Hilangkan tanda hitam di celah ketiak, pangkal peha dan alur2 punggung
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blh x tlg pm all mklmt pasal produk belina nih .inc how die berfungsi n kndgn bhn dlm sabun2 tu ..esp sabun old master n etc with the detail prices?thanks in advanced .... |
thx kak nanie...
best sgt ckp ngn akak.... |
kite dah 3 hari guna old masters nih..
best..bau badan xde..x yah pakai deodorant pun..
tp yg itam2 tu..kena amek masa la kan...
pas ni nak try egyptian soap lak..
kak nanie..
my family tgh tunggu i je ni..kalau betul itam2 tu leh hilang...i nak order byk..
ready stock ya..
kak nanie ni peramah la..kelakar pulak tu...
sronok ckp ngan akak.. |
Originally posted by ct_husnah at 29-10-2007 10:12 PM 
thx kak nanie...
best sgt ckp ngn akak....
it was so nice talking to ya ---
and can't wait to meet you soon --
btw ha!! pandai perli ye suruh kita minum air --
ye la saya kalau cakap laju macam keretapi teruk kan!! --
ok ok bila jumpa you saya akan bawa 2 litre mineral water! - |
Reply #693 choq's post
kite dah 3 hari guna old masters nih..
best..bau badan xde..x yah pakai deodorant pun..
tp yg itam2 tu..kena amek masa la kan...
pas ni nak try egyptian soap lak..
kak nanie..
my family tgh tunggu i je ni..kalau betul itam2 tu leh hilang...i nak order byk..
ready stock ya..
kak nanie ni peramah la..kelakar pulak tu...
sronok ckp ngan akak..
hi choq - the feeling is mutual -
so glad to talk to you too ---
yang hitam2 tu dalam 2-3 weeks or 4 the most
but i hope before that u can see the result --
we shall keep in touch ---
*yup no need those deodorant - besides as i told you before
those deodorant stuff is not good for your skin -- banyak chemical
can trigger skin cancer besides your clothes will ruin eventually too --
so please refrain from using any deodorant in the market - |
Reply #695 ilyvmZ's post
kalau guna deodorant yang dr.mist tu okay tak?
yang spray tuh
tapi meman betul pun pakai old masters takyah apply deodorant pun tak busuk badan saya
but waktu bendera merah saya cautious sikit...pakai gak body mist.hormon tengah tak balance,bau badan selalu naik masa getir ni la hehehe |
Reply #696 Inspire's post
kalau guna deodorant yang dr.mist tu okay tak?
yang spray tuh
tapi meman betul pun pakai old masters takyah apply deodorant pun tak busuk badan saya
but waktu bendera merah saya cautious sikit...pakai gak body mist.hormon tengah tak balance,bau badan selalu naik masa getir ni la hehehe
kalau inspire boleh elakkan dari all those spray stuff -- better avoid it
those chemical stuff not only will ruin your clothes but more so
your skin -- no worries - even during menstruation if you take care
of your hygiene, soap, cleanse you will smell as fresh as a dew -
but that's really your choice - if you feel the mist spray is okay and
so far you feel comfy about it -- by all means --
why not you try body stone just as syazee did? you do not need
any spray etc when u use body stone --
we can talk about it if you interested - you body will be fresh at least
36 hours after using it and you will feel good too - |
macam nak try tapi baru ni asben bawa balik 4 ketul sabun HR yang susu kambing tu.. dia kata dapat free, sampel..so dia amik sampai 4..
warda saje try pakai ni sampai habis dluk... nak tgk effect dia.. lepas tu nak try plak belina.. InshaAllah..
sbb skrg ni bila pakai sabun HR... ketiak tu pelun still hangit sikeet... compare dgn yang pakai old master, depa takyah pakai pewangi ketiak aka deoderen...
dluk pakai nivea white tu ketiak jadi kering dan itam skeet (takde nye putih!!) hampir 5 thn kita pakai...
cuba dr mist.. tapi warda still peluh kat ketiak dan bau achem...
so pakai plak bedak indon tu... apa eik..hibka namanya.. pun ada gak bau sikit...
warda nye masalah kat ketiak je sbb peluh yg utama kuar kat ketiak..
tapi bila x pakai apa apa kat ketiak.. warda perasan yang bulu ketiak lambat tumbuh... |
Reply #697 ilyvmZ's post
kak nanie...stone aper plak nie?? |
kak ilyvmz..
nti pm kite about all product belina ni
tq in advance.. |
Reply #699 wardatulhamra's post
sbb skrg ni bila pakai sabun HR... ketiak tu pelun still hangit sikeet... compare dgn yang pakai old master, depa takyah pakai pewangi ketiak aka deoderen...
please if you can help it - do not use this HR product -
cuz it mixed with preservative and palm oil -- and they
use to all skin which is absurd --if you use old master
insyaallah no need all those deodorant stuff -but it will
be great if use body stone juga
*untuk choq dan archer -- and others -
body stone ni - from minerals - so it is NATURAL
and use it after shower in the morning
just put under the tap and sapukan kat armpits --
u gonna feel fresh at least 36 hours --
baju tak ada basah2 armpits kering --
and no chemical involve --
very good stuff!! and suitable with old master soap --
wanna know more about it - i think i wrote it in previous
page --- hafta selak selak kat belakang tu sikit -- |
Reply #708 ilyvmZ's post
crsytal stone yg mcm jual kat guardian or watson tue ker?? |
sper yg penah try set oily belina ni????ok x??brapa lama leh nampak kesannyer yer??anyway besshhh sgt ckp dgn akak nanie...frndly tol la....thanx yer akak... |
Reply #713 charley's post
hehe charley,
i pun memula terus beli old master ngan egyptian beauty..
baru start pakai pagi tadi..
so nnt2 la bg review..
kak nanie,
very nice dpt jumpa u..
hope 2 see u again n again.. |
Originally posted by debunga_zazz at 31-10-2007 10:56 AM 
sper yg penah try set oily belina ni????ok x??brapa lama leh nampak kesannyer yer??anyway besshhh sgt ckp dgn akak nanie...frndly tol la....thanx yer akak...
the feeling is mutual -
kesan within a month - supaya muka tu tak 'berkilat/berminyak' ---
debunga boleh cuba tau!! -- |
Originally posted by tulip.purple at 31-10-2007 02:44 PM 
hehe charley,
i pun memula terus beli old master ngan egyptian beauty..
baru start pakai pagi tadi..
so nnt2 la bg review..
kak nanie,
very nice dpt jumpa u..
hope 2 see u again ...
tulip ---
you are such a great person -
alaa rugi tak order 3 pinggan mee mamak ye
sebab tulip belanja saya!! -
anyway - hope the soap will do wonders to you
and i really wanna see you again ----
tc alwayz! - |
Originally posted by charley at 31-10-2007 02:34 PM 
please PM me, i pun nak old master dan egyptian beauty tu skali.. heheh pehh, tamak la pulakkk heheheh
check your pm -
thanks |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki