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Author: waksir

Kertas rancangan perniagaan (RP) / Proposal Perniagaan [MERGE]

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Post time 20-6-2008 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ellenzex at 19-6-2008 11:12 PM

ok TQ..alamat sy : PT1633, JLN HOSPITAL, off PAYA BEMBAN 16200 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN.

ok dah pos. kerani poskan. kalau tak dapat sila inform.thanx

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Post time 22-6-2008 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Common Business Plan Mistakes

What are the most common mistakes when writing a business plan? Here is my list of the ones to make sure you avoid. While including the necessary items in a business plan is important, you also want to make sure you don抰 commit any of the following common business plan mistakes:

Putting it off.
Too many businesses make business plans only when they have no choice in the matter. Unless the bank or the investors want a plan, there is no plan.

Don抰 wait to write your plan until you think you抣l have enough time. 揑 can抰 plan. I抦 too busy getting things done,

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Post time 23-6-2008 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wira2149 at 19-6-2008 10:23 AM

normal kita charge tgk atas loan. kalau bawah 50k dalam 500-800. kalau atas dalam 1k-1.5k. kita tak ader % atas jumlah loan.
procedure: selalu kalau area kl saya akan arrage discuss dulu cam ...

ok... skrg ni cik wira ni ader kat kl ker atau ader kat raub pahang...??

nk jumper ker... mcm maner..?

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Post time 23-6-2008 07:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nidzrain at 23-6-2008 11:05 AM

ok... skrg ni cik wira ni ader kat kl ker atau ader kat raub pahang...??

nk jumper ker... mcm maner..?

kat raub. nanti set masa saya akan turun kl. hari sabtu nih turun..tapi dah nak jumpa 3 client.
tgk minggu depan lak..
nanti apahal2 kol saya : 0139506066

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Post time 23-6-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #142 wira2149's post

owh ok... tak pe... dlm maser tedekat ni maybe sy turun raub.... nnt sy akan call cik wira yer... thanks....

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Post time 24-6-2008 12:52 PM | Show all posts
u boleh check nama yg blacklist.. CTOS? ader charge ker free

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Post time 24-6-2008 01:06 PM | Show all posts
saya dah beli tapi belum guna

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Post time 24-6-2008 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by syamen at 24-6-2008 12:52 PM
u boleh check nama yg blacklist.. CTOS? ader charge ker free

maaf yang boleh check nama balcklist ngan CTOS hanya pegawai bank. saya bukan pegawai bank..
saya just ader bisnes management services ngan accounting jer..

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Post time 25-6-2008 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nidzrain at 23-6-2008 09:10 PM
owh ok... tak pe... dlm maser tedekat ni maybe sy turun raub.... nnt sy akan call cik wira yer... thanks....

ok thanx

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Post time 26-6-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Writing a Mission Statement

Your mission statement is an opportunity to define your business at the most basic level. It should tell your company story and ideals in less than 30 seconds: who your company is, what you do, what you stand for, and why you do it.

Do you want to make a profit, or is it enough to just make a living? What markets are you serving, and what benefits do you offer them? Do you solve a problem for your customers? What kind of internal work environment do you want for your employees? All of these issues may be addressed in a mission statement.
Basic guidelines in writing a mission statement

Your mission statement is about you, your company, and your ideals. Read other companies

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Post time 26-6-2008 05:46 PM | Show all posts
ada tak sample proposal untuk bukak bengkel (kereta/motor) etc?

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Post time 28-6-2008 10:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mYa at 26-6-2008 05:46 PM
ada tak sample proposal untuk bukak bengkel (kereta/motor) etc?

setakat nih tak ader lagi.yang ada cam dalam website. kalau ada yang update saya akan inform dalam forum nih.

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Post time 30-6-2008 04:00 PM | Show all posts
sebarang proposal baru saya akan inform kemudian. selalu saya kan burn sekali dalam cd yang akn di hantar. thanx

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Post time 1-7-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts
atas permintaan ramai ingin kami terangkan koleksi kertas kerja ini bukanlah buku tetapi didatngkan dalam bentuk CD atau Download terus ke e-mail anda..

format word dan excell..anda hanya perlu edit..copy sesuai dengan bisnes anda..
tak perlu pening kepala cari ayat..susun formula akaun semua disediakan..


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Post time 3-7-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
The executive summary section of a business plan is a summary of thehighlights of your business plan. Even though the topic appears firstin the printed document, most business plan developers leave thewriting of the executive summary until the end. This summary is thedoorway to the rest of the plan. Get it right or your target readerswill not go further than the executive summary.
What should an executive summary include?For a standard business plan, the first paragraph of the executive summary should generally include:
  • Business name
  • Business location
  • What product or service you sell
  • Purpose of the plan
Another paragraph should highlight important points, such asprojected sales and profits, unit sales, profitability and keys tosuccess. Include the news you don抰 want anyone to miss. This is a goodplace to put a highlights chart, a bar chart that shows sales, grossmargin, and profits before interest and taxes for the next three years.You should also cite and explain those numbers in the text.
Different plans require different summariesAn internal plan, such as an operations plan, annual plan, orstrategic plan, doesn抰 have to be as formal with its executivesummary. Make the purpose of the plan clear, and make sure thehighlights are covered, but you don抰 necessarily need to repeat thelocation, product/service description, or other details.
Never waste words in a summary.
If you抮e looking for investment, say so in your executive summary,and specify the investment amount required and the percent of equityownership offered in return. You should probably also add somehighlights of your management team and your competitive edge.
If you抮e looking for a loan, say so in the executive summary, andspecify the amount required. Leave loan details out of the summary.
How long should an executive summary be?Experts differ on how long an executive summary should be. Someinsist that it takes just a page or two, others recommend a moredetailed summary, taking as much as ten pages, covering enoughinformation to substitute for the plan itself. Although 50+ pagebusiness plans used to be common, investors and lenders these daysexpect a concise, focused plan.
The best length for an executive summary is a single page. Emphasizethe main points of your plan and keep it brief. You are luring them into read more of the plan, not explaining every detail.
Don抰 confuse an executive summary with the summary memo. Theexecutive summary is the first chapter in a business plan. A summarymemo is a separate document, normally only 5-10 pages at most, which isused to substitute for the plan with people who aren抰 ready to see thewhole plan.

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Post time 4-7-2008 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Who Needs a Business Plan?

You need a business plan if you抮e running a business.
A business plan is like a map and a compass for a business. Without it you抮e traveling blind. With a plan you set objectives, establish priorities, and provide for cash flow.

You need a business plan if you抮e applying for a business loan.
Most banks require it, and even those that don抰 strictly require it expect it. They expect it to be a summary of the business, with some predictable key points.

You need a business plan if you抮e looking for business investment.
The plan won抰 get you the investment, but not having a plan will mean you won抰 get investment. Investors require a business plan. They invest in the people, the idea, the track records, the market, the technology, and other factors; but they look to the business plan to define and explain the business.

You need a business plan if you抮e working with partners.
The business plan defines agreements between partners about what抯 going to happen.

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Post time 7-7-2008 05:52 PM | Show all posts



ini diberikan SECARA PERCUMA dalam pakej kami

panduan ini meliputi bagaimana mahu memulakan perniagaan dar A-Z


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Post time 9-7-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
The People Behind the Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thepersonnel section will normally include information on the skills andexperience of your management team, and cover your estimated personnelcosts.
Summarize your management chapter
The personnel management section of your plan outline will normallyinclude an explanation of your management team, management philosophy,backgrounds, organization and functions, plus at least one table thatcovers your estimated personnel costs. The management chapter starts,like the other chapters, with a good summary. You may want to use thatsummary as part of a summary memo or loan application document, socover the main points. Consider what you抎 say about your management ifyou only had one or two paragraphs to say it.
Make sure you cover the basic information first. That would includehow many employees the company has, how many managers, and how many ofthe managers are founders. Is your organizational structure sound, withjob descriptions and logical responsibilities for all the key members?Is your team complete, or are there gaps still to be filled?Particularly with start-up companies, you may not have the completeteam as you write the plan. In that case, be sure to point out the gapsand weaknesses and how you intend to fill them.
Explain your organizational structure
The organizational structure of a company is what you frequently see asan organizational chart, also known as an 搊rg chart.

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Post time 10-7-2008 06:41 PM | Show all posts

atas permintaan ramai, pihak kami juga menyediakan perkhidmatan pengisian borang pinjaman MARA (RP2P)
bagi pinjaman rm50k ke bawah. anda hanya perlu faxkan maklumat perniagaan selebihnya pihak kami buatkan termasuk proforma untung rugi, aliran tunai dan kunci kira-kira.

caj yang dikenakan amatlah berpatutan.
sila hubungi 013 9506066 untuk maklumat lanjut atau layari website kami.


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Post time 14-7-2008 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Keys to Better Business Plans                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Write a better business plan by focusing on implementation.
  • Use a business plan to set concrete goals, responsibilities, and deadlines to guide your business.
  • A good business plan assigns tasks to people or departments and sets milestones and deadlines for tracking implementation.
  • A practical business plan includes 10 parts implementation for every one part strategy.
  • As part of the implementation of a business plan, it should provide a forum for regular review and course corrections.
  • Good business plans are practical.

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