DI SEBALIK WAJAH [HyppSensasi HD: Diana Danielle, Aliff Aziz, Hefny Sahad]
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APA pendapat tentang revelasi Ryan Di Ep. 10? |
Scene yg just sebelum tangga dimana DD tampar Aliff.... Aliff tidak tahu yg dia akan ditampar. Saya discuss dgn DD kalau dia ok tak kalau tampar Aliff, lepas DD ok, kita buat rehearsal utk camera without Aliff knowing about the slap. I prepped camera crew to be on their toes bila kita roll. Bila you tengok muka Aliff yg agak off balance.... Yg tu reaksi genuine.
Bigfoot69 replied at 2-6-2017 03:21 PM
APA pendapat tentang revelasi Ryan Di Ep. 10?
Actually, ryan ni siapa to amir hisham? Cousin? I heard dia panggil puan sri as uteh? |
Ryan ni mesti dah kena rasuah dgn tan sri ht land. Mcm dia je yg jadi mastermind. But on wht agenda pun tak tau..kena tunggu next2 epiaod.
Btw @Bigfoot69 who is the original screenplay of this drama. |
Yup, aku rasa confirm dorang mmg cousin sbb dah 2-3 kali kut aku dgr dia panggil Puan Sri tu uteh.
And, this Ryan guy is quite fishy even from the very beginning. Dari cara dia pandang je mmg dah agak he got something up his sleeve.
Aku rasa aku macam dah boleh agak siapa sebenarnya Nadia yg amnesia tu. Tapi itulah, aku curious je apa motif Amir nak kena bunuh sebenarnya.
Personally, aku sangat suka Amir. Instead of Red, aku harap the amnesiac Nadia (whoever she really is) akan end up dgn Amir.
p.s Tan Sri HT Land tu punya suara sangat charismatic  |
Original story is from one of the producers and once the writers and I were involved, the story evolved much more.
Tan Sri's voice was my paying homage to The Godfather. Pelakon yg kena buat suara tu sakit tekak selepas shoot.
gerbera.memopad replied at 4-6-2017 02:50 PM
Aku rasa aku macam dah boleh agak siapa sebenarnya Nadia yg amnesia tu. Tapi itulah, aku curious je ...
Karakter amir hisham mmg getting stronger over the episodes.
Nampak sgt charismatic as top management of his company. Ada element tense with company issues, stress with the cancelled project, pushing the staffs to be more proactive etc. But at the same time he never fail to pamper her wife nadia..
Well semua actors pun ada strong character...even mak jah pun kita dah blh baca mcmna watak dia.
Cuma ryan tu...tak brp clear sikit abt his social life... Mcm tak reveal who he really is selain as amir hisham's side kick.. Yg pasti there's unfinished business, 10 years ago. |
Amir ni firm sebenarnya. Walaupun dia menurut je apa yg Nadia buat/nak but at the same time dia sangat matang. Ada jugak dia break down & marah bila masalah bertimpa2 but he knows how to handle things like an adult - be it about work or relationship. I like that in a man you know 
Ok, this is something to look forward to especially since I'm falling for Amir myself *moodpeduliapanetizennakhencap*  |
Edited by willow12 at 6-6-2017 03:59 PM
gerbera.memopad replied at 6-6-2017 03:13 PM
Amir ni firm sebenarnya. Walaupun dia menurut je apa yg Nadia buat/nak but at the same time dia sa ...
I love how they portray amir hisham. As corporate figure, he is also a man, son, husband..
Yes, he is so in control wpun in a stressful situation. Idok le stereotyping watak ceo muda yg kaya cuma dgn material semata2, kereta besar ke hulu hilir, tunjuk scene meeting n shake hand here n there. The fact that these high profile people face so much challenges in life as well.
*tp aku mcm crush kat red, sbb dia muka bad boy, hot temper, tp baik hati dan boleh bergurau gittew. Awww.. |
Edited by willow12 at 6-6-2017 03:57 PM
gerbera.memopad replied at 6-6-2017 03:48 PM
Eh, iols tak petik nama UI di mana2 ye. Aku cuma respond je bila nama beliau dipetik oleh forummer ...
Yupssss totally agree with u. Awal2 episod dulu iols pernah terimagine why they tak ambik aiman hakim reza as amir hisham sbb aku suka his english accent. Why must aliff aziz..? But now i understand, mmg aliff aziz blend it very2 well. Sgt konsisten. Hilang terus aiman hakim dlm kepala otak aku jahhh..
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