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Author: rambo888

saya mencari koje kat oversea

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wheatrice This user has been deleted
Post time 1-8-2007 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by _mzzm_ at 1-8-2007 01:10 PM
oh ye ke ninik ? i thot kalau anak lahir sini.. bley claim ? mmmm... kena buat homework lagi nih..

tapi mcm my fren kat Manchester tuh, she was born in Wales.. but duk lama kat Mesia.. and th ...

I think so la sbb dia lahir kat sana...I have a niece yg lahir kat UK ...dia kena angkat sumpah and tukau warganegara time dia
nak buat passport mesia...time tu umuq dia 17 ke 18 tahun...

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Post time 1-8-2007 08:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #606 spidernfly's post

loh.. ye ke.. mmm .. tak perasan plak i selama nih..

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Post time 2-8-2007 01:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by _mzzm_ at 1-8-2007 16:49
so andria.. apa perkembangan anda ? kalau nak mai UK.. pm me ye. if iade around UK nih.. i'm willing to assist setakat yg mampu..

Hi mzzm, really appreciate ur kindness. Insya Allah, kalau I pegi UK, ada rezeki, we'll meet up. Somehow, somewhere...  

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Post time 3-8-2007 07:00 AM | Show all posts
opps sorry le.. i memang blah awal. lepak kat bod ilmuan lah pulak... kekekeke.. just kidding!

kes kawan u tu ia tak tahu. mungkin terkecuali kot. tapi nak tipu pun boleh jer.. (i tak kata dia tipu ye..jangan salah faham) i think several years ago (maybe around 8-10 years) memang sapa sape pun layak as along as resident kat sini. no restrictions! sebab tu ramaii ambik kesempatan. bila dah balik malaysia/ other countries pun tak tutup account dan still dapat duit.. tak baik kan? tapi now, semua dah tak boleh.. nasib nasib.

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Post time 3-8-2007 04:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #601 _mzzm_'s post

maksudnya kagum dengan cerita2 korang

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Post time 3-8-2007 04:24 PM | Show all posts
saja nak share ngan u all....

for the past few weeks i've met few Malay Malaysians yg mai ke UK with working holiday visa.. tarak kerja masa mai.....but within few weeks..dah dpt kerja ! tapi lupa plak nak tanya kerja apa... but the lady is an architect .. the husbnd tatau !

and ade gak.. husbnd yg ikut wife ke sini.. again within few weeks.. terus dpt kerja ! plak tu dpt 5 interviews ! he's in IT...

kekadang tu rasa senang plak duk UK nih... ade member i ajak kerja kat Mid East, Dubai...... dia nak tolong but i rasa mcm berat ati.. though tarak tax kat sana tapi panassssssssssssssssssssssssss..

it makes me wonder sumtimes.. wat do i liv for ? money or happiness ? but without money... no happiness ! and without happiness.. money means nuthing !

..ayam ..telur..
..telur.. ..ayam..
..ayam.. telur..
telur.. ayam..


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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 3-8-2007 08:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #612 _mzzm_'s post

why cant you just have both?

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Post time 3-8-2007 10:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #613 spidernfly's post

i was referring to my situation la Mod....

Mid East.. i can get a lot of moni but dun think i'd b hepi there coz i simply dun like Mid East, kenapa agaknye ek ? i pun tatau sebenarnye y i dun like Mid East, and sama gak lah ngan uncle dah byk kali ajak kerja kat sana coz i cud simply stay wif them but tu lah, tarak hati nak ke OZ.. ( especially bila 2 org mak budak yg bercintan-cintun tu ade plak kat sana.. wakakakkakaka ) so meaning, i hav moni but not hepiness..

As for UK.. cost of living is kerja pun, setakat boleh la mkn apa yg i nak but nak buat apa yg i nak...blum tentu lagi..coz my hobby mmg flying tu satu je lah n its xpensive but of coz.. cheaper than kat Mesia........ i think so, masih buat hmework lagi....but in UK, i like the weather, the people and the environment compare to Mid East.. and on top of all, my gud fren is here too n its easier to travel around europe frm UK...... so meaning, i m hepi but less moni.. ..

tu lah sebab i ckp i tak dpt both.. for now lah, so conclusionnye i need to b patient n strive harder for better job... so dat i can get both in future.. moni n UK ! plus my NPPL.......

[ Last edited by  _mzzm_ at 3-8-2007 10:08 PM ]

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 3-8-2007 11:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #614 _mzzm_'s post

ekekekeke...... apara.... uncle you bukan kat brisbane ka?

nways, UK IS nice!!! its beautiful..... and you get EPL every week without having to bercekang mata to enjoy it

p/s: i thought you ARE going to solve your situation. get that solved first

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Post time 3-8-2007 11:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #615 spidernfly's post

EPL ? wats dat ?

yep.. uncle is in Brisbane.. nih diorg nak balik ke sana early September.. i pun tgh duk pikiaq..nak balik Mesia thru OZ ke.. or thru Dubai....... sebab teringin gak nak tgk Dubai tuh.. yg dikatakan shopping heaven  

but tu lah, ingat if my gud fren tuh balik Mesia for Raya.. i ingat nak raya kat OZ lah wif uncle n aunty...

eh i ingat nak beli open ticket balik Mesia coz tatau nak balik bila.. cuti takde nih... so kalau nak beli open ticket..camne eh ? and how much eh ? mahal ke ?

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 3-8-2007 11:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #616 _mzzm_'s post

EPL = english premier league daaaaa haiseh man

nways, regarding harga ticket, sorry i tak tau la dear pasal selalu company yg belikan. but i think open ticket mmg lagi mahal than the normal tickets.

meh la raya sini.....   boleh i bawak you gi shopping

i ingat nak get a few things b4 i balik in dec for holidays

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Post time 3-8-2007 11:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #617 spidernfly's post

wah Mod... pucuk dicita ulam mendatang ekekekkekekkee

so kite pun nak bercintan-cintun gak ke.. ? uwahahahahahahahahahaha.. tapi i bercintan-cintun pun.. dengan Mod..... kelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllassss u................   

so U.. nanti kalau I dah konfem everything.. i calling2 u eh... ( awwwwwwwww .. mcm datin diaries la plakkk.. )

[ Last edited by  _mzzm_ at 3-8-2007 11:34 PM ]

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Post time 4-8-2007 01:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by andria at 26-7-2007 07:34 PM

I jawab yer? If you're traveling as a tourist, then they expect you to BE a tourist. They don't want you to find a job because that would mean, duit (gaji) diorg mengalir keluar kepada warga  ...

juz nak share my 2 cents personal experience.
Masa I tour Europe years back, our last destination was England.  Ada sorang mamat ni mmg berintention to stay back & work illegally but dia x tau speak English.  I tolong jadi translator kat Dover customs.  Lepas dia kena interview panjang lebar, custom x bagi dia masuk atas alasan suspect dia nak cari kerja illegal and terus kena deport balik ke Paris.  Dari Paris dia flew to Heathrow, kena tahan dlm airport until the date our group were scheduled to fly off together. Mmg kesian mamat ni.

Sorang lagi was my sis-in-law punya adik.  Same case happened last year.  Sampai Heathrow, tak pass interview kat immigration terus kena deport.  The custom officers mmg terrer baca reaction orang sometimes.

So be very careful and all the best



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Post time 4-8-2007 02:53 AM | Show all posts
Last time ada forumner yang buat QS carik Kerja kat UK.. I malas nak selak belakang.. In case dia jenguk thread ni.. ni nak inform yg QS dah masuk dalam UK Shortage Skill punya list. just updated last month.

Dulu aku pun buat fruit picking illegally.Tokey pick up dkt town dengan Black Maria .. Tutup dgn kain kanvas. Sampai farm baru nampak dunia.. Masa tu dkt Kent.. aku pernah jugak kerja kilang pun illegally... pastu jual barang..tapi lupa barang apa ntah sebab aku join sehari jerr.. siap masuk kampung-kampung lagi..macam salesman yg dok ketuk rumah org. yang ni ada work permit. Apply dkt job centre. But it was 10 years back punya cerita. La ni employer je yg boleh apply permit.

Paling lama aku buat kerja haram ialah kerja kedai pizza.(Iranian). From 11pm - 4am. memanjangnye kena baling dgn botol sos bila dia org dah mabuk.Yg ni memang masyuk. kalau during xmas eve..xmas day.. 100pound utk 5hrs tu kira biasa sgt la..



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Post time 4-8-2007 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Lupa nak habag.. landlord aku paki.. dia pun illegal.. tapi dia kerja kat kilang carpet sedara mara dia.

So yg nak pi job hunting kat UK tu..either legal or illegal.. all the best.

Ulat dalam batu pun bule hidup beb!! :victory:

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Post time 4-8-2007 03:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #612 _mzzm_'s post

laa.. pulak dah.   hari tu punya beria kata tak suka duk sini & depress.. laa ni dah ok ker? ker ko depress kat aberdeen jer? kalo nak happening sikit.. duk london la. keje pun senang sikit nak dapat. tapi sewa mahal la pulak ye..

actually, kat mana mana pun kita stay sama jer.. memang ada pro & cons. yang penting always be positive!

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Post time 4-8-2007 03:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #622 ninik99's post

ye betul nik.... yg penting hati... kalau hati senang & lapang.. duk dlm gua pun hepi...    tapi kalau hati tak tenang.. duk dlm istana pun gundah-gulana...    so now nih wa tgh nak survey2 mana flying school yg reasonable price dia dan pd masa yg sama diiktiraf seluruh dunia.... wa teringin lah nak jadik pilot  

eh nik.. esok cousin nak mai sini dr Dublin.. ingat nak pi Balmoral Castle.. rupanye Queen ade plak dah..    tapi depa kata ade Aboyne Highland Games esok... so maybe esok pi Aboyne kot.. or ari Ahad nak pi Stirling kot.. eh kat Stirling ade apa eh ?

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Post time 4-8-2007 03:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #620 ahtzue's post

wow ahtzue...bestnya kalau dapat pengalaman macam ni...cayalah...

wa memang respek kat orang yg berani ni

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Post time 4-8-2007 08:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #623 _mzzm_'s post

hang nak pi balmoral tu kena siap mental & fizikal jugak tau sebab jalannya berlingkaq lingkaq & kecik benor. dan kete tak banyak.. masa haku sampai dulu, castle dah tutup. sayang tul la.. dah la jauh nak pi situ.

tapi haku serik tobat dah nak pi.. hb aku yang macho tu pun duk membebel jer sebab haku yang beria ria nak pi sangatt. sepanjang jalan tu, kalo mendung or waktu rembang senja memang menyeramkan.

tapi kalo ko bawak chopper ok la kot. landing je kat belakang castle tu.

[ Last edited by  ninik99 at 4-8-2007 08:45 AM ]

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Post time 4-8-2007 09:03 AM | Show all posts
mzzm, mu tak tido lagi ker? dah kul 2.00 pagi nih!

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