Edited by sissado3 at 17-10-2019 03:44 PM
Correction: I love to read my old post to.. help me keep track of my own lies.
Time Kak Pam meroyan ni she was stuck with her 3 kids for a few weeks.. memanglah stress sebab kau tak penah buat kan. Lupa ke kepam this was right when you returned to Malaysia after leaving your 3 children for about a month semata2 nak celebrate birthday dkt London so tak nampak loser sbb takde kawan nak celebrate your birthday kat sini. But kat London pun loser jugak sbb time ni la hooked-up satu malam dengan mat salleh tua from tinder and kantoi cuba nak sondol bf Maya tu. So cuba citer masa you sibuk men-whoring dkt London tu anak2 siapa yang jaga??