An object which has motion - whether it be vertical or horizontal motion - has kinetic energy. There are many forms of kinetic energy - vibrational [the energy due to vibrational motion], rotational [the energy due to rotational motion], and translational [the energy due to motion from one location to another].
This equation reveals that the kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to the square of its speed. That means that for a twofold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of four; for a threefold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of nine; and for a fourfold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of sixteen. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity; it does not have a direction. Unlike velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum, the kinetic energy of an object is completely described by magnitude alone. So tell me what had your CIKGU been teaching you?
Thats why yu are wrong. You cllaimed that the debri caused more kinetic energy and the above cut and paste proives you are wrong cos the debri lsows the wave by a factor of square velocity. Thank you Fuzz for breaking your own lies.
You no not what you talk? The tsunami was a secondary act of God? The latter. What was the former lest you forgot? What was the primary act of God? Let me refresh you befoe you run astray as always. The primary "assault" were a series of quakes clocking magnitude 9, something you'd call the trumpets of God. What the quake didn't finish off, the tsunami did. Banda Acheh was sitting on top of the mother of all quakes. Allah was the Creator who giveth and taketh as HE so sees and wishes. What happened on that tragic day in Banda Acheh was without miracle. An act of God that truly was - for Allah left the mosques to the Ummah as a reminder that HE STANDS BY THE UMMAH NO MATTER WHAT.
So you are saying that Allah took life but purposely preserved the object. Why did allah do that? Perhaps allah is more merciful and compassionate towards object than his worshippers. You ppl might as well be objects so that allah will love you even more.
cheers |
me This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 6-2-2005 10:11 PM:
My response:-
Actually Aceh is also known as "Serambi Mekah". If I'm not mistaken, Islam sudah wujud di Aceh selepas 200 thn Rasulullah saw. wafat.
what evil did the people in aceh do to deserve punishment like that from god??? |
me This user has been deleted
Debmey wrote: Thats why yu are wrong. You cllaimed that the debri caused more kinetic energy and the above cut and paste proives you are wrong cos the debri lsows the wave by a factor of square velocity. Thank you Fuzz for breaking your own lies.
The debris compliments the increased velocity of the tsunami as it crashed inland. If you were talking about one wash over then it's a different tune altogether. In the case of the Asian tsunamis, they came in at a level of multitudes. There were recorded at least four mega wash-overs. I don't blame you if you didin't know that Richter 9 quakes rocked Banda Aceh in series. I don't blame you if you do not know the equation for Kinetic energy. I don't blame if you didn't know debris could compliment heavier structural damages when accompanying tsunamis. I don't blame you if you think God had forsaken my fellow Moslems in Banda Aceh. But I think you must be a full-fledged dud or even worse - the dunce of your class, if you didn't know that as tsunamis reach shallower waters, their strength will keep increasing and not decreasing. Are you sure you studied Physics in your schooling days or did you get a Physics teacher that was spending more time preaching nonsense like you?
Debmey wrote: So you are saying that Allah took life but purposely preserved the object. Why did allah do that? Perhaps allah is more merciful and compassionate towards object than his worshippers. You ppl might as well be objects so that allah will love you even more.
http://www.purposedriven.com/en- ... ISAAWMTDFOTNOTL.htm
Hehehehe you gotta get it into your thick cranium that my God is not only a MIRACULOUS God but an ALL KNOWING ONE too! You see my GOD knows very well that there will be despair when the tragedy unfolds. My GOD knows that Convertor WOLVES [ even as we speak] will try to convert the grieving and hurting Moslem masses to Christianity with the same tag lines the likes you and Truth are using here such as i.e Why would Allah save the mosques and let the followers die? In fact you should ask yourselves that question all the more after a whole lot of churches got destroyed with the prayer pews stacked up like logs for the fire. In fact the tsunami washed away Trinity worshippers by the truckloads. So where was your God when they died and the churches got totally levelled? Where? In fact there are news coming in of Christian conversions to Islam after the Christians saw that Allah had allowed the mosques in Banda Acheh to remain intact while theirs were gone forever.
The debris compliments the increased velocity of the tsunami as it crashed inland.
Nope the tsunami loses kinetic energyb as it carries debri.
Hehehehe you gotta get it into your thick cranium that my God is not only a MIRACULOUS God but an ALL KNOWING ONE too! You see my GOD knows very well that there will be despair when the tragedy unfolds. My GOD knows that Convertor WOLVES [ even as we speak] will try to convert the grieving and hurting Moslem masses to Christianity with the same tag lines the likes you and Truth are using here such as i.e
So why did allah create that tsunami and get hundreds of thousands of muslims killed and hundreds more convert to Christianity?
Why would Allah save the mosques and let the followers die? In fact you should ask yourselves that question all the more after a whole lot of churches got destroyed with the prayer pews stacked up like logs for the fire.
Sorry sir, I wasn't teh one who claimed divine protection for anything, you muslims did.
In fact the tsunami washed away Trinity worshippers by the truckloads. So where was your God when they died and the churches got totally levelled? Where? In fact there are news coming in of Christian conversions to Islam after the Christians saw that Allah had allowed the mosques in Banda Acheh to remain intact while theirs were gone forever.
I don't beleive such hoax. I think thousands of muslims converted to Christainity after they saw allah [preserved mosque and not humans. |
God is moving in Sabah
to remove the BN Government |
Originally posted by 13Friday at 7-2-2005 07:07 AM:
to remove the BN Government
I think god is moving in sabah to vanish the pirates and sidang injil borneo movement, the biggest in sabah ;) |
The population of christian believers in Phillipine is higher than the muslims, and the country also faced the earthquake. Does that mean your god shows his anger to his believers too? |
Philippines do not worshup the true God. |
Originally posted by babybueno at 08:49 AM:
The population of christian believers in Phillipine is higher than the muslims, and the country also faced the earthquake. Does that mean your god shows his anger to his believers too?
All idoltress worshipper are not part God callings.
Thats include those indirectly bowing to block of stone the so called unity.
God do not need unity in form direction which so called block of stone.
My faith is simple:
No idols
Not indirectly bowing to an object
The day will come like earthquake and flood to destroy all those idoltress worshipper. Do they learn frm this?
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 7-2-2005 at 06:26 PM ] |
Originally posted by babybueno at 08:43 AM:
I think god is moving in sabah to vanish the pirates and sidang injil borneo movement, the biggest in sabah ;)
yes, those using words allah in Bible when the Bible mentioned:
Al shadai
allah is not part of god name in Bible. |
Only those Twoness and Sabbath keeper will be safe frm this.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 7-2-2005 at 06:29 PM ] |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2005-2-7 06:28 PM:
Only those Twoness and Sabbath keeper will be safe frm this.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 7-2-2005 at 06:29 PM ]
What a joke these two preacher clowns? Truth with his twoness and Debmey with his threeness but their twoness and threeness Gods left thousands of Christians dead and many many churches destroyed. They say Allah abandoned my fellow Moslems but they dare not comment on their God leaving their fellow Christians to the tsunami devastation. Maybe their God and Allah might have been related somewhere along the lineage or be even be one and the same! Who knows?
a lot of local idols in Philippines
Filipinos Christians worship a lot of cultural idols apart from other gods.
Muslims sure to be doom there with so many earthquakes coming. |
Originally posted by Fuzzman at 07:31 PM:
What a joke these two preacher clowns? Truth with his twoness and Debmey with his threeness but their twoness and threeness Gods left thousands of Christians dead and many many church ...
u will know the truth soon whether is is joke or what |
Besides Philippines idole worshipper it full of sex paradise. strip shows, sex business and etc. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2005-2-6 11:49 PM:
still arguing with me .
what can i say, just WATCH.
did not sabah was in tremble today??
u want that tremble to reality??
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 7-2-2005 at 1 ...
My response:-
I'd like to read your next predictions. Do share with us here. Only then we can buy your story. Otherwise you're only making yourself looking like fools. |
Originally posted by me at 2005-2-7 01:12 AM:
what evil did the people in aceh do to deserve punishment like that from god???
My response:-
There're Quranic verses stating that God doesn't choose anyone of any specific religion or race if He wants to do destruction on this planet. So it doesn't matter whether you're devilish or holy like Truth or Friday13. lol:lol |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 10:31 PM:
My response:-
I'd like to read your next predictions. Do share with us here. Only then we can buy your story. Otherwise you're only making yourself looking like fools.
oh really ?? Just watch event will take place |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2005-2-7 10:43 PM:
oh really ?? Just watch event will take place
My response:-
What's your next prediction? Care to share with us. |
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