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Author: sinbad05

Bina badan dan Fitness -

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Post time 1-1-2009 11:08 PM | Show all posts
aku laki aku pakai bini aku punya password kay...

aku baru jer nak main nie..
berat 78kg, tinggi 171cm... aku rasa aku endomorph, sedentery no muscle yet...

timetable aku..
SUNDAY - leg(suma sekali) , abs
MONDAY - chest, tricept, abs
TUESDAY - relax
THURSDAY - lats, forearm, biceps, abs
FRIDAY - traps, shoulder, abs
SATURDAY - relax

after main weight badan rasa best...
makan plak aku banyakkan protein dan susu...

hope to see the result after 1/2 year...



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Post time 2-1-2009 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batabaka at 1-1-2009 03:49 PM different case with you. im ectomorph. im not sensitive to carbs, masa dirty bulk pon bodyfat aku tk naik lebih 10%.
tp tu pon ada baiknye kot...

Originally posted by lady_nF at 1-1-2009 11:08 PM
berat 78kg, tinggi 171cm... aku rasa aku endomorph, sedentery no muscle yet...

Ok guys.. for those yg tak tau pe kebende etomop, indonmop, lantaimop, apa mop lagi ni... which i myself tended to negligate at fisrt before i found someone else mentioning another morph thing again and made me hell curious of what the hack those morphs were.. so here it goes, a brief explanation of morphs..

The Ectomorph, the Mesomorph, the Endomorph, or a Combination?

We have known for quite some time now in bodybuilding that different body types respond differently to both training and nutrition. As a result, it is incredibly important to be aware of what your body type is so that you can design a training and workout program accordingly.

The Ectomorph
-Definitive "Hard Gainer"
-Delicate Built Body
-Flat Chest
-Lightly Muscled
-Small Shouldered
-Takes Longer to Gain Muscle

The mesomorph
-Hard Body
-Hourglass Shaped (Female)
-Rectangular Shaped (Male)
-Mature Muscle Mass
-Muscular Body
-Excellent Posture
-Gains Muscle Easily
-Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs
-Thick Skin

-Soft Body
-Underdeveloped Muscles
-Round Physique
-Weight Loss is Difficult
-Gains Muscle Easily Like the Mesomorph.

Combinations of Body Types
Although there are some people who are purely ectomorphs, endomorphs, or mesomorphs with little or no characteristics of the other body types, very frequently, people fall into mixed categories, such as ecto mesomorphs, or endo mesomorphs, where largely, they are like the mesomoph, but with traits of the ectomorph (such as small joints or a trim waist), or traits of the endomorph (such as a tendency to gain fat easily).


[ Last edited by  audydotnet at 2-1-2009 01:18 AM ]



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Post time 2-1-2009 01:32 AM | Show all posts
thread ni memang bagus untuk org yg bercita-cita ingin tubuh yg sihat..

ni nak tanye, aku ni seliuh kaki,dalam mase sebulan la jugak untuk recover kaki ni   ape bentuk senaman yg sesuai for upper body shj dgn keadaan aku skang.rase peyut ni boyot la pulop coz takleh jog or men putsal. anyway, footballerz rasenye ramai yg dapat kecederaan kaki camni..

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Ohhh man.... i hate to admit this... but im an endomorph!!! Damn! Damn! Damn!!
How i wish i were not!! I would rather be an ecto than being an endo!! Why me! why me..   

Patut ar selama ni aku pelik bebenor, senang betul berat badan aku naik. Tak pernah tau plak ada istilah2 and classification mcm ni... now this is really educative:victory:

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lady_nF at 1-1-2009 11:08 PM
aku laki aku pakai bini aku punya password kay...

aku baru jer nak main nie..
berat 78kg, tinggi 171cm... aku rasa aku endomorph, sedentery no muscle yet...

thanks a lot "lady_nF's husband" for sharing ur info...
I'll make urs as one of my references since i believe we share the same endomorph type of body. So hang target dalam 6 bulan ar? Kalau dapat result lagi cepat let me know k? Kalau hg boleh, insyaAllah aku pun boleh gak! gud luck to both of us! :victory:

Aku pun baru start gak nih...  exercise teraboq lagi.. kan best kalau boleh exercise ngan hgpa semua.. ada motivasi sket... anyway, aku harap kali nih aku tak buat separuh jalan mcm yg sudah2 ar...

I hope you guys can keep posting and updating ur activities and achivements here as frequent as possible. Mungkin boleh beri motivasi yg berterusan kat insan2 yg selalu gagal di tengah jalan mcm aku ni.. hehehe

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gelugugu at 2-1-2009 01:32 AM
thread ni memang bagus untuk org yg bercita-cita ingin tubuh yg sihat..

ni nak tanye, aku ni seliuh kaki,dalam mase sebulan la jugak untuk recover kaki ni   ape bentuk senaman yg ses ...

baik tgu fully recover dlu :victory:

Originally posted by audydotnet at 2-1-2009 01:35 AM
Ohhh man.... i hate to admit this... but im an endomorph!!! Damn! Damn! Damn!!
How i wish i were not!! I would rather be an ecto than being an endo!! Why me! why me..   

Patut ar selama ...

sori bro aku igt ko dh tau....sbb tu aku gune terms tu
endo sensitive ngn carbo.....mkn mmg kene jaga. you will be having hard to lean down.
sesetengah endo mmg cut down trus carbs, tp ramai yg degil


[ Last edited by  batabaka at 2-1-2009 01:55 AM ]

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Post time 2-1-2009 02:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gelugugu at 2-1-2009 01:32 AM
ni nak tanye, aku ni seliuh kaki,dalam mase sebulan la jugak untuk recover kaki ni   ape bentuk senaman yg sesuai for upper body shj dgn keadaan aku skang.

sorry to hear that...
Hg dah pi mengurut ke belum? mesti bengkak kan? Aku pun penah seliuh dulu. 'Best' gila kena urut time kaki bengkak.. aku tgk pakcik tuh tekan bengkak kat buku lali aku mcm tekan marshmallow...

Anyway bagus ar, injured pun ada semangat lagi nak stay fit and healthy.. kalau aku mesti dok depan astro sambil makan kuaci ja... tak pun layan master potatoes or pringles ngan coke... hmm... kalau ada burger and fries pun best gakk... hahaha.... gemok ar ko kalau ikut mcm aku...

since you asked, aku suggest hg buat seated or lying free weight exercise dah la... cardio for sure dah tak boleh kan? untuk perot boroi hg tuh..  buat la crunch.. apapun, kalau rasa sakit, just stop and try buat yg lain plak. Avoid doing anything that could relate in making ur injury bocomes worse wokeh!?    

Maybe pics kat bawah nih boleh bagi hg few ideas.. ok bro, gud luck and get well soon k... :victory:



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Post time 2-1-2009 03:26 AM | Show all posts

Balas #767 audydotnet\ catat

aku ingat seliuh aku ni biase jek,kena aritu bangun pagi dh takleh jalan,perghhhhhhh.. sakit gilos kaki

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Post time 2-1-2009 08:57 AM | Show all posts
aku dulu masa zaman lepas sekolah mmg Ecto.. pastu kawin jadi Endo.. pastu skrg nih Meso sket.. hehe
tp entah lah aku smpi skrg tak paham konsep body type nih.. mungkin ia berkait rapat ngan skeletal muscle - yg juga berkait rapat ngan saiz tulang/frame seseorang tuh..

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Post time 2-1-2009 09:42 AM | Show all posts
aku tak pergi gym
cuma aku assemble mini gym kat rumah aku nih

aku beli performa bench cap trojan kat giant rm199(~rm200) jer...
kalau korang tgk bench nie kat fitness concept jusco lebih kurang sama jer tapi harga dia rm798(~rm800)
ada leg curle ngan tempat letak barbell..

barbell tue pun aku beli kat giant, rm70 ...
kalau kat fitness concept jusco double price rm140

dumbell tue 10kg sebelah set..
aku beli kat fitness concept jusco promotion price rm87...
plate dia getah... 0.5kg, 1.25kg, 2.5kg
grip pun getah..

exercise mat tue bini aku punya harga dia rm20 kat fitness concept..
tapi aku pakai gak untuk crunch...



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Post time 2-1-2009 10:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #770 lady_nF's post

perghhh.. caya laa.. ada mini station.. tp awat plet kat bench barbell tu comel sgt?

aku pon teringin nak beli olympic, last aku tgk masa minyak tgh mahal.. sebatang RM340... belum masuk plet lagik.. fuuuuuhhh..

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Post time 2-1-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #771 alpha_dansei's post

cute kan plet tue .... hahahaha
belum masa lagi nak angkat yg tak cute... ckit2 laaaa....

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Post time 2-1-2009 10:58 AM | Show all posts
betul, betul.. slow2 kayuh.. tp aku rasa better byk buat pushup dulu.. sementara kumpul duit beli plet yg tak cute..

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Post time 2-1-2009 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lady_nF at 2-1-2009 10:51 AM
cute kan plet tue .... hahahaha
belum masa lagi nak angkat yg tak cute... ckit2 laaaa....

aku baru nak ckp cute td, tapi tuan punya dah ngaku dulu.... hehehe

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Post time 2-1-2009 03:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alpha_dansei at 2-1-2009 08:57 AM
aku dulu masa zaman lepas sekolah mmg Ecto.. pastu kawin jadi Endo.. pastu skrg nih Meso sket.. hehe
tp entah lah aku smpi skrg tak paham konsep body type nih.. mungkin ia berkait rapat ngan ... silap aku, genetik tu x leh ubah, berkaitan ngn skeletal frame semua tu ah.
contohnye, aku ecto, aku bleh jd mascular dan NAMPAK sprti meso,
tp hakikatnye sendi aku dan skeletal frame ialah ecto.

contohnye di bahagian forearms aku, muscle insertion abis sblm sendi wrist tu kan? (kecuali Lee Priest, betul2 abis kt wrist)
so....walau camne pon aku workout, wrist aku tu tkkan besar. so dlm main besi ni, ectomorph mmg sangat fragile, bersedia la injure wrist @ shoulder @ knee.

nnti jd cam aku spt di bawah :




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Post time 2-1-2009 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alpha_dansei at 2-1-2009 08:57 AM
aku dulu masa zaman lepas sekolah mmg Ecto.. pastu kawin jadi Endo.. pastu skrg nih Meso sket.. hehe
tp entah lah aku smpi skrg tak paham konsep body type nih..

Originally posted by batabaka at 2-1-2009 03:32 PM silap aku, genetik tu x leh ubah, berkaitan ngn skeletal frame semua tu ah.
contohnye, aku ecto, aku bleh jd mascular dan NAMPAK sprti meso,
tp hakikatnye sendi aku dan skeletal frame ialah ecto.

from what i read... benda ni mmg born to be.. dah genetik. Mmg tak boleh ubah. Maybe aku boleh letak detail sket pasal ciri2 badan ni.

-The extreme ectomorph physique is a fragile and delicate one.
-The bones are light, joints are small and muscles are slight.
-The limbs are relatively long in proportion and the shoulders droop.
-Linear physique. Straight up and straight down, and may appear longer than he or she really is, due to the length of limbs coupled with lack of muscle mass developed on those limbs.
-Not naturally powerful and will have to work hard for every ounce of muscle and every bit of strength he or she can gain.
-May have long fingers, toes and neck are long. A pencil neck you could say.
-Face are sharp, and the shape of the face is triangular. The lower jaw is somewhat receding.
-The skin tends to burn easily.
-May suffer from extremes of temperature. Due to the great body area in relation to muscle mass, the ectomorph may suffer from great heat, and due to low body fat, the ectomorph may suffer from great cold.
-The hair is fine and grows quickly and is sometimes difficult to keep in place.

Famous Ectomorphs -Lisa Kudrow, Kate Moss, Brad Pitt, Seth Green, Edward Norton.

-Well defined muscles and large bones.
-The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist.
-The bones and muscles of the head are prominent.
-Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw.
-The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape.
-Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.
-The skin of the mesomorph is thick and the mesomorph tans well.
-The hair is heavy in texture.

Famous Mesomorphs -Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, the majority of Mr. Universe winners.

-The body of the extreme endomorph is round and soft.
-The physique presents the illusion that much of the mass has been concentrated in the abdominal area. This may or may not be true.
-The arms and legs of the extreme endomorph are short in length and taper. This may give the appearance of stalkiness.
-The hands and feet of the endomorph are comparatively small, and the upper arms and thighs are often more developed than the lower parts of the arms or legs.
-The body has a high waist.
-The skin is soft and smooth, and the hair is fine.
The head of the endomorph is spherical.
-The head is large and the face broad.

Famous Endomorphs -John Goodman, Roseanne, Jack Black.

-ecto mesomorphs; where largely, they are like the mesomoph, but with traits of the ectomorph (such as small joints or a trim waist),
-endo mesomorphs; where largely, they are like the mesomoph, but with traits of the endomorph (such as a tendency to gain fat easily).

p/s: kalau aku aku nak jadi ecto mesomorph, tak pun morpheus dlm matrix ok gak..

[ Last edited by  audydotnet at 2-1-2009 04:25 PM ]



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Post time 2-1-2009 04:33 PM | Show all posts
sekarang aku bertambah konfius dgn teori ecto-endo-meso nih..

camni.. aku masa sekolah mmg kurus.. kalu diperatikan gambo2 lama (ye aku suka berlenggeng ), dalam kurus2 aku.. dada aku bidang la jugak dalam kelas nyer..  pinggang aku naturally besar sikit dlm kelas nyer, means, bila timbang berat masa zaman sekolah, kawan2 yg sama tinggi, sama frame, tp mesti aku berat sket.. pastu aku ingat lagi masa Cali fitness baru bukak kat wisma Shahzan (stancart bldg).. diorang panggil la buat body composition analysis, tulang aku agak berat sket.. (yg nih ciri2 Meso sket)

ttp wrist aku kecik, lengan aku kecik, betis aku kecik, mungkin genetik mamak jenis kaki kecik2 sket.. tp tulang kering aku kuat kot.. dulu main bola selamba jer berlaga keting, tp budak tuh dah guling2, aku selamba jerk.. entah lah..

so maybe aku ecto-meso.. aku malas nak pikir teori nih... buat pening kepala jer..

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Post time 2-1-2009 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by audydotnet at 2-1-2009 04:11 PM
May suffer from extremes of temperature. Due to the great body area inrelation to muscle mass, the ectomorph may suffer from great heat, anddue to low body fat, the ectomorph may suffer from great cold.

kalo aku, mmg kalah kt aircond....asik sejuk je....
kalo pompaun tnye "eh, ko ni, asik sejuk je la" mau je aku peluk panaskan badan  

Originally posted by alpha_dansei at 2-1-2009 04:33 PM
sekarang aku bertambah konfius dgn teori ecto-endo-meso nih..

camni.. aku masa sekolah mmg kurus.. kalu diperatikan gambo2 lama (ye aku suka berlenggeng ), dalam kurus2 aku.. dada aku bi ...

bro, mmg normal seseorang tu bukan total ecro or meso. kdg2 dia gabungan, ecto-meso. cam ko maybe chest meso, shoulder ecto ke. tgk la camne struktur ko.
aku cadangkan korg ambik body quiz kat tu


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Post time 2-1-2009 09:33 PM | Show all posts

Ko buat exercise abs mcm mana? Crunch 3 minit sehari dah cukup ker? Aku tgh cari exercise yg efektif untuk abs nih.. mcm buat cruch saja aku rasa mcm takde efek pun... sakit pun tak.

Member aku ckp, ada sorang pakcik tuh bagi tau dia, time kat kem tentera dulu diaorg chop2 abs nak kasi dapat 6 pack. Aku chop2 tak jadi apa pun... setakat gegar2 perut sket ja. Baik pakai mesin gegar mcm belt yg osim jual tuh jer..

Tapi ko punya abs pun aku bilang ada 4 ketul ja?   mana lagi 2? anyway, at least aku dapat 4pack abs mcm ko pun ok ar dulu...

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Post time 2-1-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Hmm plan nak pegi gym.. dah ready pakai short semua, tapi rasa malas plak.. tetiba terasa nak makan snack plate KFC campur double cheese burger mcD.. pastu terus tgk midnite movie kat alamanda..  lagi pun bini kat kampung... huhu..

Jadi ahh! Selamber!hehe. Sapa nak join jom bedtime stories kul 11.20! hehe... cita budak2, nak tgk histeria sorang2 takut

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