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Author: fatz

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Post time 26-6-2008 11:43 PM | Show all posts

berita luar negeri....

June 26, 2008         
Plane soar past destination as pilots dose: report

NEW DELHI - AN AIR INDIA flight headed for Mumbai overshot its destination and was halfway to Goa before its dozing pilots were woken out of a deep slumber by air traffic control, a report said.

The high altitude nap took place approximately two weeks ago, the Times of India reported on Thursday.

Some 100 passengers were on board the state-run flight that originated from Dubai and flew to the western Indian city of Jaipur before heading south to Mumbai when both pilots fell asleep, a source told the paper.

'After operating an overnight flight, fatigue levels peak - and so the pilots dozed off after taking off from Jaipur,' the source, who was not identified in the report, said.

The plane flew to Mumbai on autopilot, but when air traffic there tried to help the aircraft land, the plane ignored their instructions and carried on at full speed towards Goa.

'It was only after the aircraft reached Mumbai airspace that air traffic control realised it was not responding to any instructions and was carrying on its own course,' the source said.

'The aircraft should have begun its descent about 160 kilometres from Mumbai, but here it was still at cruising altitude. We checked for hijack.'

Finally air traffic control buzzed the cockpit and woke up the pilots, who turned the plane around, the report said.

When contacted by the newspaper, Air India said it was gathering information on the incident.

The manager of Mumbai's airport insisted the aircraft had suffered a 'communications failure' and that no napping had taken place.

But sources told the daily that authorities were trying to hush up the matter.

Indian papers reported this week that a flight operated by private airline Jetlite to the central Indian city of Patna was grounded after the pilot was found to be drunk. -- AFP

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Post time 28-6-2008 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 28 Jun 2008        

Lelaki Indonesia tawar organ pada bayaran tinggi

DUA lelaki Indonesia mengaku bersalah di mahkamah semalam kerana terlibat dalam penjualan organ kepada rakyat Singapura, seorang daripada mereka pengerusi eksekutif syarikat C K Tang.

Dalam kes pertama serupa itu di sini, kedua-duanya mengaku menjual ginjal mereka kepada dua orang pada harga tinggi. Perbuatan itu melanggar Akta Pemindahan Organ Manusia (Hota).

Mereka melanggar juga Akta Sumpah dan Pengakuan.

Rancangan Sulaiman Damanik, 26 tahun, untuk menjual ginjalnya kepada pengerusi eksekutif C K Tang, Encik Tang Wee Sung, 56 tahun, yang menghidap penyakit ginjal, diketahui sebelum pemindahan ginjal itu dilakukan.

Sulaiman telah mengatur dengan beberapa orang awal bulan ini untuk menjual ginjalnya kepada Encik Tang pada harga sekitar 150 juta rupiah ($27,700).

Pada 17 Jun, dia berbohong bahawa dia tidak mendapat ganjaran wang daripada pembedahan ginjal yang akan dijalankan.

Sulaiman memberi keterangan palsu kepada jawatankuasa yang meluluskan permohonan bagi pemindahan ginjalnya.

Dia juga berbohong dengan mengatakan bahawa ipar anak saudara Encik Tang telah berkahwin dengan mak ciknya.

Seorang lagi warga Indonesia, Toni, 27 tahun, berperanan menjadi orang perantaraan di antara Sulaiman dengan Encik Tang.

Dia tiba di sini pada 29 Mei lalu dan menginap di sebuah apartmen di Lucky Plaza.

Pada Mac lalu, Toni menjalani pembedahan ginjal dan memindahkan ginjalnya kepada seorang wanita bernama Juliana Soh.

Sekembalinya Toni ke Medan, sejumlah 186 juta rupiah ($29,390) disalurkan ke akaun banknya.

Hukuman ke atas Sulaiman dan Toni akan dijatuhkan Rabu ini.

Menurut satu kenyataan Kementerian Kesihatan (MOH) semalam, sejumlah rakyat Singapura sedang membantu MOH dan polis dalam siasatan.

Di bawah Hota, adalah satu kesalahan bagi seseorang membuat perjanjian untuk menjual atau membekalkan sebarang organ atau darah pada harga tinggi.

Sesiapa yang melanggar akta tersebut menghadapi hukuman penjara sehingga 12 bulan, atau denda sehingga $10,000, atau kedua-duanya sekali.

Perdagangan organ manusia sering melibatkan eksploitasi golongan miskin dan kurang berdaya yang tidak berupaya membuat pilihan bijak, selain menghadapi risiko perubatan dan kesihatan.

Mengulas mengenai kes itu, Menteri Kesihatan, Khaw Boon Wan, berkata dagangan organ diharamkan di banyak negara, termasuk Singapura.

MOH memandang serius perbuatan yang menyalahi undang-undang dan akan mengambil tindakan tegas ke atas pesalah, kata beliau.

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Post time 28-6-2008 08:56 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 28 Jun 2008


Pesawat Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia terhempas dekat Gunung Salak di Jawa Barat

Nadzri Eunos

SEORANG warga Singapura merupakan antara tiga warga asing yang dilaporkan hilang selepas pesawat Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia terhempas di sekitar Gunung Salak di Jawa Barat, semalam.

Ketiga-tiganya difahamkan adalah kakitangan syarikat Credent Technologies yang menawarkan khidmat pengimejan satelit resolusi tinggi dan imbasan laser bagi tujuan pemetaan.

Jurucakap Angkatan Udara Indonesia, Komodor Udara Chaerudin Ray, memberitahu agensi berita Antara bahawa warga Singapura yang hilang hanya dikenali sebagai Encik Tan.

Identiti dua lagi warga asing ialah Encik Mochtar Mahendra Kumar dari India dan Encik Kwong Pind Anthoni dari Britain.

Kementerian Ehwal Luar (MFA) dalam satu kenyataan semalam mengesahkan bahawa seorang warga Singapura berada di dalam pesawat yang terhempas itu.

'MFA dan kedutaan kami telah berhubungan dengan keluarga beliau dan akan terus menawarkan bantuan konsular yang diperlukan kepada keluarganya,' kata MFA.

Kementerian Pertahanan Britain dilaporkan mengesahkan bahawa warganya yang hilang itu berasal dari Hongkong.

Ketika dihubungi semalam, pejabat serantau Credent Technologies enggan memberi sebarang komen mengenai nahas tersebut.

Turut hilang ialah 15 warga Indonesia - 12 daripadanya anggota tentera Indonesia. Ini termasuk tiga kakitangan syarikat Aviao Gaya Perkasa.

Pesawat jenis Cass N212-200 itu dilaporkan sedang dalam penerbangan untuk menguji peralatan pengimejan digital apabila ia hilang daripada skrin radar pada 3.03 petang, waktu tempatan.

Gunung Salak terletak kira-kira 40 kilometer ke selatan Jakarta.

Pesawat itu adalah milik Skuadron 4 yang berpangkalan di pangkalan udara Abdulrahman Saleh.

Sebuah pasukan mencari dan menyelamat dari Jakarta dengan sokongan para pegawai keselamatan dan penduduk kampung digembleng dalam operasi mencari bangkai pesawat.

Agensi-agensi berita melaporkan bahawa bangkai pesawat terbabit ditemui di pusat peranginan Curug Nangka di kaki Gunung Salak dekat Kampung Sukajadi, daerah Bogor.

Timbalan Ketua I Angkatan Udara Indonesia, Gusti Made Oka, memberitahu ElShinta Radio bahawa mangsa-mangsa telah ditemui di kawasan kemalangan itu dengan pesawat terbabit dikatakan remuk.

Usaha menyelamat dihambat oleh cuaca kabus dan hutan tebal, kata penyelaras penyelamat, Encik Hadi Tugiman, kepada agensi berita AFP.

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Post time 28-6-2008 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 28 Jun 2008         

BARU sebulan dibebaskan daripada penjara, Tan Eng Lee diheret semula ke mahkamah ekoran kesalahan merakam video dalam skirt wanita.

Tan, yang berkaca mata, dipenjara 10 minggu semalam selepas mengaku bersalah mencabul kehormatan seorang pelanggan Cold Storage berusia 28 tahun itu di pusat membeli-belah Parkway Parade pada 14 Jun lalu.

Dia menggunakan alat video MP4 untuk melakukan kesalahan tersebut.

Mahkamah diberitahu perbuatan Tan itu disaksikan seorang pekerja pasar raya tersebut yang melihat tertuduh meletakkan kaki kanannya di bawah skirt mangsa selama beberapa minit.

Tan didapati menyembunyikan MP4 tersebut yang mempunyai fungsi kamera dan video dengan mengikat alat tersebut dengan tali kasut kanannya.

Tertuduh mengaku merakamkan video seluar dalam mangsa.

Bulan lalu, Tan dipenjara empat minggu di atas kesalahan yang sama.

Semasa membuat rayuan, Tan berkata dia mahu berubah setelah dibebaskan daripada penjara tetapi tidak boleh mengawal diri.

Tan berkata dia akan mendapatkan rawatan perubatan secepat mungkin supaya dia dapat menjaga ibu bapanya.

Tan boleh dipenjara sehingga setahun atau didenda atau kedua-duanya sekali.

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Post time 28-6-2008 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 28 Jun 2008         

Pemenang akan wakili negara di peraduan antarabangsa

Nadzri Eunos

MUSABAQAH Hifzil Quran peringkat kebangsaan akan dianjurkan buat julung-julung kali pada Ogos ini.

Ia bertujuan memasyarakatkan budaya menghafal Al-Quran di kalangan masyarakat Islam setempat.

Ini di samping menjadi wadah untuk memilih para hafiz dan hafizah mewakili negara dalam Musabaqah Hifzil Quran di peringkat antarabangsa.

Sebelum ini, beberapa masjid setempat pernah mengadakan pertandingan serupa, tetapi secara kecil-kecilan.

Ketika dihubungi baru-baru ini, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Induk Al-Quran, Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), Ustaz Firdaus Yahya, 37 tahun, berkata:

'Sebelum ini, hanya musabaqah tilawah Al-Quran yang diadakan setiap tahun di peringkat kebangsaan. Pemenangnya akan mewakili Singapura.

'Kami harap dapat membuat yang sama melalui Musabaqah Hifzil Quran. Setiap tahun kami mendapat undangan daripada banyak negara.

'Selalunya, kami adakan ujian secara tertutup untuk pilih wakil negara. Kali ini pemenang musabaqah akan menjadi wakil.'

Ustaz Firdaus, yang juga ketua Darul Quran di Masjid Kampong Siglap, berkata idea bagi pertandingan itu diusulnya semasa mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Induk Al- Quran pada April lalu.

Masjid Kampung Siglap dilantik sebagai urus setia dengan disokong beberapa masjid - Jamiyah Ar-Rabitah, Darul Makmur, Assyakirin, Al-Ansar dan Sultan.

'Disebabkan masa yang suntuk, tak ada dana yang diperuntuk dan kami memerlukan sokongan masyarakat untuk menjayakannya,' jelas Ustaz Firdaus.

Ini berlainan daripada Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran tahunan yang sudah pun mendapat peruntukan dana.

Ditaksirkan sebanyak $30,000 diperlukan untuk menjayakan Musabaqah Hifzil Quran.

Setiausaha urus setia, Ustaz Sanusi Ahmed, berkata Musabaqah Hifzil dibuka kepada para peserta lelaki dan wanita daripada usia enam hingga dewasa.

Tarikh tutup pendaftaran ialah 7 Julai ini.

Peringkat saringan akan bermula pada 12 Julai dengan peringkat akhir dijadualkan berlangsung pada 24 Ogos di auditorium Masjid Sultan.


Tarikh: Mulai 12 Julai hingga 24 Ogos


# Dibuka kepada peserta lelaki dan perempuan berusia daripada enam tahun hingga dewasa
# Untuk warga negara dan penduduk tetap


# Kanak-kanak (enam hingga 12 tahun) - Hafal 1 juzuk
# Remaja (13 hingga 20 tahun) - Hafal tiga, lima atau 10 juzuk
# Dewasa (20 tahun ke atas) - Hafal surah-surah lazim


# Borang pendaftaran rasmi boleh diperolehi di Masjid Jamiyah Ar-Rabitah, Masjid Darul Makmur, Masjid Assyakirin, Masjid Al-Ansar, Masjid Sultan dan Masjid Kampong Siglap.
# Bayaran $10 dikenakan

Tarikh tutup pendaftaran:

# Kanak-kanak (1 Julai)
# Remaja dan dewasa (7 Julai)
# Untuk keterangan lanjut sila lungsuri

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Post time 29-6-2008 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Opposition member may have called the police to arrest his wife
By Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 29 June 2008 2054 hrs

Tan Lead Shake

SINGAPORE: Opposition party member Tan Lead Shake is himself reported to have called the police to arrest his wife in the murder case at their Paya Lebar Crescent home on Saturday.

Police later arrested his 26-year-old China-born wife for the murder of Tan's brother and slashing his sister-in-law who's said to be in a stable condition at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

The murder and slashing took place at a Paya Lebar Crescent bungalow after an early morning quarrel.

Channel NewsAsia understands opposition party member Tan Lead Shake called the police after he was asked by his China-born wife to meet at Victoria Street. This after she had stabbed Tan's brother and slashed his wife, also from China.

The day after the murder, Tan and his sister-in-law's mother were seen entering the house to collect some items.

The woman was crying and shouting in dialect that 揳ll hope is gone".

There were still blood stains from the front of the house to the back gate.

Over at the mortuary, police were seen helping to calm down other relatives.

Tan's wife will be charged in court on Monday and faces the death penalty, if found guilty.

The murder case is of interest as the husband of the accused is opposition party member Tan Lead Shake who was dubbed, 'The Slipper Man' for his preference for wearing flip flops when he contested previous general elections. - CNA/vm

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Post time 2-7-2008 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Tampines to extend by 6 months cycling-on-footpaths trial
By May Wong, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 01 July 2008 1829 hrs

SINGAPORE: Tampines constituency will extend its cycling-on-footpaths trial by six months from August to study if it is feasible to let pedestrians share footways with cyclists.

If the success rate is high, Tampines MPs may ask for it to be fully legalised within the constituency. The trial, which is confined within Tampines, started last May.

One of the MPs in the Tampines GRC, National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan, said: "As fuel prices are high, it's not a bad way to travel short distances. It's more than just cycling, it's also about how we can work together to promote a more gracious environment.

"I hope that Tampines is a place where those who wish to cycle can do so safely and that they will be able to share the footpaths with the pedestrians and the pedestrians are willing to share the footpaths with them and that both can co-exist happily."

To facilitate that, Tampines will improve its infrastructure by creating more cycling tracks, educating residents and stepping up enforcement to encourage responsible cycling.

Irene Ng, MP of Tampines GRC, said: "What we've done is we've hired independent traffic consultants and they've done an extensive survey involving 20,000 residents.

"They've observed that conflict rates between cyclists and pedestrians have fallen drastically during the trial. In fact, the swerving actions have fallen by a big 70 percent.

"I hope that during the next six months, cyclists and pedestrians will give it a chance."

One resident said: "I'm not in favour because I, as a pedestrian, find it very irritating that somebody's behind me, honking the bell, thinking they have the right of way. I don't like that at all."

"I think it's a wonderful idea because there're a lot of cyclists and rollerbladers here," another said.

Throughout Tampines, selected footpaths will be widened to allow both cyclists and pedestrians to use them.

Volunteer cycling wardens will also be deployed across Tampines at busy areas during the trial to educate residents about responsible cycling. The constituency now has some 190 cycling wardens and it hopes to attract 90 more.

A cyclist could be fined S$20 for failing to ride in an orderly manner. For more serious offences, the cyclist could be imprisoned for up to a year or fined a maximum of S$5,000 or both.

- CNA/so

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Post time 2-7-2008 11:32 PM | Show all posts
July 2, 2008         
4 workers injured in flash fire at Somerset substation

By Jessica Jaganathan and Sujin Thomas

The fire triggered a 15-minute power outage in the vicinity, and prompted mass evacuation of office staff. -- ST PHOTO: CHEW SENG KIM

Some 500 workers in the SingPower building were asked to leave their premises and move outdoor. -- ST PHOTO: CHEW SENG KIM

FOUR workers were injured in a flash fire which broke out at a Singapore Power substation on Somerset Road on Wednesday morning.

One worker suffered second degree burns on his hands and legs, while the others came down with smoke inhalation. They were taken to Singapore General Hospital.

The fire triggered a 20-minute power outage in the vicinity, and prompted mass evacuation of office workers in several buildings in the area.

In a statement shortly after the incident, SP PowerGrid said the fire occured at 10.07am at a substation.

Office workers in the area heard a loud explosion, followed by black smokes rising from the building.

Several nearby buildings reported brief power failures.

Some 500 workers in the SingPower building were asked to leave their premises and move outdoor.

The building management of The Heeren, which is about 300 metres away, also evacuated some 30 people from the shopping centre.

Mr Jae Liew, 41, a relations manager at The Heeren said he heard a 'loud bang', which immediately triggered a blackout in the building.

He added that the traffic lights in the area also went out of order.

'Power supply was interrupted in the vicinity of Somerset Road, and fully restored by 10.25am,' said the SP statement.

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Post time 2-7-2008 11:37 PM | Show all posts
July 2, 2008         
Molester jailed for touching 2 women's buttocks

By Elena Chong

Koh Meng Meng, 38, pleaded guilty to molesting two women in MacPherson area on April 11 and 14. -- PHOTO: CRO

A MAN who grabbed the buttocks of women while cycling past them was jailed for three months on Wednesday.

Koh Meng Meng, 38, pleaded guilty to molesting two women in MacPherson area on April 11 and 14.

A district court heard that a 48-year-old woman was walking along the back lane of Siak Kew Avenue and Siang Kuang Avenue on April 11 when she felt someone squeeze her left buttock.

At the same time she noticed Koh cycling past her.

Three days later, he was cycling past a 25-year-old woman along Kee Choe Road when he grabbed her butt.

The victims reported to the police, describing the culprit as having dyed golden hair and wearing a striped T-shirt.

Koh, a part-time cook, has several unrelated previous convictions such as theft, burglary and illegal moneylending.

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Post time 4-7-2008 12:12 AM | Show all posts
61-year-old man caught for smuggling tobacco
By Lau Joon-Nie, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 03 July 2008 1923 hrs

SINGAPORE: An arriving passenger with an awkwardly bulging waistline and unnatural gait caught the attention of customs officers at the Singapore Cruise Centre on Wednesday.

A body search conducted on the 61-year-old man uncovered four packets of shag tobacco strapped to his waist.

The loose tobacco, which is used for rolling cigarettes, weighed about 850 grammes.

According to a statement from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the man claimed he had bought the tobacco for personal consumption in Batam while visiting his family there.

Potential customs duty on the contraband tobacco would have amounted to S$281, and goods and services tax (GST) evaded came up to S$21.

Under the law, first-time smugglers can be fined up to 20 times the amount of unpaid duty. They also face further fines based on the amount of GST evaded.

- CNA/so

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Post time 4-7-2008 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Search continues for SMU student who fell from yacht off Raffles Marina
By Imelda Saad/ Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 04 July 2008 2156 hrs

Levin Angsana

SINGAPORE: A 22-year-old undergraduate from the Singapore Management University is still missing in the waters off Raffles Marina, at Tuas in western Singapore.

Levin Angsana was with four others on board a 24-foot keel boat when he fell into the sea. The search is still underway.

It was a routine training session for the team of five who set off from Raffles Marina at about 1pm on Thursday.

The crew, including skipper and ex-national sailor Renfred Tay were heading back at about 3pm when tragedy struck.

According to one crew member, Levin was at the front of the boat trying to bring down the spinnaker - a sail which catches the wind. In the process, the spinnaker got hooked under the boat and Levin got down to a prone position to release it. That's when he lost balance and fell into the sea.

He was not wearing a life jacket. Levin then tried to climb back into the boat but was unsuccessful.

Renfred Tay then jumped in and caught hold of Levin.

Life jackets were thrown into the water. And it was when Renfred turned away to grab a life jacket that Levin disappeared.

Professor Howard Hunter, President, Singapore Management University, said: "We have a whole team that has been out here since yesterday afternoon working with the Raffles Marina and the MPA. We've been with family members since the first time they were notified yesterday."

Levin's parents flew in from Brunei on Friday but were too distraught to speak to the media.

After a short debrief, they were brought out to sea in the hopes of finding their son.

Weather conditions on Thursday, was said to be windy with waters slightly choppy but perfect conditions for sailing.

Sailing mate, Koh Zi Yi said: "He's quite a good sailor and he's quite proficient in his duties on board."

The university said Levin and the team have been training since May for a regatta to be held in September.

Levin also put in extra hours because he wanted to take on the role of skipper.

Singapore's maritime authorities are also working with its Malaysian counterpart in the search operations.

Meanwhile, the Singapore Sailing Federation (SFF) said it's saddened by the accident in the waters off Tuas. However, it adds that for keel boat sailors, there is no real need for them to wear life jackets unless there are strong wind conditions and treacherous waters.

The SFF said all rules and regulations related to sailing are adhered from the International Sailing Federation (ISAF).

According to the ISAF, keel boat sailors do not need to wear life jackets while training or even racing.

Low Teo Ping, President, Singapore Sailing Federation, said: "Having said that, if there is a requirement on the part of the officials who determine that the wind conditions are such - either too heavy seas or the wind conditions are too strong, then it may be a requirement by flying a flag that requires everyone in the keel boat to then wear a life vest."

Mr Low said during training it is up to the skipper of the boat to decide if a life jacket is needed to be worn by everyone on board. He added that sailors are usually well trained in rescue techniques as well.

The SFF said keel boats are safe and that this was a rare incident. It also said that it is very unlikely the rules on life jackets will change. -CNA/vm

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Post time 4-7-2008 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Man who got extra strokes of cane wants at least $100,000 in compensation
By 938LIVE | Posted: 04 July 2008 2204 hrs

SINGAPORE: An ex-inmate is seeking compensation of at least S$100,000 from the government for the extra strokes of the cane he received while he was in prison.

Dickson Tan was sentenced in February last year to a total of nine months in jail and five strokes of cane for four counts of loan-shark activities.

Tan was given eight strokes of the cane instead of the actual five.

The government acknowledged the error and expressed regret, but at issue then was the amount of compensation Tan should get.

Three rounds of discussions with the Attorney-General's Chambers failed to produce an agreement.

Tan's family indicated before these mediation talks that they would settle if an offer of
$300,000 was made.

So, Tan has taken the case to court.

Tan's lawyer, Mr Joseph Chen, told 938LIVE that they are writing in to ask for a court-based mediation where a High Court Judge will decide on the issues involving the case.

Additions were also made during a short hearing.

The additions relate to the questions and comments raised during Parliament on the case sometime back.

Citing Tan's financial difficulties, Mr Chen said his client hopes this matter will be resolved as soon as possible.

The lawyer said the $100,000 in compensation asked is based on a medical report that he'll be unemployable for about five years.

In the report, Mr Chen explained that Tan currently suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder that can develop into schizophrenia.

If the case goes to trial, they will be asking for punitive damages.

The extra strokes he received was due to an error made by the court clerk while transcribing the sentence meted out on to the warrant of commitment.

The warrant is to notify the Prisons Department of the sentence that had been meted out to the prisoner. - 938LIVE.

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Post time 5-7-2008 01:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #608 fatz2's post

The cause of the power failure is due to human error. really very serious.

Use magic Report

Post time 5-7-2008 07:36 PM | Show all posts

Search continues for SMU student who fell from yacht off Raffles Marina

Body of missing 22-year-old SMU undergraduate found
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 05 July 2008 1225 hrs

SINGAPORE: The search for 22-year-old Singapore Management University's undergraduate, who went missing in the waters off Raffles Marina on Thursday, has ended.

Police found the body of Levin Angsana at 7.25am on Saturday, off Raffles Marina.

Levin was with four others on board a 24-foot keel boat when he fell into the sea.

According to a crew member, Levin was at the front of the boat trying to bring down the spinnaker - a sail which catches the wind.

In the process, the spinnaker got hooked under the boat and he lost his balance and fell into the sea when he got down to a prone position to release it.

Levin then tried to climb back into the boat, but was unsuccessful.

The search operations, which began on Thursday, was coordinated by the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and involved personnel and craft from MPA, Police Coast Guard, Republic of Singapore Navy and Raffles Marina.

The search operations were also assisted by the Royal Malaysian Police.

- CNA/so

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Post time 5-7-2008 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Ex-Singaporean Gopalan Nair arrested
Posted: 05 July 2008 1921 hrs

Gopalan Nair

SINGAPORE: Gopalan Nair, a former Singaporean who currently faces two charges for insulting two High Court judges, has been arrested for disorderly behaviour in public and for using abusive words against police officers.

The arrest followed an incident at the junction of Race Course Road and Bukit Timah Road on Friday night.

A police spokesman said plainclothes officers on routine anti-crime operations in the area heard a loud knock on their vehicle after stopping at the traffic light.

They saw an Indian man walking away. When the officers identified themselves and interviewed the person, he became abusive and refused to furnish his particulars, saying he is an American citizen and the Police has no right to check on him.

Despite repeated warnings to stop his verbal abuse, including a racist slur against one of the Malay officers, he continued to be uncooperative and persisted in his abuse.

The commotion attracted a crowd of over 25 onlookers, which created a risk of public disorder due to the inflammatory remarks used by the Indian man.

The police officers, after giving the man repeated warnings to calm down and not to cause a public disturbance, had no choice but to arrest him for disorderly behaviour and for using abusive words towards public servants.

The man resisted arrest by putting up a fierce struggle, during which his and a police officer's glasses were broken.

It was only back at the police station that Gopalan Nair disclosed his identity.

A medical examination by a doctor was conducted and a blood sample was taken with Gopalan Nair's consent to be tested for alcohol.

Gopalan Nair, who is out on police bail, could face a fine of up to $5,000 or a jail term of up to a year if convicted under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order & Nuisance) Act. - CNA/ir

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Post time 5-7-2008 10:51 PM | Show all posts
July 5, 2008         
Woman-turned-man gives birth to a girl

GREAT EXPECTATIONS: Mr Beatie wrote about his pregnancy in March.

A MAN in Oregon who was born a woman before undergoing gender realignment surgery has given birth to a baby girl, US media reported.

Mr Thomas Beatie, 34, who is legally male but decided to keep his female sex organs during chest reconstruction surgery and testosterone therapy 10 years ago, attracted worldwide attention in April after revealing his pregnancy.

On Thursday, he confirmed the birth of his daughter to People magazine.

The baby, conceived through artificial insemination using donor sperm and Mr Beatie's own eggs, was born on Sunday at a hospital in Oregon.

Both Mr Beatie and the baby are 'healthy and doing well', People reported.

'The only thing different about me is that I can't breast-feed my baby. But a lot of mothers don't,' the magazine quoted him as saying.

His unusual situation first became public when he wrote an article about it in the leading US gay magazine, The Advocate, in March.

'To our neighbours, my wife Nancy, I don't appear in the least unusual,' he wrote, explaining that his wife was unable to have a child after undergoing a hysterectomy.

'Our situation sparks legal, political and social unknowns,' he wrote, adding that he and his wife had experienced opposition from health-care professionals, friends and family.

Mr Beatie, who sports a beard, also appeared on Oprah Winfrey's television talk show to discuss his pregnancy.

'I feel it is not a male or female desire to have a child. It is a human need. I am a person, and I have the right to have a biological child,' he told the chat-show queen.

His wife, whom he married five years ago, said on Oprah's show that their parental roles would be fairly traditional despite his transgender status.

'He is going to be the father, and I am going to be the mother,' she said.

The couple, who operate a T-shirt printing business in Bend, Oregon, are legally married, and he is recognised under Oregon state law as a man.


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Post time 8-7-2008 06:45 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 8 Julai 2008



Hakim: Hukuman keras perlu kerana kesalahan amat serius

ASKAR Perkhidmatan Negara (NSF) yang mencuri selaras senapang dan lapan butir peluru September tahun lalu, Koperal Dave Teo Ming, semalam dijatuhi hukuman penjara sembilan tahun dan sebat 18 kali.

Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Encik Tay Yong Kwang, mendapati Teo, 20 tahun, bersalah atas tiga tuduhan - memiliki senapang dan peluru milik tentera yang dicuri dan membawa pisau di tempat awam.

Dalam kejadian di Kem Mandai Hill itu, Teo menghilangkan diri bersama senjata itu sekitar 11.59 malam 2 September.

Dia ditangkap kira-kira 20 jam kemudian di Orchard Road, dekat pawagam Orchard Cineleisure, sekitar 8 malam esoknya.

Menurut pendakwa raya, Teo bercadang untuk menggunakan senapang itu bagi menembak bekas temanitanya, Cik Crystal Liew, 19 tahun, kerana memutuskan hubungan mereka.

Teo juga mengaku membawa sebilah pisau sepanjang 40 sentimeter pada April tahun lalu ketika berada dekat rumah gadis itu.

Sebelum ini, rakan Teo, Ong Boon Jun, dijatuhi hukuman penjara enam setengah tahun dan sebat enam kali kerana tidak melaporkan tentang Teo kepada pihak berkuasa dan berada di sampingnya di Hotel Champagne di Geylang.

Rayuan Ong, 22 tahun, seorang bapa ayam, ditolak Mahkamah Tinggi Mei lalu.

Peguam bela Teo, Encik K. Mathialahan, meminta mahkamah agar menghantar Teo ke pusat pemulihan akhlak.

Ini, katanya, berdasarkan umur dan keadaan mental anak guamnya itu, yang menurutnya menghadapi kemurungan selepas temanitanya selama empat tahun itu memutuskan hubungan cinta mereka pada April tahun lalu.

Semasa menjatuhkan hukuman, Hakim Tay berkata bahawa beliau perlu menjatuhkan hukuman keras kerana Teo melakukan kesalahan yang amat serius - membawa keluar senapang dan peluru dari kem tentera bagi tujuan peribadi.

Beliau memberitahu Tay:

'Hati saya pedih melihat anda, seorang anak muda, terpaksa meluangkan sebahagian masa emas anda di penjara dan menjalani hukuman.

'Saya harap keadaan malang ini akan membuat anda lebih matang dan lebih bijak dan anda akan meluangkan masa beberapa tahun ini untuk membangunkan semula hidup anda.

'Saya harap anda akan meneruskan persekolahan, mendengar nasihat daripada kaunselor dan mempelajari pelbagai kemahiran semasa di penjara, dan saat dibebaskan, anda akan menikmati hidup yang bermakna dan penuh erti, sebagai menghormati pemergian nenek anda dan adik yang anda sayangi.'

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Post time 8-7-2008 06:54 AM | Show all posts
Luar Negara : 8 Julai 2008         

KUALA LUMPUR: Gara-gara melondehkan seluar dan menonggeng ke arah penonton sambil menjerit-jerit 'Jilat, jilat' ketika menyanyikan lagu Mari Nyanyi Menjilat, vokalis kugiran Carpekpektor Dung, Alak, dibelasah penyokong parti pembangkang di Perhimpunan Protes Sejuta Rakyat - Protes Sampai Turun, di Stadium Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, kelmarin.

Sekumpulan penonton, dipercayai para penyokong PAS melempar botol air ke arahnya sehingga kugiran itu terpaksa menghentikan persembahan.

Alak kemudian diserang orang ramai yang marah dengan perbuatan lucahnya itu.

Namun anggota Pemuda Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) melarikan Alak, yang lebam di kepalanya, keluar dari stadium itu.

Insiden berlaku semasa acara selingan dalam rapat membantah kenaikan harga minyak sewaktu menunggu ucapan para pemimpin pembangkang termasuk penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ketua polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, berkata polis tahu mengenai perkara itu tetapi tidak dimaklumkan pihak penganjur.

'Kami tidak mahu masuk dulu kerana nanti dianggap melakukan serbuan ke atas acara berkenaan,' kata beliau.

Pengerusi rapat, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli (PAS - Kuala Krai) berkata satu siasatan akan dijalankan berhubung insiden itu. -- The Star, Utusan Malaysia.

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Post time 8-7-2008 07:00 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 8 Julai 2008


ISTERI ahli politik pembangkang, Encik Tan Lead Shake, yang dituduh melakukan pembunuhan minggu lalu, telah dikenakan dua lagi tuduhan baru semalam.

Wu Yun Yun, seorang warga China dan Penduduk Tetap Singapura berusia 25 tahun, sebelum ini telah dituduh membunuh adik Encik Tan, mendiang Tan Lead Shane, seorang jurutera komputer yang berusia 34 tahun.

Pembunuhan tersebut dilakukan di banglo Encik Tan di Paya Lebar Crescent.

Mangsa telah ditemui terbaring tanpa sedarkan diri di atas lantai sebuah bilik tidur di banglo dua tingkat itu dengan tanda-tanda luka ditikam.

Semalam, tertuduh menghadapi dua lagi tuduhan dengan yang pertama melibatkan percubaannya untuk membunuh isteri mendiang Tan, Cik Huang Mei Zhe, 36 tahun.

Percubaan tersebut dilakukan dengan mengelar leher mangsa antara 5.30 pagi dengan 7 pagi pada 28 Jun lalu.

Dia juga menghadapi tuduhan mencederakan ibu mentuanya, Cik Ng Bee Hion, 63 tahun, dengan sebilah pisau.

Wu ditangkap di Perpustakaan Negara di Victoria Street, tujuh jam selepas kejadian.

Semasa di mahkamah semalam, Encik Tan telah dilihat duduk di bilik mahkamah kira-kira sejam sebelum beliau meninggalkan mahkamah sekitar 10 pagi, tanpa menunggu kes isterinya didengar.

Encik Tan, 39 tahun, merupakan ahli politik yang digelar 'Lelaki Selipar' selepas beliau muncul pada Hari Penamaan Calon bagi Pilihan Raya Umum 1997 dengan memakai selipar.

Jika disabit kesalahan, isterinya boleh dijatuhi hukuman mati.

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Post time 8-7-2008 09:26 PM | Show all posts

July 8, 2008

Indian teenage girl found dead in Ang Mo Kio was murdered: police
By Esther Tan

Police found the body between some bushes and the PUB substation near Block 154, two blocks away from Block 157, where the 19-year-old year victim was living with her parents. -- ST PHOTO: LAU FOOK KONG

POLICE said an Indian teenage girl, found dead in a pool of blood near a power substation in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 on Tuesday morning, was murdered and they are working on 'some leads'.

Police, who were alerted to the case at about 7.10am, found the body between some bushes and the PUB substation near Block 154, two blocks away from Block 157, where the 18-year-old year victim was living with her parents.

The teenager, with shoulder length hair and clad in a black sleeveless top and red shorts, had neck and upper body injuries. She was pronounced dead at the scene at 7.25 am.

A resident of Block 154, who gave her name as Ms Shoba, said she was woken up by her cat at about 7am and when she looked out of her flat on the sixth floor, she saw the body of a woman lying near the substation below.

No one was in when The Straits Times went to the girl's home in Block 157. She is believed to be the only child in the family and dropped out of secondary school several years ago.

A neighbour, Mr Koh Chew Ming, 18, a student, who lives on the fourth floor, said he has seen her hanging around the block late at night on her own or with a 'tall and slim-built Indian boy'.

'I have seen her making calls from the pay phone in the next block,' said Mr Koh, who works part-time at the Night Safari and comes home late at night.

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