byk info psl satanic ni dlm ni..dulu tau sikit2 je sbb selalu baca psl iluminati freemason bagai...
xsangka pulak bapaknya nicole pong terlibat dlm kes pedo ni...
honestly dari segi hiburan pd manja kualiti movie IT 2017 tu mmg bgs la..sbb tu review tinggi..but on the other hand utk manja la..lg menarik kalau search more behind the scenes info...mcm latar belakang author novel...and other issues mcm pedo ring..etc..sbb semuanye berkait..
even dlm trailer kat atas tu..pun..atas cast tangan tu tertulis "LoVer" V tu pun ade makna..setahu manja maksudnye "the 5th age/the luciferian age"
mcm tu la...lebih kurang..
bak kata pepatah inggeris " A picture paints a thousand words"...ape lg karya seni filem kan?..
sj share hari tu tgh dengar 1 of my fav song lagu ni...then terfikir ape maksud "Eyes without a Face" tu?...Nyesal google..
then terjumpe movie poster "Suspiria".....horror..sgt2..
lamenye u puase..kalau i mmg fail la..cume i x minat movies selain least for u...ade jgk bleh stop cold turkey..
so skrg u tgk drama US ape yea? u know..what i dh lame dh x tgk american drama series..x kira la genre ape..dah few years actually..for me la i prefer drama2 few years back mmg the best!..xde la dark & twisted, ganas over the top, pornish.. sgt mcm skrg ni...iishh..antara my fav..
1- friends
2- third rock from the sun
3- that 70s show
4- criminal minds ( stop sbb ade 1 episode tu too disturbing for me...walaupun i love this on screen team )
5- NCIS (stop watching sbb ade je Muslim Terrorist... )
cume baru tahun lepas..i start balik & continue tahun ni..
1- Stranger Things
2- Black Mirror
3- American Crime Story..
review citer ni mmg tinggi tu la...xleh tgk sorng2 citer ni, takut gak...
akan dipertmbangkan utk tgk..kene tunggu ank2 buah blk baru boleh tgk...
suka jugak ambik tau psl benda 'dark side' orgputih ni...especially bab2 pedo ni, very disturbing i must say
btul tu so far i tgk sorg...ok lg lg la....nk kata horror level hantu tu x jenis horror yg bleh tgk sorg2..
kecuali i ade 1 episode tu "lay Test"...sgt lepas tu..mcm ok...not as scary as u expect la..
i nasihat jgn tgk dgn anak2 buah..sbb cite org putih kan? ade selit2...scene2...atas ranjang..ttiber x semua episode
i pun x tgk lg season 1 & i x bleh nk kata
yup! mmg yg lg interesting..sedar ke tidak..kite..semua terkesan dgn perkembangan sains & teknologi, pedo ring, human trafficking ni..tu yg scary's a global thing..
ooh lupa ...xdelah horror sgt kan?? boleh la try tgk...nk kene sedut dulu
kemajuan teknology i rase sgt bahaya while it has their own benefits...pernah tgk one episode dlm criminal minds psl 'dark web' utk bid kanak2 utk pedo (torture, raping and killing purpose)and i believe there is more to it, surprisingly yg terlibat tu ade yg white collor man, women, family man, family woman bila tau yg bapaknya nicole kidman pong terlibat dlm case ni, surprised but not that surprised..
i x tgk pulak episode season baru ke?...elok la lame dah i quit Criminal Minds..
i x lalu la nk tgk episode mcm tu...
betul yg paling susah nak terima...bile kes2 mcm tu..ade jgk berlaku kat m'sia...kadang terasa mcm oh, kat US je ni....nak sedapkan hati kan?..uhuh