The Biggest Loser Asia 1 [ David @ Indonesia - Juara!]
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pas ni sure mamat ni sibuk nak naikkan badan semula.. |
kevin amacam? dah ada sebesar kambing bebiri? |
kevin tu perut dia i tgk menten boyot je...tp byk lose weight 75kg kan {:1_126:} |
uiks, mmg David tu nmpk x sihat ah wlpun dia menang.
hopefully, pas ni dia build up muscle sikit, baru nmpk sihat.
btw, for me, Tony, Garry, Hafiz, Carlo & David lah paling best kalau diorang masuk final.
kecuali david, the rest tu body diorang mmg patut maintain. ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
tony, gary n hafiz amazing la dapat kurus lagu tu,
gary hensem dan nampak muda, pastu siap hijack the program nak re-propose to his wife ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
kevin nmpk kurus muka dah cengkung
yg pompuan smua hampeh takda perubahan
apa kes hafiz pimpin2 tangan christine n yet bila sarimah tanya, christine remains non-committal :re:, cian hafiz
david nmpk cam org sakit, haggard sgt
rumah david besar gilos, mesti org kaya kat jakarta nih
apasal david n martha dua2 taknak eye contact with camera ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
kristy pulak yg aku nmpk boncit, lengan dia pun besau
i think carlo's life after leaving afarmosa is more realistic, he juggles family, daily work and workout
yg lain siap take time off from work to focus on fulltime workout
in reality, once u r back in ur work routine, kena make time to go to gym, jadi boleh ke dia org maintain the momentum
rupanya mak martha n aaron mat salleh
kelakar pulak bila martha, david n carlos smua pakat tumbangkan pintu masuk ke stage ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
klu tony, garry, hafiz dpt ke final best gak..tgkdiorg pun dah kurus ala2 hensem masing2..hiihihih... aaron ngan carlo pun hensem dah... david je la kesian jer...hhihiih..kurus sgt... nak menang nye pasal .... |
david nmpak cam sakit la...
cengkung semacam je...
kalu berisi sikit ok tu... |
aku rasa semalam the best transformation are tony ngan carlo...
tony tu segak lak aku nampak...
kalu yg pompuan aku nampak zeny yg tak terpilih tu pulak jadik kurus... padahal berat dia tak silap 110kg camtuh... lebih kurang rashmi, aisha ngan martha je... aisha xde kan smalam???
x dpt coti ngajar kot.... x pun lagi overweight mjelang final... terus tanak gi finale hehehe..
yg aku tak nampak beza start masuk competition ialah nadia, damietta ngan leonore...yg lain2 tu nampak gak la kurus sket.. even rashmi yg malas bersenam tuh pun nampak gak la loose weight.. |
nampknya next season...
red team kumpulan kristy dah chopp 8 slot untuk pinoy jer..
dia kan pro pinoy... kalu ada satu dua slot pun aku rasa tak mungkin dia ambik slot untuk india lagi..insap ngan rashmi katenye...
another slot aku rasa dia ambik untuk thailand ngan indon kot..
ye lar.. kot2 dpt cam david lagi ke... |
rasanya strategi david kot. well ni kan pertandingan. who lose more, he/she will win. tengok kaya-kaya mcm tu tak kan takde doktor peribadi. so, after this he'll gain his weight again. for the sake of ...
mekot Post at 10-3-2010 11:55 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Itu la...
Let me share with u guys some of the things written by Daily Muscle (http://www.dailymuscle.com/) my favourite fitness blogger ni pasai apa yg finalists TBL buat untuk ensure that they can win:
Using the most unfair method possible to judge the winner, which is just actual weight lost on the scale - it only opens the competition up to cheating and drastic methods.
Think about it - if those contestants on the biggest loser gained muscle - they would be penalized. And how ridiculous is that? Penalize someone for gaining muscle?
Top that with a US$100,000 carrot dangling in front of them - I’m pretty sure that they would do almost ANYTHING - I mean… who wouldn’t? People will do crazy things for money - even if it meant exercising 8 hours a day, starving themselves, and dehydrating before the weigh-in (or murdering their best friend). It wouldn’t even matter if contestants ended up in the hospital - cos they’d be out the next day and start back right where they left off!
As the finale for the first season of the Biggest Loser Asia is next Tuesday morning (9 March 2010), that leaves them only 3 days to do what it takes to win. In fact… the next few days will be the most extreme that remaining contestants will ever go - it’s just that we don’t get to see it on tv - and we probably won’t even know what they did.
Already, we don’t see them exercising at the Fitness First clubs - where did they all disappear too? Did they suddenly decide to take a break during these last crucial days?
If you’re wondering what I’m going on about…
From the American-version:
Ryan Benson from Season 1 said:
“I wanted to win so bad that the last ten days before the final weigh-in I didn’t eat one piece of solid food! If you’ve heard of “The Master Cleanse” that’s what I did. It is basically drinking lemonade made with water, fresh squeezed lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. The rules of the show said we couldn’t use any weight-loss drugs, well I didn’t take any drugs, I just starved myself!
Twenty-four hours before the final weigh-in I stopped putting ANYTHING in my body, liquid or solid, then I started using some old high school wrestling tricks. I wore a rubber suit while jogging on the treadmill, and then spent a lot of time in the steam room. In the final 24 hours I probably dropped 10-13 lbs in just pure water weight. By the time of the final weigh-in I was peeing blood.”
FYI, Ryan fell back into his old eating habits after the show - in fact, he regained 32 pounds in 5 days simply by drinking water.
Season 3 contestant Kai Hibbard also blogged about the risky measures she took for the finale.
“She wrote on a blog that in the two weeks before the finale she severely dehydrated herself using asparagus (a diuretic), colonics and six-hour stretches of hopping in and out of a sauna. She lost 19 pounds, which as she joked, rebounded to her rear end almost immediately.”
**That's why somehow I think David punyer weight loss is not healthy la. It shows on his gaunt figure, muka pun nampak makin tua pdhal dia ni baru je 25. Time lepas kena timbang tu pun aku perasan dia mcm nak tumbang plak bila turun dari scale tu. I prefer the way he looked when they left the villa tu, at least tu more realistic. |
732# lampor
lampor...Mietta takleh nka kurus sgt...dia kan dah preggy. Congrats Mietta!!! |
kevin tu perut dia i tgk menten boyot je...tp byk lose weight 75kg kan {:1_126:}
svetlana Post at 10-3-2010 11:16 ![](http://mforum1.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
nampak dh la sikit leher dia tu hahahaa |
ni komen ak pasal finale aritu.
stage : macam harem. x da tempat lagi best ke nak buat finale? apeke gune studio FINAS je, dah la sempit, org2 kat situ mcm sardin ak peratikan, terimpit-impit.
program : haru biru! mcm budak sekolah je yang arahkan. x da elemen surprise langsung. organization berterabur. crowd management yang menghampakan. prizing x fair. x da weigh in untuk peserta yang dah eliminate. dan banyak lagi yang aku x puas ati sampai x teringat. memang x da rupa international langsung. nampak sangat produksi pinoy ni murahan je.
host : ak rasa dier ade amik major english dulu kan? tapi pehal ak peratikan english dier agak limited? adakah kerana crowd dier x tahu english so dier menghormati crowd? lagi satu nampak dier ckp mcm x da script? x kan x da script writer kot? nampak sgt amateur dier hosting semalam. byk kepada blabbering je....
contestants : dah la x da weigh in untuk peserta yg dieliminate, x pasal2 yang awal2 berambus pulak ada chance nak menang. mana adil untuk the others top 16. then what's the purpose kalau panggil derang balik kalu x da bagi adiah. kesian ak tgkkan derang. x adil tul.
banyak lagi la yang wat ak gelak tgk show ni semalam. bukan lawak hape, lawak tgk dierang handle the show. nampun congrat la kepada David. siyes nampak mcm monyet lak (dulu gorila). nampak sgt x healthy. obvious giler. rambut pun brape helai je tinggal.
takut gak baca pasal ryan yang kencing darah tu......eeeeee![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
baru ak teringat...
wtf is with hafiz?
tebiat ape mamat tu?
obviously kita penonton pun tahu dak cristy tu geli ngan dier, dier x prasan ke?
pehal terhegeh-hegeh lagi kat pumpuan tu?
lagi satu, kenapa derang gunakan dah hafiz ngan crysty...murahnye cara nak tarik perhatian....kesian lak ak tgk si hafiz tu.... |
baru ak teringat...
wtf is with hafiz?
tebiat ape mamat tu?
obviously kita penonton pun tahu dak cristy tu geli ngan dier, dier x prasan ke?
pehal terhegeh-hegeh lagi kat pumpuan ...
nameloo Post at 10-3-2010 02:33 PM ![](http://mforum1.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
setuju sgt!! geli sehh tgk hafiz tu tersengeh2 kt cristy!! |
ni komen ak pasal finale aritu.
stage : macam harem. x da tempat lagi best ke nak buat finale? apeke gune studio FINAS je, dah la sempit, org2 kat situ mcm sardin ak peratikan, terimpit-impit.
program : haru biru! mcm budak sekolah je yang arahkan. x da elemen surprise langsung. organization berterabur. crowd management yang menghampakan. prizing x fair. x da weigh in untuk peserta yang dah eliminate. dan banyak lagi yang aku x puas ati sampai x teringat. memang x da rupa international langsung. nampak sangat produksi pinoy ni murahan je. ...
nameloo Post at 10-3-2010 14:30 ![](http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ye ke..? br aku tau...![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
ooo... y x wat kt manila jek? patut la byk pinoy.. huhuhu |
ye ke..? br aku tau...![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
cmf_toaster Post at 10-3-2010 14:49 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
salah info....
ak mati2 ingat Imagine Group tu pinoy pya...
sekali singapore punya...
lagi le mcm taik!!
kalau pinoy tu xpe la, kite paham negara dier memang lembab. ni singapore wat citer kualiti cmni? wtf.... |
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