TV show dan Movie Best di Netflix
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Thanks for the recommendation Watcher memang best 10/10, dahmer baru second episode but i am not into LGBT and Gory stuff hahahh
Now I am addicted to Watching the Mole, best sangat nak identify who is the Mole hahahah |
baru lepas tengok tiga janda melawan dunia... best... iols terhibur dari awal sampai akhir... gedik2 gittuhhh tapi filem komedi kan... kualiti pun tip top yach.. lagi best la dari MK pelakon kena beliak2 bijik mata sampaikan dialog tu... |
Edited by lo_la at 27-10-2022 06:50 PM
Cabinet of Curiosities best … ala Twilight Zone.
Ada 8 episodes semuanya.
1. Lot 36 - About a man who bought a storage unit. What’s hidden in the storage unit is for you to find out 
2. Graveyard Rats - A grave robber, he made a reference about Malaysia which i think was inaccurate. It should’ve been Malaya instead, given the year and period.
3. The Autopsy - A pathologist who came to help a friend conduct autopsies and doesn’t know what’s coming his way. Most memorable scene was when the moment the camera focused on the raising hair on his neck 
4. The Outside - A lady transforming herself, about fitting in
5. Pickman’s Model - An artist who befriended another artist with a dark ancestry
6. Dreams in the Witch House
7. The Viewing
8. The Murmuring
Forgot to mention, it’s by Guillermo del Toro. |
lo_la replied at 27-10-2022 12:17 PM
Cabinet of Curiosities best … ala Twilight Zone.
Ada 8 episodes semuanya.
1. Lot 36 - About a man w ...
Aah i baru lepas tgk Graveyard Rats tu. Apa benda ntah mentioned Malaysia jadi rats vessel haha |
Page88 replied at 27-10-2022 01:01 PM
I love The Crown.
Yes. New season coming next month!  |
baru lepas tengok enola holmes 2...
Enola Holmes 2 memang tak mengecewakan... lagi2 sebab herlokkk agittuhhh....
sebab herlok kaka bagi 15/10...
tapi review jujurnya 7/10 je lah...
sebab keherlokan ni drama ke filem tempatan tak mampu nak bagi jadi kaka terpaksa bagi bintang lebih sebab netflix je mampu bagi.... |
Best suka sangat now tinggal two episode ..highly recommend
The Crown Season 5 iols bagi 6/10
now rasa nak binge-watch kdrama pulak |

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Post time 13-11-2022 04:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by Naatasha at 13-11-2022 04:45 PM
Korang ada tak tengok Dubai Bling? Perghh fake gila cerita tu. Safa tu sampai gaduh ngn laki sbb nak cari ibu tumpang, siap buat makan2 kat rumah sbb nak announce kat kawan2 yg dia nak cari ibu tumpang, and terus tak jadi pegi event yg LJ buat kat desert sbb gaduh ngn laki pasal isu ni. Gaduh gila2 la masa ni.
Finally elok je mengandung uols ape ke haram nye. Penat aku layan cerita fake org2 kaya ni |

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Post time 13-11-2022 04:48 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by Naatasha at 13-11-2022 04:49 PM
Korang tengok tak Love is Blind. Ini pun cerita bodoh yg aku layan. Kenal kejap dah I love you. Pastu semua contestant yg berjaya bertunang terbang ke Malibu unt honeymoon, siap cerita lagi berapa kali dorang make love kat kawan2. Yg zanab tu cakap dia dah 5x. Padahal keje nye bergaduh je ngn tunang dia tu. Dasar cheap 
Last2 dua pasangan je berjaya kawen. Yg lain ke laut dalam, kemain lagi berhoneymoon ke Malibu lepas tunang  |
Uolss ada ke yg follow siri dead for me? Thun ni dh masuk season 3. Oke ke tak siri ni? Comedy criminal ye? |
sama.. tapi season 5 nie xtgk lagi
Korang dh tgk wednesday series netflix ; spin off addams family? I bru hbs tgk td, wow i get why it was so hyped. Iols sceptical awal nya rupa nya cte ni so twistedddd , ade loophole sikit2 but id give 4/5. The crown season 5 i tgk episod 2 dh tertidooo , mcm bosan je season ni, maybe sebab pemilihan pelakon mcm mehhh je kot ahahah  |

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Post time 28-11-2022 10:11 PM
From the mobile phone
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nipskacang replied at 28-11-2022 09:45 PM
Korang dh tgk wednesday series netflix ; spin off addams family? I bru hbs tgk td, wow i get why it ...
So kena tgok Adams family dulu ke unt paham kan citer ni? Atau tgok Wednesday je dah cukup? |
Naatasha replied at 28-11-2022 10:11 PM
So kena tgok Adams family dulu ke unt paham kan citer ni? Atau tgok Wednesday je dah cukup?
Boleh je tgk wednesday terus uols! |
Wednesday mmg best wlupun baru tgk 3 episode.. suka tgk cter fantasi gitu
1 lagi sandman.. itupun best giler |
nipskacang replied at 28-11-2022 09:45 PM
Korang dh tgk wednesday series netflix ; spin off addams family? I bru hbs tgk td, wow i get why it ...
Baru abis layan semua episod hehe cuti sekolah kan apa lagi ngadap netflix je byk dlm list yg blm tgk tu.
Sama la mcm uols sblm ni iols skeptikal gak sbb iols membesar zaman Christina Ricci jd Wednesday ngn muka takde perasaan dia tuh.
Sblm ni masa tgk muka2 pelakon nih dh risau takut tak best sekali wauuu best laa patutlaa sana sini org duk update pasal cite nih.
Iols peminat Gwendolien Christie tu suka tgk dia dlm Game of Thrones tiap kali penampakkan dia mesti terbayang Brienne of Tarth yg sedap berckp. Tapi lawa betul dia dlm Wednesday walau bedak tebal kemain
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