brother of the head tu filem mockumentary
filem ni menceritakan kump rock 70an yang dh mati..
vokalis kump tu kembar siam..
jln cite dier cm style dokumentari..
kekadang tu cam boring pon ada
kalu ko minat style lagu rock 70an, donlod la cite ni
ade lagu tu cambest gak(drpd pendapat aku jek, taktau la korang punye citarasa camne)
paris je t'aime tu,
babak pompuan muslim tu mmg best pon.. aku ske ending babak tu..
[ Last edited by timeoutzone at 30-8-2007 01:48 PM ]
Originally posted by timeoutzone at 30-8-2007 01:44 PM
brother of the head tu filem mockumentary
filem ni menceritakan kump rock 70an yang dh mati..
vokalis kump tu kembar siam..
jln cite dier cm style dokumentari..
kekadang tu cam borin ...
I'm interested. Nak cariklah. Thanks for the video. The song reminds me of The Clash. And I absolutely love The Clash.
Originally posted by bududanbelacan at 30-8-2007 12:51 PM
So thanks to maberik, i've watched THE FOUNTAIN, actually a couple of months ago. And thanks for the suggestion, definitely loved it. Yeah it's a bit long, mind-boggling, but it's one of th ...
kat mane ko jumpe DVD paris jet'aime??aku dah lame mencari neh
When I viewed the catalog for the Cleveland International Film Festival, Brothers of the Head was the first film I decided I wanted to see. It had all the potential of being a great rock movie with an interesting twist. The film itself was not completely what I had expected. The storyline was interesting and unusual. The music was humorous. The acting was great. The cinematography was excellent, especially during dream sequences that appear throughout the story. The one problem with this film, which has the potential to destroy the entire experience for the viewer, is its faux-documentary style. The writing was obviously intended to give a third person narration of the boys' life so that it is more dark and tragic. In this way, it is absolutely effective, especially at the conclusion of the film. However, it slows the beginning and keeps the viewer from being pulled in at the start. Many viewers in Cleveland found that this kept them from enjoying the rest of the film. It is sad that such an unusual film may not meet its full potential because of not-quite-there writing.
Plot: Twins, Punk, Incest, Conjoined Twins, Brothers, Based On Novel