Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)
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680# sayangidaku
tgk kt mane MV ke?
esok nak beli teket gak
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in mybrain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR I Wish |
Post Last Edit by hermione_twin at 14-7-2009 14:27
baru leh masuk website gsc 
alamanda yg dekat ni tak tayang lak citer harry potter |
yup. mv.
amik gold class kol 10.50am.
1st show kot.
ida..i'm so jealous of right now..10.50 tu mmg first show.
tak per dah plan ngan member nak gi mv awal2 kot2 kalau ada org yg tak ambik tiket booking masa dekat2 kul 10.50... wish me luck on this.
ikutkan twin nak i nengok gold class tapi tetiba lari budget..kalau tak ntah2 terserempak ngan ida  |
dah secured ticket untuk hari Ahad. tak boleh tengok premiere, kena tunggu hari adik-adik Nad tak sekolah  |
nad..tak per..ala gi lah nengok 2 kali  |
HBP breaks Midnight Release Records!
It hasn't even been 24 hours and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is already breaking records!
The latest installment of the Harry Potter series has won the title of "Best Midnight Gross" of all time!!!!
The Half-Blood Prince earned a massive $20 million in ticket sales at its 12:01 a.m. opening Tuesday night, topping the midnight sales of both The Dark Night ($18 mil) and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ($17 mil).
Even the midnight release of 2007's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix can't hold a candle to last night's numbers - the last film in the HP series only grossed $12 million from 12 a.m. sales!
Who knows how high the figures will climb by the weekend's close!
source: perezhilton.com
kalahkan TDK. tak sangka... |
zaman berjimat,aku kuatkan diri tgu rabu baru gi tgk wayang..huhu..
tp igt nak double date with my close fren,mcm pyh je nak make it on wed.
tgh berbelah bg.. |
also,as org yg giler dgn buku HP ni,aku tiap2 kali mmg akan kecewa dgn muvi.sbb byk tuka-part yg xde xkisah sesgt,tp part yg tukar aku xleh trima..
tp,kena je la trima.the muvi still best. cuma diehard readers je yg akan paham perasaan kekaguman tgk muvi+menyampah sbb tak sama dgn buku at the same time. huhuhu |
danny baru je balik dari tgk Harry Potter ngan family tadi, bagi danny best je,
tp my parents kata boring. |
kite tgk lewat sikit..
midnight weekend nanti. dh booking pg td
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
tgk ptg nih kul 6:45...kt tropicana city  |
676# hermione_twin
Ala...tak jadi ponteng ler...kije byk melambak2....maybe gi ari ahad kot..
jelesnye korang yg pegi tengok ari ni....
nanti balik kasi update sini,kay...
tak sabar nak dengar story korang semua... |
malam ni @ TGV Bukit Tinggi..berakhirla penantian nak tengok HPnTHBP nih..xde yg bagi review in details ke..danny??tapi ala2 spoiler la pulak kalau citer banyak2 dalam ni.. |
malam ni g tgk HP..seb baik dpt free tiket.. |
689# kashaz
Iye betul tu...sekarang ni zaman berjimat cermat....untung ler sapa2 yg dpt tiket free tu yek...
pasal tu ler saya pun dah beli tiket ari Ahad ni kt TGV Cheras Selatan amik show early bird...nak gi ari Sabtu tak buleh sbb kena gi course... |
klu sape2 yg follow buku @ faham the situation about the story...
mmg best la...
klu sape2 yg tengk movie harry sekerat2 je...
susah la nak fhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
x sabonya tunggu mlm nie...tengk kat mines!!! |
twin balik rmh tadi kul 3..lama gak..sib baik gi pagi2...rupanya byk gak seat kosong utk 1st show tadi. tiket kul 10.50 tapi kul 11 baru start movie. lama gak..sbb kul 1.30 baru kelaur dr cinema. hari ni mv jam giler rupanya ada jsuco member card sales. well citer kali ni much better dari OoP. Kira kali David Yates dah belajar mistake dia masa OoP.
Sedih part Dumbledore mati.. tak kira nengok movie ke baca buku dia ke..part tu tetap sedih. |
waaa.....awak dah balik ye, twin.....
byk seat kosong??? ramai yg serbu jusco kot ( termasuk lah saya gak...tapi semalam lah)...hehehehe
so brape star ????? |
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