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Author: muor76

RUGBY- blood sweat n honour

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Post time 8-9-2007 01:49 AM | Show all posts

Rugby (France vs Argentina) 3am at NTV7

sape minat rugby
jom layan rugby pagi nanti ........

kat NTV7 ada n astro sport pun ada

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Post time 8-9-2007 05:58 AM | Show all posts
Argentina 17 - France 12

pueh hati tol game tadi.pure bloodbath

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Post time 8-9-2007 06:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #642 pokya's post

the 1st upset dh happen.....france kalah ngn argentina.
    argentina nyer tackling was so ruthless.
france tk idea siut cam ner nk break down argentina nyer defense tuh.

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Post time 8-9-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Pumas tear up the script                                                                                                                                                                                              The decisive moment: The Contempomi twins help Nani Corleto celebrate his try                                                                                  View Match Stats               
                      Argentinahave won the opening game of the 2007 Rugby World Cup, beating hostsFrance 17-12 in the Stade de France on Friday in a scrappy butthrilling match.

"We exist." That is what General Agust韓 Pichot said afterArgentina's famous victory over France at Stade de France, a victory toturn the 2007 World Cup on its head.

What a famous victory - and a deserved one. For one thing theyscored the only try of the match, and France, apart from a longsequence of sterile batterings at the Puma line early in the secondhalf, did not really look like scoring a try.

Before the match when the anthems were sung, the Argentinianslooked overwhelmed with emotion while the French looked composed, notquite insouciant but nearly. The match was the reverse. The Pumasplayed with structure and cool urgency while the French composure cameapart at the seams.

The Pumas chased everything while the French often regarded thegame with languid interest. The Pumas piled into every tackle/ruck witha reckless will to disrupt and make difficult. The French were betterin the line-outs and the maul. That is what held most promise of a try.The French were able to win the crucial line-outs and the vital scrums,but that was only an occasional burst of effort on their part. ThePumas' effort did not abate.

The Pumas kicked a lot and they chased but they also tackled a lot- 127 times to France's 66. They certainly tackled. And when they couldnot quite get there they reached out and tapped an ankle.

The French experiment of playing C閐ric Heymans at fullback was nota success. Having two excellent wings did not help when time and againhandling failed the French in the face of Puma pressure.

This is just the second time that the hosts have lost the openingmatch. The previous time was in 1991 when England lost to New Zealand.Oddly enough England made the World Cup final, New Zealand did not.

Argentina dominated the first half and ended it leading 17-9. Goodthough the position was, it did not quite do justice to theirdominance. From the time France kicked off to start the match,Argentina were on top. Their avowed intent was to get points on theboard. Juan Mart韓 Hern醤dez tried a left-footed drop and missed. Hetried a right-footed drop and David Skrela charged it down. More dropattempts were to follow in the match - all five missed.

After the second drop Pieter de Villiers was penalised for holdingon at a tackle and Felipe Contepomi goaled. 3-0 after four minutes.

Two minutes later France managed to get close enough for Skrela tolevel the scores when Lucas Ostiglia was penalised at a tackle.

The first serious bit of running came from Felipe Contepomi when hecut back to the blindside and darted ahead. Heymans was penalised andagain Felipe Contepomi goaled brilliantly. 6-3 after nine minutes.

France ran themselves out of trouble but the Pumas scrambled indefence and clung on to Frenchmen who seemed to give up. When Pichotintercepted a pass from Ima駉l Harinordoquy to R閙y Martin at the baseof a scrum, Argentina increased their pressure. When Ignacio Corletokicked and caught an up-and-under the Pumas again attacked. They had afive-metre scrum but the French pack destroyed their scrum and won theball.

Dominici was penalised at a tackle and from an acute angle Felipe Contepomi goaled yet again. 9-3 after 23 minutes.

The next score was the only try. Corleto hoofed and Damien Traillecaught brilliantly and broke clear. He gave to Martin and France lookedto be on their way to score till Martin passed to his right. There waslittle Horacio Agulla. He had come off his wing to meet the Frenchattack and gratefully accepted Martin's pass. Agulla ran and gave toManuel Contepomi who gave to Corleto who ran past two French defenderson a long diagonal for a try without a hand laid on him.

Felipe Contepomi's conversion attempt hit the upright and stayedout. Later in the second half one wondered if that bit of wood wouldnot prove the Pumas' undoing. 14-3 after 27 minutes.

France managed to get some possession after this and Skrela burstwell to put them on the attack whose only fruit was a penalty goal whenRodrigo Roncero infringed at a tackle. Felipe Contepomi steadied theship with a penalty from just inside his own half, straight in front ofthe posts. On the stroke of half-time Skrela goaled a third penaltywhen Ostiglia was penalised for an uncertain infringement.

The second half - all 40 minutes of it - produced just one score -a penalty by Skrela when Rimas Alvarez, who had replaced IgnacioFernandez Lobbe in the first half, was penalised for going in at theside of a maul.

France had started the half running and their running was promisingand produced more ball for them, but it rather fizzled out except forsporadic outbursts. They also produced a massive maul that went over 20metres down the field and set up the siege to the Pumas' line whichcame to nothing when they let the backs have the ball and Dominici waspenalised for holding on.

There could have been more points in the half but first Skrela andthen Fr閐閞ic Michalak missed easy penalties at goal. But then Corlettohad a run away and they could have scored had he got his pass up toFelipe Contepomi's hands.

With just two minutes left the reliable Felipe Contepomi missed oneshot at goal and then, with time expired, he missed one from straightin front which galvanised the French into action from behind their ownline, but still the Puma defence held until the final whistle went,signalling an outpouring of glee from all Argentina.

The Pumas exist all right as a force in world rugby and as a forcein this World Cup. It was a great moment for Argentinian rugby.

Afterwards Pichot was calm and took time out to thank the Frenchpeople who "took us in as their sons" and helped them to develop assuch a special team. Coach Marcelo Loffreda stressed the need for coolheads. Rapha雔 Iba馿z, captain of France, looked bewildered.

All of France was bewildered.

Man of the Match: There was a team full of Puma candidatesbut there is no doubt that for his generalship, for the pressure hekept on the French and for the cool head he has the man of the matchwas Agustin Pichot

Moment of the Match: The intercept by Horacio Agulla and the run by Ignacio Corleto for the only try of the match.

Villain of the Match: None of the players was a villain, even though at times must have been trying.

The scorers:

For France:
Pens: Skr閘a 4

For Argentina:
Try: Corleto
Pens: Felipe Contempomi 4

France: 15 C閐ric Heymans, 14 Aur閘ien Rougerie, 13 DamienTraille, 12 Yannick Jauzion, 11 Christophe Dominici, 10 David Skr閘a, 9Pierre Mignoni, 8 Ima駉l Harinordoquy, 7 R閙y Martin, 6 Serge Betsen, 5J閞鬽e Thion, 4 Fabien Pelous, 3 Pieter De Villiers, 2 Rapha雔 Iba馿z(captain), 1 Olivier Milloud.
Replacements: 16 Dimitri Szarzewski, 17 Jean-BaptistePoux, 18 S閎astian Chabal, 19 Julien Bonnaire, 20 Thierry Dusautoir, 21Jean-Baptiste Elissalde, 22 Fr閐閞ic Michalak.

Argentina: 15 Ignacio Corleto, 14 Lucas Borges, 13 ManuelContepomi, 12 Felipe Contepomi, 11 Horacio Agulla, 10 Juan Mart韓Hern醤dez, 9 Agust韓 Pichot (captain), 8 Juan Manuel Leguizamon, 7Lucas Ostiglia, 6 Juan Fernandez Lobbe, 5 Patricio Albacete, 4 IgnacioFernandez Lobbe, 3 Mart韓 Scelzo, 2 Mario Ledesma, 1 Rodrigo Roncero.
Replacements: 16 Alberto Vernet Basualdo, 17 SantiagoGonzalez Bonorino, 18 Rimas Alvarez, 19 Mart韓 Durand, 20 Nicol醩Fernandez Miranda, 21 Federico Todeschini, 22 Hern醤 Senillosa.

Referee: Tony Spreadbury (England)
Touch judges: Stuart Dickinson (Australia), Bryce Lawrence (New Zealand)



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Post time 8-9-2007 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Media boycott lifted

PARIS: The media boycott of the rugby World Cup was lifted yesterday, just 90 minutes before the first match was due to kick-off, after an agreement was reached between the International Rugby Board (IRB) and the media coalition, the management of AFP announced.

The dispute over reporting restrictions, which had led to the three main news agencies

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Post time 8-9-2007 01:50 PM | Show all posts

Aku ingat kickoff time around 8.00 pm-9.00 pm...

dajei sungguh!

Aku miss game semalam... aku tak tengok guide la pulak. Rupanya start 3.00 am.

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Post time 8-9-2007 01:53 PM | Show all posts

repeat pukoi 2 pm satgi... yahooo!!

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Post time 8-9-2007 01:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pokya at 8-9-2007 05:58 AM
Argentina 17 - France 12

pueh hati tol game tadi.pure bloodbath

bagus..aku dah set masa nak tengok tp tertidooo

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Post time 8-9-2007 02:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #648 JAY-Z's post

kalo miss yg live..ngk ler yg nxt nyer telecast jer.

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Post time 8-9-2007 05:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #649 carrim7's post

All Blacks jap lagi....ready2

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Post time 8-9-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts

schedule 8th Sept + 9th Sept 2007

Kul 7pm - NZ vs Italy
            - Aus vs Jepun

Kul 12am - Eng vs USA

sume live kat cenel 81

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Post time 8-9-2007 11:06 PM | Show all posts
ganas all blak ..
tapau ...

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Post time 9-9-2007 02:00 AM | Show all posts
all blacks win ..76-14.
wallabies win..91-3
england win 28-10

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Post time 9-9-2007 02:20 AM | Show all posts
sian lak tgk jepun
hehehehe ..

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Post time 9-9-2007 06:01 AM | Show all posts
All Blacks nye lineout hancur

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Post time 9-9-2007 07:09 AM | Show all posts
fly tgk sket masa wallabies vs jepun
coz da tau jepun sure kalah truk
sama gak england vs usa
hehehe ..... buang masa jer tgk
da tau sape menang

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Post time 9-9-2007 07:31 AM | Show all posts
All Blacks mula tunjuk taring

Pilihan utama kejohanan itu belasah Itali 76-14 dalam aksi pembukaan Kumpulan C

MARSEILLE: Pilihan utama, New Zealand memulakan kempen Kejohanan Ragbi Piala Dunia dengan kemenangan besar 76-14 ke atas Itali yang ibarat terpukau dalam aksi pembukaan Kumpulan C di Marseille, malam tadi.

Sama seperti lakaran ketika memenangi gelaran tunggal Piala Dunia 20 tahun lalu, All Blacks membuka tirai cabaran dengan menghantar amaran jelas kepada lawan hasil persembahan mantap memusnahkan Itali.

Skuad kendalian Grahan Henry (gambar) itu mengutip 38 mata dalam tempoh 19 minit awal ke atas lawan yang jauh berbeza berbanding barisan yang hampir mengejutkan Ireland, bulan lalu, selain menang ke atas Wales dan Scotland pada pencapaian terbaik Kejohanan Enam Negara, tahun ini.

All Blacks menghasilkan 11 try, termasuk hatrik daripada pemain sayap, Doug Howlett dan masing-masing dua oleh Richie McCaw, Jerry Collins dan Sitiveni Sivivatu.

Flyhalf, Daniel Carter menyumbang 17 mata menerusi sepakannya untuk memintas Grant Fox dan naik ke tangga kedua di belakang Andrew Mehrtens dalam senarai penjaring terbanyak sepanjang masa buat All Blacks.

New Zealand mempamer kombinasi kepantasan dan kemantapan fizikal yang menjadi tunjang kekuatan sejak dua tahun lalu tetapi, gambaran bahaya untuk pesaing lainnya, ialah mereka tampak tidak perlu meningkatkan tahap aksi untuk meraih kemenangan.

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Post time 9-9-2007 07:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #656 fly_in_d_sky's post

england nye performance so-so je.x sabo next week england vs springboks.mau kena lanyak dorg

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Post time 9-9-2007 10:21 AM | Show all posts
All Blacks and Wallabies in a different class

PARIS: New Zealand and Australia scored a combined total of 167 points and 24 tries as the southern hemisphere giants ruthlessly exposed the huge gap in international rugby at the World Cup yesterday.

The All Blacks swept aside Italy, who had beaten both Wales and Scotland in the Six Nations this year, 76-14 while Australia crushed Japan 91-3 in embarrassingly one-sided encounters which contrasted sharply with Argentina's breathtaking win over hosts France in Friday's opening match.

In another match, defending champions England struggled to an unimpressive 28-10 win over the United States in their opening Group A match.

England led 21-3 at halftime thanks to late tries by wing Jason Robinson and flyhalf Olly Barkley.

But they added only one further try after the interval, scored by flanker Tom Rees. Replacement forward Matekitonga Moeakiola replied for the United States.

[table=364][tr][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]Go away: New Zealand' Ali Williams (left) brushes off the challenge of Italy's Martin Castrogiovanni during their World Cup Group C match yesterday. The All Blacks won 76-14.

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Post time 9-9-2007 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Pumas spoil the party as French fluff lines

PARIS: Argentina gatecrashed France's World Cup party in style on Friday when they beat the hosts 17-12 at a stunned Stade de France in a highly entertaining opening match.

Friday's result will have revived painful memories of 2002 ago when their much-fancied soccer team were humbled by Senegal in the opening game of their World Cup defence.

Despite being greeted as a shock by most observers, this latest blow will seem nothing of the sort to a Pumas team who have now beaten France five times in six games.

It also puts the Argentines in pole position in Pool D, where Ireland also await. Another victory there opens a path to a probable quarter-final against Scotland or Italy, with the prize of an unprecedented appearance in the semi-finals awaiting the winners.

France are now in danger of either the humiliation of failing to get out of the pool stage or making the quarter-finals but having to play their game in Cardiff, probably against New Zealand.

However, they could still top the group and stay in Paris should they beat Ireland and the other result goes their way.

A try from fullback Ignacio Corleto and four penalties by centre Felipe Contepomi made the difference for Argentina on Friday.

They led 17-9 at halftime after a remarkably open, and mistake-ridden opening then allowed only one more penalty in the second half as their improved fitness and professionalism, ironically gained from many players playing in the French league, paid off handsomely.

揊rance have helped us to develop (our game), taking us in as their sons. With a little respect to France we thank them,

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