Hilangkan tanda hitam di celah ketiak, pangkal peha dan alur2 punggung
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Reply #715 ilyvmZ's post
a'aa akak...tpi klu der jerawat ni dia leh apuskan x??dia dpt protect x jrawat bru??
rsau sgt ni akak.....mmg bunga pun tgh carik produk yg sesuai ni....mka bunga mmg jenis yg super duper oily la akak....tkut la nk try produk yg bkan2.... |
crystal stone tuh aku pakei tak cerah2 pong |
Originally posted by debunga_zazz at 31-10-2007 04:24 PM 
a'aa akak...tpi klu der jerawat ni dia leh apuskan x??dia dpt protect x jrawat bru??
rsau sgt ni akak.....mmg bunga pun tgh carik produk yg sesuai ni....mka bunga mmg jenis yg super duper oily l ...
hi debunga...
can't just use any product or any brand --
best is -- kita kena guna trial dia dulu --
to see whether serasi atau tidak - this is cuz
your skin is quite sensitive cuz it is very oily ---
ada solutionnya and i would love to help --
nanti saya akan call debunga and we can discuss at length --
dun worry too much - ha!! worrisome also can cause break out
of the skin -- kena sabar aje and i am sure your skin will be fine soon -- |
Originally posted by lulabee at 31-10-2007 06:09 PM 
crystal stone tuh aku pakei tak cerah2 pong
we have body stone - not crystal stone -
but i reckon rupanya ada macam crystal sikit
it is from mineral -
it is not for 'cerah2' more it is to make sure you feel fresh
your armpits wont get wet or sweaty and your shirt won't ruin
and u feel good and you smell nice -- didnt have those sweaty smell
for at least 36 hours after you apply body stone --
u should try cuz it works -! and it didnt have any side effect
in fact it is much better than those rexona or any roll on deodorant stuff
that full of chemical which can ruin your shirt and can trigger skin cancer
in the long run - |
dh try old master ..
thx kak nanie...
it is soooooooooo nice meeting u n fiza!!!!!!!! |
Originally posted by ct_husnah at 1-11-2007 08:40 PM 
dh try old master ..
thx kak nanie...
it is soooooooooo nice meeting u n fiza!!!!!!!!
and guess what?
it's just absolutely great to have met you too --
i know fiza feels the same --
do keep in touch and i hope old master will do you wonders
just as it did others - |
Originally posted by ilyvmZ at 29-10-2007 09:34 PM 
nanti saya pm re: trial set sara moon (yang ni trial set kulit berminyak + jerawat berpasir )
and it will have cleanser, toner and moisturizer + sabun..
musk is really nice, aint it -- gl ...
tq for the compliment. both of u are very nice too. k.nanie..saya dah pakai old master & quiet moment nie about 1 week. best la...xyah pakai deodoran pun xper, & quiet moment tu pon telah menyebabkan saya dah tinggalkan pencuci muka saya yg sebelum nie saya pakai(padahal masih ada byk lagi pencuci muka tu. hehe..) nnt nk kena beli lebih skit sabun2 tu pasnie. senang buat stok terus kan..hehe. btw, k.nanie..tq sbb jd supplier for this belina product. nasib baik jumpa akak kat dlm forum nie kan..tq... |
br pas jumpa kak nanie kt kl sentral ...nice meeting u ....
tgh nk try products musk soap n english rose soap ...hehehe ...
nanti dh habis guna kiter share opinion bout the products ...ekek ...
peramah kak nanie nih .....heheh ...aktif plak tu ...
sian plK kt akak masa jumpa sy x bp sihat ..
btw, hope u will fine soon ....
pasnih nk try old master plak ..ahakss.... |
wsalam sumaa...
saja nak m'update....
dah nak dekat 2 miggu pakai set acne dia....
jerawat dah kecut....x dak lagi dah....
just nak hilangkan parot ja.....
kena beli quiet moment plak pasni....
4 me belina ni berkesan laaa....
so try la kwn2..... |
laaa....mana post yang ku antaq nih....
haaa x pe laaa....meh nak naip balik....
dah nak dekat 2 minggu pakai set acne belina nihh....
jerawat suma dah kecuttt.....smooth ja rasa muka....
huhuhhu |
Reply #724 cahaya_sempurna's post
tq for the compliment. both of u are very nice too. k.nanie..saya dah pakai old master & quiet moment nie about 1 week. best la...xyah pakai deodoran pun xper, & quiet moment tu pon telah menyebabkan saya dah tinggalkan pencuci muka saya yg sebelum nie saya pakai(padahal masih ada byk lagi pencuci muka tu. hehe..) nnt nk kena beli lebih skit sabun2 tu pasnie. senang buat stok terus kan..hehe. btw, k.nanie..tq sbb jd supplier for this belina product. nasib baik jumpa akak kat dlm forum nie kan..tq...
i hope both soap will do wonders and will cleanse your skin ...
actually u do have nice skin though -- so saya rasa insyaallah it
will only get better ---
memang benar bila dah pakai old master tu - u do not need deodorant segala
kerana sabun tu sendiri buatkan badan you rasa fresh and tak ada berbau --
natural odour --
you are welcome - and i hope i can help some di samping kenal2 juga forum members
di sini yang semuanya yang saya jumpa memang baik2 dan fun belaka -
we gonna see you again - afterall kita tinggal berdekatan saja ---
sokmo boleh jumpa kat steven corner tu, eh....
have a nice weekend - |
Reply #725 juju_amin84's post
br pas jumpa kak nanie kt kl sentral ...nice meeting u ....
tgh nk try products musk soap n english rose soap ...hehehe ...
nanti dh habis guna kiter share opinion bout the products ...ekek ...
peramah kak nanie nih .....heheh ...aktif plak tu ...
sian plK kt akak masa jumpa sy x bp sihat ..
btw, hope u will fine soon ....
pasnih nk try old master plak ..ahakss....
hi juju --
it was so nice meeting you and your friend last nite --
and i am glad -
saya harap musk soap tu will help out that sensitive skin --
you are so fair - comel aje --- kulit pun nampak okay
but you are right - some people do have sensitive skin but
we can't tell really -- tak nampak pun rash etc etc... ada yang
memang allergic dengan cincin la jam tangan la (macam juju..)
and musk soap will help it out --- function sorta macam dettol soap
but i feel it is better -- kerana ada glycerine yang buangkan anti
bacteria tu --- sabun pun nice orange color dan besar juga --
i hope i will get better today - last nite memang panas badan after we met
so i took some meds -
today a bit cough here and there - but insyaallah will only get better -
thanks for your wish --
we shall see each other soon
*btw - kalau ada set trial yang juju nak tahu lebih lanjut -
can pm saya anytime - |
eh ...
ader mslh page hilng ker .... |
tlg repair thread nih .....posting x kuar ..mls nk tekan butang report ..keke...  |
uikksss ....
tekan gak lah butg repot sat g .... |
ilyvmz..boleh PM saya pasal sabun tu tak??interested jgk nak tahu ni..dah lama gak mencari nk hilangkan tanda2 hitam ni...thanks!! |
Originally posted by miz_elec at 4-11-2007 02:52 PM 
ilyvmz..boleh PM saya pasal sabun tu tak??interested jgk nak tahu ni..dah lama gak mencari nk hilangkan tanda2 hitam ni...thanks!!
check your pm --
thanks |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki