bestnya..... excited abih pasal trip ni. nak tanya pasal snorkelling - 2-3 hari lepas saya jumpa sorang kawan yang kata elok beli snorkelling equipments rather than sewa; apa pandangan yang berpengalaman?
terima kasih |
kalau ada plan utk pegi lagi dan lagi, elok le beli. lebih2 lagi kalau u tak selera nak share2 mouthpiece yg melekat kat mask tu. brape byk mulut tu. besides beli sendiri puas hati in terms of design, price, condition, size dll
jaket x yah beli. biasanya diberi/sewa di chalet. it's a must kalau x pandai terapung. better pon pakai kalau tak letih abis energy nak apungkan diri. negative side, takleh nak dive sekejap2 ke dasar laut. |
Originally posted by sherrina at 29-4-2006 03:20 AM
kalau ada plan utk pegi lagi dan lagi, elok le beli. lebih2 lagi kalau u tak selera nak share2 mouthpiece yg melekat kat mask tu. brape byk mulut tu. besides beli sendiri puas hati in terms of desi ...
thanks. tahu tak harga dlm brp dan ada ke apa2 brand yang okay? |
citer psl snorkeling ler plak... hehehheee
Originally posted by foundation at 29-4-2006 08:33 AM
thanks. tahu tak harga dlm brp dan ada ke apa2 brand yang okay?
mmg betul... geli sgt kalau guna yg sewa punyer..... baik beli sendiri...
saya pakai brand TUSA
tak igt harga berapa... kalau x silap lam 2 psg...RM200 gitu...
saya beli kat Midvalley...kat atas tu..(dah lama dah......)ada satu kedai nama lebih kurang ada "Dive" gitu...
pastu cara nk cuci & simpan....
jgn buang casing dia tuh..
lepas guna... "google" tu cuci ngan colgate... pastu keringkan...& simpan balik lam casing...
tgk nih...simpan lam casing dia:
saya beli gak 'flipper' (ke apa ke bende namanya) ni...(dah lusuh dah...)
![](http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i74/Kin_Anakin/DSC00069.jpg) |
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sherrina pun beli brand Tusa. rega tak smpi 100 sbb masa tu ada sale kat kedai jual alat diving kat alpha angle |
thanks Amirdaa & Sherrina. TUSA ni ada utk children juga ke? senang ke nak cari set utk budak2. saya ingat nak pegi le kat alpha angle tu. lagi satu, swimming goggles tak sesuai untuk snorkelling kan? |
Reply #28 foundation's post
goggles yg biaser tuh...mmg x seswei utk snorkeling... tapi kalau rasa bole tahan napas lelama kat lam air.. ok ajer...
sbb hari tu... tgk budak pompuan jepun...umo baru 9 tahun... pakai goggles jer menyelam... terror....seronot tgk gayanya...
budak2 nyer pun ada dijual...
[ Last edited by Amirdaa at 30-4-2006 11:47 AM ] |
Reply #27 sherrina's post
ye ker.... amirdaa dulu main beli jer... rugi x tunggu sale..kan..
tapi yg 'kasut' tu dia nak perabis stock..tinggal sepasang tu ajer...so dia bg discount... x igt berapa RM |
Amirdaa - soft shoes tu berguna ke? masa snorkelling pakai ke? Yang saya tahu flipper dah takleh guna kat Terengganu.
[ Last edited by foundation at 30-4-2006 06:44 PM ] |
Reply #31 foundation's post
ha'ah... pakai tu ajer lah... x pakai flipper pung..sbb kalau pakai flipper...mmg laju..tapi... time nk naik bot tu..susah..heheheee
eeeh..ye ker? naper dah tak leh pakai flipper?
yg saya plan nk g bulan 8 ni... tepaksa di awalkan ler... adik ipar nak betunang ler plak...
maybe July ni...untung2 dapat jumpa baby shark...hehehee |
Originally posted by Amirdaa at 1-5-2006 12:36 AM
eeeh..ye ker? naper dah tak leh pakai flipper?
Saya ada terbaca masa buat research pasal redang trip ni. tadi search balik - jumpa berita rasmi dari bernama. tapi katanya AKAN - so, tak tau le, dah ban atau belum (yang saya terbaca dulu, cam dah mula). Masalahnya adalah org pijak corals sebab tak pandai control buoyancy masa snorkelling.
April 05, 2006 21:17 PM
T'ganu To Ban Flippers For Snorkelling
KUALA TERENGGANU, April 5 (Bernama) -- Terengganu will soon ban the use of flippers for snorkelling in waters off its island resorts to protect the coral there.
Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh said the decision was taken at the weekly meeting of the state executive council, Wednesday and it would be enforced in a week or two.
"Most of the snorkellers who use flippers are not very experienced as they tend to step on corals in the waters around the islands. Although the rate of damage is slow, over a period of time it will become serious.
"The state government is forced to take this decision and will ask for the cooperation of resort operators to enforce the ban," he told reporters after the meeting, here.
However, he said, the ban did not cover scuba divers.
Meanwhile, Idris welcomed the setting up of the National Implementation Action Body, which will be chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, to oversee the implementation of the Ninth Malaysia Plan ((9MP).
He said he hoped that the ministry officers involved in the implementation would visit each state and brief subordinate officers on what needed to be done to ensure government plans were executed effectively.
After chairing the meeting, Idris, who is also the patron of the Terengganu Territorial Army Committee, conferred the honorary rank of major on three members of the committee.
They are State Financial Officer Datuk Mokhtar Nong, State Culture, Youth and Tourism Committee Chairman Din Adam and Kuala Terengganu Municipal Council President Azlan Mohd Dagang.
http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v3/news.php?id=190251 |
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Satu lagi - rasanya memang dah mula ban ni.
The Star Newspaper (6/Apr/06)
KUALA TERENGGANU: Forget about using flippers when swimming or snorkelling at beach resorts here.
State authorities have banned the use of flippers in a bid to protect corals especially in the coastal waters off Pulau Redang and Pulau Perhentian.
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh said the state exco decided on the ban, which applies in coastal waters off all islands in the state.
However, it would not cover divers, he said.
揚eople who use flippers sometimes trample on the corals, |
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ayah sherrina mmg x kasi kami pakai flipper sbb takut terlibas corals. lain le diving. so kami pakai seliper mcm ni:
kadang2 marah tgk org pakai flipper tapi libas tak pandai control. tergolek2 corel dibuatnya. dah le satu tahun coral hanya tumbuh seinci dua aje.
fungsi seliper ni just taknak kasi kaki sakit masa pijak batu dan nak elak terpijak landak laut. hati2 ye, landak laut ni bisa yg amat |
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Originally posted by sherrina at 1-5-2006 01:31 PM
ayah sherrina mmg x kasi kami pakai flipper sbb takut terlibas corals. lain le diving. so kami pakai seliper mcm ni:
kadang2 ...
sherrina - gambar tak keluar (or is it my PC).
saya dah beli snorkel sets; TUSA RM69.90 & for Children - brand RM19.90; Soft shoes pula, RM19.90 (tapi tak byk sizes).
Anti-fogging solution to penting ke? |
hmmm..anti fogging tu saya tak pernah cuba. tapi pengalaman sy pakai brand Tusa jarang sgt fogging. bila dah mahir pakai snorkle nnt, takde dah bernafas dlm mask. dan pastikan ikatan kemas.
kalau gambar tak keluar, right click on the picture -click view image |
Originally posted by foundation at 30-4-2006 02:03 PM
Amirdaa - soft shoes tu berguna ke? masa snorkelling pakai ke? Yang saya tahu flipper dah takleh guna kat Terengganu.
Setahu saya, soft shoes atau bootie dipakai bersama dgn fin/flipper utk diving. Fin/flipper utk diving adalah yg jenis free size yg ada strap.
Fin/flipper utk snorkelling x perlukan bootie ni sebab biasanya size fin yg memang ngam2 utk kaki kita. Lagi pun kalau pakai bootie ni, susah nak pakai dgn snorkelling fin/flipper.
Cakap tentang larangan pakai fin/flipper ni. Ianya tidak sepatutnya dilarang terus. Mungkin lebih baik sekiranya ianya dibenarkan utk mereka2 yg experienced. Even mamat2 yg guide yg expert berenang pun ada kalanya gunakan fin esp. dlm situasi kecemasan sebab ianya membantu berenang lebih cepat dan lebih mudah kalau si perenang nak carry atau tarik org lain yg dlm kecemasan. |
Originally posted by Amirdaa at 1-5-2006 12:36 AM
ha'ah... pakai tu ajer lah... x pakai flipper pung..sbb kalau pakai flipper...mmg laju..tapi... time nk naik bot tu..susah..heheheee
eeeh..ye ker? naper dah tak leh pakai flipper?
yg saya plan ...
Kalau di Shark Bay, Redang tu memang banyak baby shark. Masa sapa pergi 2 tahun sudah, sng2 boleh jumpa baby shark dlm 5-10 ekor. Tapi kat spot tu biasanya current dia kuat sikit. Masalah sikit kalau x pakai fin/flipper ni ketika current kuat. |
Reply #37 foundation's post
eh...murah nyer soft shoes/booties tuh...saya beli dulu... rasanya 60 lebey gak lah..... :geram: |
Originally posted by Equalizer at 2-5-2006 10:39 AM
Setahu saya, soft shoes atau bootie dipakai bersama dgn fin/flipper utk diving. Fin/flipper utk diving adalah yg jenis free size yg ada strap.
Fin/flipper utk snorkelling x perlukan bootie ni ...
thanks equalizer |
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