Ingatkan Keracunan Makanan, Rupanya Yatt Hamzah Keguguran
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Nana_Man replied at 18-9-2020 11:20 AM
Mgkn jgk. Ni i jumpa kat internet dulu. Betul atau tak, i tak sure.pasal tak perna cuba. Maybe u l ...
Orait tq... yg i tahu laki yang kena jaga makan sebab i pernah dengar kalau nak anak laki, husband kena banyak makan daging. My fren pulak pernah bagitau dia punya adik beradik semua pompuan sebab badan ayah dia berasid(?). And i pernah baca kebarangkalian dapat anak perempuan adalah lebih tinggi kalau pasangan umur dah tua.
Still kena banyak membaca untuk info hehehe. |
miss_perfect replied at 18-9-2020 03:08 PM
Orait tq... yg i tahu laki yang kena jaga makan sebab i pernah dengar kalau nak anak laki, husband ...
I found this dlm website...
kalau rajin, baca. Haha
The Shettles Method: The main theory behind this method of gender selection — which boasts a 75 percent success rate (though independent studies haven’t backed up that claim) — is that girl-producing sperm (X-sperm) move slower but are more resilient and live longer than male-producing sperm (Y-sperm), which are faster but have shorter life spans. So if you’re pining for a girl, you should have sex two to four days before you ovulate — that way the X-sperm will be the only sperm alive and waiting around in your fallopian tubes by the time your egg drops in a few days later. If you want a boy, on the other hand, you should have sex as close as possible to ovulation — since the speedy Y-sperm will be more likely to get to the egg first. There are other specifics to follow with the Shettles Method that may make the vaginal tract more inviting for either the X- or Y-sperm (like sexual positions and even whether or not the woman has an orgasm), and if you’re willing to give it a try, it certainly won’t lower your already 50-50 chances of conceiving the gender of your choice!
The Whelan Method: The Whelan Method of gender selection is pretty much the opposite of the Shettles Method — that’s science for you! It’s based on the idea that biochemical changes in a woman’s body at certain times in her cycle make it more likely that Y-sperm will fertilize an egg, while other times in her cycle, her biochemistry will favor X-sperm. So to conceive a boy, you should have sex four to six days before ovulation. And to conceive a girl, you should have sex either two to three days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. Critics of this method say that having sex four to six days before ovulation is way too far away from the release of the egg to even get pregnant, since sperm can’t survive that Gender selection the no tech way long.
As you would imagine, old wives’ tales abound on how to conceive a boy or girl — a quick search on the Web will show you that! These methods of gender selection are not science-based and come with no guarantee. Some theories focus on nutrition. For instance, for a boy some people suggest that you indulge in red meat, potassium, and salty foods. For a girl, they say, your diet should include eggs, yogurt and chocolate! Other methods focus on sexual positions. For example, to increase your odds of having a boy, make love standing up or doggy style, and be sure to climax first. And if you want a girl, try the missionary position and let your guy reach orgasm first. Hey, it may sound kooky, but you’ll certainly have fun!
Lailerthee replied at 16-9-2020 03:55 PM
I alahan makan mee kuninh. Walaupon makan seulas knfm muntah2 n cirit birit.
Sebab ada kapur kot |
boojaat replied at 16-9-2020 10:51 PM
I haritu kena cirit birit. Sebelum nak jumpa doctor nurse tanya, entah2 puan ni mengandung... I terk ...
I kalau nk cam i pregnant atau dh sampai masa nk bersalin, salah 1 tandanya memang cirit birit. So kalau lain macam tu i mmg buat upt |
Meolls time pregnant asik cirit birit je.. Paling dasyat, kena rota virus. Muntah non stop & cirit birit. Sampai ingat nak meinggal dah. |
bellaamsar replied at 18-9-2020 10:28 PM
I kalau nk cam i pregnant atau dh sampai masa nk bersalin, salah 1 tandanya memang cirit birit. So ...
Nak bersalin ke nk period uols? Hhahhaa... |
husna_amal replied at 17-9-2020 10:05 AM
Berapa usia kandungan.
Baca kat ig dia kata 2 bulan pastu rasanya dia tak sedar pun pregnant.
Ada gambar sabtu lepas dia g melaka dia buh caption time tu taktau ada baby tu.
Kiranya gara2 cirit birit tu baru tahu.
Pastu iols tgk dia tanam janin tu dlm pasu yg ada pokok palma tu.
boojaat replied at 18-9-2020 11:08 PM
Nak bersalin ke nk period uols? Hhahhaa...
Bersalin sis. Maknanya dh dekat due la tu |
miss_perfect replied at 16-9-2020 05:19 PM
Wah ilmu baru ni... coz scientifically human embryos start life as females. Tq.
Embryos wont start as female.. zygote has already had its genetic constitution since beginning.. xx for female, xy is for male. its basic human body that is templated from female actually. Kira bekas acuan asal sex organ adalah seperti yang perempuan miliki, With the influence of testosterone and dropped in oestrogen and progesterones ( due to presence of xy chromosomes) male type body develops as reproductive organs start to differentiate under the hormonal influence. I hope it clarifies the misconception here.
I believe ideation of gendering miscarriage baby as boy is based on cultural influence. Bukannya hukum wajib perlu begitu. Adatnya semua keluarga mahukan pewaris berjantina lelaki kerana boleh membawa nama keturunan. |
Edited by addamnor at 20-9-2020 01:28 AM
Nana_Man replied at 17-9-2020 03:18 PM
Nk rancang dpt baby boy atau girl kene tgk tarikh ovulation. I tak ingt the details pasal i taknk ...
Yang tentukan jantina baby adalah sperma sistur, bukan secodary oocyte.
Konsep senggama ikut tarikh ovulation tu ada theory yang orang postulates, tapi not 100 percent accurate as it remains as theory. Boleh try but the result is inconsistent |
Mungkin hikmahnye dia blh besarkn anak bongsu tu dulu sblm bg adik baru. Ape pn salam takziah ya |
X bleh brain tadi dia up kat ig dia ...tanam baby tu dlm pasu ..itu pon nk up ke?? Lapar content sgt ......
addamnor replied at 20-9-2020 01:13 AM
Embryos wont start as female.. zygote has already had its genetic constitution since beginning.. x ...
Thanks for clarification. |
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