:hug: muahh muahh... yuk dia~~~~~~~~` :love: :love: :love:
in love with those cats~ yauuuuuuuuuuuuu |
Originally posted by blueharp at 14-1-2005 09:51 AM:
Scottish Fold

[img]http://www.cfainc.org/breeds/ ...
jenis kucing ni sama tak dengan kucing kat avatar aku?...aku tgk telinga yg penyek melekap tuu macam lebih kurang aje dgn kucing avatar aku
Leha, Gadis Klasik |
kucing aku mix bumese ngan birman (nak panggil ape tuh ye?)
comel gak. disebabkan kucing aku tu kaler coklat trus kami panggil dia koko... |
kiutnya!! kalolah aku dpt jenis kucing camni..:love::hug: |
Originally posted by nashra at 18-1-2005 12:48 AM

maine coon...
Cerita pasal maine coon
Myths, legend and lore surround the Maine Coon Cat. Some are amusing, some are fantastic flights of fantasy and some are merely plausible. They certainly provide good material for conversation. Books and articles dealing with these aspects of the Maine Coon Cat have been well received as people never seem to tire of the subject and are always eager to know more about this wonderful breed.
The Maine Coon is the native American longhaired cat and was recognized as a specific breed in Maine where they were held in high regard for their mousing talents. Through nature抯 own breeding program, this breed has developed into a sturdy cat ideally suited to the harsh winters and varied seasons of the region. The Maine Coon is well known for its loving nature, kindly disposition and great intelligence. Maines are especially good with children and dogs and have always been a popular and sought after companion. |
Originally posted by blueharp at 13-1-2005 10:20 AM
Norwegian Forest Cat

Bright emerald green eyes with a band of gold. Long flowing hair. Sweet-expressioned faces. Jaunty ear and toe trimmings. Each time you see a Norwegian Forest Cat is a feast for the eyes. Each time you touch their spun-silk soft coats is a delight to the fingertips.
These are the cats that explored the world with the Vikings, protecting the grain stores on land and sea, and which are believed to have left their progeny on the shores of North America as a legacy to the future.
These lovely cats are really two for the price of one, they can differ so greatly in looks from summer to winter. Some time in the spring they take off their 搘inter underwear, |
Originally posted by blueharp at 13-1-2005 10:41 AM

The Birman cat is believed to have originated in Burma, where it was considered sacred, the companion cat of the Kittah priests. There is a legend as to how the Birmans developed the colors they are today: 揙riginally, the guardians of the Temple of LaoTsun were yellow-eyed white cats with long hair. The golden goddess of the temple, Tsun-Kyan-Kse, had deep blue eyes. The head priest, Mun-Ha, had as his companion a beautiful cat named Sinh. One day the temple was attacked and Mun-Ha was killed. At the moment of his death, Sinh placed his feet on his master and faced the goddess. The cat抯 white fur took on a golden cast, his eyes turned as blue as the eyes of the goddess, and his face, legs and tail became the color of earth. However, his paws, where they touched the priest, remained white as a symbol of purity. All the other temple cats became similarly colored. Seven days later, Sinh died, taking the soul of Mun-Ha to paradise. |
rajinnnyaaaa .... aku tumpang tgk and tersenyum jer.... |
Originally posted by Amiizaa at 16-12-2005 05:44 PM
rajinnnyaaaa .... aku tumpang tgk and tersenyum jer....
mende da ade dlm pc opis..copy paste jek..tgh boring kat opis tadi fedup ngan koje, xde mood nak buek koje..
[ Last edited by bbpie at 16-12-2005 09:11 PM ] |
byk2 kucing ni yg maner satu yg paling mahal?????.... |
nak tanya ni, mane nak carik spesis yg pelik2 mcm spynx kerk balinese kerk? sbb ramai org asyik ader persian jerk |
Originally posted by blueharp at 14-1-2005 09:53 AM
Selkirk Rex

baru bangun tido ke cat?? ahaks..
kucing ni lawaaa...:love:
geram tgk..
rasa cam nk peluk tak nak lepas2 dah!!! |
Ustazah_RocK This user has been deleted
Reply #2 blueharp's post
cute nye kucing2 tu...
geram betul!!!
nak aje cubit... |
informasi yang bagus ..... thank pade blueharp..
tapi aku suke tengok kucin nie cam nampak antu je... yang seko lagi tu cam juling je :gila:

aku pun teringin gak nak bele kucin jenis spyx ...tak silap kucin jenis nie suke bertengek kat bahu tuan dia

p/s:>kucin yang cantik banyak dari keturunan turkish |
Originally posted by blueharp at 13-1-2005 14:33
sambung balik...:lol
haku nak yg ni.... comei gilee:geram: |
gerammnyaaa tgk gambar2 kucing kat sini... esp yg bulu panjang & gebu tu.. bestnya kalau dpt picit2! |
ucing2 ni teringat kn aku pada doraemon |
suke tgk scottish fold tu... comel.. cam xde telinge |
| |