Tadi beli BreadMaker Tesco. Harga RM199.
Sampai rumah dah pukul 10.30 malam. Terus start masak roti! I guna tepung roti pre-mix beli kat Cold Storage. Setting Basic. Takes 3 hours.
Baru je selesai kerja BM tu. Now 2.05 am. Dah test makan pun. Sedap gebu! Esok nak redah ke Cold Storage beli lagi pre-mix for bread. Dah pandai nanti baru guna resipi roti kat sini.
Nota kaki : Tadi masa kat Tesco Shah Alam, ada 2 je BreadMaker ni. I dah beli satu, so tinggal satu je kat shelf. Cepat-cepat sesiapa yg berminat. Especially newbie with roti baking like me. Bila dah terror nanti boleh beli yang more sophisticated. This machine can do all the other stuffs - cake, jams etc.....
Senang je, just put everything in the machine and it'll do its work sampai lah siap bake the bread. :pompom:
I don't know how to insert pics otherwise I can paste them here.
Okay, nak gi tidur dah..... |
ala tergoda lak tgk BM Tesco tu...murah lak tu...nie ada harapan nk gi tesco ari nie |
718# cikgutaska
kat KL pon dah susah nak cari.. kalau luar KL tak tau lah... tp kalau kedai2 mcm sengheng/HSL bole cek kut.. kekadang ada, n kalau takde, bole order dr branch lain rasanya |
Post Last Edit by dealova04 at 21-2-2010 00:23
sorry lama x reply..blk kg..coti 1 minggu...
baru hr ni leh tenet...
lom try lg kali ke 4 buat roti...tp dh amik resepi dr anis...
sok blk k.l nk buat..
tahniah coz berjaya buat roti guna BM...
BM tesco bkn yg tu..tu cungg sesangat...
BM teso ..sebiji sebijan mcm ni..cuma xde tulis brand apa2...kosong...utk 700&900..apa ni ek..nk panggil pe...maksudnyer leh buat 2 size roti...
time mula2 nk bli..ada sorang kakak tu li dulu..ms nk test..xde manual..so..tgk xdew manual tu yg x jd beli...
pastu semangat berkobar2 nk bli BM x pernah hilang..heheh..gi lg tesco...belek2 BM tesco..ada manual...
dlm tu ada sukatan cawan & sudu/sudu tea...
search kt tenet BM tesco oversea lain plak...bkn main cantek...siap dibagi mcm2 ... ada paddle semua...
Tesco Breadmaker
Date: 18/11/09 (132 review reads)
Advantages: easy to use and compact
Disadvantages: cup markings can be hard to see
I have had the tesco BMS1 breadmaker for a few months now. It cost me just under £50, a bargin i thought as i didn't want to pay the earth in case it didn't work. With that comes a 12month warrenty. It weighs 5.5kg and does have a convient carry handle should you want to move it around. It looks modern in stainless steel (gets hot!), black flip top lid with small window (to see how bread is baking) and large easy to use buttons and programmes to front.
Along with the breadmaker comes a double ended spoon giving teaspoon and tablespoon measurements, a cup (markings difficult to see), paddle (easy to attach) and a paddle remover (never needed to use). The bread pan itself is easy to remove with a simple twist and oven gloves.
You can have light, medium or dark crust.
700g or 900g loafs
the programme guide, which you simply press menu to scroll through to which you require and start/stop button. There is also time delay buttons which means you can set you loaf to start baking up to 12hours later, and a 1 hour keep warm function. Another good point i have found is that if you have a power cut of less than 15 minutes, the breadmaker will remeber where it was at and continue.
There are 12 settings the longest being 4 hours.
- Basic loaf is about 3 hours - good soft bread. It is never going to be quite the same as shop bread and if you are expecting that, you would be disappointed. However i love the bread it makes and is so much more cost effective.
- Quick and ultra quick loafs i have tried but to be honest they are much heavier and resemble a brick!
- Dough option I love. I have made rolls and piza base from this and the piza base was better than shop ones i have bought!
- wholewheat again nice loaf usually stays fresher longer than white i have found
- granary fabulous - i used allisons flour for this (others tesco own)
other uses are jam, bake, sandwhich and sweet which i have not tried yet.
In the booklet are all the instructions plus lots of reciepes to make 700g worth. It is a pain they haven't already worked out doses for 900g but i found the 700g is enough for two people for a couple of days. It is important to add the ingrediants as the are listed, i didn't once and it didn't turn out quite right.
Another small point to note don't put it on the edge of a counter - it does a little dance when kneading the dough!
Overall i love my little bread baker, the smell of freash bread is great and it is cost effective in current climate. |
anita bli BM tesco dpt paddle sekali x? sy bli just ada measuring cup & spoon/tea spoon |
Post Last Edit by dealova04 at 21-2-2010 00:54
mixer berjaya tu menggoda gak...
kt thread mixer ada yg dpt bli murah...utk 7 liter hanya 650++ jer dgn free 1 bowl lg...
ni mixer berjaya...mmg mengoda...nk bli kitchen aid x mampu...nanti jumpa gambo..sy upload ye...
ni nk citer sket..mod jgn marah ek...
baru2 ni cari built in oven...
cari punya cari...kt ikea jumpa brand fagor 8 function...rm1699...
so bli lah...dlm pd tu sevey elba gak..tp x jumpa2..kt website xde harga...
dh bli fagor..baru td jumpa elba rand kt jusco...uwaaaa...8 function gak..rm1799...mmg mahal rm100 dr fagor...
tp 1 fungsi idaman hati ada kt elba...fungsi roast/yg leh bakar ayam golek2 tu...
kt fagor...mmg la leh masak ayam gak..tp letak kt pan gitu jelah..xde function utk golek2...
uwaaa...frust nyerrr....
sorry kwn2..perasaan x dpt di kawal... |
724# dealova04
dah tengok BM ni semlm kat tesco extra kat Jln Kuching niii.. emmm mmg cantik jugak ler.. tp tak beli lg sbb masih lg dok memikirkan BM cosway yg murah n tak berbaloi pakai 2 tahun jer....
Mixer berjaya yg tu nak beli kat mana eks... nak jugak usha2 |
Post Last Edit by kristal at 21-2-2010 09:40
semalam baru beli BM kat tesco shah alam...
harge bebaloi gak rm199...
tp masa kat kaunter ada sorang adik tanya kat akak pasal BM ni....
of topic jp..
ntah2 adik tu forumer kt cni.. |
Sy dah beli gak smlm kt tesco rawang & malam td trus buat Portugese White Bread...menjadi...so far, puas ati sb tk pyh nk menguli.... |
731# kristal
wahh...kak kristal, lajunya buat projek...sy tunggu next week, ingat nk try buat bun sosej.... |
rimbun duk mn? tesco tu kt selayang kan?
kristal..aryn...best nyer...buat roti menjadi..sy gak x menjadi..kuciwa gua....
aryn duk mn? sy bli BM pon kt rawang..heheh |
726# dealova04
Amende paddle tu Dealova? Benda yg kat tengah bread pan tu ke?
I only tried once BreadMaker Tesco tu. Roti tu masih ada. Dah habis nanti baru buat new loaf. Roti ni tak sama macam yg beli kat kedai (Gardenia, High 5 etc.). But it taste good. I made bruschetta with it. Hubby & my eldest son loves it. My son said it taste like roti Arab. Cicah dgn kari ayam pun best.
Next week nak try buat roti with almonds & honey.
I just lurve the aroma of bread baking in the house. |
733# dealova04
Kristal try buat step by step cam yg ada dlm manual...mesti jadik...caiyokkk!!!:pompom:
Sy dok area Ulu Yam....hehehe... |
rimbun duk mn? tesco tu kt selayang kan?
kristal..aryn...best nyer...buat roti menjadi..sy gak x menjadi..kuciwa gua....
aryn duk mn? sy bli BM pon kt rawang..heheh
dealova04 Post at 21-2-2010 04:33 PM
Dea, dia tak menjadi tu camner?...keras?..peroi? atau roti tak naik?...kalau dea masukkan garam dlm adunan, jgn terkena direct dgn yis sebab yis akan mati...so lepas dea masukkan garam, gaul rata dulu garam n tepung tu bagi sebati...then baru masukkan yis..satu lagi jgn gunakan air panas...cukuplah sekdar guna air suam2 kuku atau susu segar.. |
resepi donat memang ikut kat resepi BM tu..tapi resepi pau tu ku taram je..
masa buat pau tu akak bancuh semua bahan tu dlm mangkuk kemudian baru akak masuk
kan dlm BMmaka bermula la si BM tu menjalankan tugas nye |
Salam seme...baru masuk cni. Search BM ar...ni seme sbb dok tgk blog2 resepi bun yg cung2...adooiiii....seme rase nk buat sndiri dh skrg. G cari kt kefor xder, sengheng pn xder..mmg sh dh nk kne g tesco. Thnx informer! |
mak aii sekarang musim BM Tesco lak ... ari tu musim BM cosway ekekek.... nampak gaya nk kene usha gak la BM Tesco ... manalah tahu .. berbaloi-baloi kata Maya Karin hehehe ... harus ku terbang ke Tesco balik keje nnt ... |
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