctrination with vile religious beliefs seems to irreversibly damage your genetically inefficient cerebral cortex..... .
Good, keep on repeating the petty sidetrack(buraq) and avoiding the main discussion at hand which is why ISIS are considered true muslims because you don't have any answer.
The only lame answer you able to regurgitate is quoting the source from US intelligence #7 which is of course political correct answer under Islam friendly Obama administration.
But even this desperate answer has again proven wrong by my post # 23.
You have nothing left in your arsenal, like i said before, you can't defend something which is undefendable.
LOL , in the end you have proven to almost everyone that you are just a lame duck.
You cannot even address the very issue you brought up. President Obama provide his assessment based on facts from his intelligence agencies but you appeal to the liar in Walid Shoebat and this so called 'Brother Rachid' , we don't even know who he is. Yet you claim the President of the US makes a politically correct statement while his air force is bombing the IS radicals.
That is why I am correct to say that you have screwed up big time. Yet you are in self denial. You know why? Is because you don't have an answer when challenged. This is what happen when people like you appeal to proven liars and insignificant individuals who don't even know what is going on in this world , ie. the blind leading the blind.
Hmmmmm, isn't it you who brought up the issue of the Buraq? When shitted upon because you don't seem to know what you are talking about (ie. contradicting yourself) , you blabber about jihadist lah , the low yat fracas lah and now you talk about a prostitute who call herself Zara.You don't look good man.
My simple question as follows (that you have been so scared to answer) : How come you contradict your own argument by negating your (own or appealled to) description of the Buraq? Refer to your post#5 against your post#9.
Ha ha ..... I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
Edited by sam1528 at 19-7-2015 06:41 PM
wkk5159 replied at 19-7-2015 10:45 AM
......Wahid Shoebat and Brother Rachid are liars ???
The creditability of this taqiyative ustazy sam1528 is same league with Papagomo and yet he has the audacity to accuse good Samarithans ex-muslims like Shoebat and Rachid as charlatans.....![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif)
Years of indoctrination with vile religious beliefs seems to irreversibly damage his genetically already inferior cerebral cortex..... .
What ?Still keep on repeating the petty sidetrack(buraq) and avoiding the main discussion at hand why ISIS are considered true muslims....![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif)
He just doesn't have any answer, doesn't he ? ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
He has nothing left in his arsenal, like i said before, he can't defend something which is undefendable. ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
LOL , so speaketh the lame duck in 'wkk5159'.
Ha ha , you swallowed it hook line and sinker , the gutter from the liar Walid Shoebat and the nobody 'Brother Rachid'. In other words they tell you to eat shit , you would probably eat shit. How come you believe them more than the US intelligence agencies who works for President Obama? Observe folks , the mentality of a desperate christian 'wkk5159' trying to demonise Islam but end up making a fool of himself. Somehow I don't think you would have the kohunas to respond .
Walid Shoebat has been proven to be a liar by your fellow christians
“Walid’s entire biography is a manufactured fabrication. His handlers have taken one point and have twisted it and built up a fictional story.”
“The biggest act of ‘terror’ he ever committed was to glue Palestinian flags on street posts. But, when he was in jail he met someone who invited him to join a group against Israel. In 1977 Walid and his friends put packages behind a bank, but there were no explosives in it.”
“Walid claimed on CNN that he met Sheikh Jamal and was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and claimed he had been a member of a U.S. sleeper cell terrorist group. All his relatives doubt this greatly, but we do believe he is being paid big money to keep saying bad things about Muslims.”
“None of Walid’s relatives are extremists, only Walid is. It’s apparent Walid is involved in a smear campaign with fundamental Christian Zionists to convince Jews and Christians that Islam is out to get them.”
Errr , again you screwed up big time. I stated that the so called 'brother Rachid' is a nobody. You tried to twist it to be me calling him a liar. A nobody has no credibility hence no reason to believe him. Tsk tsk ..... again and again you cannot resist twisting what I stated. This shows that you do not have facts to argue with.
So now how? Lets see how you defend these 2 people having the same mentality like you.
For the second time : You are the one who brought up the issue of the Buraq. Sudah mau lari ka? However you again screwed up big time as you contradict yourself in your successive posts. The natural question for you is as follows : How come you contradict your own argument by negating your (own or appealled to) description of the Buraq? Refer to your post#5 against your post#9.
Ha ha , you have been effectively cornered: All you can do is to blabber about jihadist lah , the low yat fracas lah and now you talk about a prostitute who call herself Zara.
So how tambi? Can you address
(1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
Ha ha , lets see what lame duck excuses you come up with
Ha ha ..... I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
Edited by wkk5159 at 21-7-2015 12:54 PM
This sissy ustazy thought that only ex-muslims like Shoebat and Rachid accuse ISIS as true muslims....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
In fact there are zillion other like-minded good Samarithans out there who are 100% agree with Shoebat and Rachid.
Just one out of zillion examples; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article39794.htm
ISIS and Islam: The Ugly Truth
By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
The world has not seen such brutality and savagery in modern times. Horrible Stories were told about the Celts, the Aztecs and the Mongols; nevertheless they always remained stories of the remote past. But what the militants of the so called “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria – ISIS” are doing is something else, what they are perpetrating defy any literary power to try and put it into words.
Driven by what they see as divine command and wreaking havoc and devastation only thought possible in Hollywood productions the Islamic militant group ISIS has pushed the definition of terrorism to a new and scary limit. Their ongoing banquet of carnage has to be seen, not only to be believed but to grasp how religion, that should have united humans in peace, could turn into a license to lawless slaughter. (Watch this extremely graphic video of ISIS brutal mass execution of Iraqi civilians and soldiers – watch at your discretion)
Contrary to what most commentators have said, it is not the graphic scenes of mass execution and beheading of hundreds of innocent civilians by ISIS that I find most repulsive, the American war on Iraq has left thousands killed in cold blood and countless numbers born with anomalies caused by US radioactive lethal weaponry (Hi-tech savagery that often go unreported by MSM). What I personally find really scary in the ISIS militants is that they carry out their onslaught seemingly without any shred of guilt or shame.The militants/Mujahideen go about their business as usual; beheading their opponents’ minutes after they fall into their captivity. And minutes later they all go and join each other in a humble prayer to god.
Following the scripture literally
Now what’s interesting, or rather shocking, is the fact that those hideous acts of terrorism are executed by people who claim they are devout Muslims. I know that the whole world, including the Islamic world, is viewing ISIS Mujahideen as the ultimate example of brutal terrorism and modern time’s savagery. But this world view doesn’t concern me as much as how those Muslim terrorists really view themselves. Moreover, why a supposedly devout Muslim would/should end up as a global terrorist just for merely doing what his faith oblige him to undertake.
Ladies and gents, regardless of who is funding ISIS and the fact that many of their militants, including Abu Bakr El Baghdadi have been trained in US military base in Jordan and maybe some of their top leaders have been also recruited by CIA, one fact remains so obvious and yet so bewildering. Those ruthless ISIS terrorists sincerely believe they are pious devotees of Islam’s god "Allah” and that they act according to his holy scripture “Quran” and they are the true followers of his prophet “Mohamed”.
You won’t believe this but in a strange way those ISIS terrorists are telling the truth, or what they were made to believe is the truth.The ugly truth is that ISIS terrorists are acting literally according to some of the many Quran’s verses that incite fighting and killing non-Muslims in almost cold-blooded way.
“Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” Quran (2:216)
Now, and before we elaborate any further, let’s get this one thing about Quran straight. Like Judaism, Islam is a religion of laws. Actually Judaism and Islam are so much alike the Quran, not the Christian Bible, should be labeled “The New Testament” … after all, both Quran and theTanakh are the product of the same Arabic nomadic culture (A topic expanded upon in upcoming series of articles)
While the Gospels of Christianity have been influenced/softened by the Greco-Roman philosophy and separated from the state by the power of Jesus’ famous line “”Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” The Tanakh and Quran kept their strong tribal culture and binding laws unmitigated over the centuries.
As a Christian, as long as you believe in Jesus Christ, you only need the scripture as a spiritual guideline but in Judaism and Islam you’re bound by the canon of your faith to embrace their rules as the instruction book of your day to day life.
The Hebrew/Muslim laws tell their followers what to eat and what not to eat and drink, how to get married, how to get divorced, how to get into the bathroom … and yes how and when to kill the non-believers.
The key point here is how should the Holy Scripture especially those of Islam be interpreted? The verses of any holy scripture should be interpreted in accordance with their historical context, but that is not what the Muslims, at least nowadays, do. (This is the focal source of all extremism and terrorism)......continue
Edited by wkk5159 at 21-7-2015 01:27 PM
Islam’s dilemma
The dilemma of Islam, it has been for a while actually, is that its theologians, Imams and clerics refuse/fail to view the scripture, especially the verses that promote fighting and jihad, within the frame of its historical context.
They’d rather keep them open-ended as part of an eternal and always relevant words of Allah. Most conservative Muslim clerics are under the impression that binding many of the verses to its historicity might restrain the authority of a big chunk of the scripture, and consequently the influence of the Islamic clergy. This dilemma has been ignored for centuries, thus paving more ways and opening more doors for ultra-conservative literalism, also known as fundamentalism (closest backdoor to violence and terrorism)
That said, the more any Muslim conservative reads verses from Quran and memorize Hadith(sayings) by prophet Mohamed, the more he is likely to take it absolutely literally and automatically apply it to his current life and affairs. (Not to mention that piles of Hadith are of doubtful source and purpose)
"Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”. Quran (3:151)
If we to interpret the above verse in its historical context we will learn that some Pagan tribes of the Arab Peninsula were terrified and finally defeated by the raids of Mohamed and his followers back in the early seventh century.
But if we to interpret it literally and maybe relevant to the present point in time, then we are talking about ISIS mujahideen casting terror, by mass execution and beheading like the early Muslim fighters used to do, into the hearts of the followers of the infidels Bashar Al-Assad of Syria and Al- Maliki of Iraq, for they ruled not according to Islamic Sharia. Do you see how terrifyingly simple this is, and how terrifyingly complicated this has become?
At this point in my article I expect many to be offended by my candid exposition and they might try and refute my thesis by irritably commenting “Early Muslims and Mujahideen never killed fellow Muslims” and my reply would be “yes they did; Sunnis killed Shia in Karbala(680 A.D) and a bloody perpetual conflict between the two sects has ensued ever since till this very day. (Not to mention the massacres perpetrated by Umayyadand Abbasidcaliphates)
Bad Dogma
While everybody is agitatedly following the news and videos of ISIS, nobody is asking the logical question “How did such a group of dangerous fanatics create in the first place?
ISIS has created not only due to militarization by US army nor recruitment by CIA but primarily because of "misinterpreted scripture" and bad dogma. Another ugly truth is the fact that early Muslims of the Arab Peninsula, during and following the death of Mohamed, were so brutal in their fighting and raids.
The early Muslims “Sahabah” were economically desperate; as a newly formed community they needed money and craved for influence so they began by raiding trade caravans in the Peninsula (the ancient spices and incense road) and ended up raiding Persian, Roman and Egyptian territories.
Beheading the enemies, as a means to evoke fear, was a common practice in the ancient Arabian tribal wars. Khalid Bin Walid, the military commander of the early days of the Islamic state never hesitated to behead the fighters of his enemies.
The Islamic recordsreveal that Bin Walid after the battle of Ullais 633 A.D, aka the battle of blood river, spent a whole day and night beheading 7000 soldiers and dumping them in the river(flowing it with their blood) in rejoice and gratitude for Allah’s brought-victory over the Persians.
Submit to Islam and be safe. Or agree to the payment of the Jizya, and you and your people will be under our protection, else you will have only yourself to blame for the consequences, for I bring the men who desire death as ardently as you desire life. (Khalid Bin Walid’s letter to the Sassanid Persians before he raided their empire – very similar to ISIS raid threats).
Now, could you see the example ISIS mujahidin are following. What ISIS did to the Christians of Mosul is no different than what Bin Walid had earlier done, with the blessings of Islam’s Caliphate at the time, to the Christians of the Sassanid Empire.
Contrary to what the clergy or Islamic media claim, ISIS and Al Qaeda is not the exception, the million of so called moderate Muslims around the world are.
Those fundamentalist Islamists who are casting terror into the heart of the civilized world are but a copycat of the mujahidin of early Islam. Whether we like it or not this is the ugly truth.
The reason why the majority of Muslims does not act like ISIS nor condone its crimes is because those millions of the so called moderate Muslims have not been prone to fundamentalist Islamic teaching through indoctrination (intellectual hypnosis)
Once they are, even if they were brought up in western communities, a considerable faction of them especially those with assimilation and economic problems will turn into dogmatic Jihadists ready to be recruited by ISIS.
Another important factor that many tend to overlook is that the majority of world’s Muslims act according to preconceptions that their own indigenous culture and traditions have mainly contributed to and not only Islam. Hence the term “moderate Muslims”denotes an attitude/mindset brought about by a blend between different cultures, be it Egyptian, Syrian or Persian and Islam.
And indeed that intercultural blend is the reason why the fundamentalist and harsh Bedouin side of Islam has been ameliorated enough to allow millions of Muslims to coexist with their fellow men of other creeds and theology over the long centuries................continue
Edited by sam1528 at 22-7-2015 10:22 AM
LOL , Like I stated : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head by appealing to an article which contradict itself.
I copy paste part of it :
Ladies and gents, regardless of who is funding ISIS and the fact that many of their militants, including Abu Bakr El Baghdadi have been trained in US military base in Jordan and maybe some of their top leaders have been also recruited by CIA, one fact remains so obvious and yet so bewildering.
Those ruthless ISIS terrorists sincerely believe they are pious devotees of Islam’s god "Allah” and that they act according to his holy scripture “Quran” and they are the true followers of his prophet “Mohamed”.
You won’t believe this but in a strange way those ISIS terrorists are telling the truth, or what they were made to believe is the truth.The ugly truth is that ISIS terrorists are acting literally according to some of the many Quran’s verses that incite fighting and killing non-Muslims in almost cold-blooded way.
TQ again for pointing out the obvious and again contradicting yourself. Beheading people is what we normal people (apart from you) call murder. Can you now show me where in the Quran that calls for murder?
Ha ha ...... squirm 'wkk5169' ..... squirm ......
Edited by wkk5159 at 22-7-2015 10:32 AM
Reforming Islam
ISIS could be a peril to Islam’s reputation and future around the world, but there is a good flip-side to this situation.Never before in recent times have the Muslim clergy had the opportunity and the imperative to embark on reforming Islam.
Jihadist groups and the rise of political Islam won’t be eradicated or even curbed by air power and drone attacks. ISIS,Al Qaeda, al-Nusra front and Muslim Brotherhood won’t be dismantled except by reforming and changing the mainstream narrative of Islam. For Muslims, nothing short of that will be like burying their heads in the sand.
ISIS is a reason enough for high profile Muslim scholars to start purifying the Hadith from tons of controversial sayings and teachings, doing more harm than good, claimed to have been told by Mohamed.
ISIS is a reason enough to start a new approach in interpreting the Quran’s verses especially those narrating the chronicles of Mohamed and followers’ battles against pagans.
Launching a new school of credible and enlightened Muslim scholars that will respect the historical context of the scripture verses is the first step toward reforming Islam.
This couldn’t have been more urgent a time,for world Muslims have been leaning dangerously towards fundamentalism and extremism throughout the last 80 years (ever since the establishment of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and following the rise of Wahhabi tide in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan)
If this rare opportunity for reforming Islam passed unnoticed and unexploited, then we will suffer from endless and more powerful tides of fundamentalist Jihadist groups.
And we have to beware of the fact that thegroups that will follow ISIS will be more cruel and tougher and they will definitely attract huge numbers of mujahideen, so huge no military coalition will be able to break them down.
Most probably the current coalition led by USwill be able to dismantle ISIS militarily but not ideologically. The task of dismantling ISIS bad ideas and dangerous dogma is the vital battle that Muslims themselves led by their scholars and clergy should undertake.
Ashraf Ezzat comes from Egypt, the dwelling land of thegods, and works as a medical doctor but writing has always been oneof his passions. [email protected]- http://ashraf62.wordpress.com
The pertinent question to brilliant article by Ashraf Ezzat is.....can Islam be reformed at all ???
Edited by sam1528 at 22-7-2015 04:58 PM
LOL , the end of it you still have nothing but trying BS your way thru.
IS or ISIS is what we call the Kharijite movement which appeared and disappeared in the history of Islam. Everyone in the know are aware of this except you. Perhaps you should have a wider reading scope instead of appealing to the liar Walid Shoebat.
the split of Kharijites from Muslim ummah was the first sect in Islam. The mentality of the classical Kharijites is quite similar to that of the modern Kharijites’ (ISIS). Both use the methodology of a black or white world, meaning you are with or against them. There is no room for disagreement within these fanatic groups; anyone who does not agree with their methodology of interpreting Islamic sharia is automatically threatened.
In fact, Muslims have a tradition of holding different opinions. However, according to the Famous Hanbali scholar Ibn Taymiyya, Kharijites were the first to use excommunication processes against the rest of the Muslim community. Committing sin is viewed by Kharijites as a justifiable reason to excommunicate any Muslim who is not in accordance with their framework of interpreting major Islamic texts. They then find it lawful for them to fight supposed Muslim sinners and kill them.
Oops , you still need to answer the following :
1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
Ha ha , I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
This pseododyslexic ustazy seems to run out of arsenal and resorted to repeating the debunked fallacies....
His first rancid question can be found in my post 23# while his second can be found in 33# and 36#.
See, this happens to someone who is defending something which is undefenable.
Former Muslims: ISIS Not Islamic? We Beg to Differ
http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insid ... c-We-Beg-to-Differ/
LOL , round and round the lame duck 'wkk5159' go about chasing his own backside.
Ha ha , your post #23 has been refuted by my post#24. Your post#33 & 36 do not address your screwup as you negated and contradicted yourself in the description of the Buraq. All in all you made a fool of yourself.
Ha ha appealing to this so called 'Brother Rachid' again? This guy does not even know what he is talking about. The following from the link
"In the same way Islam's Prophet Mohammad beheaded in one day between 600 and 900 adult males in a Jewish tribe."
"In fact, beheading is commanded in the Koran in Sura 47, the 4th verse. It says when you meet the unbelievers and fight; smite at their necks," he quoted the Koran.
Prophet Muhammad(saw) beheaded 600 Jews? I presume this is alluding to the Bani Quraiza. Can you now provide any evidence that it was Prophet Muhammad(saw) who gave the command. In all documents of history , it was Sa'ad Muadh , an ally of Bani Quraiza , requested by them to the the judge and the judgement was made in accordance to Deut 20 as the Jews to be judged by their own laws per the Madinah Charter.
Lets refer to Qura47:4 (sahih international)
So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens.
English comprehension lesson for you. What does it mean by 'in battle' or 'and fight'. I dunno about you , the sentence is about the action one takes in the battlefield. Hello ..... at that time people were fighting with swords therefore it is natural to strike at the neck.
Fighting in a battle is different from beheading helpless people. Such is what we call murder. Somehow or rather you don't know the difference between what goes on in a battle and murder. Yet you claim to be a true professional and an expert in your field.
Ha ha , looks like you have dug yourself another hole. Told you that you haven't a clue of what you are blabbering about.
Questions for you :
(1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
(3) who gave the order to behead Bani Quraiza
(4) do you know the difference between 'in battle' and murder with regards to behading people
Ha ha , I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
ISIS is really, truly IslamicLawrence Wright’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning book The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11as a corrective for those who claim that Al-Qaeda is motivated not by religion, but by secular issues like poverty, colonialism, and the like. Wright’s book shows clearly that the roots of Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamic groups that practice terrorism were, in the main, motivated by Islam, its dictate to wage jihad, and its hatred of the West, whose values stood in distinction to those of Islam.
The necessary corrective has just been published in The Atlantic byGraeme Wood, in a piece called “What ISIS really wants“. Wood is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale. He lived in the Middle East for four years beginning in 2002, so he certainly has the street cred to write about ISIS. His piece is long—21 pages as I printed it out—but it’s well worth reading, especially because ISIS threatens to kindle a huge war in the Middle East.
Wood’s article involved a lot of travel, interviewing, and scholarly work, and you really should read it (the download is free). I’ll give just a few quotes (indented) and then my own take on the piece.
The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
. . . Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.
. . . According to Haykel, the ranks of the Islamic State are deeply infused with religious vigor. Koranic quotations are ubiquitous. “Even the foot soldiers spout this stuff constantly,” Haykel said. “They mug for their cameras and repeat their basic doctrines in formulaic fashion, and they do it all the time.” He regards the claim that the Islamic State has distorted the texts of Islam as preposterous, sustainable only through willful ignorance. “People want to absolve Islam,” he said. “It’s this ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra. As if there is such a thing as ‘Islam’! It’s what Muslims do, and how they interpret their texts.” Those texts are shared by all Sunni Muslims, not just the Islamic State. “And these guys have just as much legitimacy as anyone else.” https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/isis-is-really-truly-islamic/
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2015 12:44 AM
wkk5159 replied at 25-7-2015 12:39 PM
SIS is really, truly IslamicLawrence Wright’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning book The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11as a corrective for those who claim that Al-Qaeda is motivated not by religion, but by secular issues like poverty, colonialism, and the like. Wright’s book shows clearly that the roots of Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamic groups that practice terrorism were, in the main, motivated by Islam, its dictate to wage jihad, and its hatred of the West, whose values stood in distinction to those of Islam.
The necessary corrective has just been published in The Atlantic byGraeme Wood, in a piece called “What ISIS really wants“. Wood is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale. He lived in the Middle East for four years beginning in 2002, so he certainly has the street cred to write about ISIS. His piece is long—21 pages as I printed it out—but it’s well worth reading, especially because ISIS threatens to kindle a huge war in the Middle East.
Wood’s article involved a lot of travel, interviewing, and scholarly work, and you really should read it (the download is free). I’ll give just a few quotes (indented) and then my own take on the piece.
The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
. . . Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.
. . . According to Haykel, the ranks of the Islamic State are deeply infused with religious vigor. Koranic quotations are ubiquitous. “Even the foot soldiers spout this stuff constantly,” Haykel said. “They mug for their cameras and repeat their basic doctrines in formulaic fashion, and they do it all the time.” He regards the claim that the Islamic State has distorted the texts of Islam as preposterous, sustainable only through willful ignorance. “People want to absolve Islam,” he said. “It’s this ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra. As if there is such a thing as ‘Islam’! It’s what Muslims do, and how they interpret their texts.” Those texts are shared by all Sunni Muslims, not just the Islamic State. “And these guys have just as much legitimacy as anyone else.” https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/isis-is-really-truly-islamic/
LOL , the lame duck in 'wkk5159' going around in circles chasing his backside.
Lets see your criteria of why ISIS is truly Islamic :
. . . According to Haykel, the ranks of the Islamic State are deeply infused with religious vigor. Koranic quotations are ubiquitous. “Even the foot soldiers spout this stuff constantly,” Haykel said. “They mug for their cameras and repeat their basic doctrines in formulaic fashion, and they do it all the time.” He regards the claim that the Islamic State has distorted the texts of Islam as preposterous, sustainable only through willful ignorance. “People want to absolve Islam,” he said. “It’s this ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra. As if there is such a thing as ‘Islam’! It’s what Muslims do, and how they interpret their texts.” Those texts are shared by all Sunni Muslims, not just the Islamic State. “And these guys have just as much legitimacy as anyone else.”
To you , ISIS is truly Islamic because of Quranic quotations and they mug infront of cameras strutting doctrines in formulaic fashion. I repeat my question for the second time. Where is it in the Quran that calls for murder (ie. beheading of helpless prisoners)? How come so difficult for you to answer? Gaaaasp! Issit because there is just nothing on it?
Ha ha , you have been thoroughly defeated and now you don't even dare to address the counter issues brought up. I repeat my questions :
(1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
(3) who gave the order to behead Bani Quraiza?
(4) do you know the difference between 'in battle' and murder with regards to beheading people?
Ha ha , I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
This pseododyslexic ustazy seems to run out of arsenal and resorted to repeating the debunked fallacies....
His first rancid question can be found in my post 23# while his second can be found in 33# and 36#.
See, this happens to someone who is defending something which is undefenable.
Below is the extract from https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/isis-is-really-truly-islamic/
Graeme Wood is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale University. He lived in the Middle East for four years beginning in 2002, so he certainly has the street cred to write about ISIS. His piece is long—21 pages as I printed it out—but it’s well worth reading, especially because ISIS threatens to kindle a huge war in the Middle East.
Wood’s article involved a lot of travel, interviewing, and scholarly work. Here is what he says about ISIS;
"The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
. . . Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.
Well said...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Edited by sam1528 at 26-7-2015 11:50 PM
wkk5159 replied at 26-7-2015 12:13 PM
This pseododyslexic ustazy seems to run out of arsenal and resorted to repeating the debunked fallacies....
His first rancid question can be found in my post 23# while his second can be found in 33# and 36#.
See, this happens to someone who is defending something which is undefenable.
Below is the extract from https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/isis-is-really-truly-islamic/
Graeme Wood is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale University. He lived in the Middle East for four years beginning in 2002, so he certainly has the street cred to write about ISIS. His piece is long—21 pages as I printed it out—but it’s well worth reading, especially because ISIS threatens to kindle a huge war in the Middle East.
Wood’s article involved a lot of travel, interviewing, and scholarly work. Here is what he says about ISIS;
"The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
. . . Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.
Well said...![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
LOL , I just don't know why you keep going around in circles chasing your own backside. Are you a sucker for punishment? Appears that you are.
For the 4th time , your post#23 has been debunked by my post#24 which you have yet to respond. Your post#33 & 36 do not address your screwup as you negated and contradicted your own description of the Buraq. Ha ha , somehow or rather you have this thinking that you are a 'true professional and an expert in your own field' not knowing that you have been made to appear extremely foolish.
Wow! What a naive understanding. Now your contention that IS is truely Islamic because :
"The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
LOL any religion preached by its ardent followers derives from their coherent and learned interpretation , this includes Christianity etc. Learning and preaching something is different from practicing it. Oops don't tell me , to you something is very religious if it is being preached following a coherent and learned interpretation but not from the actions of its adherents. Hate to break your bubble but you are again wrong ..... as usual.
How now? Do you have the courage to answer my questions :
(1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
(3) who gave the order to behead Bani Quraiza?
(4) do you know the difference between 'in battle' and murder with regards to beheading people?
Ha ha , I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
Edited by sam1528 at 27-7-2015 05:01 PM
wkk5159 replied at 27-7-2015 12:09 PM
Repeating the rancid refuted questions only solidify the desperate pathetic stance this sissy ustazy is in right now.....![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
"The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.” ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/2.gif)
By Graeme Wood; he is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale University. He lived in the Middle East for four years beginning in 2002, so he certainly has the street cred to write about ISIS. His piece is long—21 pages as I printed it out—but it’s well worth reading, especially because ISIS threatens to kindle a huge war in the Middle East.
Wood’s article involved a lot of travel, interviewing, and scholarly work. ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Ha ha , you have already come to the end of your wits. You have nothing left. Ok then , to amplify my previous point I am going to substitute Ku Klux Clan for ISIS , Christianity for Islam and Central America for Middle East and Europe. Lets see how the paragraph pans out :
"The reality is that the Ku Klux Clan is Christian. Very Christian. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Central North America. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Christianity.”
LOL , it describes KU Klux Clan being true Christians to a tee. What say you? Of course , being a lame duck , you would not answer but run off to another topic or just copy paste the same thing over and over again.
So simple to refute you .......
Do you have the courage to answer my questions :
(1) why you choose to believe in a liar in Walid Shoebat and a nobody in 'Brother Rachid' rather than the facts from the US intelligence agencies?
(2) your screwup in you negating and contradicting yourself in the description of the Buraq
(3) who gave the order to behead Bani Quraiza?
(4) do you know the difference between 'in battle' and murder with regards to beheading people?
Ha ha , I say again : it doesn't take much for you to shoot yourself in your head
Edited by wkk5159 at 28-7-2015 11:45 AM
"The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.”
By Graeme Wood; he is an editor at the magazine as well as a lecturer in political science at Yale University. (original) ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
"The reality is that the Ku Klux Clan is Christian. Very Christian.Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Central North America. But the religion preachedby its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learnedinterpretations of Christianity.” By sissy cum run out of idea self destructive ustazy sam1528 (poor desperate editedcopy cat ) ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
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