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Author: isabel

Talk All About The Hospital (Bae Se Ju Ta) ~ Jerry Yan ~

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Post time 29-9-2006 08:44 AM | Show all posts
<Screencaps> The Hospital Episode 32

Scan credits to Xiao Fu Rong of Global Love Jerry's Family ... e/episode32/306.jpg ... e/episode32/301.jpg ... e/episode32/304.jpg ... e/episode32/305.jpg

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Post time 29-9-2006 09:08 AM | Show all posts
tak sabar nak tunggu DO MING SI .........hehee

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau at 29-9-2006 09:08 AM
tak sabar nak tunggu DO MING SI .........hehee


skrg bukan Dou Ming Si gi tapi Dr.Su Yi Hua...:nerd:

nanti bila tgk Dr. Su mesti semua org akan lupa kat Dou Ming Si dah....

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Post time 29-9-2006 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 27-9-2006 09:23 AM
a'ah ganti my girl..sure berlobang2 nanti coz clash ngan terawih..

skip episod awal la.. lepas raya baru concentrate tgk

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Post time 29-9-2006 12:19 PM | Show all posts
kalau sesape yang terexcident ke, terjumpe ke vcd cite nih kat kedai mane mane...jgn lupe bagitau aku yek....skarang klas dah stat, so nampak gayenye, takleh la nak tengok kat 8tv.....huhuhuhu...cepat la kuar cd die oooooiiii.....

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Post time 30-9-2006 01:00 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-9-2006 01:04 PM | Show all posts


Episode 34 main scenes : Chen Kuan, Su Yi Hua and Chen Ting

posted by Johnnyjo
thanks to suifan of Jerry's Harbor for reposting
translated by Jerry's Kingdom

At Su's office, Wen Li sees a note with a congratiolations card and gift

Su comes in and asked her about her husband-to-be
Wen Li didnt answer so Su changed the topic....
Chen Kuan, Annie and Er Zi Xiang waits at the OR
Su joins in to attend to Kuan's surgery
Chen Ting goes to his office
On top of his table he sees
Kuan's handwritten letter to his father

saying that he knows he has colon cancer
(the touching reading of the letter is matched
with the Kuan's surgery while it happens)
After the surgery ends, Ting hurries up to go to the hospital
and asks Su if the tumor is successfully removed
SU: the stomach has already too much infection inside
I was only able to remove part of it
Ting asks him how long shall he live... three months?
Su lowers his head and says: I'm sorry
(as he carefully watches Chen Ting's reaction)
After Ting continues to comb his hair
He goes to see Kuan...
He encourages him: Dont be afraid. Papa is here.
You will be forever be Papa's son...
Su painfully walks away from the room
He sees Cui feng walking towards him with a small food box
Su: Cui, Get out of my way...and suddenly turns around
Cui tries to stop him and says: I can certainly give you much strength
You must stand up again

Su asks her to join him while he eats the food
Kuan is lead out to go home with his son
Recorded background voice:
"If no Father is beside his child
he is much stronger than other people"

Su goes to Kuan's home
After some brief talks with Annie
he goes to look for Kuan
They see each other and talks about things
Kuan: In case I should go first,
I can now bravely pursue my own wishes
Kuan hears Su speak: I will always be your good friend
Kuan decides to hand him the envelope of his kept pictures of Su

Su thinks of bidding good night
(it is very dark here, you might want to adjust the brightness of your tV)
Kuan: This is my father's planned set-up
Wishing this will be helpful for me
Now, do you still want to be my friend?
Su tightly holds Kuan

Su is not in the mood to return to the hospital
A nurse informs him
That the president has been trying to look for him
Because Xin Ping was rushed to the ER
Su goes to see Xu
Xu explains: Xin Ping's condition appears not stable
I think it would be hard to wait for the marrow surgery
Xu has not given up and asks Su to go and encourage her
so her will power will go on
We are convinced she still have a chance
Su goes inside the special waiting area in the suite room
Xin Ping exagerately comes to turn to him

thanks to jerrys kingdom

[ Last edited by  nyampuk at 30-9-2006 01:05 PM ]

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Post time 30-9-2006 01:08 PM | Show all posts


Episode 33 main scenes : Su Yi Hua, Chen Kuan, Qui Qing Cheng and Ma Yi Feng

posted by Johnnyjo
thanks to suifan of Jerry's Harbor for reposting
translated by Jerry's Kingdom

Xiao Ma is about to leave for San Francisco at the airport
looking towards and goes towards...
Qui Qing Cheng comes
Ma wants to say goodbye to Qui

doesnt want Qui's help
Qui must not check
or visit his child
Ma: Between us, it's only goodbye
Qui: Goodbye, Ma Yong Qui...
as he cries and turns around to leave

While Qui is on his way home,
he recieves Mei Qian's call,
Qian: Xiao Min and I are now at the house waiting for you to
return for lunch

Su Yi Hua goes towards President Xu to allow him to resign as SD director
XU: Earlier, Guan Xin just came to me to resign
saying she wants to go back to the country
Su doesn't finish Xu's talks and immediately goes to look for Guan Xin
Guan is holding a cardboard box moving away from the hospital lobby

(Please pay attention to the person in the red circle)

In the final past of the episode, they both intends to talk but
doesnt get the chance
Guan and Xin boards the train
Su finds out that Guan's house is already empty
He looks around and finds a letter, and he cries....

Guan's phone cant still be reached
When he reached his house, he saw a car entering the building
and he thinks it is Guan

Qui returns to the hospital and accidentally bumped into Su in the elevator
Both keeps quiet and just looks at each other for a long time
Qui then expressed thanks to Su
Su heard him that after he is released from the university center
he has many experiences to learn
Part of Qui's dialog: "When things gets OK, as long as God will lead
me, everything will be different. "

Wen Li leaves a box of cake on top of Su's table

Cui Feng goes to Su's office to ask him out for dinner
And finds Su busy
Knowing it would be right to leave
she waits in the corridor
Finally she sees Su coing out of his office
and suggested
that they both can make many things together
Seeing Su is not interested, she bids good night
and leaves

(oh, two lonely hearts!) Su is thinking to be with Guan so much

Chen Kuan is holding his pathology report
And asks Su's opinion
After analyzing, Su says: "90% of the tumor is malignant
I suggest you have further check up
Watching for a possible surgery,
You know that better than me"
Kuan: If I tell you this is my movie, how will you make it?
Su thought: You? I will help you tomorrow shoot pictures in the computer.
Kaun asks with Su: Let's go drink tonight, I'm aftraid I will not have
the chance again
So the two drank up until they are dead drunk
In the steet they walk
SU: What do you feel sorry for?
You will certainly have a chance
Kuan: In life, if you wish to say, and want to do things
you must do it immediately, otherwise, there wont be enough time
Su goes with Kuan as he returned to his house
Annie supports him towards the door..

In another morning, Chen Ting is eating breakfast
He sees Kuan still not downstairs
and the body full of wine aroma
He denounces him
Annie argues that Kuan is with Su and is just drinking
Ting is then relieved and asks him to continue his good
relationship with Xu and Su.

thanks to jerrys kingdom

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Post time 30-9-2006 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Fei Xiang and Janine Zhang's passionate sex scenes
was triple Xed

Source: Lian He Bao
September 28, 2006

Fei Xiang (left) together with Janine Zhang
in their intimate sexy scene which was subtantially cut
and deleted for the 8pm airing classification


With Non-stop series of topics, The Hospital broadcast is nearly finished. Yet there are already two scenes which received sanctions with $18,000 worth of penalties. The many key sex scenes of Fei Xiang and Janine's passionate love affair was reduced to only less than 2 minutes. Viewers then protested the editing of Xu An An and Jerry Yan's kissing scene and stirred up a united call to " not to place them together".

Director Cai frankly said," CTV and I signed a contract, that any fines will be assumed by the producers. Right now, we had been fined with 18,000 already including the two scenes of the naked Ding Ning making love and Leon Dai and Yan Lin Hua's sex scene, and all will be shouldered by us only. I had my own editing of most of Fei Xiang and Janine's sex scenes. The drama had 4 major uncut scenes but now all of them practically disappeared. "

DC revealed "Before Ding Ning and boyfriend, and Leon Dai and Yan Jin Hua's sex scenes, we had always been prone to be penalized. CTV even initiated to trim down some of the scenes like Jerry and the sauna girl's night scene that actually disappeared. I also watched how CTV repaired the scenes but the plot required these most important scenes. Fei Xiang and Janine should have been pictured as the greedy and lustful young couple and Leon and Yan jin Hua should had been depicted as the greedy and rotten extra-marital couple so that the identity of the pschological level of the role will come out. Again we are still awaiting for their reconsideration to show it on the 11 pm slot to "compensate" with the viewers."

Although experiencing temporary setbacks, DC is optimistic that the "uncut" version will be shown. He said, "Fei Xiang and Janine's love scenes are very intense. " A comment poped out that the reason why Jerry and Janine are unable to be together is because of the non-stop cuts that weakens their intensity very much and had no choice but to accept it.

Fans protested in the scene where Jerry and Xu An An entered the auditorium. DC smiled and said," So there are also those who like An An,la! They think that Jerry and Janine's relationship is too tight , compared with An An who is much liberated. This is a relief. However, it may not be just as happy afterwards."

thanks to jerrys kingdom

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Post time 30-9-2006 09:12 PM | Show all posts
takut kalo rukia tgk,bosan....hehe...payah gak sbb kalo rukia dh tgk satu cite tu,rukia trs tgk wpn bosan..susah la nk stop!!!!

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Post time 1-10-2006 11:10 AM | Show all posts
long time ago kan....ada news yg agnes monica pun berlakon cite nih....tolong any1 xplain....die bawak watak penting ke....just undangan tuk 1 epi. je?????

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Post time 1-10-2006 12:25 PM | Show all posts
bile la nak ade subs cite nih eerrkkk???

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Post time 2-10-2006 07:48 AM | Show all posts
slmt korang ckp dia ganti my girl, kalo x mmg terlepas le aku tgk citer nie

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Post time 2-10-2006 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rukiaichigo at 30-9-2006 09:12 PM
takut kalo rukia tgk,bosan....hehe...payah gak sbb kalo rukia dh tgk satu cite tu,rukia trs tgk wpn bosan..susah la nk stop!!!!

emmm... tak lah bosan...first eps. ada slow sikit... coz.. citer nih ada berat sikit.. ko kena follow lah..
but... pd aku after eps 5 dah kira makin best... nanti ko tgk jer lah kat tv... he3

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Post time 2-10-2006 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by budakbaru at 1-10-2006 11:10 AM
long time ago kan....ada news yg agnes monica pun berlakon cite nih....tolong any1 xplain....die bawak watak penting ke....just undangan tuk 1 epi. je?????

dia muncul kat eps. 8 kalo tak salah.... watak sampingan jerk... ada lah utk beberapa eps.. sekejap2 lah... itu pun dubbing suara org lain kalo tak salah...

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Post time 2-10-2006 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nyampuk at 2-10-2006 09:00 AM

dia muncul kat eps. 8 kalo tak salah.... watak sampingan jerk... ada lah utk beberapa eps.. sekejap2 lah... itu pun dubbing suara org lain kalo tak salah...

oh itu mcm ka.....ingatkan one of leading character.....btw i'm so looking forward nak tgk citer nih......

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2006 09:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #629 nyampuk's post

OMG...byk tul scene yg kena cut nanti...

bel takut gak klu beli  citer ni semua scene tu x ada dlm cd...:geram:

for now on bel x akan letak link2 youtube ni kat page depan...kemungkinan besar bel akan delete semua youtube tu..

kekdg..bila tgk youtube tu..(bel episode lompat2) rasa mcm ngeri gak tgk sbb terlalu byk sgt scene 18SG mengalahkan Barat....hehehee..

so rasanya citer ni mmg x sesuai benor2 utk tontonan budak2...

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Post time 2-10-2006 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 2-10-2006 09:58 AM
OMG...byk tul scene yg kena cut nanti...

bel takut gak klu beli  citer ni semua scene tu x ada dlm cd...:geram:

for now on bel x akan letak link2 youtube ni kat page depan...kemungkinan besar ...

hehehehe, 'budak-budak' tu actually kategori 18 ke bawah la yekk....hehehehe,,
:nerd:..nasib baik dah lepas....hehehehe

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Post time 3-10-2006 08:18 AM | Show all posts
<Details of Episode 36 + Screencaps>
Cui Feng successfully proposed to Su Yi Hua

posted by Johnnyjo
translated by Jerry's Kingdom

Cu Feng invited President Xu in a bar for a drink...
Xu asked: Is Su Yi Hua here?
Cu Feng: I don't know, I think he doesnt know either

Su stopped his car in front of Guan Xin's apartment door
Sat alone in the car seat, very sorry

Inside the suite room, Xin Ping is already wearing her oxygen mask
she felt very uncomfortable and strained
and wanted to press the buzzer at her bedside to call for the "bellman"

At home, Cu received a call from the hospital asking President Xu to come for "the terminally-ill Xin Ping"...
Su Yi Hua also speed up his car to catch up to the hospital

On his way, he remembered the day he first met Xing Ping
And on the hospital bed she said to him," You must treasure..."
Su runs widly inside the halls to see Xin Ping

But when he arrived at the room, Xin Ping was already quiet...
Su is now in pain, must sit to stop and see her

Cui Feng went with Su in a bar
Su was grieving and has already gulped up 2 half bottles of Macallan (Scotch Whisky)
When Cu Feng went to the washroom
Su began to stand up and wanted to sit in the next table with 5 men and talked lowly
Just then, Cui opened the wash room door and came to catch up with Su
But Su wanted to return to the table, creating a scene
At that moment, Cui hurriedly followed Su who ran outside
When they came out, it was just dawn-breaking
And both stopped in a pedestrian lane
at Ren Ai, don't Hua, Taipei

Su: Who can tell me, why are things turning back?
I just gave a walk to my friend, now Xin Ping also left me
this feeling, very sorry, very painful,
people I like are all leaving me one by one
(seeing eye to eye contact)
Do you know the feeling when somebody you love leaves you?
(Su shaking Cui's shoulders)
You dont even know!!
I dont want to be a doctor again

Cui: You dont follow yourself,
Su held Cui and stopped and Cui continously held Su
So both fell in the middle of the road
Finally, Su fainted and fell at the pedestrian lane

Su was lying down at the hospital bed
Xu was watching his report
Cui said to herself: This distubance just happened all of a sudden....his energy is already raising up... No problem, blood just came out from his stomach...just rest and he'll be fine

After Su woke up, his first concern was how was Xin Ping... and asked Xu to represent him in sending off Xin Ping, in her last journey
Su felt sorry for Xu, and Xu told him,
The cut is quite big, after this you must be careful
We'll try to look for someone to subsitute for your work
So you can rest well.
At Su's bed side, Cui read The Vinci Code, and laughed very loudly
Su: Is the author a little funny?
Cui: He is, I just want to cheer you up some more

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Post time 3-10-2006 08:23 AM | Show all posts
<Details of Episode 36 + Screencaps>
Cui Feng successfully proposed to Su Yi Hua

posted by Johnnyjo
translated by Jerry's Kingdom

(Seems she has no work to do) Xu began to take care of Su's job
(gently joined Lie Xiang Qi) Cui used every way to play and cheer up
Su smiled when he saw her (maybe Cui thought that Su has nothing to eat but porridge so he is unhappy so she asked Su to eat some meaty kind of food that lead Su's wound to swell)
In order to disperse Su's pains,
Cui made a small doll drama box to keep him company

Beside Su's bed side, Cui watched over him the whole night
Su held Xu's hand and pulled it towards his chest
(he must haverecognized her)

a small scene of Guan Xin's back amidst the mountains

Su went up to see the sunshine from his window
Then he was walking towards the door to look for
President Xu to thank him and also to Cui for visiting him
Xu: Since childhood, I had never seen her strive so hard
But, I'm very happy, she chose you
and I say these to you, because I want to see her happy

Su returned to the Surgical Department
Doctors and nurses circled around him
and had friendly happy chats

Su returned, his office was filled with flower baskets
When he went to his table, he saw a small box with a male ring inside with a card
Su forgot to take off his white gown and proceeded to the car park
Drove his car to see Cui

Su arrived...
Cui: You came (she noticed that Su brought the ring)
and followed to propose to Su
Cui: I want to take care of you well
will not leave nor abandon you...
These past several days, did you miss me?
Su nods
Cui: Do you miss me taking care of you or miss me being with you?
Su: Both
Cui: I also, on the recent things that happened. let me realized
I cannot wait for you to get sick again
I'm scared that you would then disappear like this
like those you said you cant see anymore
then wont see the same people
(Su was thinking of Ping and Guan, if they would say those to him)
So I let myself to always take care of you
Is it OK if I will be with you?
I dont want to waste time again

Su: Xu Cui Feng, do you want to marry me
and let you take care of me forever
Not leaving, not abandoning me?

Cui helped Su put on the ring...
Su saw Cui taking out something from her pocket
...the other ring (female) which she brought
and he asked...
How will you manage if I said no to you?
Cui replied: I already placed those two rings in my necklace
Someone returned it to me


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